Re: Experiences with GTA02 and OM2008.12 (was part of the Brick thread)

2009-01-20 Thread Gothnet

To Craig and other (fellow) whiners:

Try Android. You'll need to update your uboot environment to allow for a
bigger kernel, but go here:

And check out:

It's not quite production ready yet (in fact it has some showstoppers for
everyday use like refusing to boot after some as-yet unidentified config
changes, only registering with GSM one boot in two, suspend.. some of which
may have been fixed in yesterday's image which I've not tried yet) but...
GPS just works, phone calls just work, SMS just works, Wifi  works (with a
manual directory creation step), the keyboard is good, the interface is
pretty, well designed and responsive, the web-browser works. I set up the
email app to use my home IMAP server in just a few minutes...

GPRS is apparently a WIP, though some success is reported.

As I say, not quite there yet, but when a couple more issues around gluing
the hardware, kernel and userspace together get sorted out, I think it's
going to be the quickest and easiest way to get a fully functioning
phone/internet device/GPS out of the Freerunner.

I wish I didn't have to say that, but experience with the 2008.x series of
software (and two months of attempting to use it as a main phone) left me
similarly frustrated. I nearly threw the phone out of the window on several
occasions. Just trying to answer a call was a supremely vexatious

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Re: Experiences with GTA02 and OM2008.12 (was part of the Brick thread)

2009-01-20 Thread Gothnet

Craig Woodward wrote:
 Funny you mention that... it's the last on my list, since I've tried most
 of the others but this one has failed to boot after several  attempts.  I
 got  a new uSD card just for this setup to see if thats what's preventing
 the boot.

Two things I found that stop boots on android images I've used are - SD card
partitions and uboot.

If you're using uboot you must alter the uboot environment to be able to use
a larger kernel. The default limit is 2MB. The way I did it was to grab the
uboot env using dfu-util ... basically follow the instructions
here  but edit the file to set a kernel partition size of 3
or so MB. There's also a way to do it using the uboot command line but I'm
not familiar with that.

The SD card *must* be formatted with two partitions. The second one *must*
be ext3. The first I usually format as FAT 16, though FAT 32 may work too.
The first partition will appear to android as its SD card, the second will
be used for its data/config store. I don't know what size to recommend, but
it's worked with 2/6GB on my 8GB card.

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Re: Experiences with GTA02 and OM2008.12

2009-01-20 Thread Gothnet

Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
 Hmm, phone calls surely suffer from the same buzz issue that affects
 all users?
 And wifi is surely the same as anybody following the andy-tracking

Well I've never noticed the buzz on my handset, but presumably it does
suffer from it as (AFAIK) it's a hardware issue?

And wifi - well last time I spent much time with OM2008.X it was a pain to
do manually and wifimofi was... unreliable, but it's been a while since I

I should also say that I tried a new image today and GPS doesn't seem to
want to work.

It's far from perfect, yet, but I like it.
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Re: Experiences with GTA02 and OM2008.12

2009-01-20 Thread Gothnet

Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
 It's the other party that hears it.

Well last time I used it to call people all they complained about was the
terrible echo. That was 2008.09 though. Haven't noticed it (buzz or echo)
with android when calling between my two phones here, and a friend also
trying it on his FR said calling was fine. 
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Re: battery on Qtopia 4.4.2

2009-01-14 Thread Gothnet

François de Ryckel wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 The lifespan of a battery charge on my FR is no more than one night.
 Anything one can do about it?
 I'm a newbie in the Opemoko community - I'm a linux user since a few year
 but definetely not a computer geek! I'm just a big opensource software
 fan -  so go easy with the explanations :)

Welcome to the openmoko community. We're like a dysfunctional family with a
love/hate relationship to the device.

I've never managed to get more than that much battery life out of mine. It's
one of the biggest issues affecting usability.

Some folks claim to have had better luck, hopefully one of them will answer,
but AFAICT you haven't done anything wrong, it just eats power *that* fast.
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Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick

2009-01-08 Thread Gothnet

Craig Woodward wrote:
 I understand that... My issue is that there isn't a stable base that loads
 and works as a phone for ANY Neo model.  .  
 And all the open source nay-sayers will collectively say told you so and
 write glowing articles about the death of open source for phones.

