Re: [Sugar-devel] Development Team Meeting, 4th September 10PM UTC

2018-09-04 Thread James Cameron
In absence of meeting robot, here's the discussion log.

[08:00:19]  hi
[08:00:56]  hi
[08:01:01] --> perrie (~perriefid@ has joined #sugar-meeting
[08:01:48]  i've been working on updates and activity maintainer-ing 
portfolio, physics, poll, pippy, and write.  i also looked at usage stats of 
[08:02:27]  what do the usage stats reveal?
[08:03:50] ... 
request counts and counts by version of sugar.
[08:05:22]  interesting
[08:06:13]  Yes, especially as the version reported by browse is the 
version of sugar, not the version of browse.
[08:06:24]  what does 11,531,321 activities downloaded represent?
[08:07:04]  i don't know, but i imagine bundle downloads since inception.
[08:07:24]   by something other than browse or updater?
[08:07:36]  no.  by anything.
[08:07:47]  different methods of accounting.
[08:08:16]  curious about what else is hitting
[08:08:17]  my access log analysis in URL above includes opening the web 
page, searching, images, bundles, everything, and only in past year.
[08:08:37]  oh... that was just the past year...
[08:08:41]  from logs, other things that hit aslo are sugar network, 
builders, and spiders.
[08:08:59]  I was wondering where the gap between 2 million and 
11 million came from
[08:12:25]  ideas for gci tasks.  i've none in particular; apart from 
activity maintenance tasks.  but i see we have a long history of previous tasks 
we can grab from.
[08:13:25] --> Ibiam (c5d2351f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has 
joined #sugar-meeting
[08:13:32]  Hi
[08:13:38]  Ibiam: hello.
[08:13:51]  Hi Quozl
[08:14:52]  Quozl, I am confident we can come up with tasks
[08:14:59]  and hopefully mentors
[08:15:12]  Hi walterbender
[08:15:45] -*- walterbender has been focused exclusively on Music Blocks in 
preparation for the Japan deployment
[08:16:01]  so I am not sure I will have as much time as in past 
[08:16:21]  'k.
[08:16:28]  We'll discuss +1 -1 at Friday's SLOB meeting
[08:16:38]  Can I be a co-admin this year
[08:18:49]  Ibiam, let's see if we even do it...
[08:19:18]  walterbender, okay
[08:19:33]  but it is a lot of admin work... which I would love 
help with :)
[08:19:40]  so if you have time
[08:20:17]  walterbender, I have time
[08:20:40]  OK
[08:20:58]  Let's talk after the Friday meeting
[08:21:26]  Quozl, anything else for today?
[08:21:29]  Sure
[08:21:39]  walterbender: no, nothing else.  i'm fine to finish.
[08:22:06]  OK. Maybe next week we can get the ALSO3 team to 
discuss their progress
[08:22:17]  perrie has somethings to say
[08:22:28]  As regards designs tasks for gci
[08:22:33]  If we decide to do it
[08:22:49]  yes...
[08:23:16] -*- walterbender has been thinking we might want to look into pie 
menus as an alternative to the toolbar in Sugar
[08:23:27]  or at least add it as a toolbar option
[08:23:35] -*- walterbender really likes pie menus
[08:25:02]  and we had an on-going discussion about rethinking 
icons from last year's GCI
[08:25:13]  would be worth picking up that thread again
[08:25:49]  icons as per standard or design
[08:26:16]  Or both
[08:27:45]  I don't understand "per standard or design"
[08:28:21]  Redesigning icons will be cool
[08:28:21] --> Ibiam_ (c5d234a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has 
joined #sugar-meeting
[08:29:38]  Sorry I went offline
[08:29:42]  Did I miss anything
[08:30:17]   Yeah ... what do you mean by “icons per standard or design”
[08:31:22]  walterbender: you said you had discussions last year about 
rethinking iconsare we rethinking the designs of the icons as how they look 
in sugar
[08:31:42] <-- Ibiam (c5d2351f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit 
(Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[08:33:29]  Standard, are we still maintaining svg icons?
[08:34:08]  We will still use SVG, but we had discussed loosing 
the two-color restrictions.
[08:34:14]  loosening
[08:34:32]  And using badges instead for identifying journal object 
original author.
[08:35:27]  walterbender: +1
[08:35:40]  @Quozl: +1
[08:37:33]  @Quozl, would the badges all be the same since the author 
of most of the journal object would be the user
[08:37:44]  Except where it's a shared activity
[08:44:16]  Ibiam_, most likely, yes
[08:48:12]  walterbender, @Quozl: what do we plan to do regards meeting 
[08:48:25]  Journal already has owner badges in a column for objects 
that came from shared activities.  I think the home view colouring may be the 
most noticed change; Tony did write in a previous GSoC suggesting that alt-key 
feature go away.
[08:49:02]  Ibiam_: i'm planning to wait for the spam to go away.  if 
you'd like to reverse engineer the meeting bot and add registration to it, feel 
free, but i'm not willing to do that myself.
[08:50:26]  @Quozl: as regards my account on sunjammer
[08:51:00]  Can a random password be set and sent so I can reset it
[08:51:35] -*- walterbender goes back to debugging Music Blocks

