RE: Extra Lines in Compiled JSP

2004-02-20 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good afternoon...

I had a similar issue generating XML files.  I realise white-space shouldn't
be an issue in XML but it was for our browser.  Perhaps you are having a
similar issue in your case, so this might help.

When I followed convention and put the %@ ... % directives first, and then
my ? xml ... ? line the browser couldn't validate the XML because it
didn't start on the first character of the first line (i.e.: because of all
the blank lines).

The solution was to ignore the convention and start my file with ? xml ...
? and then put my %@ ... % directives and then put the rest of my JSP.
Perhaps you could start your JSP page with html and the put the page and
taglib directives?

In what way is your HTML code being screwed up?

Eric Schultz
Technical Leader
Conseiller Technique
Specialist in interactive business solutions
Specialiste en solutions d'affaires interactives
14 Commerce Place, 5th floor
Nun's Island, QC  H4E 1T5
t: 514 768-1000
f: 514 768-7680

-Original Message-
From: Jerry Jalenak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: February 20, 2004 11:07
Subject: Extra Lines in Compiled JSP

Hi All,

I should know how to fix this, but am at a loss.  At the top of my JSP I
have the following lines:

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/display prefix=display %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=;
prefix=nested %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=tiles
%@ page language=java %
%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8 %

When I look at the compiled JSP, there are seven blank lines (i.e.
out.write(\r\n); ).  Is there anyway to have the JSP compiler (were
running Tomcat 5.0.18 Stable) NOT generate these lines?  I guess they come
from the % % sources lines, but it really screws up my generated HTML


Jerry Jalenak
Development Manager, Web Publishing
LabOne, Inc.
10101 Renner Blvd.
Lenexa, KS  66219
(913) 577-1496


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Re: Basic question on /lib/*.jar files

2004-02-03 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good afternoon...

 From: Claire Wall 
 Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2004 04:25:29 -0800 
 we store them in the common/lib folder. Then all applications running 
on that web server have access to the jars and negates the need for  them
to go into the separate WEB-INF/lib folders for each application.

please review section 5.6 of the struts user's guide:

struts jar files should go with your application.

also, in order to be able to reproduce exact environments at certain points
in time it is necessary to store the libraries with the code that depends on

Eric Schultz.

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How to set properties on actions?

2004-02-03 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good evening...

i'm trying to use set-property on my action, in struts-config.xml i have:
action path=/BillPayment
set-property property=noTransferDays value=MONDAY/

and my class defines
public void setNoTransferDays(String string) {
noTransferDays = string;

but i always get the following error in Tomcat 4.1.27 when i start the
javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Parsing error processing resource path 

if i comment out just the set-property then the application starts no

any ideas?  i couldn't find anything in the mail archive or the Struts site
(all the set-property references were for plug-ins and datasources).

Eric Schultz.

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RE: Reloading of application resources

2003-12-16 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good morning...

I need to do something similar with additional configuration properties for
a particular action.

I figure I need to write a plug-in that creates a thread that checks the
properties file every x seconds and if changed reloads it into a context

My problem is I've never done thread-safe programming before and I figure I
need to handle the possibility that the plug-in's thread could be writing a
new version while several actions are reading from the existing one.

Does anyone have any pointers to some information on how to do this
properly?  Much appreciated.


Eric Schultz
Technical Leader
Conseiller Technique
Telephony  Web convergence at its best:
La convergence téléphonie-web à son meilleur:
Specialist in interactive business solutions
Specialiste en solutions d'affaires interactives
14 Commerce Place, 5th floor
Nun's Island, QC  H4E 1T5
t: 514 768-1000
f: 514 768-7680

-Original Message-
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 15, 2003 11:14
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Reloading of application resources

At 11:42 AM +0200 12/15/03, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:
On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, Yves Sy wrote:

  Create a thread in your cache manager that polls for changes in the
  timestamp of the properties file, say, every 5000 ms and reloads it when
  a new one is detected.

