Re: analemmatic sundial

2023-05-01 Thread keith . christian

What happened to your "Sundials for Learning" business (a few years 
back) - when you were offering plans for Analemmatic Sundials to schools 

It seems to me, that you already had the appropriate software.

Keith Christian.

On 2023-05-01 06:44, Donald Christensen wrote:

I'm looking for a program to calculate an analemmatic sundial. Can 
anybody help?

Donald Christensen
0467 332 227

If you focus on what you lack, you'll lose what you have. If you focus 
on what you have, you gain what you lack.


Re: Map required

2014-08-17 Thread Keith Christian
In message
  Frank King wrote:

 Dear Tony,
 What a fun thread you have spawned!
 Mercator is possibly the most famous
 Belgian, not that Belgium existed in
 his day but let's overlook that detail.
 The mathematics of Mercator's projection
 is quite challenging.  Certainly Mercator
 himself didn't understand it!
 The first proper analysis was by Edward
 Wright who was a Fellow of Gonville and
 Caius College Cambridge in the days when
 there were 67 sundials in Caius Court.
 They are now down to their last six.
 To be sure the projection distorts sizes
 so Greenland appears about the same size
 as Africa but the UK is pretty small and
 the distortion is minimal.  I do not
 understand Linda's map!  As John Foad
 didn't quite say, this is decidedly an
 Alex Salmond projection.
 I'd use Mercator's projection for your
 project if possible.  After all, that's
 what the Ordnance Survey use, albeit
 they turn the projection through a
 right-angle (the equator runs north
 to south).
 Peters's projection is really (in my
 view) the Gall Orthographic (Peters
 was over 100 years after Gall).  It
 has no special advantages for a region
 the size of the U.K.
 I hope you find a proper map soon!

As Frank King mentioned, the subject of map 'projections' can be
a tricky one - and most of us probably think of school atlas
maps, where it is likely to be one based on conical with two
standard parallels, where (as Tony Moss said), Latitude lines
will be slightly curved, and Longitude converging to the North.

However, Tony definitely wants 'orthogonal' (i.e. straight and
at right-angles) lines of Latitude and Longitude - which rather
restricts the projections you can use, though Tony did not give
his reasons WHY the map had to have these specific properties.

Strictly speaking, the UK Ordnance Survey 'National Grid' is
not based on a Transverse Mercator projection (as Frank King
suggested) - but here are two websites, with more information.

I hope they might be useful, and not even more confusing!


Keith Christian.


Re: An analematic sundial between Capriconio Tropic and Ecuador line

2012-03-12 Thread Keith Christian
In message
  Chiu ªô,Chi lian wrote:

 Hello Axel:
 I'd say that the Human Horizontal Dial belongs to the catagory suitable for
 high latitude. It's not an ideal solution for tropic region because the
 hour-line's angle difference between 11 to 12 is less than 6° and that
 between 10 to 12 is less than 13°.  Except the winter time, if a 5-foot
 high child uses his own shadow to try to read the solar time, the accuracy
 between 10 to 14 would be very poor.

For 'low' latitudes, in a school situation, have you considered a
Polar Arch sundial - basically like a 'door-frame', where the top
of the 'frame' is set at the latitude angle, and its shadow tells
time on a scale which is marked on the ground in an East/West line.

In very low latitudes (near to the Equator), Polar Arch sundials
are normally included as part of outdoor 'climbing-frames' (or any
similar interactive playground features) for schools.  However, I
do not have a link to any photographs - but maybe other members of
this list could provide further information, on that type of dial.


Keith Christian.


Do sundials (in public places), attract 'undesirable' people ?

2009-10-18 Thread Keith Christian

Our Friends of Port Sunlight group have proposed installing a 'Human
Sundial' into a local area, as an attractive interactive feature - and
we had obtained the layout plans, from Modern Sunclocks in Scotland.

For any UK members of this group, you may know that Port Sunlight (in
'the Wirral' part of Cheshire) is a highly prestigious area, and which
is also protected by all kinds of 'heritage' regulations.  Our chosen
location is known as The Diamond, plus we intend to use local stone.

During one of our recent meetings, it was pointed out that the Modern
Sunclocks website says that installing this feature into a public area
may attract 'undesirable' people (drug addicts, prostitutes, etc) - who
would tend to use this Human Sundial as their regular 'meeting-place'.

This is detailed at the top of page:

There is also a link to further 'risks and dangers', of installing one.

