Re: [Sugar-devel] Reminder of GTK3 plans

2011-10-29 Thread Simon Schampijer

On 10/28/2011 04:49 AM, Daniel Drake wrote:


This weekend, several of us are meeting in Prague for Sugar/GTK3 hacking:

We will be implementing the plan described at
which has already seen a few rounds of discussion/refinement

As a quick reminder of the overall plan:
- sugar-artwork will ship a GTK3 theme
- sugar-toolkit will ship a new sugar1 module which will be the
equivalent of sugar but ported to GTK3
- The release version numbering scheme will not change - we will go
0.96 0.98 0.100 0.102 etc. every 6 months
- Some sugar-toolkit API removals/cleanups will happen in the new
sugar1 module (see the above link)
- The existing GTK2 sugar sugar-toolkit module will stay put for a
transition period, but frozen (no further changes accepted)
- Read (currently broken) can then be ported to GTK3
- Browse (currently broken) can then be ported to GTK3 and WebKit
- Other activities and the sugar shell can follow later - there is no
immediate urgency to port things that are not broken

It is my hope that this weekend we can crank out a working GTK3 theme
and put that alongside the earlier Desktop Summit work which showed
how sugar-toolkit could be easily ported to GTK3 (see ).
Hopefully we will finish the weekend with the changes committed to
sugar-toolkit and sugar-artwork master.


The current repository for the sugar-toolkit using gtk-3 is at [1].



Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Idea about palettes with gtk3

2011-10-29 Thread Benjamin Berg

On Fri, 2011-10-28 at 19:13 +0100, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 we was discussing at the hackfest today how to fixup palettes to work
 in gtk3. I looked more into the GtkMenuShell code on the train and I
 had an idea. It seems like GtkMenuShell basically gets access to all
 the enter/leave events while it's active (because of the grab and some
 local forwarding through gtk_widget_event). And we can get the actual
 widget that was entered/left using Gtk.get_event_widget. You can see
 this by running the attached code snippet.
 So the palette could be a standard GtkMenu. The icon would popup() on
 enter. The palette would listen to those events and popdown/popup
 things depending if we are on the icon, the palette, another icon for
 the palette in the same group, a submenu of the palette.

This looks perfect. By simply overriding the events on the Palette/Menu,
we can implement any behaviour that we want.

I am thinking of doing the override inside the palette group, as we
could easily check whether the user is hovering on top of another
palette/menu invoker, and switch right away.

It does not work with current pygobject introspection because of some
broken performance work that was done, where chaining up to the original
event handler does not work properly. Tomeu has got a simple fix for
this already though, it will require more work to not regress with
regard to the performance.


Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Reminder of GTK3 plans

2011-10-29 Thread Daniel Drake
On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Simon Schampijer wrote:
 The current repository for the sugar-toolkit using gtk-3 is at [1].



Great, lets document the ongoing process here:
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] sugar-toolkit-gtk3 plans

2011-10-29 Thread Daniel Drake

We have started to implement GTK3 support in
sugar-toolkit/sugar-artwork and have been faced with some decisions
which have met a lot of discussion in the group. Some of this is
simply expanding on the plans so far, which did not dive down into the
gory details which we now face:
and some is a slight modification to what is documented there.

Here's what we are thinking:

sugar-toolkit git master will be ported to GTK3 directly, without
keeping the GTK2 version. The package name in will be
changed from sugar-toolkit to sugar-toolkit-gtk3, affecting the
name of the resultant tarball (the version number will stay as
0.95/0.96 however). This acts as an implicit recommendation to
distributions that sugar-toolkit-gtk3 is a separate package from
sugar-toolkit; we can back this up with an explicit packaging
recommendation in the release notes.

sugar-toolkit will still exist as a GTK2 version in the sucrose-0.94
branch. We are toying with the idea of freezing this immediately and
not making any changes going forward, so that all sugar-toolkit
development efforts are spent on the ever-important GTK3 port, and as
an incentive for activity developers to move to GTK3 sooner rather
than later. However, we aren't too sure about being able to completely
leave this alone - a compromise of only making very few changes may be
more appropriate (for now we won't be freezing - this is just a

In sugar-toolkit master, we will git mv src/sugar src/sugar3 and
adjust the build machinery to install this module under the new
sugar3 name. This means that sugar-toolkit-gtk3 will be installable
in parallel with sugar-toolkit, meaning that we have support for GTK2
and GTK3 activities.

