Re: A sundial in a commercial ad?

2018-07-14 Thread Brent Bumpus

Valparaiso, Chile Reloj Del Sol

try Google map link:!1s0x9689ddea593dd9b9%3A0x9b58e948efb99b80!2m20!8m2!1m1!1e2!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e6!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e5!3m1!7e115!!5sreloj%20del%20sol%20valparaiso%20-%20Google%20Search&imagekey=!1e2!2s5_XEU85WwUObl7ZW4Bw8mw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi__b_JkJ_cAhXJ6oMKHVCEBTYQoioIdTAK&activetab=panorama


On 7/13/2018 8:57 AM, J. Tallman wrote:

Hello All,

Lately I have been seeing an ad on TV that I thought you might find 
interesting. I think there is a very large sundial featured in the ad, 
which is for suntan lotion and shows skateboarders around (and on!!!) 
what appears to be a very large seaside gnomon�but I don�t recognize it.

I looked online to see if I could find you a link:

I know the power of this wonderful Sundial Mailing List well�do any of 
you recognize this place?


Jim Tallman 




Scottish Lighthouse dials

2018-07-14 Thread Ian Maddocks
Hello Dialists

Just for extra information in case it helps re  lighthouse dials

Here are three Instagram photos of the dial at Sumburgh Head Lighthouse on 
Shetland collected during 2017/2018
The dial shown in above links is *not* in the BSS Register (but i will submit a 
record based on these multiple photos)

>From what i can see from the thumb nail Resister photos it looks like two 
>others (7626 and 6286) in museums and 4211 at Cape Wrath lighthouse (not 
>visited since 1992 but hopefully still there)
Esha Ness is of a different design and is a replacement as commented by others
None of the other three dials (4211 6286 7626) has shown up on Instagram in the 
last two years

Best wishes

Ian Maddocks
Chester, UK
53°11'50"N  2°52'41"W

From: sundial  on behalf of Douglas Bateman via 
Sent: 13 July 2018 14:25
To: Steve Lelievre
Cc: Sundial list

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AW: Bracewell's Radio Sundial is todays (7July2018) APOD

2018-07-14 Thread Siegfried Netzband
Hi Donald,
thank you indeed for this phantastic link!
With best regards
Siegfried Netzband
Hebelstr. 12
75233 Tiefenbronn
Tel: 07234 2802
Fax: 07234 942909
Skype: siegfried75233

Betreff: Bracewell's Radio Sundial is todays (7July2018) APOD
Datum: 2018-07-13T19:42:23+0200
Von: "Donald L Snyder" 
An: "SundialList" 
Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day features Bracewell's radio sundial.  

Here is the caption for the picture:
"Explanation: Sundials use  the 
location of a shadow to measure the Earth's rotation and indicate the time 
of day. So it's fitting that this sundial, at the Very Large Array
 Radio Telescope Observatory in New Mexico, 
commemorates the history
 of radio astronomy 
and radio astronomy pioneer Ronald Bracewell
 . The radio 
sundial was constructed using pieces of a solar mapping radio telescope 
array that Bracewell orginaly built near the Stanford University campus. 
Bracewell's array was used to contribute data to plan the first Moon 
landing, its pillars signed by visiting scientists and radio astronomers, 
including two Nobel prize winners. As for most sundials the shadow cast by 
the central gnomon follows markers that show the solar time of day, along 
with solstices and equinoxes. But markers on the radio sundial are also 
laid out

according to local sidereal time. They show the position of the invisible 
radio shadows of three bright radio sources in Earth's sky, supernova 
remnant Cassiopeia A  , 
active galaxy Cygnus A  , and 
active galaxy Centaurus A  . 
Sidereal time is just star time  
, the Earth's rotation as measured with the stars and distant galaxies. 
That rotation is reflected in this composited hour-long exposure. Above the 
Bracewell Radio Sundial, the stars trace concentric trails around the north 
celestial pole  ."