Re: Can we?

2009-08-01 Thread David Woolley

Mark Doliner wrote:

Nope, 6 b) allows binary software to be distributed on a CD as long as
it is accompanied by a written offer to either give people the source
via CD or give people access to the source on a network server.

No. It doesn't allow the network server option.

I think this is open to interpretation.  The GPL only states that the
source must be available through equivalent copying facilities.  If
they make their binary available via FTP and the source available via
HTTP, that's good enough for me because I consider those two to be
equivalent for this purpose.

I believe the intent is to ensure that the person who received the 
binary is equally capable of receiving the source.  The person may be 
behind a firewall that blocks one, but not the other.  The technology 
they are using may be old (not a network case, but, for example, 
offering executables on CD, but sources on Bluray might be used to 
prevent effective supply of the source to some classes of user).  Going 
the other way, the alternative technology might have become effectively 
obsolete for the normal user - they might even have the capability to 
use it, but simply not know how - given the questions asked on this 
list, that would be quite possible for Pidgin.

It used to say on a medium customarily used for software distribution, 
but nowadays it would be easy to choose such a medium that would be 
effectively inaccessible to many people who might benefit from the 
source, even if 9 track, half inch, tape is no longer customearily used.

David Woolley
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Re: Can we?

2009-07-31 Thread David Woolley

Mark Doliner wrote:

Yeah that should be totally fine.  Pidgin is licensed under the GPL,
and is therefore free to distribute.  If you make any modifications
you're obligated to offer the source code to those modifications to
anyone who you've offered the binary.

I don't believe that they have to modify the code to come under that 
obligation.  Section 3 applies to executables distributed under both 
section 1 and section 2.

They would be strongly advised to include the source code on the CD, as 
that fulfills their obligation with no further hassle.

David Woolley
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Re: Can we?

2009-07-31 Thread David Woolley

Mark Doliner wrote:

I feel like this part of the GPL is a little vague.  Relevant excerpt
from GPLv3, section 6d:

You are allowed to distribute the binary provided you offer
equivalent access to the Corresponding Source in the same way through
the same place at no further charge. ... If the place to copy the

That seems stronger than V2 for non-network access.  As they are 
providing it on CD, it seems to require that they provide the source on 
CD, free, which makes it even more important that they include it with 
the original CD.

object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source may be on a
different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports

This only applies to network access.

equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain clear directions
next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source.
Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain
obligated to ensure that it is available for as long as needed to
satisfy these requirements.

I don't know about Pidgin, but this can be tricky for some software, as 
the original site will often remove the source as soon as the mandatory 
availability period is over.

My interpretation is that it's fine for them to distribute an
unmodified binary as long as they tell people you can get the source
from;  And I'm personally ok with that.

And they only distribute it using HTTP.

David Woolley
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Re: harassment issue

2009-07-28 Thread David Woolley

Teddybear12787 wrote:

I use pidgin with aim and I am being harassed by a user. I know how to 
block him but he keeps on using different screen names to harass me. How 
do I report this to AIM. Their website was not helpful at all.

The procedure is given in  It 
involves using the standard client.

I would advise using the standard client in this case, as you may get 
rejected out of hand by their first line support people, if they think 
you are using a non-standard client, even though the issue has nothing 
to do with the client. The doesn't have an official abuse 
contact, but emailing abuse@some relevant domain name may also get to 
the right people. (Include details of times, timezones, screen names, etc.)

Unfortuantely, blocking a persistent IM abuser depends on AIMs ability 
to identify the underlying abuser.  This may involve cooperation from 
their ISP, and a really determined abuser may continually change ISPs.

Ultimately, though, this is an issue between you and AIM and not related 
to Pidgin.

David Woolley
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Re: Trouble logging in to Mxit

2009-07-28 Thread David Woolley

Marnie Olivier wrote:
I downloaded Pidgin and tried to connect to Mxit, using the same details 
that i use to log in to Mxit on my Phone but it keeps giving me a 
message that says:
*_Error contacting the Mxit Wap site.  Please try again later_*
what should i do?

Try the following links, where it may be possible to get support on the 
MXit plugin for pidgin.

The plugin is not supported by this list.

David Woolley
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Re: ibpurple security vulnerability

2009-07-28 Thread David Woolley

Erik Test wrote:

Couldn't you submit a bug report to Pidgin?

