Re: [Biofuel] the tax man cometh

2006-08-10 Thread bob allen
the tax applies to any fuel produced and used on-road. I don't have 
the letter here in front of me, but as I recall it wanted to know how 
much I produced total and how much was used as on-road motor fuel. The 
tax is retroactive for 2005.

 Does the tax apply even if you are producing it as an additive?
 On Monday, August 07, 2006  4:13 PM, bob allen wrote:
 Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 16:13:54 -0500
 From: bob allen
 Subject: [Biofuel] the tax man cometh

 I recently received a letter from the Arkansas Department of finance.  I am 
 to herewith submit 22.5
 cents per gallon of biodiesel produced.  I guess that this happened because 
 of an article that
 appeared in a statewide newspaper, concerning my manufacture of biodiesel as 
 a student project.
 (Some pin-headed commercial producer felt that I should be paying my fair 
 share of taxes), which I
 don't mind.

 Now if I can just figure out how to get the 50 cent-a-gallon produce tax 

 Bob Allen,
 The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises in moral 
 philosophy; that is,
 the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness  JKG

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Bob Allen,
The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness  JKG

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[Biofuel] Out to Lunch

2006-08-10 Thread Keith Addison
(August 10, 2006)
Out to Lunch

by Remi Kanazi

The US media's biased coverage of the crisis in Lebanon should come 
as no surprise. While the White House and Congress claim a special 
relationship with Israel, our news outlets are not supposed to have 
a special relationship with anyone. Their job is to report fairly 
on the issues; anything less is a disservice to those watching their 
news programs and reading their newspapers.

Shockingly, Larry King Live has been fair in its coverage of the 
conflict consuming Lebanon in contrast to Fox News' O'Reilly Factor, 
MSNBC's Scarborough Country and yes, CNN's darling Anderson Cooper 
360. There is, however, much criticism to be doled out to CNN's 
longest-running interview program. One need look no further than 
Larry King Live's first two guests, Republican Senator George Allen 
and Democratic Senator Evan Bayh. It was nice to see--in this nine 
minute segment--two senators putting their congressional partisan 
politics aside to stand together in solidarity with the state of 
Israel. When Larry King asked Senator Allen if the US should be a 
true broker in the region, Allen replied, We support Israel, you're 
right Larry. Israel is a wellspring in the wilderness in the Middle 
East and we do support them and their right to protect themselves.

The next guest on the show was positioned as the Lebanese side. 
Larry King Live passed off the nearly four minute interview with 
Chibli Mallat--one of the leaders of the Cedar Revolution, deep 
critic of Hezbollah and candidate for President--as the voice of the 
Lebanese people. When Larry King asked Mallat about Hezbollah 
Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah's remark that the conflict is an 
Israeli/American plot to control the Middle East, Mallat responded, 
I'm afraid that I do agree with the senators. He [Nasrallah] 
initiated the conflict, and all this talk about a great plot between 
Israel and America is out of place. The conflict was initiated... by 
[Hezbollah's] reckless action through the Blue Line that separates 
Lebanon from Israel. That was a grave violation of international law 
and I think also a grave violation of Lebanese law. Like a true 
patriot, Mallat later urged restraint from Israel, echoing comments 
made by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice weeks earlier.

Now that the Lebanese people were heard, it was necessary to bring 
on the Israeli side, Israeli Consul General Ehud Danoch, to counter 
any Lebanese propaganda. For nearly four minutes, Danoch defended 
Israel and extensively illustrated its commitment to root out 
terrorism. As icing on the cake, Danoch took softball e-mails from 
viewers and general questions from Larry King such as, Why do you 
oppose a cease-fire now? and Are you optimistic?

One would think that after Larry King Live came back from break, the 
show would cut to the carnage in Lebanon, the destruction of its 
infrastructure, or an analyst discussing the humanitarian 
implications the siege on Lebanon presents. Not exactly. When the 
program returned from the break, Larry King cut to Anderson Cooper in 
Northern Israel, who--given the amount of reporting he's doing in the 
North--may as well be looking for a second home. Larry King then cut 
to Dr. Sanjay Gupta in Haifa. While Gupta spoke of the horror 
Katyusha rockets exact (thousands have been fired, inflicting very 
little damage relative to Israel's 500 pound bombs and artillery 
shells), pictures crossed the screen of injured Israeli women and 
children. The producers, however, were still unsatisfied. Before 
going to commercial, Anderson Cooper needed another six minutes 
explaining that the terrorist group, Hezbollah, is hiding within 
the civilian population. Cooper makes no mention of the fact that 
Hezbollah formed as a resistance group to fight off an Israeli 
military that slaughtered nearly twenty thousand innocent Lebanese 
and Palestinian civilians in 1982. To justify the mass murder of the 
Lebanese population today, Cooper makes clear to the viewer that 
while Israel is trying to be as accurate as possible, even the most 
moral military in the world can only be so precise. It's ironic that 
Cooper always has the exact number of Katyusha rockets fired on 
Israel, but the exact number of cluster bombs, artillery shells, and 
missiles used against the civilian population of Lebanon seems to 
evade his statistical charts.

