RE: Struts Validator 1.1 -- Solution WIll Not WOrk

2002-06-13 Thread Michael . Kashambuzi

The solution given below does not work for the case I described.  jsType.jsp
defines one form with several masked field validations.

The example I'm having difficulty with is multiple forms with multiple
fields with masked field validation which causes the Struts Validator to
generate multiple versions of the function

function mask () {}

for each of the validator:javascript entries shown below:

(1) validator:javascript formName=form1
dynamicJavascript=true staticJavascript=false/

(2) validator:javascript formName=form2
dynamicJavascript=true staticJavascript=false/

The first validator tag generates the following code (note the function
mask() )

SCRIPT LANGUAGE=Javascript1.1 
!-- Begin 

var bCancel = false; 

function validateForm1(form) {

if (bCancel) 
return true; 
return validateMask(form); 

function mask () { 
 this.aa = new Array(field6, Field 6 is
invalid., new Function (varName, this.mask=/^\\d{7}/;  return

//  End --

while the second validator tag generates the following code (note the
additional function mask() : NAMING CONFLICT )

SCRIPT LANGUAGE=Javascript1.1 
!-- Begin 

var bCancel = false; 

function validateOmpModel(form) {

if (bCancel) 
return true; 
return validateRequired(form) 
validateMask(form)  validateMaxLength(form)  validateMinLength(form) 
validateInteger(form)  validateRange(form); 

function mask () { 
this.aa = new Array(field1, Field 1 is invalid.,
new Function (varName, this.mask=/^\\d{6}/;  return this[varName];));
this.ab = new Array(field2, Field 2 is invalid.,
new Function (varName, this.mask=/^[ALST]/; this.maxlength='1';  return
this[varName];)); = new Array(field3, Field 3 is
invalid., new Function (varName, this.mask=/^\\d{6}/;
this.maxlength='6';  return this[varName];)); = new Array(field4, Field 4 is invalid.,
new Function (varName, this.mask=/^\\d{1}/;  return this[varName];)); = new Array(field5, Field 5 is
invalid., new Function (varName, this.mask=/^\\c{1}/;  return

//  End --

In the static JavaScript generated by the following tag

script language=JavaScript1.1


%@ page language=java %
%-- set document type to Javascript (addresses a bug in
Netscape according to a web resource --%
%@ page contentType=application/x-javascript %

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-validator.tld
prefix=validator %

validator:javascript dynamicJavascript=false

the problem lies in the last statement shown in the code listing below which
is defined in validator-rules.xml and generated by the static JavaScript

  validator name=mask
function validateMask(form) {

var bValid = true;
var focusField = null;
var i = 0;

var fields = new Array();

oMasked = new mask(); 

When the function runs the line oMasked = new mask();, it always retrieves
the second mask() and thereby errs when attempting to validate the first
form since (in the example I gave above), there is no field by the name of
field6 in the second function mask() instance ( I get a JavaScript error on
the following line form[oMasked[x][0]].value since form[oMasked[x][0]] is
undefined ).

I hope I have been clearer about the problem now.

The solution I had in mind was to modify the Struts Validator to generate
custom validation functions.  So, for the example I gave above, it would
generate the following functions:

function maskForm1()


function maskForm2()


RE: Struts Validator 1.1 -- Solution WIll Not WOrk

2002-06-13 Thread David Winterfeldt

Sorry, there isn't a way to change this now.  You
could file it in bugzilla as a feature request.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The solution given below does not work for the case
 I described.  jsType.jsp
 defines one form with several masked field
 The example I'm having difficulty with is multiple
 forms with multiple
 fields with masked field validation which causes the
 Struts Validator to
 generate multiple versions of the function
   function mask () {}
 for each of the validator:javascript entries shown
   (1) validator:javascript formName=form1
 dynamicJavascript=true staticJavascript=false/
   (2) validator:javascript formName=form2
 dynamicJavascript=true staticJavascript=false/
 The first validator tag generates the following code
 (note the function
 mask() )
   SCRIPT LANGUAGE=Javascript1.1 
   !-- Begin 
   var bCancel = false; 
   function validateForm1(form) {
   if (bCancel) 
   return true; 
   return validateMask(form); 
   function mask () { 
this.aa = new Array(field6, Field 6 is
 invalid., new Function (varName,
 this.mask=/^\\d{7}/;  return
   //  End --
 while the second validator tag generates the
 following code (note the
 additional function mask() : NAMING CONFLICT )
   SCRIPT LANGUAGE=Javascript1.1 
   !-- Begin 
   var bCancel = false; 
   function validateOmpModel(form) {
   if (bCancel) 
   return true; 
   return validateRequired(form) 
 validateMask(form)  validateMaxLength(form) 
 validateInteger(form)  validateRange(form); 
   function mask () { 
   this.aa = new Array(field1, Field 1 is
 new Function (varName, this.mask=/^\\d{6}/; 
 return this[varName];));
   this.ab = new Array(field2, Field 2 is
 new Function (varName, this.mask=/^[ALST]/;
 this.maxlength='1';  return
 this[varName];)); = new Array(field3, Field 3 is
 invalid., new Function (varName,
 this.maxlength='6';  return this[varName];)); = new Array(field4, Field 4 is
 new Function (varName, this.mask=/^\\d{1}/; 
 return this[varName];)); = new Array(field5, Field 5 is
 invalid., new Function (varName,
 this.mask=/^\\c{1}/;  return
   //  End --
 In the static JavaScript generated by the following
   script language=JavaScript1.1

   %@ page language=java %
   %-- set document type to Javascript (addresses a
 bug in
 Netscape according to a web resource --%
   %@ page contentType=application/x-javascript %
   %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-validator.tld
 prefix=validator %
   validator:javascript dynamicJavascript=false
 the problem lies in the last statement shown in the
 code listing below which
 is defined in validator-rules.xml and generated by
 the static JavaScript
   validator name=mask

 function validateMask(form) {
 var bValid = true;
 var focusField = null;
 var i = 0;
 var fields = new Array();
 oMasked = new mask(); 
 When the function runs the line oMasked = new
 mask();, it always retrieves
 the second mask() and thereby errs when attempting
 to validate the first
 form since (in the example I gave above), there is
 no field by the name of
 field6 in the second function mask() instance ( I
 get a JavaScript error on
 the following line form[oMasked[x][0]].value since
 form[oMasked[x][0]] is
 undefined ).
 I hope I have been clearer about the problem now.
 The solution I had in mind was to modify the Struts
 Validator to generate
 custom validation functions.  So, for the example