Dear All,
The Galerie Delalande will be hosting an exhibition of about 150 remarkable 
sundials of great beauty and rarity in its Paris showroom from 17 December 2013 
to 19 January 2014.   A full-color catalogue in French and English is available 
and can be ordered by following the link 
   I recently had the opportunity to see many of the items being loaned by 
private collectors to this show.   I recommend both the exhibition and 
catalogue highly.

See below for details.


Sara J. Schechner, Ph.D.
David P. Wheatland Curator of the Collection of Historical Scientific 
Department of the History of Science, Harvard University
Science Center 251c, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617-496-9542   |   Fax: 617-496-5932   |

----------------------------------------------------------------Notice from 
Galerie Delalande-------------------------------------------------------------

Louvre des Antiquaires
2, Place du Palais-Royal
75001 Paris - France
Tél./fax: + 33 1 42 60 19 35<><>
email :<>

Object: Exhibition on "Pocket and table sundials from Renaissance times to 
XIXth century".

Localisation: Gallery Delalande in Louvre des Antiquaires Paris

Period: From Tuesday 17th December 2013 till Sunday 19 January 2014 included.


Create an international event by exhibiting a numerous amount of high quality 
pocket and table sundials, around 150 (30 being from Renaissance times), making 
this exhibition unique in the world, hardly done in the past.

Indeed, it has never been possible before to assemble such a numerous numbers 
of sundials of that quality, coming from various countries and makers:

a) Germany / Austria :
- Bergauer,
- Hager,
- Heinrich Muller,
- Karner,
- Lesel,
- Linden,
- Martin,
- Martin Willebrand,
- Miller,
- Purmann,
- Reinman,
- Rugendas,
- Schniep,
- Troschel,
- Tucher,
- Vetter,
- Voigtlander,
- Willebrand,...

b) France / Flanders
- Baradelle,
- Blondeau,
- Bloud
- Butterfield,
- Canivet,
- Chapotot,
- Chesnon,
- Coignet,
- Cremstorff,
- Danfrie,
- Delure,
- Dujardin,
- Greban,
- Guibout,
- Langlois,
- Laurier,
- Lefebvre,
- Lemaire,
- Macquart
- Norry,
- Noury,
- Thoury,
- Sevin,
- Zeelst....
c) Italy including Lusuerg, Vulpariae, etc...

d) Persian, etc...

e) English with Cole...

All sundials being in :

- different materials : ivory, silver, brass, painted wood, silver gilt and gold

- different shapes : horizontal, vertical, oval, square, polyhedral, cubic, 
cross, etc...

- and different sizes : small, medium, outstanding

Accompanied with a French / English full-detailed book including coloured 
pictures (around 430 pages).

For your information, a numerous number of exceptional sundials will be for 
sale during the exhibition, which will be a unique possibility to complete your 
collections of sundials with some exceptional ones.

Gallery Delalande references :

A)    Expertise and Partnerships

- Administrator and Expert in marine, tobacco and opium, member of the "French 
Experts National Company" (Compagnie Nationale des Experts)
- "Syndicat National des Antiquaires" member
- "Yacht Club de France" member
- Collaboration with national, european and international museums
- Exclusive partner of the French Maritime Museum associations
- Showcase at the Ritz Hotel, Place Vendome, Paris (in works at the moment)

B)    Galleries and exhibitions

- at Paris "Louvre des Antiquaires" since its opening in 1978
- "TEFAF" Maastricht showcase participation in March 2013
- Marine stands at the "Biennales des Antiquaires" in the Paris Grand Palais 
1982-84-86-88 and September 2012 (please visit our stand on our websites)
- Marine stand at the "Salon du Collectionneur" in the Paris Grand Palais 2009
- Gallery in "Place des Antiquaires" New York 1987-1993
- Exhibition "La Fleur du Mal" on tobacco artefacts over five centuries at 
Trianon de Bagatelle Paris during six months in 1994/95 including the writting 
of a reference book on the matter
- Exhibition "Memories of Opiums" at Le Louvre des Antiquaires Paris (September 
- December 2011) with a reference book Memories of Opiums written in French and 
- Exhibition "Pocket and Table sundials" at Le Louvre des Antiquaires Paris
(17 December 2013 - 19 January 2014) with 150 sundials exhibited (30 being made 
before 1600 in the Renaissance times).


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