A simple cut to commercial would not suffice; the producers of the 
program realized that any decent show must have a good outro. Larry 
King Live eased into the commercial with a balanced set of 
pictures: first, a young Muslim girl holding a picture of Hassan 
Nasrallah, followed by what is assumed to be a group of Lebanese 
burning American and Israeli flags, followed by a man carrying a 
blanket-covered lifeless body, succeeded by two young covered Muslim 
girls (one of them is in tears), and the sequence ended with three 

[Biofuel] Stop the Abuse of Power

2006-08-10 Thread D. Mindock

Stop the Abuse of Power is a twelve-minute video that weaves together these 
reckless decisions by our leaders and exposes the dire consequences for your 
rights, and in the lives of countless real people here in the United States and 
across the globe. 

VIDEOWatch the full 12-minute video: Stop the Abuse of 
Power or view a 
30-second trailer (Windows 

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[Biofuel] Open Letter to Bush from a Young Arab Woman

2006-08-10 Thread Keith Addison
Arab Woman

by Mira Al Hussein

2 August 2006

President Bush,

It has become extremely difficult to give you the benefit of the 
doubt on Lebanon, for you have left no doubt in our minds. We are now 
certain--like many of us have always been--that your foreign policy 
is completely biased towards Israel, and you have made no effort to 
hide this fact.

It is your choice, Mr. Bush, to support Israel, just like it is 
our--the entire Arab and Muslim world's--choice to support Lebanon. 
You insist that Israel has the right to defend itself. Defending 
oneself, I believe, is a universal right, not exclusive to Israel.

The first Qana massacre did not quench the Israeli thirst for 
blood, it is said, graphically describing yet another Israeli crime 
against the innocents of Lebanon. In Qana, 57 weaponless, defenseless 
civilians died in an Israeli air strike. Thirty-seven of them were 
children. Maybe these numbers don't matter to you, Mr. Bush; they are 
mere numbers of the nameless Lebanese dead. But they matter to more 
than 200 million Arabs in the Middle East.

I quote our late president, Shaikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who in 
1973 had said, Arab oil is not dearer than Arab blood. But it seems 
that Iraqi oil is dearer than American blood. I am somewhat relieved 
to arrive at this conclusion. At least there's no racism against a 
certain group of people. Everybody is a potential sacrifice to secure 
US interests, even if it means sacrificing a whole nation.

No, Mr. Bush, we will not accept, nor will we allow the sacrifice of 
more Lebanese civilians. A ceasefire should have been enforced two 
weeks ago. Was there a need for 37 children to die before you decided 
it was time for a ceasefire? How many more, Mr. Bush, should die 
before you decide to stop sending those bloody weapons to Israel? 
Perhaps we can afford a sacrifice that will rein in your generosity 
towards Israel permanently?

We, the people of the Middle East, have a dream for a new Middle 
East. Not the New Middle East that you've been brainstorming in 
your Oval Office. It is the new Middle East that Middle Easterners 
have been dreaming of: a Middle East with no violence, and no US-made 
weapons to fuel that violence. It is a dream only we, Middle 
Easterners, are allowed to dream and realize.

In Arabic we have a saying that goes, They murder the murdered and 
walk in his funeral. Allow me to interpret this for you, Mr. Bush: 
Your precision-guided missiles shipment has arrived in Tel Aviv. 
These missiles will precisely fall onto Lebanese villages; kill 
hundreds; and displace thousands more. (Evidently, we've just 
witnessed the first precise target in Qana.)

Yet you have compassionately been able to send aid to Beirut, at 
the same time, with supplies for the thousands of people directly and 
fatally affected by your vocal, (im)moral and military support for 
Israel. Please include US flags in your aid shipment to Beirut; they 
must have burned all the US flags in stock.

Mr. Bush, Lebanon can and will be rebuilt, but lost lives cannot be 
restored. Your credibility and your government's credibility have 
long been lost--irretrievably lost like those lost innocent lives. 
However, people will not forget this. They will not turn the other 
cheek; they will retaliate--just like you chose to retaliate after 
9/11. Retaliation is a value you have successfully promoted by 
putting it into practice, always.

I was born too late to see how the British Empire collapsed, but 
right on time to see how the American Empire is falling apart. Mr. 
Bush, you will surely be remembered in history for hastening that 

With no more respect to offer,

Mira Al Hussein

Mira Al Hussein is a writer based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates who 
has written for Dubai's English-language Khaleej Times. She can be 
reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Biofuel] the tax man cometh