Re: [Sugar-devel] Fwd: Deployment of ASLOv3

2018-09-04 Thread James Cameron
On Tue, Sep 04, 2018 at 10:46:48PM +0530, Jatin Dhankhar wrote:
> I'm confused by your question, and have doubts as to success of your
> plan.
> You are right to doubt me, given that also3 is still not functional
>  You've made a replacement for the currently working production service
>  How much of the function is replaced?  All,
> or only some?
> Only some. 

Thanks.  Until all function is replaced, I'll avoid changing Sugar or
Browse to use it, and keep running.  ;-)

> How would you like an activity maintainer to communicate the Sugar
> version to aslo-v3?  [2] file?
> For new versions of activities, if it can be done. Any heuristics to guess
> correct sugar version for old versions and activities.

I don't understand.  I'm the most frequent releaser of activities now.

Exactly how should I ensure that the next release of an activity is
properly marked with metadata so that only compatible versions of
Sugar will be offered the release?

The activity metadata specification, with changes proposed by Vipul,
is here;

> How does an activity maintainer;
> (a) include an activity, or;
> (b) exclude an activity? 
>  By creating a release. No mechanism to exclude (expect from not
> releasing it)

Okay.  I create a release by creating a git tag of a specific form
(e.g. v7) and pushing the tag to the repository on GitHub.  I do not
click on "Draft a new release", because that would create the tag only
on GitHub, and someone else may change _master_ as I do it.  Releases
may not be in numbering order; e.g.

We need a mechanism to exclude an activity.  Please implement one.
Otherwise we'll have more activities move out of sugarlabs/ and into
user accounts; we already have a few for which sugarlabs/ only has a
clone; and loss of control is a key motivation for that.

> How is a bundle supplied as part of release?
> By attaching it in the release. 

Will this be added to or the bundle builder, or does it have
to be done by hand?

>  Is it hard, or is it that UI and UX are something that many people can
> have an opinion on?  ;-)
> Latter is the main reason and not just restricted to frontend. 
> Which activities don't have SVG icons? 
> My bad. All activities have svg icons. We are using Imgur for hosting images
> which sadly doesn't have support for svg, so we are converting the as base64
> encoded icons inside db. They look ugly though. 

There's no reason to use Imgur.  Use Sugar Labs.

> "Activities".
> Noted, just "Activities"
> Sugar Labs has servers.  I'm not concerned about _where_ the site is
> hosted, except that it should be under the control of Sugar Labs.  The
> performance will rely on all the resources of the site being either
> embedded or on the same server.
> It's still hosted on sugar labs servers. I was talking about self hosting the
> javascript.

I'm talking about all resources fetched by a web browser; HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, PNG, and SVG.

> "Maintenance of
> (ASLO)" was what I thought you had begun
> working on.  ;-)
> Yes, I started with that in mind :sweat_smile: 
> There are lots of changes that need to be addressed.
>  I say, start with a issue, discuss solutions and start implementing, with a
> biweekly deadline ? 

