
I modified the videomem driver so it is able to get raw pixels, the
firmware is available here
<https://community.elphel.com/files/393/20180116/> - built in rocko branch.

So, the basic functionality is implemented: read and mmap. There are a few
more things to be done:

* in the fpga memory the buffer for pixel data is 2-frames long (for each
port) - right now there's no way to learn which image to start from in that
buffer, based on the absolute frame number or anything else. Once started
it's easy to follow, of course.
Alternatively, those memory channels and counters can be reset, so the
start would always be in the beginning - I need to test it.

* finish a demo script with setting proper sizes, frame waiting, and
getting frames from 2 channels (only a single port can be accessed for raw
data at a time)

* test 16bpp


> root@elphel393:~# raw.py


> https://wiki.elphel.com/wiki/Working_with_raw_image_data#Downloading

Let me know if you have any comments/wishes.

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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