2006-08-10 Thread Michael Redler
Hey Bob,I think your situation reinforces the idea that fuel/energy dependence isn't an OPEC thingand that the problem is home grown. If corporations and local governments didn't work together to limit the number of sources, you couldn't effectively tax it. I'm not against taxes, just how I'm taxed and what it's spent on (i.e. 750,000,000,000 on "defense").If my local government tried something like that with me, I'd seriously consider producer gas as a fuel. Let them try and noodle out a method of measuring and taxing CO and H2 by the cubic foot. The perfect fuel for a bureaucracy. The longer one waits to measure it, the less fuel their is to measure.:-)- RedlerP.S. I went to noticed that there is no "Recreational Bob" link. Shame on
 you.bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  the tax applies to any fuel produced and used on-road. I don't have the letter here in front of me, but as I recall it wanted to know how much I produced total and how much was used as on-road motor fuel. The tax is retroactive for 2005.DHAJOGLO wrote: Does the tax apply even if you are producing it as an "additive?"  -dave   On Monday, August 07, 2006 4:13 PM, bob allen wrote: Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 16:13:54 -0500 From: bob allen To: Subject: [Biofuel] the tax man cometh I recently received a letter from the Arkansas Department of finance. I am to herewith submit 22.5 cents per gallon of
 biodiesel produced. I guess that this happened because of an article that appeared in a statewide newspaper, concerning my manufacture of biodiesel as a student project. (Some pin-headed commercial producer felt that I should be paying my fair share of taxes), which I don't mind. Now if I can just figure out how to get the 50 cent-a-gallon produce tax credit. -- Bob Allen, ___
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Re: [Biofuel] George Galloway _ Lebanon. View it while you can

2006-08-10 Thread Kirk McLoren
It appears Bush has at least 3 motives for war.  1. OIL  2. support of radical right "Christianity" and their "end time" views thus their support of war.  3. Support of his allie Israel which wants his support for their expansionism. His father when director of CIA furthered this by CIA bankrolling Murdochso he could purchase all the media which we see is now pro Israel.  News reporting is not what they do. CONsensus forming is what they do.  Basically it seems oil ambitions have joined expansionist ambitions.Perhaps they are not so separate.Theremay be another factor as well in the alliance.  see  “Both George Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush (of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and
 Smith) are descended from the same Pierce family of England as President Franklin Pierce. Originally known as the enormously powerful Percy family of England, a name change to Pierce was required along with a quick immigration to America, when their involvement in the failed Gun Powder Plot to blow up Parliament became known. One of the Percy castles, where this plot was hatched was known as Sion House.   Other notable Bush relatives include the Grosvenor families of England and America, and the Taft family of Ohio. The Grosvenors of England are the Dukes of Westminster who own the most substantial properties in the City of London --- the banker's capital. Of over 100,000 acres of Grosvenor property, most is in the financial district of London! In America, the Grosvenors founded Nation Geographic. National Geographic is known for sweeping down on the archeological treasures of the world, especially those of a religious significance, and spiriting them away to
 the Smithsonian Institute, controlled by their cousins the Smithsons, also descended from the Percys. Imposing false interpretations on religious finds is very important to the House of Sion.  --  Exercise caution when researching on the Internet as there is lots of misinformation but you can sometimes get leads from sites if nothing else. Takes some sifting but the stories are often colorful. Most of the pillars of society are scoundrels and worse. History books -- old history books to be more accurate - are interesting sources. Most modern ones are sanitized.KirkPS Harriman is also in the Bush family tree. I think that is the Harriman of Brown bros and Harriman -bankersMike Redler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  The caption under his picture reads "Former President Jimmy Carter says that Bush has encouraged Israel and Hezbollah to attack."Absolutely.1.) Fabricated provocation of war by Hezbollah through selective recollection of the events.2.) Reports of Iranian fighters killed in Lebanon3.) Intense media coverage by FOX to raise sympathy for Israel's government4.) Increased media coverage by FOX of Iranian saber rattling by it's leadership.5.) Continued media coverage by FOX of suspicious activities in Syria.So, what do you think of a U.S. state department campaign for a war against Iran, starting with a proxy war against Lebanon, then Syria? In my opinion, Bush is capable of anything and although I hesitated to speculate, I also don't put it past him or some of the religious zealots running the federal government to execute such a radical plan. Mikefox mulder wrote:   his over all view is that he is sickened by thepictures he sees, on sky news every hour, of burned  and maimed babies and children. the double standard of  the countries like UK and USA is apparent.  Please listen to the former president Carter who is an  intellectual not lunatic like Bush.  Source: cnn 
		 Open multiple messages at once with the all new Yahoo! Mail Beta. ___
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] George Galloway _ Lebanon. View it while you can

2006-08-10 Thread Joe Street

Throughout my life, growing up, initially ignoring the news like most
children, then paying more attention and then eventually learning of
media control and being disgusted and so again ignoring, and then
returning and watching it as a propaganda source and as an indicator of
where control is being exercised has been a gradual process of
unfolding for me. But there through it all has been a voice I have
often heard. One of the quieter voices that sometimes gets a chance at
the microphone but generally not, is the voice that keeps saying there
are those who promote war. War is needed. War is what sustains some
element of the warped western society. That voice is ringing in my head
now and I wonder where the next conflict will spring up. It is true. I
guess the situation in Iraq has turned into one where the US is
spending more than it wants to and using too many of it's own weapons
because it has to. It only makes sense that a conflict needs to happen
elsewhere where weapons need to be used up which are bought and paid
for and replaced with new ones which are bought and paid for. Where
will the next cash cow be? Can anyone guess?


