Re: ZoomText and SeaMonkey

2010-09-26 Thread cyberzen

John Cunniff a écrit :

Hi Everybody,

I want to let you know that I got a new screen magnification/Reader
called is ZoomText version 9.18 from my Blind state agency. I tried
composing a message, but sadly, it didn't detect a cursor. I contacted
ZoomText staff at their Facebook. Someone told me that I would try
hitting CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+D to detect a cursor and to save an application.
But, unfortunately, after I hit 4 combined keys, it reported to me with
an error, which, it said: No application cursor detected, cannot
save... I reported back to Facebook page. Someone advised to give
SeaMonkey a ring. So, let me ask you.

For the Developers: Can you please make SeaMonkey magnification/Reader
accessible? I would more than appreciate your help in making ZoomText
more accessible. If you need more information, please let me know.

Many thanks for your help!

Johnny :)

curiously with my notebook, hitting ctrl makes the cursor radar to be 
shown , due to the effect of the track pad driver (a mouse driver can do 
the same)

maybe a check could be done if the last release of the drivers are 
applied, mouse and video card

more SM2 has capabilities of zooming the text only, or the whole page, 
on the choice of the user, it just needs to be made more practicable.

I could see myself that the use of nosquint addon makes things nearly 
perfect, but ...
in mailnews component the zoom effects are not provided as easily as in 
the browser

in mailnews I can textzoom with ctrl + but not with ctrl scroll... curious.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: ZoomText and SeaMonkey

2010-09-23 Thread Beverly Howard

 Your Operating System
Windows XP Services Pack 3
 Your Monitor size
21 inches
 Your Video settings (pixel size)
800 X 600
 Seamonkey version
 my preferred screen magnification is 10X

thanks... that clarifies your need.

It would help to get the ruler size height of a readable character on 
your monitor screen such as 1.5 inches

The point or font sizes end up being dependent on other factors that 
determine the baseline for your display... i.e. if you were to change 
your display settings from 800x600 to 1600x1200, all the characters of 
the same point size would then be 1/4 the size after the switch.

You seem to have a good handle on your setup, so, all I can do is to add 
a few thoughts;

The windows font setting can make a major difference but while helping 
by increasing the size of text throughout the computer, many programs 
assume that the setting will be standard and cut off or hide text that 
is larger than the window it will display in.  To experiment, would suggest


You can go to custom but I assume you will find that 150% and larger 
will lead to too many problems.

If you don't have one, consider getting on of the Microsoft Intellimouse 
products.  These have additional buttons on the mouse and ship with 
Intellipoint sofware that includes an excellent magnifier.

You can then set one of these buttons to launch the magnifier which will 
appear centered around the mouse cursor anywhere on the screen.

Additionally, when holding the button down, the scroll wheel varies the 
magnification and moving the mouse resizes the magnification box.

Post specific questions and I and others will try to assist.

Beverly Howard

support-seamonkey mailing list

ZoomText and SeaMonkey

2010-09-22 Thread John Cunniff

Hi Everybody,

I want to let you know that I got a new screen magnification/Reader 
called is ZoomText version 9.18 from my Blind state agency. I tried 
composing a message, but sadly, it didn't detect a cursor. I contacted 
ZoomText staff at their Facebook. Someone told me that I would try 
hitting CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+D to detect a cursor and to save an application. 
But, unfortunately, after I hit 4 combined keys, it reported to me with 
an error, which, it said: No application cursor detected, cannot 
save... I reported back to Facebook page. Someone advised to give 
SeaMonkey a ring. So, let me ask you.

For the Developers: Can you please make SeaMonkey magnification/Reader 
accessible? I would more than appreciate your help in making ZoomText 
more accessible. If you need more information, please let me know.

Many thanks for your help!

Johnny :)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: ZoomText and SeaMonkey

2010-09-22 Thread Beverly Howard
 I want to let you know that I got a new screen magnification/Reader 
called is ZoomText version 9.18 from my Blind state agency. 

Thanks for the post.  It is helpful to get input on needs that most of 
us cannot comprehend.

It would help if you posted some additional information including;

Your Operating System
Your Monitor size
Your Video settings (pixel size)
Seamonkey version
Physical Size (the height of characters) the text needs to be for you to 
easily read it.

 Can you please make SeaMonkey magnification/Reader accessible? 

Within SeaMonkey, the text size is controlled by Ctrl + and Ctrl -)

Unfortunately, most website designs do not allow large text to display 

Your magnifier should run above SeaMonkey and other applications.  It 
sounds like it would be helpful to have someone familiar with the 
program configure it on your computer while you watch and learn.

There are other magnifiers available depending on your system, but, they 
may not be sufficient for your needs.

Beverly Howard

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: ZoomText and SeaMonkey

2010-09-22 Thread John Cunniff

Beverly Howard wrote:

Your Operating System

Windows XP Services Pack 3

Your Monitor size

21 inches

Your Video settings (pixel size)

800 X 600

Seamonkey version


Physical Size (the height of characters) the text needs to be for you to
easily read it.
	SeaMonkey's default value is Variable Width at 10 pts. [Except for the 
News  Newsgroups set to Fixed Width in Plain Text composition] And, for 
ZoomText, my preferred screen magnification is 10X that would make it 
look like it would be 22 or 24 font size, but SeaMonkey is really set to 
10 points.

Thanks very much!

Johnny :)
support-seamonkey mailing list