On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 03:26:00PM +0200, Gemes Tibor wrote:
> >I tried to convert the file to utf-8 using native2ascii as 
> >described in http://www.anassina.com/struts/i18n/i18n.html
> >but the problem remains. 
> native2ascii cannot convert to utf-8 afaik... it converts to ascii where 
> the not-ascii characters
> will be exchanged with their escaped ascii equivalent.  However 
> native2ascii is your tool.
> Did you reload your application after converting the properties file?
> Tib

Yes I reload it

Also I forgot to write that when I tried the utf-8 encoding for the page
I got some strange symbols (like questionmarks) 
in the browser. I thought that it might be the browser's fault and so 
I tried to view the page with a couple of browers but none workedd.

Kornilios Kourtis
"The worst is yet to come"

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