The name sugar3 is chosen with some reluctance - we couldn't find a
solution we really like for the problem of needing to somehow have two
different, incompatible sugar-toolkits installed (but we decided both
on this list and at this meeting that having separate namespaces is
better than somehow hacking both into the same sugar module name).
We decided that sugar3 is the best compromise as a name of the new
GTK3-based toolkit. The 3 indicates that it is based on GTK3, which
*is* an item of importance for sugar activity developers: they will
need to go to or whatever and choose between GTK1/GTK2/GTK3
documentation, in this case the 3 will help guide them to the right
place. And it is somewhat future-proof, we can envision sugar4 for
GTK4 and so on.

Distributions will then ship sugar-toolkit-0.94.x and
sugar-toolkit-gtk3-0.96.x, installing both at the same times on users
systems for a transition period of 1 year after the first official
sugar-toolkit-gtk3 stable release. After 1 year the recommendation to
drop sugar-toolkit will be made, leaving only GTK3 support.

sugar-base includes some stuff that gets installed in the sugar
module. This will be moved into sugar-toolkit-gtk3's sugar3 module.
The main bit here is the MIME type stuff; unfortunately gio doesn't
provide all that we need (such as the ability to get the default
extension of a mime type) - in the longer term we should look at
extending the gio API. It additionally installs a small logger class
(easy to move) and a dispatch mechanism, also easy to move, and we
could consider moving to equivalent glib functionality in the longer
term. When distros drop sugar-toolkit-0.94 to remove gtk2 support,
they can also drop sugar-base.

The next problem is that of /usr/bin/sugar-activity. Right now, this
imports from the sugar (GTK2) module (specifically activity/
We are planning to refactor this so that /usr/bin/sugar-activity is
made independent of the sugar/sugar3 module. The GTK-specific stuff
that happens in main.main() will be moved into the activity class (for
both gtk2 and gtk3), and the rest will be moved into
/usr/bin/sugar-activity. The final thing is invoking gtk.main or
Gtk.main - this will be done by adding a run_main_loop method to the
activity classes, called by sugar-activity once the activity instance
has been instantiated.

If we get things into good shape, we are planning to commit all this
to master tomorrow evening. We have already made lots of progress
including a somewhat functional theme and a major palette-related
headache solved. Code and plans will be carefully reviewed and
developed in collaboration by the Sugar superstars we are fortunate to
have in the room this weekend (as has already been happening). We'll
be happy to respond to comments that come in this weekend or
afterwards in further commits. Sascha, would this be OK with you?

While things are still a little 'raw' we will be working in branches
today and tomorrow morning, they will be detailed here:

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] sugar-toolkit-gtk3 plans

2011-10-29 Thread Sascha Silbe
Excerpts from Daniel Drake's message of 2011-10-29 12:12:54 +0200:

 If we get things into good shape, we are planning to commit all this
 to master tomorrow evening. We have already made lots of progress
 including a somewhat functional theme and a major palette-related
 headache solved. Code and plans will be carefully reviewed and
 developed in collaboration by the Sugar superstars we are fortunate to
 have in the room this weekend (as has already been happening). We'll
 be happy to respond to comments that come in this weekend or
 afterwards in further commits. Sascha, would this be OK with you?

This is rather sudden. I'm on the road this weekend and not sure whether
I'll have any time to work on Sugar (like responding in detail to this
mail). What's the hurry in getting it landed on mainline master this
weekend? Wouldn't a separate branch or different repo work for you?

As for the sugar-toolkit plans, I don't care much about the particular
branching model (i.e. whether sugar-toolkit mainline master is the GTK3
version or the GTK2 version). However I consider assuming that most
activity authors will publish GTK3 based activity versions any time soon
(measured in school years) to be wishful thinking. Of those that do
actively maintain their activities, I'd expect most to want their
activities to run on older versions of Sugar and distros shipping Sugar.
Even if we provide _excellent_ support for maintaining GTK2 and GTK3
versions in parallel - which more or less means fully automatic
conversion from the GTK2 version to the GTK3 version - I doubt that a
significant portion of the authors (excluding the handful of authors
that I'd consider part of the core team) would go to these lengths.



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Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [PATCH sugar-toolkit PoC] taphold for Palettes

2011-10-29 Thread Sascha Silbe
Most touch screens only have a single kind of action, no direct equivalent to
the secondary (even n-ary) actions (right-click) of standard PC mice.