Does the bug tracker support confidential reports?  Typically such 
people don't want vulnerabilities publicised to the hackers until they 
are fixed or the maintainers have failed to respond expeditiously.

David Woolley
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Re: Running the program

2009-07-26 Thread David Woolley

Steve VanSlyck wrote:
Can someone please advise where the executable is after the install 

That would depend on the OS and the installer.

For Windows, if it hasn't created a start menu item, I would consider it 
to have failed to install, if it has, just look at the properties on the 
short cut.

For Unix/Linux, I would typically use a package from the makers of the 
OS/Linux distribution, and they would choose the location.

If you use make install, you can look at the Makefile.

Most modern Unix like systems also have whereis, find and locate commands.
David Woolley
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Re: can't add more buddies

2009-07-26 Thread David Woolley

Kelsey Padrick wrote:

and the operating system would be Windows right?

That's worrying.  It's too easy for Microsoft to establish a monopoly if 
consumers don't know what they are using.  Markets require informed 

If you don't know what you are using, it is almost certainly some 
version of MS Windows.  As it is presumably post Windows 95, launch My 
Computer, then select the About item in the Help menu.  (More detailed 
information can be obtained by using the Run... item, on the start menu, 
and entering winmsd (there are also GUI ways of reaching this). (I'm 
not sure if winmsd is still present on Windows Vista.)

The date (month and year) of purchase, and country, for the computer, 
might also give a clue as to the version, although we'd also need to 
know whether or not the machine is a netbook.

One of the problems that a third party, and, at least in the case of 
MSN, unapproved, client has is that the service provider can change the 
service, to make it incompatible, without warning, however it is 
interesting that all the problem reports come from people with rather 
limited computer knowledge.

David Woolley
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Re: Good documentation for LIBPURPLE and PHURPLE

2009-07-26 Thread David Woolley

Valdis wrote:

Hi, where can I find a good documentation for Phurple/Libpurple?

Where have you already tried?

In my experience, the only time that software libraries get good 
documentation is when they get standardised by international bodies.

It may well be that you have already found the best that is available.

David Woolley
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Re: please help

2009-07-22 Thread David Woolley

Helon van Dyk wrote:

Can not get mxit pc to work. Login problems

Please see the answer given to all the other people having problems with 
the MXit plugin.  It helps to read recent postings before asking a question.

David Woolley
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Re: please help

2009-07-22 Thread David Woolley

Helon van Dyk wrote:

Can not get mxit pc to work. Login problems

The install instructions clearly say If you have any issues, please 
check the  MXit Pidgin Plugin Forum, although the volume of MXit 
postings there seems a lot less than here.

David Woolley
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Re: Mxit mobile

2009-07-21 Thread David Woolley

Valintina Moodley wrote:

Please assist me in loading my mobile mxit onto my pc using pidgin

Please read recent postings before posting off topic.  When you do find 
the correct support channel for the MXit plugin, please raise the issue 
that too many people are going to the wrong place for support.  There is 
clearly a problem in its documentation or marketing.

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It ceased to be confidential when you posted it to a public mailing list!

David Woolley
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Re: Rss Support in Pidgin ?

2009-07-20 Thread David Woolley

dhruv bhutani wrote:

I'd like to know if we can add rss support to get the headlines from
rss feeds instantaneously.

RSS is a pull technology, so it will never give you instantaneous results.

David Woolley
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Re: Cuenta deshabilitada

2009-07-20 Thread David Woolley

Sonia wrote:
Since some days ago I can´t open my pidgin chat. It says that my count 
has been disabled (deshabilitada) and I don´t understand the reason 
why.Could you please help me?

You will have to ask the people who run your account.

David Woolley
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Re: Cannot connect

2009-07-18 Thread David Woolley

Rich Cowe wrote:

Just downloaded the latest version. I have an account with Yahoo. I

Which version number?

Which operating system?

Followed the instructions on the install and added my account to the
account interface in pidgin. At the bottom of the buddy list interface

Which of the suggested fixes recently posted to this list have you 
already tried?

it says: Available - Connecting. Connecting is grayed out and the
animation isn't spinning. I have turned off the anti-virus and have
check all the menu items to see if I have missed anything. The windows
firewall isn't on. This workstation is connected to a domain. I have
version 2.5.8 
Is there any other information you need?

