Flash plug-in not really disabled?

2013-07-07 Thread Dan B.

Does the Flash plug-in bypass SeaMonkey's disabling of it?

I have disabled the Flash plug-in (in the configuration page at
about:addons), and when I go to a page like
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRW2poUfJ34, SeaMonkey first says

   This plugin is disabled
  Manage plugins

but then a second later the video starts playing anyway.


support-seamonkey mailing list

how to delete site setting more than one site at a time?

2013-07-07 Thread Dan B.

How can one delete (forget) settings (e.g., cookie-setting permissions)
from multiple sites at once?

It looks like one can't select multiple sites and execute Forget About
This Domain once for all selected sites.  (That's in the Data Manager,
with, say, Permissions Only selected on the left.

I've got about 1000 sites listed, and I want to clear cookies and
cookie-setting permissions for all but a handful of sites.  (That is,
I do _not_ want to simple wipe out _all_ sites' settings and data.
Of course, having to click 4 or 6 times for _each_ of 1000 sites isn't
acceptable either.)

Surely there should be a way to delete multiple sites' data at once,
but I haven't discovered one yet.

Is there a way?

support-seamonkey mailing list

SeaMonkey 2(.15.1) no longer sees printer (that SM 1.x can see)

2013-01-28 Thread Dan B.

What is required for SeaMonkey (2.x) on Linux to be able to see (recognize
the availability of) a printer?

I could print with SeaMonkey 1.1.14.  Now that I've finally upgraded to
SeaMonkey 2.15.1 I can't print, because SeaMonkey 2.15.1 doesn't list any

SeaMonkey 1.1.14 does recognize my printer.  (If I try to print a page in
1.1.14, the print dialog window's Printer Name pulldown list lists my
CUPS/r200 printer (and my Postscript/default virtual printer).)

SeaMonkey 2.15.1 does not recognize either.  When I try to print a page
in 2.15.1, its (different) print dialog window's list of printers is

(This is in a non-Gnome/non-KDE (no desktop-environment) X11 setup,
on Debian Squeeze (6.0).)

So, what's the difference between how SeaMonkey 1.x detected printers
and how SeaMonkey 2.x does it?

(What Linux library or configuration (or message daemon or whatever does 
SeaMonkey 2.x


support-seamonkey mailing list

which preference for mouse-wheel scrolling number of lines?

2013-01-23 Thread Dan B.

Which preference(s) controls the number of lines scrolled in a web page
or in a mail message when the mouse wheel is rotated?

(Which setting is the one that changed from about 1 line to about 3 lines
somewhere between SeaMonkey 1.1.14 and 2.15.1?)

(I tried changing toolkit.scrollbox.verticalScrollDistance, but I didn't
notice any change.  Other preferences I've found when Google-searching
apparently are Firefox-specific and not in SeaMonkey.)


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: LastPass Extension Removed

2012-12-03 Thread Dan B.

Mr. Cheese wrote:

 Subject: Re: LastPass Extension Removed

 I just upgraded to 2.14 and was told that one of my extensions was
 incompatible (LastPass). I thought this extension would be disabled
 during the installation  It looks like it was removed.  ...

SeaMonkey said it was removed, or it actually was removed?  (The quotes
in your subject imply the former, but your other text seems to say the

support-seamonkey mailing list

Send Right Click command?

2012-11-29 Thread Dan B.

Does SeaMonkey have any settings to both:
1) block the web page from disabling SeaMonkey's right-click context menu,
2) while still allowing the user to send a right-click event to the web
   page (conveniently)?

I see the Allow scripts to: . Disable or replace context menus setting.

If there were also a Send Right Click command on the context menus for
web page elements, then users could still effectively right click in a
page (send right-click events to JavaScript in a page) but still make
sure that no page could override the normal mapping of right-click to
browser-supplied context menu.

How hard would that be to add?  (I'm asking both technically (any
implementation trickiness?) and regarding convincing Mozilla


support-seamonkey mailing list

suddenly getting plugin ... blocked message, with no pointer to to what do

2012-04-04 Thread Dan B.

All of the sudden today I'm getting the message This plugin has been blocked
for your protection when I try to use the applet on the page at
http://javaboutique.internet.com/lines/.  (It worked fine yesterday.)

The message doesn't say anything about why the plugin was blocked.

It also doesn't say anything about the user can do about it.  (E.g.,
there's no pointer to whatever preference setting might be relevant.)

In fact, that message doesn't even say _which_ plugin was blocked!

The page has, or at least had, a Java applet, and other supposedly-Java-
applet pages show the same symptom, so apparently the message is
referring to about the Java plugin.

So why would SeaMonkey be blocking the Java plugin?  And what can be
done to fix that?


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