In case you missed this story or didn't know the history (I didn't), then
here's the real Bowling Green Massacre
The history we weren't taught in high school or college. Always a good idea
to read different sources. The alt-fact lunatics can only get away with
their lunacy for so long. Looking forward to the reaction of those who
"believed" the rump and his skanky staff, then realize they'd been
"trumped." ha ha.


" And there is no doubt that a shift towards renewables is more than a
shift in power sources but also a fundamental shift in power relations
between humanity and the natural world on which we depend. The power of the
sun, wind, and waves can be harnessed, to be sure, but unlike fossil fuels,
those forces can never be fully possessed by us. Nor do the same rules work
from Naomi Klein, "This Changes Everything"

-- The main thing in one's own private world is to try to laugh as much as
you cry.
Maya Angelou

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