Dear Colleagues,

As you can see from the two columns in the attached spreadsheet (glu94
and fru94) we have an urgent need for additional localization efforts,
even in the European languages where coverage has historically been
high.  In part, the lag in Fructose L10n completion stats can be
attributed to the recent addition of a large number of strings to that
project.  Nonetheless, the string freeze is approaching quickly with
the final release not very long after that and there is no time to
waste in completing these two projects for the upcoming Sugar 0.94

Note glu94 is the current Glucose project

Note fru94 is the current Fructose project

I would like to request that *anyone* with any ability to localize
strings consider taking some time to make a L10n contribution in the
next few weeks.  Besides strings completed, the second most welcome
L10n contribution is the recruitment of other localizers.  I believe
we will need all hands on deck to bring this release to a respectable
level of completion prior to the final release at the end of the
month, so please consider how you might best be able to help the Sugar
0.94 release reach it's widest possible audience.

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator

Attachment: Sugar94-L10n-status.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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