Taphold is a well-established way on touch screen oriented user interfaces
of getting responses similar to what right click would do on WIMP interaces.

This patch is a hack to add taphold support to Sugar palettes for evaluation
purposes. The real thing (TM) should hook into GTK instead in order to make
it work beyond just Sugar palettes.

Signed-off-by: Sascha Silbe
 src/sugar/graphics/ |   88 +++---
 1 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/sugar/graphics/ 
index 0d56f77..e3e2f95 100644
--- a/src/sugar/graphics/
+++ b/src/sugar/graphics/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ STABLE.

 import logging
+import time

 import gtk
 import gobject
@@ -32,6 +33,12 @@ from import animator
 from import style

+# Shorter than 250ms is considered a tap, longer than 1s hold. Anything in
+# between is ignored as ambiguous.
 def _calculate_gap(a, b):
 Helper function to find the gap position and size of widget a
 # Test for each side if the palette and invoker are
@@ -462,6 +469,8 @@ class Invoker(gobject.GObject):
 self._cursor_y = -1
 self._palette = None
 self._cache_palette = True
+self._last_tap = None
+self._hold_timeout_hid = None

 def attach(self, parent):
 self.parent = parent
@@ -632,6 +641,10 @@ class Invoker(gobject.GObject):

 def notify_mouse_leave(self):
+if self._last_tap is not None:
+self._last_tap = None

 def notify_right_click(self):
@@ -678,6 +691,39 @@ class Invoker(gobject.GObject):
 if not self.props.cache_palette:

+def _button_release_event_cb(self, widget, event):
+logging.debug('_button_release_event_cb %d', event.button)
+if event.button == 3:
+return True
+elif self._last_tap is not None:
+time_elapsed = time.time() - self._last_tap
+self._last_tap = None
+return time_elapsed = (_TAP_TIMEOUT_MS / 1000.)
+return False
+def _button_press_event_cb(self, widget, event):
+logging.debug('_button_press_event_cb %d', event.button)
+if event.button != 1:
+return False
+self._last_tap = time.time()
+self._hold_timeout_hid = gobject.timeout_add(_HOLD_TIMEOUT_MS,
+ self._tap_hold_cb)
+return False
+def _tap_hold_cb(self):
+if time.time() - self._last_tap  (_HOLD_TIMEOUT_MS / 1000.):
+logging.debug('too early')
+return False
+logging.debug('triggering after %.1fs', time.time() - self._last_tap)
+return False

 class WidgetInvoker(Invoker):

@@ -688,6 +734,7 @@ class WidgetInvoker(Invoker):
 self._enter_hid = None
 self._leave_hid = None
 self._release_hid = None
+self._press_hid = None

 if parent or widget:
 self.attach_widget(parent, widget)
@@ -700,12 +747,16 @@ class WidgetInvoker(Invoker):


 self._enter_hid = self._widget.connect('enter-notify-event',
 self._leave_hid = self._widget.connect('leave-notify-event',
 self._release_hid = self._widget.connect('button-release-event',
+self._press_hid = self._widget.connect('button-press-event',
+logging.debug('press handler connected')


@@ -714,6 +765,7 @@ class WidgetInvoker(Invoker):

 def get_rect(self):
 allocation = self._widget.get_allocation()
@@ -766,13 +818,6 @@ class WidgetInvoker(Invoker):
 def __leave_notify_event_cb(self, widget, event):

-def __button_release_event_cb(self, widget, event):
-if event.button == 3:
-return True

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Testing] Testing Summary: 29 October 2011 - Auckland, New Zealand

2011-10-29 Thread Thomas C Gilliard

On 10/29/2011 01:23 PM, Tabitha Roder wrote:

Testing Summary: 29 October 2011 - Auckland, New Zealand

Had planned to test soas v6 but satellit said that it doesn't boot.

 f16-EFI Boot USB does not boot.[1] F16-RC1 CD's boot fine [2]
 (f15-EFI Boot USB works fine on Macbook Pro i7)

Tom Gilliard/satellit_


Tested random activities today as no new build to test.