Kirk McLoren wrote:

  It appears Bush has at least 3 motives for war.
  1. OIL
  2. support of radical right "Christianity" and their "end time"
views thus their support of war.
  3. Support of his allie Israel which wants his support for their
expansionism. His father when director of CIA furthered this by CIA
bankrolling Murdochso he could purchase all the media which we see is
now pro Israel.
  News reporting is not what they do. CONsensus forming is what
they do.
  Basically it seems oil ambitions have joined expansionist
ambitions.Perhaps they are not so separate.
  Theremay be another factor as well in the alliance.
George Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush (of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner
and Smith) are descended from the same Pierce family of England as
President Franklin Pierce. Originally known as the enormously powerful
Percy family of England, a name change to Pierce was required along
with a quick immigration to America, when their involvement in the
failed Gun Powder Plot to blow up Parliament became known. One of the
Percy castles, where this plot was hatched was known as Sion House. 
  Other notable Bush relatives include the Grosvenor families of
England and America, and the Taft family of Ohio. The Grosvenors of
England are the Dukes of Westminster who own the most substantial
properties in the City of London --- the banker's capital. Of over
100,000 acres of Grosvenor property, most is in the financial district
of London! In America, the Grosvenors founded Nation Geographic.
National Geographic is known for sweeping down on the archeological
treasures of the world, especially those of a religious significance,
and spiriting them away to the Smithsonian Institute, controlled by
their cousins the Smithsons, also descended from the Percys. Imposing
false interpretations on religious finds is very important to the House
of Sion.
  Exercise caution when researching on the Internet as there is
lots of misinformation but you can sometimes get leads from sites if
nothing else. Takes some sifting but the stories are often colorful.
Most of the pillars of society are scoundrels and worse. History books
-- old history books to be more accurate - are interesting sources.
Most modern ones are sanitized.
  PS Harriman is also in the Bush family tree. I think that is the
Harriman of Brown bros and Harriman -bankers
  Mike Redler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
caption under his picture reads "Former President Jimmy Carter says
that Bush has encouraged Israel and Hezbollah to attack."


1.) Fabricated provocation of war by Hezbollah through selective
recollection of the events.
2.) Reports of Iranian fighters killed in Lebanon
3.) Intense media coverage by FOX to raise sympathy for Israel's
4.) Increased media coverage by FOX of Iranian saber rattling by it's
5.) Continued media coverage by FOX of suspicious activities in Syria.

So, what do you think of a U.S. state department campaign for a war
against Iran, starting with a proxy war against Lebanon, then Syria? In
my opinion, Bush is capable of anything and although I hesitated to
speculate, I also don't put it past him or some of the religious
zealots running the federal government to execute such a radical plan. 


fox mulder wrote:

  his over all view is that he is sickened by the
  pictures he sees, on sky news every hour, of burned  and maimed babies and children. the double standard of  the countries like UK and USA is apparent.  Please listen to the former president Carter who is an  intellectual not lunatic like Bush.  Source: cnn


Re: [Biofuel] George Galloway _ Lebanon. View it while you can

2006-08-10 Thread MK DuPree

Couldn't agree with you more, Joe. 
Mike DuPree

  - Original Message - 
  Joe Street 
  Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:15 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] George Galloway _ 
  Lebanon. View it while you can
  Throughout my life, growing up, initially ignoring the news 
  like most children, then paying more attention and then eventually learning of 
  media control and being disgusted and so again ignoring, and then returning 
  and watching it as a propaganda source and as an indicator of where control is 
  being exercised has been a gradual process of unfolding for me. But 
  there through it all has been a voice I have often heard. One of the 
  quieter voices that sometimes gets a chance at the microphone but generally 
  not, is the voice that keeps saying there are those who promote war. War 
  is needed. War is what sustains some element of the warped western society. 
  That voice is ringing in my head now and I wonder where the next conflict will 
  spring up. It is true. I guess the situation in Iraq has turned into one 
  where the US is spending more than it wants to and using too many of it's own 
  weapons because it has to. It only makes sense that a conflict needs to 
  happen elsewhere where weapons need to be used up which are bought and paid 
  for and replaced with new ones which are bought and paid for. Where will 
  the next cash cow be? Can anyone guess?JoeKirk McLoren 
It appears Bush has at least 3 motives for war.
1. OIL
2. support of radical right "Christianity" and their "end time" views 
thus their support of war.
3. Support of his allie Israel which wants his support for their 
expansionism. His father when director of CIA furthered this by CIA 
bankrolling Murdochso he could purchase all the media which we see is 
now pro Israel.
News reporting is not what they do. CONsensus forming is what they 
Basically it seems oil ambitions have joined expansionist 
ambitions.Perhaps they are not so separate.

