[Biofuel] The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C

2006-12-18 Thread D. Mindock
I think that this would make a pretty good docudrama. Peace, D. Mindock
The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C
Robert Landwehr 1
1. 1250 Grizzly Peak, Berkeley, CA 94708.
In the late spring of 1949 the United States was in the grip of its worst 
poliomyelitis epidemic ever. On June 10 a paper on ways to save the lives of 
bulbar polio victims was read at the Annual Session of the American Medical 
Association (subsequently printed in its journal, JAMA, September 3, 1949, 
pages 1-8, volume 141, no. 1). Following the talk members of the audience were 
invited to comment. The first speaker, a leading authority from Pasadena, 
focused on details of tracheotomy techniques caused when paralyzed breathing, 
swallowing and coughing muscles of victims threatened their lives. Why the next 
person was recognized is puzzling. The only national recognition he had 
received - and it was obviously very limited - was that his picture appeared in 
Ebony in 1947 for having delivered of a deaf-mute black woman the first known 
surviving, identical quadruplets in the country. Here is the abstract of his 
remarks as recorded in JAMA:

"Dr. F. R. Klenner, Reidsville, N.C.: It might be interesting to learn how 
poliomyelitis was treated in Reidsville, N.C., during the 1948 epidemic. In the 
past seven years, virus infections have been treated and cured in a period of 
seventy-two hours by the employment of massive frequent injections of ascorbic 
acid, or vitamin C. I believe that if vitamin C in these massive doses - 6,000 
to 20,000 mg in a twenty-four hour period - is given to these patients with 
poliomyelitis none will be paralyzed and there will be no further maiming or 
epidemics of poliomyelitis."

The discussion period was, of course, to be devoted to hearing relevant 
comments of the world's leading authorities on the treatment of bulbar polio 
symptoms, not to airing another claim of a cure. One can imagine the silence 
that must have greeted this sweeping, out-of-place declaration by a small-town 
general practitioner. Four other speakers, three more bulbar experts and an 
anesthesiologist, followed. None referred to Dr. Klenner's remarks.

The empirical, clinical basis for Klenner's statement is found in his paper 
"The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C", 
published in the July 1949 issue of the Journal of Southern Medicine and 
Surgery. On pages 211-212 he writes:

"In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina in 1948, 60 cases of this 
disease came under our care. These patients presented all or almost all of 
these signs and symptoms: Fever of 101 to 104.6°, headache, pain at the back of 
the eyes, conjunctivitis, scarlet throat; pain between the shoulders, the back 
of the neck, one or more extremity, the lumbar back; nausea, vomiting and 
constipation. In 15 of these cases the diagnosis was confirmed by lumbar 
puncture; the cell count ranging from 33 to 125. Eight had been in contact with 
a proven case; two of this group received spinal taps. Examination of the 
spinal fluid was not carried out in others for the reasons: (1) Flexner and 
Amoss had warned that 'simple lumbar puncture attended with even very slight 
hemorrhage opens the way for the passage of the virus from the blood into the 
central nervous system and thus promotes infection.' (2) A patient presenting 
all or almost all of the above signs and symptoms during an epidemic of 
poliomyelitis must be considered infected with this virus. (3) Routine lumbar 
puncture would have made it obligatory to report each case as diagnosed to the 
health authorities. This would have deprived myself of valuable clinical 
material and the patients of most valuable therapy, since they would have been 
removed to a receiving center in a nearby town.

"The treatment employed was vitamin C in massive doses. It was given like any 
other antibiotic every two to four hours. The initial dose was 1,000 to 2,000 
mg, depending on age. Children up to four years received the injections 
intramuscularly. Since laboratory facilities for whole blood and urine 
determinations of the concentration of vitamin C were not available, the 
temperature curve was adopted as the guide for additional medication. The 
rectal temperature was recorded every two hours. No temperature response after 
the second hour was taken to indicate the second 1,000 or 2,000 mg. If there 
was a drop in fever after two hours, two more hours was allowed before the 
second dose. This schedule was followed for 24 hours. After this time the fever 
was consistently down, so the drug was given 1,000 to 2,000 mg every six hours 
for the next 48 hours. All patients were clinically well after 72 hours. After 
three patients had a relapse the drug was continued for at least 48 hours 
longer - 1,000 to 2,000 mg every eight to 12 hours. Where spinal taps were 
performed, it was the 

[Biofuel] FW: An Overdue Visit

2006-12-18 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
Ah .. poetry .. Sometimes, I just love it.

