
I'd like to start a conversation about the future of some activities, such as Starchart, which have unfinished/incomplete/un-tested ports to GTK3 and Python 3. The code for Starchart, for instance, is at and hasn't been given much love recently. There are three pending pull requests, one of which appears to be largely complete, from July of 2020:

If someone would be willing to get this across the finish line by completing the port to GTK3, that would be a very good thing indeed. This activity was previously packaged in Sugar on a Stick Fedora spin, but has not built for several releases of Fedora, due to the above reasons.

If anyone else here has any activities they feel should be priorities for porting to GTK3 and/or Python 3, please feel free to pipe up and either volunteer to fix them, or just voice your opinion on which have value.

Alex Perez
Sugar-devel mailing list

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