INFO WG wrote:
Sadly, another reason all efforts should have been long ago placed on
SM 2.

1) You're assuming that effort on SeaMonkey 1.1.x releases takes away from efforts on SeaMonkey 2.0.

2) You really want SeaMonkey 1.1.x to not get security releases, leaving us without a stable, up-to-date SeaMonkey? This is madness.

Frankly, experience like that has shown the futility of beating an older
software horse when it was almost folly to get involved with it

What a load of crock. When SeaMonkey 1.1.x came out, there was nothing better.

especially as more modern code and people (staff) were available.

Excuse me?! The SeaMonkey project consists entirely of volunteers, and those haven't changed. Many people who work on Firefox are being /paid/ to do so. No such thing with SeaMonkey.

I think my efforts here in SM land were more to start pointing out the
futility of engaging SM 1.x when SM 2 code was already past being on the
drawing board, and that I felt and still do that SM 2 only would have
been the far more prudent course.

Efforts? Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one. Your ignorant complaints bring nothing to the project.

Again, patches welcome.
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