We have just posted on the web a new Solar Noon Calculator which prints out a 
table showing the time of solar noon for your longitude for every day of the 
year on one side of a landscape A4 sheet.   It is at www.solar-noon.com.  

Please feel free to use it.  We would welcome links to it - we have a links 
page if you would like a reciprocal link.  

You can also get a printout of the Equation of Time in the same format.  

We hope this will be useful.  We would appreciate your comments.  

The page was developed as part of the Spot-On Sundial project (see 
www.spot-on-sundials.co.uk).  This sundial can be set up precisely knowing 
only the time of solar noon - when the Calculator.

Haopy dialling to all,

Piers Nicholson    


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