Doesn't worry me how you manage it.

> If anyone like to address some issues or suggest solutions, please do so. 
> Vipul
> is working on the frontend fixes.
> Thanks,
> Jatin Dhankhar
> [...]

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Fwd: Deployment of ASLOv3

2018-09-04 Thread Jatin Dhankhar
> I'm confused by your question, and have doubts as to success of your
> plan.
You are right to doubt me, given that also3 is still not functional

 You've made a replacement for the currently working production service  How much of the function is replaced?  All,
or only some?
Only some.

How would you like an activity maintainer to communicate the Sugar
> version to aslo-v3? file?
For new versions of activities, if it can be done. Any heuristics to guess
correct sugar version for old versions and activities.

> How does an activity maintainer;
> (a) include an activity, or;
(b) exclude an activity?

 By creating a release. No mechanism to exclude (expect from not releasing

> How is a bundle supplied as part of release?

By attaching it in the release.

 Is it hard, or is it that UI and UX are something that many people can

have an opinion on?  ;-)
Latter is the main reason and not just restricted to frontend.

Which activities don't have SVG icons?
My bad. All activities have svg icons. We are using Imgur for hosting
images which sadly doesn't have support for svg, so we are converting the
as base64 encoded icons inside db. They look ugly though.

> "Activities".

Noted, just "Activities"

Sugar Labs has servers.  I'm not concerned about _where_ the site is
> hosted, except that it should be under the control of Sugar Labs.  The
> performance will rely on all the resources of the site being either
> embedded or on the same server.
It's still hosted on sugar labs servers. I was talking about self hosting
the javascript.

> "Maintenance of
> (ASLO)" was what I thought you had begun
> working on.  ;-)
Yes, I started with that in mind :sweat_smile:

There are lots of changes that need to be addressed.
 I say, start with a issue, discuss solutions and start implementing, with
a biweekly deadline ?
If anyone like to address some issues or suggest solutions, please do so.
Vipul is working on the frontend fixes.

Jatin Dhankhar

On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 10:37 AM James Cameron  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 04, 2018 at 09:01:42AM +0530, Jatin Dhankhar wrote:
> > [...]
> > That's a long of issues.
> > Thank you James for taking out time and compiling the list.
> > I don't have a definitive strategy in mind.
> > How about tackling them one issue at a time, each issue segregated into
> > categories, with priorities ranging from important to enhancements.
> > I am not sure about many issues.
> >
> > 1.
> >
> > - a transition plan is needed, to explain how to handle the Fedora 18
> >   systems running Sugar 0.112 and earlier,
> >
> > Didn't get this one. Do we need to support older client with a
> > minimal version of the website ?
> Hope so, otherwise it would not be used.
> I'm confused by your question, and have doubts as to success of your
> plan.
> You've made a replacement for the currently working production service
>  How much of the function is replaced?  All,
> or only some?
> I've had a quick look at the access logs for,
> for the past year.
> This is a high traffic site, with 4,763,843 requests over the year.
> I've excluded the web crawlers such as Google.
> Most of the remaining requests are from Sugar, either the Software
> Update feature in My Settings, the automatic updater, or the Browse
> activity.
> There were 147,489 requests from Software Update or the automatic
> updater.  Version strings are included in user agent or as URI
> arguments.  By version the request counts are;
> 0.100 (25,927),
> 0.102 (3,655),
> 0.104 (42,197),
> 0.106 (4,120),
> 0.108 (18,258),
> 0.110 (41,465), and
> 0.112 (11,918).
> There were 2,246,274 requests from Browse.  By version they are;
> 0.98 (532,122),
> 0.100 (577,209),
> 0.102 (0),
> 0.104 (0),
> 0.106 (1,118),
> 0.108 (75,955),
> 0.110 (827,264), and
> 0.112 (232,611).
> Based on these measurements, it is critical to support older clients,
> by either;
> (a) making sure aslo-v3 can do these requests properly, or;
> (b) keeping running.
> > 2.
> >
> > how to list the compatible Sugar versions for an activity release?
> > asks for this when uploading an activity,
> >   and it works well with the Browse presentation of Sugar version
> >   through the user agent string,
> >
> > Right we are using a simple heuristics to determine min sugar version
> for an
> > activity
> >
> > We currently don't log and use agent strings
> Thanks.
> At the moment, during upload to, an activity
> maintainer
> chooses the range of Sugar versions.
> How would you like an activity maintainer to communicate the Sugar
> version