Mary Lynn

Mary Lynn Schmidt, distributor Psionic Energy Software 

Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
ONE SPIRIT ONE HEART: Facilitator/Consultant for Alternative Healing 
Modalities and Practitioner utilizing various modalities which can include 
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .

An Overdue Visit

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through  the nation
Friends of Freedom knew it was a special occasion.
Lady Liberty  stood taller just off the shore
Her torch shining brighter than a few weeks  before
But it wasn't the flame turning her cheeks all rosy
It was thoughts  of Snowe, Feingold and Nancy Pelosi
And leaders from every side of the  aisle
Who would soon bring the Bill of Rights back into style.

The Amendments had all hurried out of their beds -
Which was no easy  task, they were nearly in shreds -
And they rushed to the window on papery  feet
As a jolly old man flew right over their street.
"Could it be!?" they  inquired as the roof shook and trembled
And they crept toward the mantle,  peaceably assembled,
Just as someone emerged from the chimney with  flair
In a shiny red suit, with a shock of white hair
And a top hat, and  pants all in red, white and blue -
"Wait a minute," the Amendments exclaimed,  "Who are you?"
"Don't be frightened my children," he said, "it's no  scam.
"You can't have forgotten your old Uncle Sam!"

"Holy crap!" said Free Speech. "Stop right there!" yelled Bear  Arms
And Privacy cried "Who shut off the alarms?!"
The Fifth remained  silent, but Uncle Sam said
"We've been having some trouble, but Freedom's not  dead."
The Amendments were cautious. "It's just been so long
"We've seen  Liberty lost, we've seen so much go wrong.
"The President's trying to mangle  and warp us,
"The Fourth is in tatters, so's Habeas Corpus!"

The  old man sat down - he had had quite a ride -
But he told them "Don't worry,  the Law's on our side,
"'Cause the nation's fed up and more people are  crying
"For Justice and an end to illegal spying,
"And secret abductions  by the CIA,
"And laws that would take women's choices away,
"And Gitmo  tribunals and secret detention,
"And other intrusions too numerous to mention  - "

"Not so fast," said a grinchity voice from above
And Don Rumsfeld  pushed past the Fourteenth with a shove.
He was covered in soot and he looked  kind of scary.
It seemed like his Christmas had not been so merry.
The  Amendments said they weren't happy to see him:
"You tried to throw all of us  in the museum!
"You've done so much the Constitution forbids!"
"And I  would have gone on, but for you meddling kids!"

Uncle Sam told him "Rummy, your plans just won't do,
"So we've got a  brand new timetable for you!"
And as Rumsfeld retired and crept into the  night
The Amendments cried out "Have a good secret flight!"
>From the  distance they heard him reply with a snort.
"Bye-bye, Rummy!" they answered,  "we'll see you in court!"
Uncle Sam rode the chimney up out of the  room
And, like Frosty, he said "I'll be back again soon."

But they heard him exclaim "Oh, and just one more thing!
"This year,  when the holiday bells start to ring,
"Try to honor religion. Honest faith  can't be wrong.
"It's America, can't we all just get along?
"So, on  Christian," he cried, "Muslim, Hindu, and Jew!
"On Quaker! On Shaker! And  Atheist too!
"On Buddhist! On Taoist! And to show we're not  chickens
"We'll file a few lawsuits defending the Wiccans!
"Your belief is  your right, so get out there and savor it.
"Uncle Sam's not a preacher, and  he doesn't play favorites!"
So this holiday season, whatever you  do,
Warmest wishes for Freedom, from the  ACLU.

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[Biofuel] A skeptics guide to global Warming

2006-12-18 Thread JAMES PHELPS

The following link is brought to you FYI.  Our beloved senator from OK is 
almost as good at spin as Mr Rush Limpmind.

Nice to know he is on the record so the kids from the future can read this 
like a comic book.



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[Biofuel] Novel Disease Paradigm Produces Explanations for a Whole Group of Illnesses

2006-12-18 Thread D. Mindock
Theory that explains multisystem diseases like PTSD, CFS, MCS. Also
gives treatments. Peace, D. Mindock

Novel Disease Paradigm Produces Explanations for a Whole Group of Illnesses 

A Common Causal (Etiologic) Mechanism for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple 
Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 

Martin L. Pall, Professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences 
Washington State University 

See:  http://molecular.biosciences.wsu.edu/Faculty/pall/pall_main.htm___
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