   Yes, but the problem is not at the cache end, the issues are how
to trigger the components (the ActionServlet in this case) into refreshing
their data from the cache. Do I have to extends the ActionServlet and
manually pop in refreshed data (based on some trigger) in the message key
in the ServletContext? And how does locale affect the configured key

Note that although the message data is read in from Properties files, 
the objects in the ServletContext which resolve references to 
properties keys are instances of a specific Struts class, 
MessageResources.  If you dynamically reloadable messages (which 
would be useful to many people), you'll want to look at the 
MessageResources and MessageResourcesFactory abstract classes and 
extend them (or their Property oriented subclasses) in order to add 
in your functionality...

There's an ongoing process to factor these classes out of Struts and 
into a commons library, and to have Struts use that library (on the 
roadmap, that's slated for Struts 1.3.x).

Hope that helps.  I know I'd find a dynamically reloadable messages 
bundle useful!


Joe Germuska
  We want beef in dessert if we can get it there.
   -- Betty Hogan, Director of New Product Development, National 
Cattlemen's Beef Association

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RE: Reloading of application resources

2003-12-16 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good afternoon...

This sounds pretty good.  The synchronized modifier, I've seen it around
but we've never really gotten to know each other.  I'll look into it.

Eric Schultz
Technical Leader
Conseiller Technique
Telephony  Web convergence at its best:
La convergence téléphonie-web à son meilleur:
Specialist in interactive business solutions
Specialiste en solutions d'affaires interactives
14 Commerce Place, 5th floor
Nun's Island, QC  H4E 1T5
t: 514 768-1000
f: 514 768-7680

-Original Message-
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 16, 2003 14:53
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Reloading of application resources

I'd suggest that if you can achieve the same goals by writing a 
PlugIn implementation that you might achieve by extending the 
ActionServlet, you're probably better off writing the PlugIn.

You could avoid creating a thread by implementing a freshness check 
at an access point.  That is, rather than having your action get its 
config out of the servletcontext, have it get a plug-in instance out 
of the servlet context, and have it ask the plug-in for the config. 
At that time, the plug-in can decide whether it needs to reload the 
config or not before returning it to the action, perhaps by comparing 
the last modified timestamp on the config file to a value stored the 
last time the file was read.

Then you could just add a synchronized modifier to the plug-in 
method that the action classes call and achieve pretty simple thread 
safety.  It's not the fanciest, but if you're not comfortable writing 
concurrent code, better safe than fancy!


   I need to do something similar with additional configuration properties
  a particular action.

  I figure I need to write a plug-in that creates a thread that checks the
  properties file every x seconds and if changed reloads it into a context

  My problem is I've never done thread-safe programming before and I
figure I
  need to handle the possibility that the plug-in's thread could be
writing a
  new version while several actions are reading from the existing one.

  Does anyone have any pointers to some information on how to do this
  properly?  Much appreciated.

Just a thought:

How about extending the ActionServlet and maintain an expire-variable
that is set at init-time. Then every time after a request is processed the
expire variable is checked. If expired, calls the same method for loading
the resources as init() does (think it's initModuleMessageResources)?

Joe Germuska
  We want beef in dessert if we can get it there.
   -- Betty Hogan, Director of New Product Development, National 
Cattlemen's Beef Association

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What goes where?

2003-12-13 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good afternoon...

I've looked around this list a bit and read the web sites (Tomcat, Struts)
and I know a bit about class loaders, but I'm still perplexed.

The blank Struts 1.1 app WEB-INF/lib has a bunch of jar files in, some
overlap with Tomcat 4.1.27's common/lib directory (namely the commons
libraries collections, dbcp, logging, and pool).

This leaves commons digester, fileupload, lang, and validator uniquely in
the WEB-INF/lib, along with struts.jar, struts-legacy.jar, and

As I understand struts.jar needs to remain in the WEB-INF/lib directory; I
assume struts-legacy.jar should stay there too.  But can all my commons jars
go in the common/lib directory?  Should those not already in common/lib go
in shared/lib?

I realise some people advocate putting everything the app needs in its
WEB-INF/lib directory; and I agree with that if I have version dependancies,
but I don't.  And I already have to put my JDBC drivers in common/lib to use
Tomcat's JNDI datasources so I've already started down that path.