Re: [Sugar-devel] Development Team Meeting, 4th September 10PM UTC

2018-09-04 Thread Rahul Bothra
As an addition, we could conduct a "Adopt an Activity" campaign, probably
during GCI but not restricted to participants, since we are lacking in
activity maintainers

On Tue, Sep 4, 2018, 8:22 AM Rahul Bothra 

> Thanks. I won't be able to join in for the meeting.
> > - what we have been working on,
> Testing and Reviewing pull requests
> > - ideas for GCI tasks, should Sugar Labs be accepted.
> I am in favor of Sugar Labs being accepted.
> Tasks for GCI could be:
>  - [Medium to Difficult] Continuing work on the Python 3 Project; Porting
> activities and/or telepathy porting etc
>  - [Easy to Medium] Porting activities to GTK+ 3;
>  - [Easy] Fix existing trivial bugs in activities (already open on GitHub
> or
>  - [Easy to Medium] Improving sugar-docs in term of being beginner friendly
>  - [Easy to Medium] Implementing Features for activities (suggested via
> community feedback)
> Thanks
> Rahul Bothra
> (pro-panda)
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 6:21 AM, James Cameron  wrote:
>> Developers are invited to attend the next team meeting, on;
>> - Tuesday 4th September at 6pm US/Eastern,
>> - Tuesday 4th September at 10pm UTC,
>> - Wednesday 5th September at 3:30am IST,
>> - Wednesday 5th September at 8am Australia/Sydney,
>> Agenda to include
>> - what we have been working on,
>> - ideas for GCI tasks, should Sugar Labs be accepted.
>> #sugar-meeting (no meeting 'bot expected; the spam
>> continues unabated in unprotected channels),
>> --
>> James Cameron
>> ___
>> Sugar-devel mailing list
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Development Team Meeting, 4th September 10PM UTC

2018-09-04 Thread Rishabh Thaney
Thanks James. Even I would like to share my insights as I won't be able to
attend the meeting.

> - what we have been working on,

Testing the Sugar image for RPi to find bugs and improvements that can be
added as GCI tasks.
Also checking if optimizing the Sugarizer image can be added as a task or
if any additional documentation is required.

> - ideas for GCI tasks, should Sugar Labs be accepted.

I also second the motion that Sugar Labs should be accepted in GCI and I
completely agree with the points proposed by Vipul and Rahul.

On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:42 PM Vipul Gupta  wrote:

> I would also like to chip in as I wouldn't be able to join the meeting.
>> - what we have been working on,
> Working on the fixing frontend issues in ASLOv3
> Completing the issue of adding the boot image to Sugar.
>> - ideas for GCI tasks, should Sugar Labs be accepted.
> I am also in favor of Sugar Labs being accepted. Along with the points put
> forward by Rahul.
> Another addition would be to add maintainence tasks such as
> updation/archival of old wiki pages and making the starter's guide more
> public to attract more contributors.
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Development Team Meeting, 4th September 10PM UTC

2018-09-04 Thread Vipul Gupta
I would also like to chip in as I wouldn't be able to join the meeting.

> - what we have been working on,

Working on the fixing frontend issues in ASLOv3
Completing the issue of adding the boot image to Sugar.

> - ideas for GCI tasks, should Sugar Labs be accepted.

I am also in favor of Sugar Labs being accepted. Along with the points put
forward by Rahul.
Another addition would be to add maintainence tasks such as
updation/archival of old wiki pages and making the starter's guide more
public to attract more contributors.
Sugar-devel mailing list