Carey Gillam has spent the last two decades researching and writing about
Monsanto’s efforts to dominate global agriculture as a purveyor of
specialty seeds and the well-known and widely used weed killer called
Roundup. The research has led him to a dark place - evidence of decades of
deception surrounding Roundup and its active ingredient glyphosate, and the
impacts on people and the environment.

He has pulled it all together in a new book titled *Whitewash: The Story of
a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of Science
Carey Gillam*

For him, *Whitewash *is more than an exposé about the hazards of one
chemical or the actions of one company. It’s also a call to remember the
lessons of Rachel Carson and *Silent Spring* as evidence mounts that we are
in a very precarious point as the push for pesticide dependence and the
drive for corporate profits take precedence over people’s lives and our

*Erin Brokovich* said about Whitewash: “I am hopeful that Carey’s book will
be a wake-up call for more transparency about the dangers surrounding many
chemicals in the marketplace.” My hope is that you will help share the
messages and revelations contained in *Whitewash* with as many people as
you can.

As the new administration in Washington sets about slashing pesticide
regulations and contributing to heightened concerns about political
interference in scientific research,Help is needed to make sure this book
resonates and doesn’t fall victim to the chemical industry interests who
are already working to quash it. Time is of the essence. Both the EPA and
the European Commission are currently analyzing whether to keep glyphosate
on the market or limit its use, and there is rising global interest in the
safety of this deeply pervasive pesticide. Truth and transparency must lead
during this critical time.

Carey Gillam will be testifying at the EU hearing next Wednesday
9 on the Monsanto Papers!

Let’s fill in all the weak spaces

With a love so bold
it makes us whole.

-Andrea Weiser, from "Threadbare Happiness"

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If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
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