Although we would really love to have a Sunclock, if this is going to
become a meeting place for drug-dealers and alcoholics - then it would
certainly not be in keeping with the 'prestigious' nature of this site.

My reason for sending this message to the Sundial Mailing List, is to
ask if anyone has experience of sundials (in public places) becoming an
attraction to 'undesirable' people - such as those I mentioned, above.

Basically, we need to decide whether we should proceed with installing
this Sunclock in that location - as we do not want to have a feature
which might considerably 'lower the tone', of our Port Sunlight area !

Looking forward to any comments and/or advice, concerning this matter.

Keith Christian.



Starting a 'Sundial business' - revisited, two years on

2008-02-11 Thread Keith Christian

Some of you may remember that (about two years ago), I asked for advice
on this Mailing List - concerning starting a Sundial-related business.

I had recently retired from Teaching, and wanted to combine my interest
in Sundials with the possibility of some additional retirement income.

At that time, I eventually decided on Sunclocks (Human Sundials) - by
starting with a 'Free Franchise' offered by Douglas Hunt, in Scotland.

My intention was just to paint these layouts on to School playgrounds.

Just in case anyone else is considering doing something similar, I have
just found-out that this is now featured in the electronic publication
Best Home Business Opportunities Directory, 2008 - which features 24
of the top-rated home-based money-making ideas, in the United Kingdom.

It is a totally independent publication, and taking no income from any
advertising - plus all its information is well-researched and analysed.

This can be bought from

It comes as a PDF file (several dozen pages), costing about 15 Pounds.

The entry for Modern Sunclocks, is detailed on page numbers 25 to 27.

I am very glad that I began this unusual 'opportunity', plus there are
several ways to create a good income from these Human Sundial layouts.

You can always rely on Douglas Hunt to give you useful advice, plus he
could also help to get your website up to a 'top ranking' on Google.

He has even managed to get his own Name to positions one and two, on
that 'Search Engine' - and he does not charge a penny for his advice,
though (as far as I know) he only gives such assistance by Telephone.

You can always contact Douglas via his website at:

If anyone else is thinking about starting a Sundial business (of any
kind), then all I can say is Go for it - and remember that Schools
are the largest 'customer-base' for Sundials (more so than gardens),
simply due to the fact that there are many teaching elements in them.

(For example - Mathematics, Science, Geography, and even Art/Design).

Best Regards,

Keith Christian.


RE: sundial in the Company's Garden in Cape Town

2007-06-10 Thread Keith Christian

Hello, Willy 

As Roderick Wall suggested, it COULD simply be that this is
just intended to 'hide' any mistakes by the original maker.

However, another possibility is that those numerals for the
hours 5, 6, 7 and 8 were deliberately made that way - so as
to make it obvious that these are the morning (a.m.) hours.

Perhaps each overlaid 'upside-down V' is to be viewed as an
upward-arrow - and maybe representing the sunRISE hours ?

Keith Christian.


Seeking advice, on starting a 'sundial business'

2006-05-09 Thread Keith Christian

I joined this mailing-list a couple of months ago - after taking 
early retirement (from Teaching), and hope to start a sundial-
related business of some kind, which can supplement my 'pension'.

After much consideration, I think that I have finally decided on
Human Sundials (mainly because I know how popular these are in
the educational sector) - but also since they are easy to create,
'interactive', self-advertising and relatively 'vandal-proof'.

I was surprised to see just how many (well over a million) entries
for 'Human Sundials' are shown by a Google search - which is
obviously encouraging, but I thought that I would ask here on this
group just to see if anyone can give me some comments or advice.

It is my intention (at least to begin with), to simply paint these
on to School playgrounds - although I also have a friend who could
make colourful 'mosaic' layouts as well, if there is any demand.

I already have orders from 4 local Schools, who are wanting this
feature painted for them - but can anyone give me suggestions as
to other customers I could approach, to have a 'Human Sundial' ?

Douglas Hunt at Modern Sunclocks ( ) has given
me some guidance and encouragement, by telephone - and he seems to
have run a successful 'Human Sundial' business for about 20 years.

However, I would prefer to have some 'independent' views from more
people in the general sundial arena - hence this message, here.

So are there any points that I should be aware of (or indeed even
to 'beware' of), in relation to starting a business like this ?

With my grateful thanks in advance, for any and all your comments.


Keith Christian.