Theremay be another factor as well in the alliance.
George Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush (of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and 
Smith) are descended from the same Pierce family of England as President 
Franklin Pierce. Originally known as the enormously powerful Percy family of 
England, a name change to Pierce was required along with a quick immigration 
to America, when their involvement in the failed Gun Powder Plot to blow up 
Parliament became known. One of the Percy castles, where this plot was 
hatched was known as Sion House. 
Other notable Bush relatives include the Grosvenor families of England 
and America, and the Taft family of Ohio. The Grosvenors of England are the 
Dukes of Westminster who own the most substantial properties in the City of 
London --- the banker's capital. Of over 100,000 acres of Grosvenor 
property, most is in the financial district of London! In America, the 
Grosvenors founded Nation Geographic. National Geographic is known for 
sweeping down on the archeological treasures of the world, especially those 
of a religious significance, and spiriting them away to the Smithsonian 
Institute, controlled by their cousins the Smithsons, also descended from 
the Percys. Imposing false interpretations on religious finds is very 
important to the House of Sion.
Exercise caution when researching on the Internet as there is lots of 
misinformation but you can sometimes get leads from sites if nothing else. 
Takes some sifting but the stories are often colorful. Most of the pillars 
of society are scoundrels and worse. History books -- old history 
books to be more accurate - are interesting sources. Most modern ones are 


PS Harriman is also in the Bush family tree. I think that is the 
Harriman of Brown bros and Harriman -bankers

  caption under his picture reads "Former President Jimmy Carter says that 
  Bush has encouraged Israel and Hezbollah to 
  attack."Absolutely.1.) Fabricated provocation of war by 
  Hezbollah through selective recollection of the events.2.) Reports of 
  Iranian fighters killed in Lebanon3.) Intense media coverage by FOX to 
  raise sympathy for Israel's government4.) Increased media coverage by 
  FOX of Iranian saber rattling by it's leadership.5.) Continued media 
  coverage by FOX of suspicious activities in Syria.So, what do you 
  think of a U.S. state department campaign for a war against Iran, starting 
  with a proxy war against Lebanon, then Syria? In my opinion, Bush is 
  capable of anything and although I hesitated to speculate, I also don't 

[Biofuel] {Disarmed} Re: George Galloway _ Lebanon. View it while you can

2006-08-10 Thread MK DuPree

Let me also add this note. I 
haven't checked the Pentagon site for this info. Maybe someone else would 
care to research it and verify. But here you. -- Mike DuPree

40,000 U.S. soldiers have deserted from military since 2000: 




  Some 40,000 personnel from all branches of the U.S. military have 
  deserted since 2000, U.S. media quoted Pentagon sources as saying Tuesday. 
  From the total, more than half had served in the U.S. Army, according 
  to the report. 
  Anti-war organizations said that the mass desertions were due to the 
  strong resistance to war which is more prevalent than the military has 
  openly admitted. 
  "They (U.S. military) lied in Vietnam about the amount of opposition to the war and 
  they're lying now," said Eric Seitz, an attorney who represents Army Lt. 
  Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to refuse to join his brigade 
  when it was sent to Iraq last month. He is now under military custody in 
  Fort Lewis, Washington. 
  A 2002 Army report said that desertion was fairly constant but "tends 
  to worsen during wartime." 
  Source: Xinhua 

  - Original Message - 
  Joe Street 
  Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:15 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] George Galloway _ 
  Lebanon. View it while you can
  Throughout my life, growing up, initially ignoring the news 
  like most children, then paying more attention and then eventually learning of 
  media control and being disgusted and so again ignoring, and then returning 
  and watching it as a propaganda source and as an indicator of where control is 
  being exercised has been a gradual process of unfolding for me. But 
  there through it all has been a voice I have often heard. One of the 
  quieter voices that sometimes gets a chance at the microphone but generally 
  not, is the voice that keeps saying there are those who promote war. War 
  is needed. War is what sustains some element of the warped western society. 
  That voice is ringing in my head now and I wonder where the next conflict will 
  spring up. It is true. I guess the situation in Iraq has turned into one 
  where the US is spending more than it wants to and using too many of it's own 
  weapons because it has to. It only makes sense that a conflict needs to 
  happen elsewhere where weapons need to be used up which are bought and paid 
  for and replaced with new ones which are bought and paid for. Where will 
  the next cash cow be? Can anyone guess?JoeKirk McLoren 
It appears Bush has at least 3 motives for war.
1. OIL
2. support of radical right "Christianity" and their "end time" views 
thus their support of war.
3. Support of his allie Israel which wants his support for their 
expansionism. His father when director of CIA furthered this by CIA 
bankrolling Murdochso he could purchase all the media which we see is 
now pro Israel.
News reporting is not what they do. CONsensus forming is what they 
Basically it seems oil ambitions have joined expansionist 
ambitions.Perhaps they are not so separate.

Theremay be another factor as well in the alliance.
George Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush (of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and 
Smith) are descended from the same Pierce family of England as President 
Franklin Pierce. Originally known as the enormously powerful Percy family of 
England, a name change to Pierce was required along with a quick immigration 
to America, when their involvement in the failed Gun Powder Plot to blow up 
Parliament became known. One of the Percy castles, where this plot was 
hatched was known as Sion House. 
Other notable Bush relatives include the Grosvenor families of England 
and America, and the Taft family of Ohio. The Grosvenors of England are the 
Dukes of Westminster who own the most substantial properties in the City of 
London --- the banker's capital. Of over 100,000 acres of Grosvenor 
property, most is in the financial district of London! In America, the 
Grosvenors founded Nation Geographic. National Geographic is known for 
sweeping down on the archeological treasures of the world, especially those 
of a religious significance, and spiriting them away to the Smithsonian 
Institute, controlled by their cousins the Smithsons, also descended from 
the Percys. Imposing false interpretations on religious finds is very 
important to the House of Sion.
Exercise caution when researching on the Internet as there is lots of 
misinformation but you can sometimes get leads 

