I recently discovered a new privacy option called TorChat (
https://github.com/prof7bit/TorChat/wiki). There's a stand-alone client
that's fully functional but not nearly as slick as Pidgin. Of greater
intrest is the present form of a Pidgin plug-in that takes a bit of
cobbling to work, and had I not resolved persistent OTR connection failure
(see below), making TorChat work inside Pidgin would have been my next
effort. I'm a big fan of Tor and it would be great if someone with more
time and better coding/packaging skills could create a Pidgin plug-in for
TorChat that is better integrated and more easily installable. TorChat not
only offers encryption comparable to OTR but also provides anonymity via
the Tor network. I love OTR and have used it for many years but in today's
privacy-hostile climate, more options are always desirable.

The problem that precipitated this discovery: Pidgin suddenly stopped
connecting via OTR 2 days ago on all 6 machines in my network. Nothing I
tried would resolve the issue on any of them until I migrated from ICQ to
AIM accounts and everything started working perfectly once again. I
strongly suspect that the ICQ network has been altered (intentionally or
inadvertently) to block the use of OTR. Perhaps gummint goons are sniffing.
ICQ becomes FQ2 - you have been warned.
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