[freenet-support] Does Freenet use pre-mix/onion routing yet?

2005-10-03 Thread Duana Saskia STANLEY

I am 90% sure it doesn't and that pre-mix routing was supposed to be 
introduced in 0.7.  I've read the dev notes and some tech emails which 
suggest it may not be implemented after all.

My friend thinks its in use with the current version of freenet.

So, could you please confirm whether it is currently implemented and if 
not, what the vauge plans for it are?  (Is it still on the "roadmap"?)


[freenet-support] Does Freenet use pre-mix/onion routing yet?

2005-10-03 Thread Duana Saskia STANLEY

I am 90% sure it doesn't and that pre-mix routing was supposed to be 
introduced in 0.7.  I've read the dev notes and some tech emails which 
suggest it may not be implemented after all.

My friend thinks its in use with the current version of freenet.

So, could you please confirm whether it is currently implemented and if 
not, what the vauge plans for it are?  (Is it still on the "roadmap"?)


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[freenet-support] Does Freenet still not work with Kaffe?

2005-07-11 Thread Duana Saskia STANLEY

It was mentioned a year ago that Freenet doesn't yet work with Kaffe - is 
this still the case?  I'm having problems installing Kaffe so I don't 
know.  I'll try Blackdown since you mentioned that works.  Any other java 
VMs you can recommend?

The problem I'm trying to avoid is the java threads showing up as 
individual processes under ps on redhat.  Apparently you can get a java 
program to have just one listing in ps if you use some flag for some 
threads-library on kernels greater than 2.6.  It's a bit over my head, 
but anyway the latest sun JVM doesn't seem to do this.  If anyone knows 
anything about this obscure issue, any info would be much appreciated.

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[freenet-support] How to minimise memory/threads?

2005-04-13 Thread Duana Saskia STANLEY
I'm running a small network of freenet nodes on a university network and 
I'm getting in trouble for the amount of physical memory it's using.

A node runs around 54 threads each using 22M of resident memory.. around 
1232MB of physical memory in total.  Why does it use so much memory?  A 
lot of the time the nodes are doing nothing but still there are a lot of 
threads, also, not sure why they are all resident.

I read in the archives that one thing to do is decrease maxConnections 
setting.  I'll try this but don't see why that would work.  There was also 
something on freenethelp.org giving a whole host of commandline options to 
try to optimize memory usage but I tried this and it blew it out even 

Are there any other ways I can reduce memory usage and/or number of 
spawned threads?

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