[Biofuel] Re article about deserters

2006-08-10 Thread Kirk McLoren
Was given this as the original story. STill would like to see the actual numbers though.Kirk  Oddly, the number has DROPPED since the Afghanistan War started. Here's the original story:July 05, 2006*Thousands of troops say they won’t fight**By Ana Radelat*/Gannett News Service up by a wave of patriotism after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Chris Magaoay joined the Marine Corps in November 2004.The newly married Magaoay thought a military career would allow him to continue his college education, help his country and set his life on the right path.Less than two years later, Magaoay became one of thousands of military deserters who have chosen a lifetime of exile or possible
 court-martial rather than fight in Iraq or Afghanistan.“It wasn’t something I did on the spur of the moment,” said Magaoay, a native of Maui, Hawaii. “It took me a long time to realize what was going on. The war is illegal.”Magaoay said his disillusionment with the military began in boot camp in Twentynine Palms, Calif., where a superior officer joked about killing and mistreating Iraqis. When his unit was deployed to Iraq in March, Magaoay and his wife drove to Canada, joining a small group of deserters who are trying to win permission from the Canadian government to stay.“We’re like a tight-knit family,” Magaoay said.The Pentagon says deserters like Magaoay represent a tiny fraction of the nation’s fighting forces.“The vast majority of soldiers who desert do so for personal, family or financial problems, not for political or conscientious objector purposes,” said Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, a
 spokesman for the Army.Since 2000, about 40,000 troops from all branches of the military have deserted, the Pentagon says. More than half served in the Army. But the Army says numbers have decreased each year since the United States began its war on terror in Afghanistan.Those who help war resisters say desertion is more prevalent than the military has admitted.“They lied in Vietnam with the amount of opposition to the war and they’re lying now,” said Eric Seitz, an attorney who represents Army Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to the war in Iraq.Watada is under military custody in Fort Lewis, Wash., because he refused to join his Stryker brigade when it was sent to Iraq last month.Watada said he doesn’t object to war but considers the conflict in Iraq illegal. The Army has turned down his request to resign and plans to file charges against
 him.Critics of the Iraq war have demonstrated on the lieutenant’s behalf. Conservative bloggers call him a traitor and opportunist.Joe Davis, spokesman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said deserters aren’t traitors because they’ve done nothing to help America’s enemies. But he rejects arguments that deserters have a moral right to refuse to fight wars they consider unjust.“None of us can choose our wars. They’re always a political decision,” Davis said. “They’re letting their buddies down and hurting morale - and morale is everything on the battlefront.”Because today’s military is an all-volunteer force, troops seeking objector status must convince superior officers they’ve had an honest change of heart about the morality of war.The last time the U.S. military executed a deserter was World War II. But hundreds face court-martials and imprisonment every year.Members of the armed forces are
 considered absent without leave when they are unaccounted for. They become deserters after they’ve been AWOL for 30 days.A 2002 Army report says desertion is fairly constant but tends to worsen during wartime, when there’s an increased need for troops and enlistment standards are more lax. They also say deserters tend to be less educated and more likely to have engaged in delinquent behavior than other troops.Army spokesman Hilferty said the Army doesn’t try to find deserters. Instead, their names are given to civilian law enforcement officers who often nab them during routine traffic stops and turn them over to the military.Commanders then decide whether to rehabilitate or court-martial the alleged deserter. There’s an incentive to rehabilitate because it costs the military an average of $38,000 to recruit and train a replacement.Jeffry House, an attorney in Toronto who represents Magaoay and other
 deserters, said there are about 200 deserters living in Canada. They have decided not to seek refugee status but instead are leading clandestine lives, he said.Like many of the people helping today’s war resisters, House fled to Canada to avoid the Vietnam War. About 50,000 Americans sought legal residency in Canada during the Vietnam era.“You would apply at the border and if you didn’t have a criminal record, you were in,” House said.He said changes in Canadian law make it harder for resisters to flee north. Now, potential immigrants must apply for Canadian residency in their home countries. Resisters say that exposes them to 

