html:img page=????/

2003-04-04 Thread niksa_os
In Action I have
httpServletRequest.setAttribute(image, /images/abc.gif);
-/images/abc.gif is from database

But I don't know how to put that in html:img to get this
html:img page=/images/abc.gif/

I try like this
html:img page=%=(String)request.getAttribute(image)%/
but this doesn't work!

How to use Struts to show image from database (byte[])?

2003-04-02 Thread niksa_os
I have images in database.
Prior to Struts I use servlet to show image and in JSP or sevlet. I have 

How to use Struts to show image from database (byte[])?


Right way to extends Action

2003-03-31 Thread niksa_os
I want all my Actions to extend BaseAction.

In BaseAction I want to check user session and to put some data in it, if that data 
doesn't exist.

Is it good way:

public class SomeAction extends BaseAction {
  public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response ) {
  super.execute( mapping,form, request, response);
  OK, proceed ...

public class BaseAction extends BaseAction {
  public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response ) {
  if (userSession is wrong) {
-try   -- put data in session
-catch -- return mapping.findForward(wrongSession);}
  else return null;  //everything is OK

What you think about this way and is there better way to extend Action?


Bitmechanic JDBC Connection Pool or Struts Connection Pool

2003-03-29 Thread niksa_os
I search the [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I didn't find anything on how to setup Bitmechanic 
JDBC Connection Pool.

Does someone can explain me how to setup Bitmechanic in struts-config.xml, web.xml and 
how to get connection in Action?

I use MySQL:
user name:aa
password: bb

Or, does Struts have connection pool?
If yes, how to setup with my MyDB.


struts - RequestProcessor

2003-03-29 Thread niksa_os
I was found this for RequestProcessor

protected boolean processPreprocess( HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response){

  boolean continueProcessing = true;
  HttpSession userSession = request.getSession(false);
  // Check to see if there's a session for the user that wasn't just created
  if ( userSession == null || userSession.isNew() ){
continueProcessing = false;
response.sendRedirect( /login.jsp );
  // Tell the RequestProcessing to continue processing the request or not
  return continueProcessing;

And explanation is:
The manner in which Example 9-3 specifies the path in the sendRedirect()
method is not the best approach. This redirect would only work if the
example was running as the default web application and there was a login.jsp
page in the root directory. It was done this way to keep the example simple.
A better approach would be to retrieve the ActionForward for the login page
and use the path from it in the sendRedirect() method. That way, if the
actual page changed for the forward, this method doesn't have to be

How can I get ActionForward to make something like this:

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Re: Logic tags and collections?

2003-03-12 Thread niksa_os
 Try struts menu



I try to search at, but I didn't find anything like
Where is it?

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Where to find more about Struts JSF - Server Faces?

2003-03-12 Thread niksa_os
Can I use it in real development or this (Struts JSF and SUN JSF) is just
big beta?

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Logic tags and collections?

2003-03-11 Thread niksa_os
How can I make something like this with Struts or someone have better idea?

I have few Admin: MainAdmin, UserAdmin, EmailAdmin.
MainAdmin can do anything, UserAdmin manage users and emails, and EmailAdmin
make emails only.

So, I need this:
-without Struts, I make Collection in session and

If session.getAdminTypeCollection contain MainAdmin {
do something
If session.getAdminTypeCollection contain UserAdmin OR MainAdmin {
do something
If session.getAdminTypeCollection contain EmailAdmin OR UserAdmin OR
MainAdmin {
do something
} End EmailAdmin
} End UserAdmin
} End MainAdmin

For MainAdmin Collection:

For UserAdmin Collection:

For EmailAdmin Collection:

-do something are links

MainAdmin see all links
UserAdmin see UserAdmin and EmailAdmin links
EmailAdmin only EmailAdmin links

I can't use role or principal or anything from JAAS.

So, I need somehow to check Coolection with logic:present or some others


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Two problems: bean:include and return errors

2003-03-10 Thread niksa_os
I have index.jsp that include login.jsp

If I use in index.jsp

bean:include id=login page=/login.jsp/
bean:write name=login filter=false/

logic:present name=bean scope=request doesn't work in login.jsp. I put
bean in Action.

logic:present name=bean scope=request only works in index.jsp.

But with [EMAIL PROTECTED] file=login.jsp% it's works!?

Why is that?


I have in LoginActionForm for login.jsp

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
if (name.equals()) {
errors.add(name, new ActionError(name));  }
return errors;

and this in LoginAction

if (form.getName().equals(x)) {
errors.add(name, new ActionError(badName));
saveErrors(httpServletRequest, errors);
return actionMapping.getInputForward();

This works OK, but didn't return to index.jsp it return to login.jsp.
I get only login.jsp form not index.jsp - whole page

*index.jsp include login.jsp
