IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much Mathew!
I can get to TFE, Da Gj, Freenet Forever, etc.!

And I already have over a dozen node refs!

Yahoo!!!!!!!!! :)

I would like to offer a big round of applause to Mathew Ryden for finally
being able to make an installer that works on my machine!
Win95 with JRE 1.3.1_04

(now to get it working on my win98 fileserver machine that's slow but
that's for tomorrow)


At 01:08 AM 10/20/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>> Howdy!
>> It looks better
>> This time I'm attaching my flaunch and freenet .ini files and this
>> install.log file.
>> I've noticed something, I can't find freenet.log nor can I find the data
>> store directory listed in the freenet.ini file that I told it to create.
>> Wouldn't it auto-create it if it can't find it?
>*shrug* I didn't write this, i'm just trying to fix it :p
>I just uploaded a new freenet-webinstall.exe. Could you test it to see if it
>works any better (well, it works a lot better for me by not deleting my only
>copy of the freenet.jar's but there are some other things in there I want to
>test that may change things for you)
>> Thanks,
>> John Cole
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