Eric Schultz.

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RT expr value in custom tag

2003-12-05 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good morning...

I'm trying to write my own custom tag library for Struts.  I've had some
initial success, but now I'm having some trouble.

I want to set an attribute value from the value of a bean get.  But what I
end up with in my tag is JSP code, not the value in the bean.

v:properties template=inputmode parameter=%=
UserSessionBean.getInputMode() %/

is not translated.

How do I get the result of UserSessionBean.getInputMode() in my tag?  Do I
need to implement Expression Language?  Is there already a utility class
somewhere in Struts 1.1 that would evaluate something like
${UserSessionBean.inputMode} for me?


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RE: RT expr value in custom tag

2003-12-05 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good evening...

Thanks for the reponse, I realised this shortly after I posted my question
and figured asbestos underpants would soon be required.  Shame on me not
carrying my research just a little further.

Although your final note on RT expression evaluation is something I had not
yet realised.

As for the EL evaluation mechanism, check out the class

in the Jakarta Standard Taglib (I'm looking at v1.0.4).

Thanks again.

Eric Schultz.

-Original Message-
From: Van Riper, Mike
Cc: 'Eric SCHULTZ'
Sent: 05/12/03 5:00 PM
Subject: RE: RT expr value in custom tag


What you are trying to do doesn't really require the JSTL expression
language. All you need to do is specify that runtime expressions are to
evaluated for the parameter attribute of your custom tag in your TLD
If you were to look at any of the TLD files that come with Struts, you
see plenty of examples of this. For example, here is the html:base tag
definition that enables runtime expression evaluation for both the
and the server optional attributes for the tag:

rtexprvaluetrue/rtexprvalue !-- This is what I think is needed!

Runtime expression evaluation is what allows you to evaluate Java
expressions inside of %= ...% for your custom tag parameters. If you
the JSTL expression language (EL), you don't use the Java expression
They are two separate ways to refer to dynamic content for custom tag
attributes. To use the JSTL EL, you have to build your custom tag such
it has EL support in it. If you really want to go that route, I haven't
that yet myself. So, I can't help you with that. However, you can look
how the contributed taglib (html-el) that extends the HTML taglib of
1.1 to add EL support for the parameters of the Struts HTML custom tags
just that.

Also, your example used the %= ...% tag correctly for a custom tag
parameter. However, many people initially stumble on getting this to
correctly even when runtime expression evaluation is enabled because
try to define only part of the custome tag attribute with the tag. For
it to
work even when properly enabled for the attribute in the TLD, you have
define the entire contents of the custom tag attribute value to be the
...% Java expression. If there is static content you want to include as
part of the attribute value, you typically use string operations inside
JSP expression to concatenate and build up the final attribute value
your dynamic and static data.

Hope this helps, Van

Mike Van Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group
mail: mike.vanriper at

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 7:54 AM
 Subject: RT expr value in custom tag
 Good morning...
 I'm trying to write my own custom tag library for Struts.  
 I've had some
 initial success, but now I'm having some trouble.
 I want to set an attribute value from the value of a bean 
 get.  But what I
 end up with in my tag is JSP code, not the value in the bean.
 v:properties template=inputmode parameter=%=
 UserSessionBean.getInputMode() %/
 is not translated.
 How do I get the result of UserSessionBean.getInputMode() in 
 my tag?  Do I
 need to implement Expression Language?  Is there already a 
 utility class
 somewhere in Struts 1.1 that would evaluate something like
 ${UserSessionBean.inputMode} for me?

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Change default forward class

2003-11-24 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good afternoon...

I realise I can change the class of my forward using className=... but is
there a way I can change the default from
org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward in parameter (ie.: without extending
anything in the servlet)?

I like my worms tightly canned.

I need to do this because all (or almost all) of my forwards will have a
property called pegList.


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RE: Dealing with Initializaing data source exception

2003-11-22 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good evening...

I was afraid you were going to say that.  I was so happy to see data-sources
in Struts 'cuz I've been having so much trouble with JNDI in Tomcat.

Other than the Tomcat docs, did you find any other reference that was really
worthwhile?  Guess I'm headed back to Google and the archives.