Which ISP?  (They might be blocking yahoo).

From which country?  (Might affect which yahoo server you use and the 
version of the protocol.)

Which other yahoo clients have you successfully used from the same 
machine, with the same ISP.

What is logged in the debug log, as described in

Anything else that might give a clue as to how your use differs from 
that of the many people for which it works.

Going beyond what might be reasonable expectations for an ordinary user:

The output of the command line netstat command.

David Woolley
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Re: Cannot connect

2009-07-17 Thread David Woolley

Rich Cowe wrote:

I am not able to connect using my Yahoo account in pidgin.

If you want help, and the answers to other similar queries didn't solve 
your problem, you are going to have to provide a lot more information 
than that.

David Woolley
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Re: Passwort

2009-07-13 Thread David Woolley

frank wrote:

Ich kann Pidgin nicht mehr aktivieren, habe mein Passwot vergessen.

See the answer to unable to log into Pidgin.


I can no longer start Pidgin (because) I've forgotten my password.

David Woolley
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Re: Simpler update (Windows)

2009-07-09 Thread David Woolley

David Balazic wrote:

1.) click next (Welcome...)

Possibly a limitation of the installer package.

2.) agree to license

Typical open source licences aren't written to cover future updates, so 
there is a new licence being given.  This step may not be strictly 
necessary for bare licences, but given the populare confusion between 
freeware, open source and public domain, possibly desirable.

Commercial software updaters often require agreement to a supplementary 
licence agreement, at this point.

3.) components selection

Needed.  A user might change the selection, or there may be new choices.

4.) Destination folder selection

Redundant, but only if the installer is able to find the old folder.

5.) Confirming the completion

Desirable.  This represents the start of the commit for the udpate, and 
it needs to be clear to the user when they are going to do the permanent 
change.  I sometimes dry run installs.

6.) Confirming finishation (with the option to run)

Possibly built into the installer package.

David Woolley
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Crash whilst changing (CJK?) font on Windows Vista (was: Bugs report)

2009-06-30 Thread David Woolley

fan feng wrote:

Pidgin v2.5.8 on vista sp2, qq 2005 protocol, Pidgin itself crashed.
In chat window,edit font.

Was it installed from source or binary?

When it crashes:

- do all Pidgin Windows disappear?  If not, according to task manager, 
how many CPUs worth of processing power is Pidgin still using?

- is an error message displayed?  If so, what, exactly?

- is there anything written to the event log?

I assume you are using a Chinese font.  Does it crash for a Western font?

I don't have Vista and I'm not familiar with the debugging support for 
Pidgin on Vista, but if it crashes or freezes, on XP, it ought to be 
possible to obtain DrWatson output, or a minidump, that might be useful. 
 (I'm assuming you are not a software developer.)

If it exits normally, but abruptly, I would expect it to write something 
to the event log, or to its own log.

(I'm not going to be able to debug this myself; I'm just trying to get 
the information that someone else will need to do that.)

David Woolley
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Re: Bugs report

2009-06-29 Thread David Woolley

fan feng wrote:
I am a chinese user, i set font will lead app crashed:

In talk window,字体(Font)-字体(Font)
And it's hard to send image in talk window.

Which operating system?]

Which version of Pidgin?

Which instant messaging protocol?

What do you mean by crash? (Freezes, terminates, etc.)

Exactly what does one need to do to reproduce the fault.

Note.  In your case, I think it would help if you asked the question in 
both English and Chinese

David Woolley
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Legality of .NET Messenger (MSN Messenger) with Pidgin/GAIM

2009-06-28 Thread David Woolley
I've been using GAIM to access .NET Messenger from Linux, but have just 
upgraded my Windows partition to XP.  When I tried to log in to MSN 
Messenger, it said there was a mandatory upgrade, which I downloaded.

I am one of those people who actually reads small print, so I read the 
licence terms and it seems to say that I may not use unauthorised 
clients to access .NET Messenger.  Not unsurprisingly, Pidgin/GAIM is 
not amongst the small list on their authorised clients sites.

I abandoned the install to avoid agreeing, until I'd researched the 
issue more.

Is there any news on this restriction?
David Woolley
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