Yeah, it's a shame isn't it?

I had high hopes too, but there are so many problems that I wouldn't advise
any of my geek friends to buy one any time soon, and those are my geek
friends let alone the normal ones!

I probably wouldn't have bought one either if I'd realised that I'd be
spending nearly £300 on something that's been sat on the side in the living
room for a couple of months not doing anything. The major problem for me was
that I assumed that the kernel and user space software would have the
hardware interfaces right. I expected GSM to be there and stable, bluetooth
and wifi just to work, GPRS and GPS to be there in principle but with some
software needed. Stuff as basic as suspend and resume I never even thought
about being a problem.

Instead, what I get is a device that works when it feels like it, doesn't
come back from suspend as often as one time in two, needs the battery
popping out several times a day in order to get it to do any one of several
basic things (come back from suspend, re-associate to wifi, reconnect to
GSM), that runs out of battery in a matter of hours, echos like a *,
doesn't wake up for calls, barely does GPRS, doesn't charge when dead

As for support, well, support's fine, but i don't have the time to be
applying new software patches and new config updates every day.

It's not the geeky project I'd hoped for either. I wanted something that did
the basics and I could add stuff to.

By the way, the Q and A email/looking forward to 2009 announcement from Sean
Moss-Pultz just confirmed a lot of what I'd thought about the OM management
situation. Where we have things like:

People, like Harald and Raster, are given immense freedom to work on what
they feel is most important.

And then a story about how 3+ months were spent reimplementing a
Perhaps people like Harald and Raster need their priorities given a nudge by
OM management once in a while? You know what, I don't give a  about
which keyboard is best for terminal use, when I can't reliably make and
receive a phonecall/SMS.
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Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick

2009-01-08 Thread Gothnet

Apologies for that, one more with formatting - 

Craig Woodward wrote:
 I understand that... My issue is that there isn't a stable base that loads
 and works as a phone for ANY Neo model.  .  
 And all the open source nay-sayers will collectively say told you so and
 write glowing articles about the death of open source for phones.

Yeah, it's a shame isn't it?

I had high hopes too, but there are so many problems that I wouldn't advise
any of my geek friends to buy one any time soon, and those are my geek
friends let alone the normal ones!

I probably wouldn't have bought one either if I'd realised that I'd be
spending nearly £300 on something that's been sat on the side in the living
room for a couple of months not doing anything. The major problem for me was
that I assumed that the kernel and user space software would have the
hardware interfaces right. I expected GSM to be there and stable, bluetooth
and wifi just to work, GPRS and GPS to be there in principle but with some
software needed. Stuff as basic as suspend and resume I never even thought
about being a problem.

Instead, what I get is a device that works when it feels like it, doesn't
come back from suspend as often as one time in two, needs the battery
popping out several times a day in order to get it to do any one of several
basic things (come back from suspend, re-associate to wifi, reconnect to
GSM), that runs out of battery in a matter of hours, echos like a *,
doesn't wake up for calls, barely does GPRS, doesn't charge when dead

As for support, well, support's fine, but i don't have the time to be
applying new software patches and new config updates every day.

It's not the geeky project I'd hoped for either. I wanted something that did
the basics and I could add stuff to.

By the way, the Q and A email/looking forward to 2009 announcement from Sean
Moss-Pultz just confirmed a lot of what I'd thought about the OM management
situation. Where we have things like:

People, like Harald and Raster, are given immense freedom to work on what
they feel is most important.

And then a story about how 3+ months were spent reimplementing a
Perhaps people like Harald and Raster need their priorities given a nudge by
OM management once in a while? You know what, I don't give a  about
which keyboard is best for terminal use, when I can't reliably make and
receive a phonecall/SMS.

