nosh with Debian's sysstat package

2017-01-29 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard


I haven't installed much else yet on the system but I tried the 
sysstat package which gives me the following error:

preset: ERROR: sysstat: No such file or directory

I haven't yet investigated this problem. Sysstat seems to be part of 
the Debconf enable/disable system, I'm not quite sure how that 
interacts with nosh.

This is a good example for general consumption.

The maintenance script for the package is trying to enable the "sysstat" 
service using the "update-rc.d" command.  You've installed the shim for 
this command from the nosh-debian-shims package, so the maintenance 
script is actually ending up trying to preset the "sysstat" service 
bundle using "system-control preset".  You don't have a "sysstat" 
service bundle.  Yet.

Ironically, if the systemd support in Debian's "sysstat" were as good as 
the author's own, you could just make one.  The origin package comes 
with a systemd service unit, built by passing this through a macro 
processor to turn things like @SA_LIB_DIR@ into "/usr/lib/sysstat":


Debian, however, only builds and packages up a Debian-supplied van 
Smoorenburg rc file.  It doesn't actually package up the systemd support 
that comes from the author.  It does provide the /usr/lib/sysstat/sa1 
script that is referenced by the systemd service unit, however.  So you 
could take the, manually make a sysstat.service out 
of it, and pass that through convert-systemd-units to make a service 
bundle that would invoke /usr/lib/sysstat/sa1 .

However, we are heading into systemd House of Horror territory here, as 
Debian also provides a "Debianized" version of the sa1 script as 
/usr/lib/sysstat/debian-sa1 that does the stuff that Debian's van 
Smoorenburg rc script does.  So using what's in the box we would have 
sysstat.service which sets up settings the systemd way, running the 
debian-sa1 script that sets up things the Debian way (reading 
/etc/defaults/sysstat), running the sa1 script that sets things up the 
RedHat/SuSE way (/etc/sysconfig/sysstat).  It's a mess of nested shell 
scripts and overlapping configuration mechanisms.  And that's 
overlooking the surprise secret second service disable mechanism.

The systemd people don't like surprise secret second service disable 
mechanisms, and the modern Debian practice is to not have them.  The 
Debian sysstat package has more than one thing to improve.  Moreover 
there's no real need for all of these configuration mechanisms, 
especially since the underlying command has only two knobs to twiddle in 
the first place.  So start with a more ideal-world version of what 
sysstat should have for systemd: a simple service unit that has 1 
configuration mechanism, and cuts out all of the daft middle-men layers 
of shell scripting entirely.

1. Take this service unit instead.  Call it sysstat.service .
2. Use convert-systemd-units to make a service bundle from it. chown 
everything to root if you didn't do this as root.

3. Place that in /var/local/sv/sysstat .
4. install -d -m 0755 /var/local/sv/sysstat/service/env
5. system-control set-service-env sysstat OPTIONS -D

See what happens when you install the package then.

  Description=Insert a dummy record in sysstat's current daily data 
file to indicate that the counters have restarted from 0.

  # The service is "ready" after it has run to completion.
  # This enables controlling service options with rcctl set and rcctl get .
  # Two - characters, note.  Also, this is specifically targetting 
being converted into a nosh service bundle.

  ExecStart=/usr/lib/sysstat/sadc -F -L ${OPTIONS} "${DIR:--}"


nosh packaged for Arch Linux

2017-01-29 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard


I am trying to create one or multiple packages for Archlinux to 
install nosh

This has come up several times with multiple people, now.

I have no Arch Linux machines, and I am entirely dependent from Arch 
Linux people for the packaging part.  As I already told one person back 
in August 2016, this is your opportunity to shine. (-:

My second redo is already packaged for Arch, I am told:



Here's what I know.

The redo packaging runs package/compile followed by package/export.

This is not the way to approach packaging the nosh toolset.  It's not 
one giant lump, as you can see from the FreeBSD/TrueOS, Debian, and 
OpenBSD packages that I have done.  What you Arch Linux people with the 
packaging experience have to provide is a way, on Arch, for one source 
package to build multiple binaries packages.  This should not be hard.  
It's a very common thing to do, after all.  It is, indeed, pretty much 
the norm in the worlds of Debian and Ubuntu.  As you can see from the 
WWW pages about the FreeBSD/TrueOS, Debian, and OpenBSD packages, there 
are doco packages, service bundle packages, multiple toolset packages, 
and multiple -run packages.

