Logic Iterate --URGENT Please

2003-10-22 Thread Srikanth Gubba
Hi all,

I have a doubt using logic iterate:

Is it possible to display a row in a different color based on a value of the
bean while iterating it?

Actually, I am displaying the tax history of a person and I want to
highlight the row or a field (tax owed) to red color if the tax paid column
shows delinquent. 

Please let me know if u have any suggestions or ideas. 

Thanks in Advance,
Srikanth Gubba.

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RE: Logic Iterate --URGENT Please

2003-10-22 Thread Greg Dunn

logic:iterate id=myBean name=MyBeans type=com.mine.bean.MyBean
  logic:lessThan name=myBean property=taxOwed value=0
td bgcolor=red
  logic:greaterEqual name=myBean property=taxOwed value=0
td bgcolor=white

You could also do it with JSTL:

c:forEach items=sessionScope.myBeans var=myBean
  c:if test=${myBean.taxOwed  0}td bgcolor=red/c:if
  c:if test=${myBean.taxOwed = 0}td bgcolor=white/c:if


-Original Message-
From: Srikanth Gubba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 2:24 PM
Subject: Logic Iterate --URGENT Please

Hi all,

I have a doubt using logic iterate:

Is it possible to display a row in a different color based on a value of the
bean while iterating it?

Actually, I am displaying the tax history of a person and I want to
highlight the row or a field (tax owed) to red color if the tax paid column
shows delinquent.

Please let me know if u have any suggestions or ideas.

Thanks in Advance,
Srikanth Gubba.

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Re: Logic Iterate --URGENT Please

2003-10-22 Thread Lukas Bradley
logic:iterate name=taxHistoryArray id=source
type=org.gubba.TaxHistory indexId=i
   tr align=center % if (history.isDelinquent) { % bgcolor=red % }
   . other stuff in row

Maybe not as pretty as you want


Srikanth Gubba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all,

 I have a doubt using logic iterate:

 Is it possible to display a row in a different color based on a value of
 bean while iterating it?

 Actually, I am displaying the tax history of a person and I want to
 highlight the row or a field (tax owed) to red color if the tax paid
 shows delinquent.

 Please let me know if u have any suggestions or ideas.

 Thanks in Advance,
 Srikanth Gubba.

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