Re: [Biofuel] Farmer in France arrested for driving vegetable-poweredtruck

2006-08-10 Thread root
big brother might have the size and power, but little brother has the
speed and a Tazer...
On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 18:42 -0700, Derick Giorchino wrote:
 Good for him. I hope the law looses there case against him. Maybe we as
 people of the world should get together in groups and buy the land as groups
 so all the roads are owned by the land owners as is done here in the states
 in some places as private planed communities. This will take time but the
 absurd thing about this is we the people of the world have purchased the
 roads many times over yet we are held to a higher standard than an owner.
 Is it that we are not doing what big brother tells us to do? We are not
 lining there pockets.
 I think it is time to show big brother that we have grown up and don’t need
 our hands held at every turn. Nor slapped. Some day little brother will
 stand up if there is not some understanding of what we need or want. 
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 6:07 PM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Farmer in France arrested for driving
 Forwarding from another source.
 You may need a subscription to see the full article via the URL.
 Friday, August 4th, 2006
 John Lichfield in Paris
 A French farmer faces prosecution for driving on public roads in a
 vegetable-powered truck.
 Olivier Lainé, a cereals farmer based near Rouen in Normandy, believes he
 will go down in history, not as a criminal, or tax-evader, but a
 M. Lainé, 49, was arrested near his farm by French customs officers. He
 faces prosecution for driving a vehicle powered by an “unauthorised fuel” -
 namely pure vegetable oil, made from colza, or rape seed, grown on his own
 An EU directive passed last year instructs member states to encourage the
 use of pure vegetable oil as a form of fuel for diesel-powered vehicles.
 Paris has failed so far to translate the directive into law.
 “They say that I am breaking the law. I say that they are breaking European
 law,” M. Lainé said. “We will see who is right. What I am doing will be
 seen as the beginning of a revolution. The world is short of fossil fuels.
 It has a surplus of agricultural produce. Using pure vegetable oil as a
 fuel can make a small contribution to solving both problems.”
  M. Lainé is spokesman within the département of Seine-Maritime for the
 militant small farmers’ union, the Confédération Pay-sanne. The union
 accused the French government yesterday of “hypocrisy”.
 Paris talks of making a contribution to a cleaner environment, the union
 said, but blocks local initiatives to use pure vegetable oil.
 The use of vegetable oil as fuel is authorised for vehicles while operating
 on a farm. It is illegal to drive vegetable-powered vehicles on public
 roads because no tax has been paid on the fuel.
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Re: [Biofuel] Open Letter to Bush from a Young Arab Woman

2006-08-10 Thread root
this woman is right,
i dont think i could even make myself disagree as a joke...

On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 21:36 +0900, Keith Addison wrote:
 Arab Woman
 by Mira Al Hussein
 2 August 2006
 President Bush,
 It has become extremely difficult to give you the benefit of the 
 doubt on Lebanon, for you have left no doubt in our minds. We are now 
 certain--like many of us have always been--that your foreign policy 
 is completely biased towards Israel, and you have made no effort to 
 hide this fact.
 It is your choice, Mr. Bush, to support Israel, just like it is 
 our--the entire Arab and Muslim world's--choice to support Lebanon. 
 You insist that Israel has the right to defend itself. Defending 
 oneself, I believe, is a universal right, not exclusive to Israel.
 The first Qana massacre did not quench the Israeli thirst for 
 blood, it is said, graphically describing yet another Israeli crime 
 against the innocents of Lebanon. In Qana, 57 weaponless, defenseless 
 civilians died in an Israeli air strike. Thirty-seven of them were 
 children. Maybe these numbers don't matter to you, Mr. Bush; they are 
 mere numbers of the nameless Lebanese dead. But they matter to more 
 than 200 million Arabs in the Middle East.
 I quote our late president, Shaikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who in 
 1973 had said, Arab oil is not dearer than Arab blood. But it seems 
 that Iraqi oil is dearer than American blood. I am somewhat relieved 
 to arrive at this conclusion. At least there's no racism against a 
 certain group of people. Everybody is a potential sacrifice to secure 
 US interests, even if it means sacrificing a whole nation.
 No, Mr. Bush, we will not accept, nor will we allow the sacrifice of 
 more Lebanese civilians. A ceasefire should have been enforced two 
 weeks ago. Was there a need for 37 children to die before you decided 
 it was time for a ceasefire? How many more, Mr. Bush, should die 
 before you decide to stop sending those bloody weapons to Israel? 
 Perhaps we can afford a sacrifice that will rein in your generosity 
 towards Israel permanently?
 We, the people of the Middle East, have a dream for a new Middle 
 East. Not the New Middle East that you've been brainstorming in 
 your Oval Office. It is the new Middle East that Middle Easterners 
 have been dreaming of: a Middle East with no violence, and no US-made 
 weapons to fuel that violence. It is a dream only we, Middle 
 Easterners, are allowed to dream and realize.
 In Arabic we have a saying that goes, They murder the murdered and 
 walk in his funeral. Allow me to interpret this for you, Mr. Bush: 
 Your precision-guided missiles shipment has arrived in Tel Aviv. 
 These missiles will precisely fall onto Lebanese villages; kill 
 hundreds; and displace thousands more. (Evidently, we've just 
 witnessed the first precise target in Qana.)
 Yet you have compassionately been able to send aid to Beirut, at 
 the same time, with supplies for the thousands of people directly and 
 fatally affected by your vocal, (im)moral and military support for 
 Israel. Please include US flags in your aid shipment to Beirut; they 
 must have burned all the US flags in stock.
 Mr. Bush, Lebanon can and will be rebuilt, but lost lives cannot be 
 restored. Your credibility and your government's credibility have 
 long been lost--irretrievably lost like those lost innocent lives. 
 However, people will not forget this. They will not turn the other 
 cheek; they will retaliate--just like you chose to retaliate after 
 9/11. Retaliation is a value you have successfully promoted by 
 putting it into practice, always.
 I was born too late to see how the British Empire collapsed, but 
 right on time to see how the American Empire is falling apart. Mr. 
 Bush, you will surely be remembered in history for hastening that 
 With no more respect to offer,
 Mira Al Hussein
 Mira Al Hussein is a writer based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates who 
 has written for Dubai's English-language Khaleej Times. She can be 
 reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Biofuel] the tax man cometh