The way that this works on Debian and the BSDs is largely driven by 
package/debian/rules and package/bsd/rules, which are in turn determined 
by Debian's package build system, in particular its dpkg-buildpackage 
tool.  Notice what the rules system does.  It runs package/export to 
populate the ./debian/tmp/ tree, and then package/stage to populate the 
individual binary package trees (with links) from that in the layout 
that is actually used within the packages.  The Debian Maintainers' 
Guide and the FreeBSD Porters' Handbook have more on the concept of 
"staging" when building binary packages.



Coming up with how something like this works on Arch is another part of 
your opportunity to shine, Arch packaging people.

Note that I currently plan to take package/export out of the build 
process and have package/stage work directly from (a copy of) the 
original slashpackage tree, i.e. command/ manual/ config/ guide/ et 
al..  Rearranging everything from slashpackage into another layout under 
./debian/tmp/ only in order to rearrange it again in the staging areas 
seems like an unnecessary complexity. pax -r -w of the original 
slashpackage layout into ./debian/tmp/ or ./bsd/tmp/ seems a better idea.

There has been for a fair while now an important note at that the 
package/export command may change.  It does both too much and too little 
as a tool for installing from source.  It exports one giant lump, and it 
doesn't do all of the things that the package "maintenance scripts" do.  
In pursuit of that latter, back in 1.29 the BSD side of package creation 
was modified to make it possible to auto-generate 
installation/upgrade/deinstallation scripts for the old and new BSD 
package tools.  This is, as you can see, done with 
package/bsd/gencontrol, which makes (the very different) +MANIFEST files 
for both the old and new BSD package tools.  This is on the cards for 
Debian as well.

For Arch, the build system will need to process a similar set of files 
to the various package/bsd/nosh-*.p files, in some way that is 
appropriate to how such maintenance scripts are handled on Arch, as well 
as do more specific things for likes of nosh-run-system-manager.   Yes, 
this is vague.  I've refactored this into a way of making different 
maintenance scripts from effectively non-imperative lists of service 
bundles and user accounts.  I'll press on with getting you a set of 
package/debian/nosh-*.p files, which at least will list the Linux 
service bundle suite not the BSD one, which can then be patched into 
arch/*.p files.  You have to work out how to then join these lists up 
with however Arch does installation/upgrade/deinstallation scripts in 
packages, however. This is another part of your opportunity to shine, 
Arch packaging people.

Re: nosh version 1.31

2017-01-29 Thread Guillermo
2017-01-22 14:29 GMT-03:00 Guillermo:
> $ tai64nlocal /run/system-manager/log/current
> [...]
> 2017-01-21 22:11:17.709678664 system-manager: ERROR:
> /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd//cgroup.subtree_control: No such file or
> directory
> 2017-01-21 22:11:17.709683364 system-manager: ERROR:
> /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd//service-manager.slice/cgroup.subtree_control:
> No such file or directory

Yeah, writing to cgroup.subtree_control to enable or disable
controllers for a hierarchy is v2-only; for cgroups v1, controllers
are attached to a hierarchy by passing their names as mount options.
And that creates a related issue: system-manager does the C++
equivalent of 'mount -t cgroup -o none,name=systemd cgroup
/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd', i.e. the hierarchy rooted in
/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd doesn't have cgroup controllers attached, so
subdirectories won't have any 'knobs' for set-control-group-knob(1) to
act on:

$ cat /proc/self/cgroup

$ ls 

If one mounts another cgroup hierarchy with attached controllers, for
example with 'mount -t cgroup -o cpu cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu', the
corresponding knobs won't be in the directory set-control-group-knob
expects to find them:

$ cat /proc/self/cgroup

$ ls /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cgroup-in-cpu-hierarchy

$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cgroup-in-cpu-hierarchy/cpu.shares

$ set-control-group-knob cpu.shares 2048
set-control-group-knob: FATAL:
No such file or directory

One could instead attach controllers to the hierarchy rooted in
/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd, for example by mounting it with 'mount -t
cgroup -o cpu,name=systemd cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd' (not with
system-manager as process 1), and things would appear to be OK:

$ ls 

(i.e. there is now a 'cpu.shares' file)

But then set-control-group-knob (and also move-to-control-group I
believe) becomes a no-operation because it can't find the cgroups
hierarchy; function calls like read_my_control_group(self_cgroup,
"name=systemd", current) in source/set-control-group-knob.cpp and
source/move-to-control-group.cpp will return false because
/proc/self/cgroup doesn't have the expected format:

$ cat /proc/self/cgroup

(The text between the colons now also contains the cgroup controller
name, not just the 'name=systemd' part)

$ set-control-group-knob cpu.shares 2048
$ cat 

$ set-control-group-knob non-existent-knob 2048

(No output, not even a 'No such file or directory' error).
