Re: nosh version 1.31

2017-01-30 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard


One could instead attach controllers to the hierarchy rooted in 
/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd, for example by mounting it with 'mount -t 
cgroup -o cpu,name=systemd cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd' (not with 
system-manager as process 1), and things would appear to be OK:

It's tempting to do that, and make the adjustments to the current 
control group location code.  But the harsh reality I suspect is that 
version 1 control groups are on the way out.  Let's put it this way:  I 
am targetting Debian Linux, notorious for being behind the times, and 
even that has a kernel (in Debian 8 backports, admittedly) with version 
2 control groups now.

I'll save the idea up.  But there's other, higher priority stuff to do.  
I've just finally turned unload-when-stopped into a simple 
service-control --exit wrapper, for example.  (-:

Allow configurable behavior of TERM signal for runsvdir

2017-01-30 Thread Mitar

By default, Docker sends a TERM signal to a container when you want to
stop it. When runit is used as init inside a Docker container, this
directly kills the runsvdir process, without really cleaning up any
child processes.

In newer Docker version you can configure STOPSIGNAL inside your
Dockerfile to configure for example for Docker to send HUP to
runsvdir. But the issue is that because runsvdir exists immediately
after sending TERM to children, Docker kills the whole container
before really leaving to children to terminate gracefully.

So there would be two things to improve behavior inside Docker containers here:

First, there could be an option to set which signal is used as current
HUP signal. This could make it work in older Docker versions, as one
could for example run runsvdir --hup-signal=TERM to override behavior
of TERM signal.

Second, after it gets HUP signal, runsvdir could wait for all children
to finish before existing itself. (If they do not finish in reasonable
time, Docker will kill anyway all processes with KILL.)



Re: ftrigr bug

2017-01-30 Thread Laurent Bercot

 There's no obvious way to make it more efficient without significantly
exploding the amount of code, and we're talking about a scale where a 

of n^2 is completely negligible.
 I've committed a patch that does exactly what you suggested, even if
the code is organized a bit differently.

 Please tell me if it works for you.