2006-08-10 Thread Thor Burfine

		Well lets see12,000 miles a year @ 42 mpg thats 285 gallons but wait blend it and you have B20 185 *.2 = 57 gallons only half was used on the road 57 / 2 = 28.5 @ 22.5 cents a gallon = $6.41Send it to them in pennies, good gooey pennies like the ones you get from a kid eating ice creamBetter yet, tell them you paid the tax when you bought the oil from WalMartThey are the ones collecting the Tax on the veggie oil you bought and therfor its dual taxation if you have to pay tax for using itOh wait, this is Arkansas the home of Wallyworld, that will be fun.

From: Michael Redler [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:25 AMTo: biofuel@sustainablelists.orgSubject: Re: [Biofuel] the tax man cometh
		Hey Bob,
		I think your situation reinforces the idea that fuel/energy dependence isn't an OPEC thing and that the problem is home grown. If corporations and local governments didn't work together to limit the number of sources, you couldn't effectively tax it. I'm not against taxes, just how I'm taxed and what it's spent on (i.e. 750,000,000,000 on "defense").
		If my local government tried something like that with me, I'd seriously consider producer gas as a fuel. Let them try and noodle out a method of measuring and taxing CO and H2 by the cubic foot. The perfect fuel for a bureaucracy. The longer one waits to measure it, the less fuel their is to measure.
		- Redler
		P.S. I went to and noticed that there is no "Recreational Bob" link. Shame on you.

		bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
		the tax applies to any fuel produced and used on-road. I don't have the letter here in front of me, but as I recall it wanted to know how much I produced total and how much was used as on-road motor fuel. The tax is retroactive for 2005.DHAJOGLO wrote: Does the tax apply even if you are producing it as an "additive?"  -dave   On Monday, August 07, 2006 4:13 PM, bob allen wrote: Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 16:13:54 -0500 From: bob allen To: Subject: [Biofuel] the tax man cometh I recently received a letter from the Arkansas Department of finance. I am to herewith submit 22.5 cents per gallon of biodiesel produced. I guess that this happened because of an article that appeared in a statewide newspaper, concerning my manufacture of biodiesel as a student project. (Some pin-headed commercial producer felt that I should be paying my fair share of taxes), which I don't mind. Now if I can just figure out how to get the 50 cent-a-gallon produce tax credit. -- Bob Allen, 

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[Biofuel] test please

2006-08-10 Thread root
please reply if this gets through, i changed email clients, and now i
keep getting rejected emails from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Biofuel] test please

2006-08-10 Thread MK DuPree
getting through
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:10 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] test please

 please reply if this gets through, i changed email clients, and now i
 keep getting rejected emails from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Biofuel] test please

2006-08-10 Thread Kirk McLoren
I do too and I dont have an account with blogger. Its like our posts are being echoed to them  Kirkroot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  please reply if this gets through, i changed email clients, and now ikeep getting rejected emails from [EMAIL PROTECTED]___Biofuel mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): 
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Re: [Biofuel] Stop the Abuse of Power

2006-08-10 Thread Kirk McLoren
It makes it plain to see the current administration has done more to destroy America than all the terrorists could ever hope to. It is a sad day in our history.  Kirk"D. Mindock" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Stop the Abuse of Power is a twelve-minute video that weaves together these reckless decisions by our leaders and exposes the dire consequences for your rights, and in the lives of countless real people here in the United States and across the globe. WATCH THE VIDEOWatch the full 12-minute video: Stop the Abuse of Power or view a 30-second trailer (Windows Media)
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.___
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Re: [Biofuel] test please

2006-08-10 Thread root
well crud, now i have THAT to track down...
oh well, thanks folks.

On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 18:22 -0500, MK DuPree wrote:
 getting through
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:10 PM
 Subject: [Biofuel] test please
  please reply if this gets through, i changed email clients, and now i
  keep getting rejected emails from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Biofuel] test please

2006-08-10 Thread tanuki
got through


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 7:10 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] test please

 please reply if this gets through, i changed email clients, and now i
 keep getting rejected emails from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Biofuel] test please

2006-08-10 Thread Keith Addison
I do too and I dont have an account with blogger. Its like our posts 
are being echoed to them

That seems to be right Kirk, I can't find out who it is and can't 
figure out a way to stop it. Probably everybody is receiving them. A 
bit like the folks who join mailing lists and then leave an 
auto-reply whenever they leave the office for more than 9.3 
nanoseconds. Okay, so it's a bit of a misunderexaggeration but you 
know what I mean.

Anyway, sorry folks, these things are sent to try us, among other 
things that are also sent to try us, please bear with it, of such is 
life, as such, it's all part of the Great Golden Tapestry, etc.


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner


root [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

please reply if this gets through, i changed email clients, and now i
keep getting rejected emails from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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