Eric Schultz
Technical Leader
Conseiller Technique
Specialist in interactive business solutions
Specialiste en solutions d'affaires interactives
14 Commerce Place, 5th floor
Nun's Island, QC  H4E 1T5
t: 514 768-1000
f: 514 768-7680

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: November 21, 2003 12:25
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Dealing with Initializaing data source exception

If you've been looking through the archives you'll know that datasource 
in struts config is considered the devil's spawn and its use isn't 

Have a look at you TC docs as configuring a JNDI datasource is web xml.

You could botch a try catch statement that forwards to your error page.

Cheers Mark

On 21 Nov 2003, at 15:56, Eric SCHULTZ wrote:

 Good morning..

 I'm running a little Struts Application on Tomcat 4.1.27 and 
 occassionly the
 application won't start because of problems connecting to the database.

 Is there someway I can I can avoid having this stop my app from 
 running and
 just catch the error deal with it in the application (like by telling 
 user we are technical difficulties, please try again later)?

 Here's the portion of the Tomcat log that shows the error:

 2003-11-21 10:28:11 StandardWrapper[/DB2StrutsDemo:action]: Marking 
 action as unavailable
 2003-11-21 10:28:11 StandardContext[/DB2StrutsDemo]: Servlet 
 threw load() exception
 javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Initializing application data 

 Googling reveals a lot of people have this problem, and there's a lot 
 help on solving it.  But what if you can't solve it and you just want 
 deal with it?

 And I guess the corollary to all this is whether there's some way to
 re-start the datasources later?  Just by calling


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Dealing with Initializaing data source exception

2003-11-21 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good morning..

I'm running a little Struts Application on Tomcat 4.1.27 and occassionly the
application won't start because of problems connecting to the database.

Is there someway I can I can avoid having this stop my app from running and
just catch the error deal with it in the application (like by telling the
user we are technical difficulties, please try again later)?

Here's the portion of the Tomcat log that shows the error:

2003-11-21 10:28:11 StandardWrapper[/DB2StrutsDemo:action]: Marking servlet
action as unavailable
2003-11-21 10:28:11 StandardContext[/DB2StrutsDemo]: Servlet /DB2StrutsDemo
threw load() exception
javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Initializing application data source

Googling reveals a lot of people have this problem, and there's a lot of
help on solving it.  But what if you can't solve it and you just want to
deal with it?  

And I guess the corollary to all this is whether there's some way to
re-start the datasources later?  Just by calling


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DB2 Pooled connection from Struts

2003-11-13 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good morning...

I'm having an impossible time getting a pool of connections to a DB2
database going.

I've gotten a single connection to work using the old method
(DriverManager.register, DriverManager.getConnection, ...) but I can't seem
to do it by describing the datasource in struts-config.xml and calling

Here's the code that works (in a bean):
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:db2:DB2Test,
user, password);

I've tried a whole bunch configurations in struts-config.xml, for example:
data-source key=CIS
set-property property=driverClass /
set-property property=url value=jdbc:db2:DB2Test /
set-property property=user value=user /
set-property property=password value=password /
set-property property=maxActive value=10 /
set-property property=maxWait value=5000 /
set-property property=defaultAutoCommit value=false /

and then in my Action I call:
CISCustomerLookup ccl = new CISCustomerLookup(getDataSource(req,

Where ccl is my bean and to shield it from the Struts layer I pass the
connection it should use for the lookup.  But it doesn't work.  The latest
error I recieved is the following:
javax.servlet.ServletException: [IBM][JDBC Drvier] CLI0615E Error
receiving from...

I've also recieved messages alluding to no suitable driver available.  And
when I check the Tomcat log I have often had a situation where the
ActionServlet was marked unavailable due to a problem creating the
datasource when I deployed the war.

 I've also tried the net driver ( with
similar results.

Help me please!!!  Any working examples would be most apprciated.

Eric Schultz
Technical Leader
Conseiller Technique
Specialist in interactive business solutions
Specialiste en solutions d'affaires interactives
14 Commerce Place, 5th floor
Nun's Island, QC  H4E 1T5
t: 514 768-1000
f: 514 768-7680

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RE: new to struts

2003-11-11 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good evening...

