Please excuse the crossposting, but I felt this was important enough to
make sure it was seen by those who may not be subscribed to this or that

The following will be appearing later today in DFI's News section:

Feb 25, 2005:  Finally got around to committing to CVS an overlooked
update to the stable version of src/freenet/  I had updated
the unstable version of this file several weeks ago (see Jan 20, 2005
below), but forgot to sync up the one in stable.  As a result, there was
a mismatch between the protocol version stable was expecting unstable
nodes to be using, and the one unstable nodes actually were using. 
Those of you running dual-network nodes should start seeing better
results now, as more and more stable users update their nodes to include
this latest update.  Sorry for not taking care of this sooner! 

Conrad J. Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- "In Unix veritas"
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