DynaActionForm question

2003-01-19 Thread Mark Minnie
"Struts in Action" on page 162 reads:

"You can use a DynaActionForm anywhere an ActionForm can be used.  You can also 
substitute a DynaActionForm for a conventional ActionForm without changing any of the 
existing Java or JSP code."

I changed a ActionForm to a DynaActionForm by using the struts-config.xml:


I thought I would not have to change my existing code in the Action java code, but my 
existing code did not work.  I originally had:

String username = ((LoginForm)form).getUsername();
String password = ((LoginForm)form).getPassword();

The LoginForm was the form bean that I had created manually in java.  I deleted the 
LoginForm and replaced the form bean with a DynaActionForm as listed above.  Of 
course, once I no longer have a LoginForm.java file because it is a DynaActionForm, 
this Action java code does not compile. 

Therefore I see that I have to change my code in going from a manually coded form bean 
to a DynaActionForm.  

Am I missing something?



Multiple parameters

2003-01-07 Thread Mark Minnie
How do you create a link such as

Edit Bob

I am talking about having multiple HTTP get parameters  





2003-01-06 Thread Mark Minnie
How do you create a link such as

Edit Bob

I am talking about having multiple HTTP get parameters  




Iterate help

2003-01-02 Thread Mark Minnie
Let me try to explain this a quickly and clearly as possible.  I want to
make my struts application have a calendar.  The user can add notes to each
day on the calendar.  I made a class that will contain all the information
for the note (see the ANote class below).  The note class contains a string
and a date.  I also have a class that store many notes.  The class (see the
MyNotes class below) will hold the notes in ArrayLists that are stored in a
Hashtable.  So if I add 2 notes for Jan 1, 2003 and 3 notes for Jan 2, 2003,
the Hashtable will contain 2 ArrayListsone array list for each day.  I
thought this would be easy to iterate through each ArrayList...that is
what I thought.  My struts Action will create a MyNotes object, fill the
MyNotes object with the notes that need to be displayed on the calendar (may
be a weekly calendar, monthly, etc).  This filled MyNotes object will be set
as a request attribute (e.g. request.setAttribute("myNotes", myNotes); ).

What I don't know how to do is to easily get the ArrayList for each day
using the MyNotes.getNotes(date) method.  I am _trying_ to use the struts
logic tag libraries to do this.  I CAN do this using Java code in my JSP,
but that is the purpose of the struts design...to minimize the use of Java
in the JSP.  So...is there a way to use the struts logic:iterate tag to get
the ArrayList of a particular day?  Something like:

("theDays" can be a collection of the days to display on the calendar)

  The note says:

import java.util.Date;

public class ANote {

protected String note;
protected Date event_date;

public void setNote(String note) { this.note = note; }
public String getNote() { return note; }

public void setEventDate(Date event_date) { this.event_date =
event_date; }
public Date getEventDate() { return event_date; }


import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

public class MyNotes {

private Hashtable allNotes;

// Adds a note to the ArrayList in the Hashtable
public void addNote(ANote myNote) {
ArrayList notes;

// Get date as hash key
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMdd");
String dateString = sdf.format(note.getEventDate());

// get existing array list for date
try {
notes = (ArrayList)allNotes.get(dateString);

if (notes == null) {
notes = new ArrayList();
allNotes.put(dateString, notes);
} catch (Throwable t) {

// Add appointment

// Returns all MyNotes from a date
public ArrayList getNotes(Date date) {
ArrayList notes;

// Get hash key
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMdd");
String dateString = sdf.format(date);

// get existing array list for date
try {
notes = (ArrayList)allNotes.get(dateString);
return notes;
} catch (Throwable t) {

public MyNotes() {
allNotes = new Hashtable();


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Action mappings

2002-11-26 Thread Mark Minnie
Maybe I am missing something, but.

I have a customer form (CustomerView.do) that takes a HTTP GET parameter to
show a customer.  (ie. CustomerView.do?customerid=4).  On this customer
form, there are links to JSP pages to modify the data of the customer.  If I
wanted to add a phone number, then I would call addcustomerphonenumber.jsp.
The AddCustomerPhoneNumber.do action mapping is as follows:


This action populates the customer form (puts a hidden input field
containing the customer number "4") and the addcustomerphonenumber.jsp is
displayed. When the user SUBMITS the addcustomerphonenumber.jsp the
SaveAddedCustomerPhoneNumber action is called.


This saves the customer phone number, but I get an error that the customer
bean is not found in the scope null.  This is because the "success" forward
is forwarding to /CustomerView.do with NO GET PARAMETER.  Since this get
parameter is dynamic depending upon the customer, how do I return to the

Struts is designed to have the action mappings make the MVC design be
easier.  Do I manually have to put code into
SaveAddedCustomerPhoneNumber.java to have the servlet forward the request
back to the HTTP referrer?  I would be surprised is STRUTS does not have a c
lean method to handle something like this.

Thanks for any help in advance.