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Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick

2009-01-08 Thread Gothnet

Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)-2 wrote:
 if management had actually given free reignthey would have said:
 make the phone boot in a reasonable time
 make it last at least 48hrs without needing a recharge
 make it reliably make and receive phone calls and sms's
 make it sane/possible to enter text for sms's and contact information etc.
 make the other hardware function properly (wifi, gps, accelerometers)
 make some demo apps for the non-core hardware for a phone (gps, wifi,
 etc.) to
 show that it works and how to drive it.
 show us progress every 1 (or 2, 3 or 4) weeks with a new os image on a
 then sit back and let engineering do its job. the regular demos of stuff
 moving along (or a good explanation why you cant show anything currently)
 would be the oversight needed to make sure engineers didn't stray

Sounds like a great plan to me, and I hope something like it is adopted over
the coming months. And probably strike the text entry line as there are
multiple keyboards. If none is perfect, so be it.
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Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick

2009-01-08 Thread Gothnet

Paul-10 wrote:
  The echo is on the other party's end.  I can relate, who wants to hear
 themselves echo along with weird buzzing? After so many complaints
 from people I call or call me, I cannot in good conscience continue to
 use this phone. 

After a month and a half of people saying I hate your new phone, I can hear
myself at full volume about a second after I speak (some folks found it
amusing), and then a few weeks of God damn you freerunner, will you please
wake up when I get a call! I had to stop as well, I rely on having a mobile
too much to be able to put up with it.

Perfectly willing to try again, but I'm waiting or either a new android
build or the next FSO milestone.

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Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick

2009-01-08 Thread Gothnet

arne anka wrote:
 for the rest of your posting: could you please stop right now?
 the constant whining is jamming my inbox

Sure, I was just looking for some confirmation, or even a timeline, for when
these basic things might be there, or that lessons have been learnt and OM
are on the case, whichever stack they choose to do it with.

I'll shut up now though, and consider ebay.
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Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick

2009-01-06 Thread Gothnet

Mike Montour wrote:
 If you program the PCF50633 as:
   - charger enabled
   - 100mA current limit
   - do not wake on USB insertion (avoids the brownout issue)
 then it will have the behaviour that you want - even with a 
 completely-dead battery, you can plug it in and it will slow-charge the 
 battery in hardware. I think it still technically violates one of the 
 USB standards by drawing current without talking to the host, but IMHO 
 it's unlikely to cause any real-world problems.

1. This really ought to be default behaviour, the current way is really
*really* bad.

2. Why stick to 100mA? I thought the USB standard was for ports to support

3. I'm sure the FR doesn't need to negotiate with its charger.

4. How easy is it to make this change?

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Re: GTA02 is now an expensive brick / pcf50633 defaults

2009-01-06 Thread Gothnet

bburdette wrote:
 Andy Green wrote:
 There's two interesting ideas from Mike though, one is that disable USB
 insert as ON will help by giving longer for VB_SYS to charge and the
 other is leave charger enabled.  For both of these, they are defeated
 (USB insert is ON action, charger disabled) by NOPOWER and we have no
 control then.  If the backup battery had not decayed, it could help, but
 it only has very partial impact and is not magically delivering the
 behaviour you want, GTA02 with this issue still will not start if left
 long enough for backup battery to fall below the pcf50633 threshold for
 So are you saying there's no way to reprogram the freerunner to be able 
 to charge from a (completely) depleted battery?

That would seem to be the case.

That it can charge when there's enough power to start booting, or it can
trickle-charge when off (maybe, with some software modification) but that
when it's been off for a  couple of days you're out of luck.

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Re: Not supporitng GTA01? [Was: [openmoko-announce] Om 2008.12 Beyond]

2008-12-23 Thread Gothnet

Craig Woodward wrote:
 I disagree for one simple reason: There has yet to be a stable kernel and
 interface for any GTA* phone from which to build.  There are releases that
 are labeled stable, but most of them crash after a short time, or have
 major bugs that prevent the hardware from working like a normal phone for
 any length of time.

This is the same concern I have had when developers talk about improvements
and not doing anything FR specific because they want to concentrate effort
on stuff that will improve the experience on the 03

I've got this horrible feeling we'll be left with an unsupported device that
never really did the basics properly. I hope the FSO/OM2009 release next
year will get us there, but I'm lacking in faith right now. I'd be pretty
annoyed if I owned a 1973.
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Re: Get top CPU, memory and IO processes.