-Original Message-
From: Saravanakumar P [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: November 11, 2003 4:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: new to struts

 Programming Jakarta Struts By Chuck Cavaness -O'Reilly publication
 is a good book to start.

that's the book i bought after reading (quickly) through Struts in Action
(which we have two of at the office).  The sales guy said Programming
Jakarta Struts was the more advanced of the two (and Kickstart was the least
advanced) but I have to say i found Struts in Action more informative; and
now that i'm away from the office i'm kind of regretting not buying it


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RE: Dynamic page contentType

2003-11-10 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good evening...

Thanks, exactly what I needed.


-Original Message-
From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: November 10, 2003 7:18 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Dynamic page contentType

On 11/10/2003 04:48 AM Eric SCHULTZ wrote:
 Do use the method below in my Action object?  And then use different
 Forwards depending on whether the result is to be in HTML or XML?  Or do I
 check in the JSP what my content-type is set to and output the correct

Hi Eric,
yes, exactly. I would execute a block of code conditionally in my Action 
depending on whether you want HTML or XML. In that block you can set the 
content type via the  snippet I gave you below and fetch the appropriate 

I wouldn't use the content-type setting as a switch signal to the JSP, 
since it's possible to set it in other ways, e.g. in the config, so you 
may get unpredicted results.


 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: November 8, 2003 9:15 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Dynamic page contentType
 On 11/07/2003 10:16 PM Eric SCHULTZ wrote:
I'm developing an application in Struts that outputs primarily XML; but in
some instances I need it to output HTML of the same ActionForms and
Is there a way I can change the page forwarded in the Forward depending on
some flag or property?!

Or is there someway I can set the JSP to output text/html or text/xml
depending on some flag or property (and obviously generate the correct
section based on the flag)?
 response.setHeader(Content-type, text/xml);

struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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Can't undeploy struts.jar in Tomcat 4.1.27

2003-11-09 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good evening...

Using Tomcat 4.1.27 (and JVM 1.4.2_02-b03 on Win2k) when I Remove my Struts
application in the Manager the /myApp/WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar file doesn't
get deleted.  The original WAR file is deleted and the expanded directory
contents are deleted, except the struts.jar file.

If I try to delete it manually I'm told there's a sharing violation and the
file is in-use.  Once I stop the Tomcat service I can delete the jar file
file though.

If I don't delete the jar whenI try to re-install the WAR it copies the war
doesn't expand it!?

Any ideas on why or how to fix?  This even happens when the web-app is
running without errors.  Is there something I need to do to close a

Eric Schultz.

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RE: Dynamic page contentType

2003-11-09 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good afternoon...

Sorry, I'm new to Struts so I need a bit more context than that.

Do use the method below in my Action object?  And then use different
Forwards depending on whether the result is to be in HTML or XML?  Or do I
check in the JSP what my content-type is set to and output the correct


-Original Message-
From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: November 8, 2003 9:15 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Dynamic page contentType

On 11/07/2003 10:16 PM Eric SCHULTZ wrote:
 I'm developing an application in Struts that outputs primarily XML; but in
 some instances I need it to output HTML of the same ActionForms and
 Is there a way I can change the page forwarded in the Forward depending on
 some flag or property?!
 Or is there someway I can set the JSP to output text/html or text/xml
 depending on some flag or property (and obviously generate the correct
 section based on the flag)?

response.setHeader(Content-type, text/xml);

struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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Dynamic page contentType

2003-11-07 Thread Eric SCHULTZ
Good afternoon...

I'm new to Struts so I hope I'm not asking something that has already been
asked or is documented somewhere - though I haven't been able to find it.

I'm developing an application in Struts that outputs primarily XML; but in
some instances I need it to output HTML of the same ActionForms and Actions.
Is there a way I can change the page forwarded in the Forward depending on
some flag or property?!

Or is there someway I can set the JSP to output text/html or text/xml
depending on some flag or property (and obviously generate the correct
section based on the flag)?


Eric Schultz
Technical Leader

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