Ermm.. Those kind of questions (and their answers) are really interesting and should be kept in a sort of knowledge-database.
Ofcourse, I mean the wiki at
Once again, I urge anyone (and yes, *this* non-coders can do too!) to copy/paste these questions/answers on the wiki, in the FAQ for instance.
I can't stress the importance of this. We *NEED* a good knowledge database, and it will keep you from having to ask and  respond the same things over and over again. The amount of very good info that gets wasted (well, in a certain sense, that is) on these maillists is astonishing, and really can be remediated with not too much trouble.
It really is a pitty to have perfectly well-suited info for the wiki fading away into oblivion on these lists, otherwise.
So, c'mon:
everyone, noobs included, can do their part to make sure all relevant info on the lists is put on the wiki!
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