2008-11-25 Thread Gothnet

Levy Abinajm Melero Sant'Anna wrote:
 I wanna make some collects to make graphics about resources
 utilization, just to help the developers to make a faster stack.
 I was thinking to take more low level possible to not compromise the
 data collected.
 Thank you,

May I suggest you investigate a program called powertop too?

It looks at which programs are making the processor wake up and eat cycles.
It's no ideally suited to OM firmware because it doesn't (yet?) use a
tickless kernel, but it will still give you some useful information. I had
built it for OM2008.09 but I've lost the binary now. Source is easily
available from the official site, which you can google.
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Re: Android first try - kurz und schmerzlos

2008-11-09 Thread Gothnet

Joachim Ott-2 wrote:
 2008/11/7 Roman Pszonczenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 2nd try, I still couldn't get much farther. What key or button is
 supposed to be the Menu key mentioned on the desktop? I tried to unlock
 sim, it told me twice invalid PIN (or such). Before making up my mind to
 give it a 3rd try or to cancel it, the screen went black again.

Take a look in the other android threads and the getting started guides. SIM
unlock is not working, to try android you must disable the SIM security.
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[FDOM/2008.09] Write contacts out to SIM

2008-11-05 Thread Gothnet

Hi there,

I've read lots of stuff about importing contacts to the FR by using vcf
format, and in fact I went through the process when I made the switch from
my last phone. I also know the freerunner can read SIM contacts and display
them in the addressbook along with the rest.

But how to write them out?

I have spent a while looking for an answer to this (and if I missed
something obvious then sorry for wasting your time), but I can't find any
info. I guess moving away from the FR is not a popular choice?

Not that I've given up on it, i just don't think it's ready to be my main
phone right this minute, so I've bought a cheap pay-as-you-go number that
has no bells or whistles but can reliably take calls for now. Unfortunately
it's pretty basic and the only way I can see of getting data onto it is via
the SIM.

I know debian/zhone wrote at least one contact to the SIM, but I no longer
have that distro installed.

Any ideas?


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Re: battery life problem

2008-10-03 Thread Gothnet

Just a quick addition to the power topic -

I compiled and ran powertop on the phone yesterday. I know there's been some
previous discussion of using tickless kernels on the freerunner (and the
problems encountered with those), and indeed the kernel was waking up to
tick more than anything else.

However, about 25% of kernel waking came because of chatter from the
accelerometers, which I don't use at the moment (they're a bell/whistle for
after I get the phone stable).

Anyone know a way to turn them off completely?
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Re: battery life problem

2008-10-03 Thread Gothnet

Andy Green wrote:
 | Anyone know a way to turn them off completely?
 If you don't have the event device nodes for them open, they do not run
 the interrupts.
 Use lsof -n to see who has them open.

Cheers for that, I ought to think about things before just saying them.
Given I'm running FDOM it's quite likely the gesture facility is doing

Ah dammit, just re-ran powertop and it''s not doing it today. It's now at
80% Timer Tick and other processor/kernel related stuff.

For reference, to build powertop (and pretty much any other binary) you'll
need to

opkg install gcc g++ cpp gcc-symlinks make binutils binutils-symlinks
libc6-dev ncurses ncurses-dev gettext

and then 

ln -s /usr/bin/ /usr/lib/

because it links ncursesw (wide character support?) and I couldn't find that
in the opkg repos. Of course you could just hack the powertop Makefile to
link to the straight libncurses. There are a few kernel parameters it
recommends, but I haven't yet got around to building my own kernel.
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Re: 2008.9 - Wake on incoming call not working?

2008-09-24 Thread Gothnet

Yes, have noticed similar behaviour on mine, last night it rang twice before
voicemail took the call - meaning there was a lot of time when it was either
asleep or silent.

Not incredibly useful.
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Re: events/0 uses 25% of CPU, avahi-daemon uses 9% (bluetooth problem?)

