Re: [freenet-support] (no subject)

2002-12-18 Thread nicolas fischer
 please i need help closing this program could you guide me thru this  thank

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what the fuck!

[freenet-support] change of ip ceases traffic

2002-11-25 Thread nicolas fischer

I've noticed a potential problem (node version 617, sorry didnt want to update,
 node was running so nicely). Here's the symptom:

[normal operation]
When I started my node on Monday last week, traffic on my node reached very
 satisfactory levels after a day or so and stayed there for a whole week.
 Especially outbound traffic looked nice (and that's a situation that gives me 
 my node is doing it's work and being useful, either passing through data or
 answering from its own store (10g)). Network load was constantly around 80-100%
 and inbound search keys have nice peaks, also the peaks of the keys in my store
 were slowly starting to match the search request keys.

[problem occurs on ip change]
Then, in the night from Sunday to Monday, my friggin ip changed (I use dyndns,
 my provider terminates connection about every 3-10 days).
This effected that traffic pretty much grinded to a halt and has now stayed
 there for more than 10 hours. Network load is a meager18-22%. There _are_
 incoming connections. The incoming Connection event occurence counter has dropped
 from around 200-500 per hour to around 20 per hour, though.
The cease of traffic coincides pretty accurately with the change of ip (I can
 tell it's +- 10 minutes). There were 2 ip-changes at 1:56 and 2:32 monday
You can check my traffic stats, if you don't believe my words:

now, it seems pretty clear (in my naive mind), what's happening here: Probably
 my fellow nodes don't relookup my dyndns name, therefore trying to connect to
 my old ip (which fails).
How often is the ip of a node verified through dns, if at all? Does this only
 occur on first connection attempt?

If this problem actually exists as I described and the reasons are as I assume,
 then it would probably help the network a lot if nodes would, when building a
 connection and seeing it fails, force a relookup of the name?


support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] java problem

2002-11-20 Thread nicolas fischer

 so far i have copied following exec. into usr/local/bin:

I think, that copying doesn't make it work. Did you try the export
command? Another way is to link /usr/java/bin/java to
/usr/local/bin/java :

ln -s /usr/java/bin/java /usr/local/bin/java

copying might work (given the executable doesnt somehow use it's own location
 for finding other stuff, which might be the case), it's just not elegant.

he would have to put the into /usr/local/lib, though, not in bin.

Or to screw up majorly, he could add /usr/local/bin to /etc/ ;) (dont
 to that!)

you should definitely try the export commands we gave you earlier instead. it's
 the suggested way to do it. otherwise you'd have to put all the other tools
 in your bin too (tnameserv, jar, javac...)

your shell will look at the PATH environment variable and check all the
 directories there for finding executables (e.g. when you enter java). So just append
 /usr/java/bin or whatever (using : as delimiter) to your PATH environment
 variable using the export command.

support mailing list

[freenet-support] problem running cvs version

2002-11-19 Thread nicolas fischer

I CVSed the sources (nov18, 16:00gmt) and built them no problem (in about 10
 secs with jikes)

now when trying to run it get this queer exception I have never seen before.

[nick@null freenet]$ java -cp lib/freenet.jar freenet.node.Main
Exception in thread main java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
 freenet/fs/dir/NativeFSDirectory$NWalk, method: init signature:
Expecting to find object/array
 on stack
at freenet.fs.dir.NativeFSDirectory.init(
at freenet.node.Main.main(
[nick@null freenet]$

line 398 of NativeFSDirectory reads:
NWalk w = new NWalk(root,true,true,paranoidListCheck);
and the NWalk inner class definition looks perfectly normal to me.

Now what am I doing wrong. It seems to be some problem with inner classes.. ?
 I tried different compilers, jikes 1.15, sun.javac 1.4.0-b92 and runtimes, sun
 1.4.1, sun 1.4.0b92, ibm 1.3.1. The prebuilt 617 jar I got runs fine in all of
 the jres. I think os-data is irrelevant. I must be doing something wrong at
 compile-time (I'm using the make jar way)

any help appreciated,

support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Freenet performance

2002-11-17 Thread nicolas fischer
On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 06:50:54PM -0600, Robert Carroll wrote:
 I think alot of problems with freenet are performance related.  The network
 as a whole would benefit from faster freenet code.  Perhaps the developers
 should consider converting some java methods into native methods.  Given the 90/10
 rule, a small number of converted methods could yield a huge performance
 increase.  I'm not suggesting that java support should be dropped, but this effort
 would be paralell to the main java codebase.  Unsupported platforms could still
 use the java methods.  This probably wouldn't be a big deal to transients
 (directly anyway), but it would be a HUGE benefit to the permanent nodes which are
 the backbone of freenet.
This is incorrect. The node has numerous major network level problems at
the moment - inserting a file on one node at HTL 25 and then getting a
DataNotFound at HTL 25 on another node, is not a good sign. Mostly this
is due to growing pains and old versions of the node though, hopefully.

Eventually, we may make fred use nonblocking I/O; this will drastically
reduce the number of threads needed, but it will be a lot of work and it
is not a major priority because there are easier things with a bigger
impact to do first.

It seems to me a lot of the cpu-sucking just comes from os
I'm seeing this problem with a project of mine that makes heavy use of threads.
 It's not actually doing much work, but sucking up the cpu anyhow.

I remember having a vm once that actually mapped java threads to linux pthreads
 (or something), not processes.

Would that be a workable/functioning workaround to the problem?

I tried to try IBM jre 14 (since I think it was an IBM vm that did the
 thread-mapping), but couldn't get it to work (exec: cannot execute binary). probably
 libs missing, but dunno which. Anybody got a hint for me?

Does anybody use a vm that does this? Am I off-track with the concept?

I dont like that jni approach by the way, after all, fred is a
 reference-daemon and it should run anywhere. If you want a perfomance-oriented 
version, I
 would suggest to reimplement completely in portable c++ or something.


support mailing list

[freenet-support] initial configfile breaks fproxy in 5.0.4

2002-11-04 Thread nicolas fischer

I did a clean install of freenet 5.0.4 (linux) and fproxy wasn't working, so I
 dug the maillist and found:

[freenet-support] Can't access;
quoting from that:

One reason you may be having trouble getting the gateway screen to come up is
that there have been changes in the configuration file - see Greg Wooledge's
message of 2002-09-24, Configuration file changes.


On Tuesday 01 Oct 2002 13:24, tom wrote:
 Am Die, 2002-10-01 um 14.04 schrieb Edgar Friendly:
  tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I had the same problem with the latest JRE, everything worked, exept
   fproxy. I downgraded back to JRE1.3.1.
  are you saying that downgrading JVMs made fproxy display the gateway
  screen again?  I find that very hard to believe.
 I said so. You can try debugging freenet.jar on your own, if you don't
 believe, maybe you will find the clue. I didn't.

inserting the following into my freenet.conf from the referenced post
 ( solved 


The thing to note here is that the initial config-file (generated through first
 start of wont work.

You're making it really hard here for new users (imagine being not that
 familiar with the concept in the first place, and then such a misconfig), especially
 the linux-savvy that will likely donate permanent wide bandwidth and large
 store. (I'm silently assuming the win-install doesn't have this problem).

This might have slipped the responsible persons attention cause he was probably
 using his old configfile.

other than that: keep up the great work to make the world a safer place,

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