Equation of time

2001-09-24 Thread Yvon Mass

Dear all,

I would like to know how the equation of time (EoT) is defined according to
For example in France, traditionally: EoT = real time - mean time
while in USA: Eot = mean time - real time.
Could you tell me how you define the Eot in your country ?

Many thanks


Yvon MASSE  7, rue des Tilleuls  95300 PONTOISE  FRANCE

Equation of time

2001-09-24 Thread Yvon Mass

Hello all,

Ooops!... Of course, I make a mistake:

For example in France, traditionally: EoT = real time - mean time
while in USA: Eot = mean time - real time.

Please read:
For example in France, traditionally: EoT = local mean time - solar time
while in USA: Eot = solar time - local mean time.


Re: Error Orontii

1999-04-14 Thread Yvon Mass

Dear all,

the Error Orontii is common in the gnomonic history. Pardies in his book
Deux machines propres a faires les quadrans (1673) do it. I have also find
it in the Encyclopédie méthodique of Panckoucke (1783-1832) at the article
Amusements de gnomonique for the description of the Capuchin Dial.

Yvon MASSE  7, rue des Tilleuls  95300 PONTOISE  FRANCE

Some new things

1999-04-05 Thread Yvon Mass

Dear all,

there are some new things on my website (but sorry in french):
 - How to draw an horizontal sundial with chiefly a compas
 - An old method for setting the style with only two points of shadow

The URL have changed and is now: http://www.apro.fr/usr/ymasse/
Also my e-mail become: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards

Yvon MASSE  7, rue des Tilleuls  95300 PONTOISE  FRANCE

Re: Capuchin hour limits

1999-03-23 Thread Yvon Mass

Hello all,

the capuchin hour limit is a part of an equilatere hyperbola. Its center
is K on Figure 3 of the Fer de Vries's article. By using a xy system of axis
with origine at K, the equations of the assymptotes are, at the latitude L:

 y = - x.tan L/2

 y = x.tan (90 - L/2)

and the equation of the hyperbola:

 x.x - y.y + 2.x.y.cos L/sin L + BK.BK = 0

Of course, the point B is on the hyperbola and it's also the highest point.

I came across this problem when I worked on the equations of the central
projection analemmatic sundial with circular curve.

Best regards

Yvon MASSE  7, rue des Tilleuls  95300 PONTOISE  FRANCE