2008-09-24 Thread Gothnet

I found this -

And this thread. My phone is exhibiting these symptoms too. Any debug/trace
I can give that might help ?

root 5 19.4  0.0  0 0 ?S   13:51  28:57 [events/0]

Anyone know of a workaround? Re-suspend and resuming isn't doing it for me,
and the whole phone feels slower.
Kernel - 2:2.6.24+git75969+a1e97c611253511ffc2d8c45e3e6d6894fa03fa3-r1.01

The only other thing taking much processor time is [SDIO Helper] at 2.4%,
which still seems a lot.

If it *is* the wifi device then how does one disable it (other than in the
settings and doing ifconfig eth0 down, that is) ?

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Re: A few problems I've been having ... suggestions?

2008-09-10 Thread Gothnet

Thomas B. wrote:
 I think you can delete all contacts by loading the file into SQLite and
 doing delete from contacts;. Qtopia probably shouldn't be running and
 accessing the file while you are doing this.

Perfect, exactly what I was looking for. For future reference and for the
convenience of anyone looking for this on Google -

To delete your entire Qtopia addressbook from OM2008.08 (and probably other
Qtopia devices, YMMV), do the following:

1. Kill Qtopia. I did this by killing X pkill X

2. Copy the file /home/root/Applications/Qtopia/qtopia_db.sqlite on to
another machine with an SQLite client OR install an SQLite client onto the
I used

3. Delete from contacts

4. Delete from contactphonenumbers

5. Copy the file back to the freerunner and restart everything (I did this
via a reboot)

I should think there are a lot of other useful mass config type things you
could do with this method. BTW, contacts holds names and contactphonenumbers
has numbers, there are other tables with fairly obvious names that you'll
need to edit if you've added address data.

Thanks again,

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Re: Micro SD 8GB works

2008-09-09 Thread Gothnet

Joachim Ott-2 wrote:
That's old news. :-) See
following pic.

I've been using an 8GB Sandisk Premiere MicroSDHC in mine. I'm not yet
convinced it isn't a fake, as it works but the speed is not 100% convincing.

Would one of the two previous posters mind posting the results of hdparm -tT
performed on your device for comparison?

 Timing cached reads:92 MB in  2.01 seconds =  45.66 MB/sec
HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(null) (wait for flush complete) failed: Inappropriate ioctl
for device
 Timing buffered disk reads:4 MB in  3.82 seconds =   1.05 MB/sec
HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(null) (wait for flush complete) failed: Inappropriate ioctl
for device

Which is not quite the 10/9 the blurb for the card cited. Not that I'm sure
if the bottleneck is the freerunner or the card.
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Re: A few problems I've been having ... suggestions?

2008-09-09 Thread Gothnet

e hanks wrote:
 Maybe losing your other phone will result in a better running FreeRunner.

Definitely the impetus I needed to start looking at the freerunner more

 Finger friendly keyboard?!

Compared to matchbook? It's a blessing! I'm sure there's still work to be
done, but I can at least tap out a text message with my fingernail now. Most
of the time. And with some compromises on choice of words when it doesn't

 Wifi  GPS? Works. Mostly. Wpa_supplicant is tricky. Let Settings'
 Wifi fill in the blanks.

GPS just works and finds me. GPRS I haven't looked at yet.
Wifi likewise. I'm reasonably familiar with wpa_supplicant so I'm not
anticipating trouble.

 Battery woes.- all night is ok if you need some charging otherwise I'm
 pulling out the battery just to get a boot.

I think it heard me, this morning it decided to behave. Except for the alarm
which still didn't go off.

 Best of luck...


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Re: A few problems I've been having ... suggestions?

2008-09-09 Thread Gothnet

Evgeny Ginzburg wrote:
 Known problem for some operators, it seems there is fix for this in the 
 near future.

Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for that hitting the main repos, or try the
patch if it really affects me badly.