Letters 23 - cute little game like scrabble. Found that it uses a word list
so you do have to use real words, can't just pick random letters. Keeps a
best score which appears the same as the total score in your first game, if
you exit the game and reopen it then the total is reset but the best
still appears. If you start new activity then the best score is reset as
well. The best score doesn't say how many turns you had, so you can beat
your best score by playing the game longer. All letters have the same value,
so perhaps if there was to be levels then it could assign extra points for
using some letters like q or z.
Maybe there should be deliberate sets of letters and you have to make as
many words as possible, then you get a list of words you missed afterwards.
Currently this activity gives random letters so you often get letters that
don't easily make words, and you get q without u.
Could this game be played in other languages that require tildes and things?

DidgArt - very good idea. The mouse pointer is small so hard for people with
glasses to see, but is probably useful for fine art work - maybe a resize
pointer button? Reading the instructions made the activity make sense, was
harder to learn without instructions. Found the keyboard tool change options
very useful.. Pictures created don't appear in the journal so cant be added
to Write.

Requires you to use the Terminal as well. Maths functions working well. A
bit ackward shifting between Python-tute and Terminal, tried using the alt
tab but python-tute is very slow to display. Completed the first two pages.

Derecho a Transitar - clicked on a speech bubble option and then there was
no progress. Appears to still be running but never progressed and couldn't
click on anything else.  Same problem on XO-1.0 and XO-1.5 machines.

Textdungeon - seems there is only two spaces you can stand in as every way
is blocked. Can pick up a key, sword, lamp and princess. Tried using them
all, killed a dragon, but that is it. Stuck. Seems you can't progress
further than that. Not sure how to edit the game as it suggests in Write.

There will be no testing in Auckland at the Windsor for the next two
Saturdays. Tabitha, Tom and Oliver will be visiting Wellington next weekend
and can bring the XO-1.75s to show anyone in Wellington who is interested
(Tom is going to KiwiCon). The following weekend we will be at Sunshine
Coast if anyone lives there and wants to see them ;-) otherwise back to
testing as usual on Saturday 19 November at the Windsor, Parnell.

Thanks testers

Testing mailing list
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Ruler-14

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:

* New translations

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release SamplePlay-3

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:
Version 3:
  GUI tweaks

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Telescope-12

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:
* Additional experimental 'Camera Gain' control mode. This adds the 
functionality of controlling the camera gain, with the option of switching 
automatic gain on/off. 

Note: Generally speaking, more gain=more noise, so if you have to choose 
between a higher gain and higher exposure for similar looking images, go for 
higher exposure.

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Across and Down-24

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:
First Public Version

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Time Line-1

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.84 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:
First stable version

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [SWEETS] Sweets v1.0.1 release and Sugar sweets updates

2011-10-29 Thread Aleksey Lim
Hi all!

== Sweets-1.0.1 ==

Major features in this release:

* Suggested dependencies.
  These are recommended dependencies that will be used only
  if -S|--force-suggested sweets command-line argument was
  There is new recipe option, suggests for these dependencies

* Optional dependencies.
  If there are no implementations to use for these dependencies,
  they will be discarded without errors.
  Optional dependencies need to be wrapped to square brackets

Use the
instructions to upgrade your Sweets.

== Sugar sweets ==

As a result of new Sweets' features, Sugar sweets can be launched
in recent Fedora 16 environment that contains evince without pygtk
binding and doesn't have hal (need for not recent Sugar versions).

Also, sdk/sugar and dextrose/sugar were changed to keep Fructose
as suggested dependencies instead of using :shell command.
To refresh local feeds, run sweets with -R command-line argument
for the first time.

For example to start sugar in emulator mode without fetching
Fructose dependencies, use:

sweets -R sdk/sugar:emulator

to fetch Fructose dependencies, e.g., xulrunner-1.9.2 to start Browse in
Fedora-16, use:

sweets -RS sdk/sugar:emulator

All Sugar sweets depends on custom telepathy-mission-control to avoid
gnome-keyring usage from telepathy-mission-control versions that come
with distributions.

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release FileMix-10

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:
Version 10:  GUI tweaks

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Our Music-6

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:
Version 6:  GUI tweaks

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Sun-Moon Music-2

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:
Version 2:  GUI tweaks

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Sun-Moon Music MC-2

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:
Version 2:  GUI tweaks

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Our Music MC-6

2011-10-29 Thread Sugar Labs Activities
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.94

Download Now:

Release notes:
Version 6:  GUI tweaks

Sugar Labs Activities

Sugar-devel mailing list