If you watch anything this weekend, turn on the National Geographic
documentary: "Before the Flood," with Leonardo DiCaprio as the face & voice
of the message: we can affect climate change for the better if we act now
in small and large ways. The 1 1/2 hour movie is free. Watch it on your
computer or you television but watch it.

To climate deniers among us, you have a right to your opinion, but you do
not have a right to make up facts. The facts are indisputable, regardless
of all the ExxonMobile money buying politicians and media pundits saying

Live as if your life and the life of future generations matter.



*“Hope is not the optimism that things will turn out right. Hope is the
soul’s deep orientation to what is right, no matter how things turn out.”**
       -Vaclav Havel*

For more information about sustainability in the Tompkins County area, please 
visit:  http://www.sustainabletompkins.org/
If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
Shelley, at t...@cornell.edu.

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