Hello Hubert,

(Sorry about the reply formatting, I saw this post on the archive and I
suppose this is how to reply to things)

>  Proposal:
>  -I'd like to deprecate the collab plugin: for AbiCollab, we don't have
the server. For the other protocol, we can't maintain them. Deprecation
would go by only allowing explicitely building it. I already had to disable
the code based on GNUtls api breakage.

I contribute downstream to Sugar and we use AbiWord in sugar because of the
awesome AbiCollab plugin.  Specifically, we use the sugar backend (which
uses dbus), and then manage all the dbus over telepathy things from our

It seems to work great, so I suppose that is a testimony to your good
maintainership.  If it's needed, I'm interested in getting involved to make
sure that this plugin stays on.

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