Newly unsealed documents prove that Monsanto covered up evidence that the
main ingredient in Roundup was a carcinogen for nearly 20 years.

Newly unsealed documents prove that Monsanto covered up evidence that the
main ingredient in Roundup was a carcinogen for nearly 20 years.

A federal judge in the United States recently ordered Monsanto to release
250 pages of internal documents, and what they revealed is practically
criminal: *Monsanto has known for 17 years that glyphosate, the main
ingredient in its pesticide Roundup, could cause cancer. *

*And they launched a massive coverup to make sure we never found out. *

The released documents -- dubbed the "Monsanto papers" -- show the
agricultural giant has been manipulating research, colluding with a senior
government official at the US Environmental Protection Agency, and
providing bogus articles to government agencies -- all to refute the fact
that glyphosate is a carcinogen.

*Monsanto has proven itself completely untrustworthy and an ongoing risk to
public health.* It should never be allowed to merge with Bayer -- which
would only make both companies more powerful and give them control over our
food supply from seed to plate.

Here's what happened: In 1999, Monsanto commissioned a researcher to study
glyphosate and prove that it does not cause cancer. However, the scientist
found just the opposite -- that glyphosate had properties likely to be

*Rather than do the ethical thing and stop using glyphosate, Monsanto
buried the study and began a massive campaign to "prove" that glyphosate
did not cause cancer. *

Internal corporate communications uncovered by the courts show that
Monsanto *conspired with an EPA deputy director to stop reviews of the
effects of glyphosate* by government agencies. The same EPA official also
tipped off the company to a glyphosate report released by the International
Agency for Research on Cancer, giving Monsanto the time it needed to build
a public relations onslaught against the findings.

The agri-giant paid for their own studies defending glyphosate use, and
then hired scientists to write articles for academic journals using the
studies. These articles were then used by the EPA and the European Food
Safety Authority to determine that Roundup was safe to use on food crops.

*And we only know about the coverup because of a lawsuit by people claiming
they got cancer from using Roundup.*

Now, even though the International Agency for Research on Cancer has
classified glyphosate as a probable carcinogen, Monsanto is *still denying*
that Roundup is harmful.

*Monsanto needs to be held accountable for the damage it's done to the
environment and to the people who use its products. *

SumOfUs is continuing our fight to stop Monsanto and Bayer from merging
into the largest agribusiness in the world. We're continuing to pressure
antitrust regulators in Europe and the U.S., using some of the best legal
minds to prove that the merger is a violation of monopoly laws. We're
campaigning along with farmers and consumers to show the public how harmful
a Monsanto-Bayer partnership is, and we're reaching out to Bayer
shareholders to let them know how much they'll lose in this merger.

*Together we can stop Monsanto and Bayer's mega merger. *Will you chip in
to help keep up the fight?

*If you've saved your payment information with SumOfUs, your donation will
go through immediately:*

Donate $60 now
Donate $90 now
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Thanks for all that you do,

Kat and the team at SumOfUs

More Information:

Documents Prove Monsanto Has Known Roundup Was Dangerous For Years
<>, *Konbini*,
March 21, 2017

Monsanto Weed Killer Roundup Faces New Doubts on Safety in Unsealed
Documents <>
, *The New York Times*, March 14, 2017

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to
hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new,
sustainable path for our global economy.

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“Someone needs to explain to me why wanting clean drinking water makes you
an activist – and why proposing to destroy water with chemical warfare
doesn’t make a corporation a terrorist.”  Winona LaDuke

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