thot the ST list would also appreciate this framing article.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elan Shapiro <>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 11:28 AM
Subject: [C4SED] Valuable justice-oriented article on climate issues
To: C4sed <>, building bridgeslist <>

We Don’t Need a ‘War’ on Climate Change, We Need a Revolution
NYT 10/31/16

I find this this article to be very valuable


What would winning a “war” against climate change even look like? McKibben
suggests a huge mobilization to produce green technologies, solar panels,
wind turbines and electric cars. He cites the public seizure and
transformation of private factories during World War II that enabled the
United States to produce bombers and other instruments that helped win the

Certainly greener technologies can help, but solar panels won’t purify
Flint’s lead-ridden water or lower asthma rates in the Bronx, some of the
highest in the country because of the proximity to trucking lanes.
Technology alone can’t address the environmental injustice
disproportionately confronting minorities. However, if we understand that
the enemy is not our physical environment, but the unjust social relations
that allow some to gain at the expense of and risk to others, then
technological solutions can be a part, but only a part, of the plan.
Crucial to this plan is gaining social control over the private,
exploitative and even irresponsible direction of the human-nature

For this reason, Naomi Klein has called for solutions that go beyond the
technological. She emphasizes, not just green energy, but also “people
power.” Her most recent book and film, “This Changes Everything: Capitalism
vs. the Climate,” feature a number of grass-roots movements resisting the
forces that threaten people’s relationships with their environment —
sometimes even in the name of “green” solutions, such as hydroelectric dam
projects. We want to follow Klein’s lead in shifting the conceptual focus
from technologies of power to relations of power.


Elan Shapiro
Building Bridges Coalition
Frog's Way B&B
211 Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, NY 14850

Happiness isn’t something we “find.” It’s what we become as we align our
lives with thriving community and life-giving earth.”   Frances Moore

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