 Try this:

Unfortunately I tried that and I get -

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 24, in module
l = getAddressBook().getContactList((contains \x-evolution-any-field\
\\ ))
  File ./, line 17, in getAddressBook
sb = dbus.SessionBus()
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/, line 217, in
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/, line 106, in
bus = BusConnection.__new__(subclass, bus_type, mainloop=mainloop)
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/, line 125, in __new__
bus = cls._new_for_bus(address_or_type, mainloop=mainloop)
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed:
dbus-launch failed to autolaunch D-Bus session: Autolaunch requested, but
X11 support not compiled in.
Cannot continue.

Unfortunately I don'#t know my python well enough to figure out the problem,
unless it is the stated problem, in which case I may have deeper problems...

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Re: Micro SD 8GB works

2008-09-09 Thread Gothnet

arne anka wrote:
in short: the speed of the sd card does not matter, the bus is to slow to
honour high speed cards.

That's strangely reassuring. I'll hang on to the card I have then, the
capacity at least seems to be ocrrect.

arne anka wrote:
far more interesting than speed is: how does it work with suspend/resume?

I hadn't considered it might be a factor...

It seems to be fine, when I wake Om2008.08 by pressing the power button it
all seems to come back up fine.  Well, as fine as any other time. I have to
keep tapping the screen until it wakes up fully or it'll suspend again
immediately and not come back.
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Re: A few problems I've been having ... suggestions?

2008-09-09 Thread Gothnet

Evgeny Ginzburg wrote:
 Sorry I gave you wrong instructions, it's for OM 2007.
 OM 2008.8 stores data in /home/root/.evolution/
 hope this will help.

That path doesn't seem to exist on my freerunner

Am currently scanning through every file on the machine for a known string
(someone's name) to see if I can hunt down the addressbook, so far no luck.
Though I have found three instances of what look like predictive keypad
input with names in them.
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A few problems I've been having ... suggestions?

2008-09-08 Thread Gothnet


I've got a Freerunner and have figured out my way around flashing it and
trying out a bunch of things. A week or so ago I left my old mobile in a
hire car in another country (good move, I know) so the GTA02 has become my
main mobile. Both the update process and trying to use it day to day have
made me hit a few problems -

1. Couldn't update NOR uboot
Not a big problem, but after (roughly) following the process here -

I got as far as booting into 2008.08 and running:
flash_unlock /dev/mtd0
flash_eraseall /dev/mtd0
cat u-boot.udfu /dev/mtd0

before the Freerunner went to suspend (I didn't know about xset :0 s off at
that point). On every subsequent try the eraseall and cat stage fail. Not
that it matters as I have updated the NAND uboot.

2. Debian/FSO stopped associating with T-Mobile after a while
No idea why, but after a few boots zhone just stopped picking up a signal.
So I went back to 2008.08

3. 2008.08 sound problems.
It seems to either vary by day or by boot or by some other random factor.
Even after opkg update and upgrade last week (friday?) it either echoes the
remote party's speech right back to them, or my speech to me, or works
perfectly. Weird.

4. Qtopia addressbook on 2008.08 - Is there any way to do a mass delete?
I screwed up the vcf file I'm importing several times. The first couple of
times I manually deleted 50+ contacts one at a time, is there a
faster/better way to do this as deleting them all manually kinda sucks?

5. Charging overnight seems to kill it
I leave the phone attached to the mains charger overnight, as otherwise it
would likely run out of batteries. Unfortunately, by morning it's pretty
dead, won't come back from suspend and hasn't sounded the alarm I set. To
reboot I need to remove the battery and start it up again. This done, the
alarm goes off. Useful :)

7. Gotta answer calls quickly
If I don't pick up pretty fast I think the phone goes back to suspend or
something, but displays a couple of buttons at the bottom of the screen
saying yes and no. these buttons don't respond and nothing much else
seems to make it wake up again either. Battery out, start again...

Other than that it's pretty cool. I like having a phone I can ssh into. I
haven't yet started playing with the advanced functionality (GPRS,

I like the 2008.08 keyboard, it's finger friendly and the predictive text is
helpful, mostly. Are there ways to teach it extra words and/or switch it off

Thanks for your help/suggestions,


(Apologies if this shows up twice, it shouldn't as I wasn't subscribed first
time I posted)
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