Re: [Biofuel] The Slaughter of Innocence

2007-03-24 Thread Keith Addison
Hello DM

Tamiflu is just one of many cases where children are dying and the 
FDA stands firm declaring it safe.[i]

[i] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said it received 103 
reports of delirium, hallucinations and other unusual psychiatric 
behavior, mostly in Japanese children treated with Tamiflu, between 
Aug. 29, 2005, and July 6, 2006.

Not correct. See:
Tamiflu Linked to Self-Injury, Delirium
November 16, 2006
(HealthCentersOnline) - Reports of self-injury and delirium 
associated with the use of Tamiflu has prompted the U.S. Food  Drug 
Administration to require new warning be inserted in the prescribing 
and patient information. ... the revised patient information 
includes the following warning:
People with the flu, particularly children, may be at an increased 
risk of self-injury and confusion shortly after taking TAMIFLU and 
should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior. A 
healthcare professional should be contacted immediately if the 
patient taking TAMIFLU shows any signs of unusual behavior.

That was quite widely reported (on MSN eg). Mark Sircus is writing 
three and a half months later. Sloppy. He should be more careful. I 
wonder what else he didn't get right.

Donald Rumsfeld is a good example of a modern day Herod who sends 
his toxic chemicals out into the world (aspartame and Tamiflu) 
knowing full well people are suffering and dying in huge numbers 
because of them.

Hm. Not if you look at the death certificates though. Yes yes I know, 
but it doesn't help to be shrill and inaccurate.

I don't know what Mercola says about Rumsfeld in his bird flu scam 
book, but apart from the Rumsfeld-Gilead connection
FluAvian)it's worth checking what the GRAIN reports on bird flu I 
posted the other day have to say about Rumsfeld.
[Biofuel] Fowl play: The poultry industry's central role in the bird flu
GRAIN: February 2006
[Biofuel] The top-down global response to bird flu
GRAIN: April 2006
[Biofuel] Bird flu: a bonanza for 'Big Chicken'
GRAIN: March 2007

Briefly, Rumsfeld was chairman of GD Searle (Nutrasweet - aspartame) 
and was allegedly instrumental in getting aspartame declared safe 
when it shouldn't have been. Monsanto bought Searle, Rumsfeld left 
with a $12 million payoff. Ten years ago Rumsfeld became chairman of 
Gilead Sciences, which developed Tamiflu and owns the Tamiflu patent. 
Rumsfeld is still the largest or one of the largest shareholders in 
Gilead. Gilead sold the exclusive license for Tamiflu to Roche. The 
WHO and Western governments are pushing Tamiflu as the best defence 
against a possible human flu pandemic arising from bird flu, and 
Rumsfeld is making millions out of it.

Read on...

Of pandemics and patents

The H5N1 virus was first noticed and identified when it took its 
first human victims in Hong Kong in 1997. A few years later, in 
2003, similar deaths were reported in Viet Nam and then in Thailand. 
The following year it killed people further afield in Indonesia, 
China and Cambodia. Until mid-2005, bird flu was generally seen as 
an 'Asian' problem. Then the World Health Organisation took the huge 
political decision to tell the world that we are on the verge of a 
global human pandemic that could kill 150 million people. As 
intended, the effect was dramatic.

Bird flu is essentially a poultry disease. The WHO [Feb 2006] 
tallies less than 200 confirmed human cases of H5N1 and under 100 
deaths, most of them through contact with infected chickens. The big 
worry is that H5N1 will mutate into a form that is readily 
transmitted from human to human. After all, influenza viruses 
replicate like crazy, but very sloppily, generating constant 
mutations. Once this happens, the consequences could be immediate 
and severe, as it is assumed that most people do not have antibodies 
against H5N1.

The WHO pronouncement triggered, for the first time, concern about 
avian flu in the West. In no time at all, the spotlight fell on the 
Swiss drug giant, Roche. Roche has the exclusive license to produce 
Tamiflu (the trade name for oseltamivir), an anti-viral believed to 
have some effect in reducing the spread of avian flu in humans. It 
was developed and patented by Gilead Sciences, a US drug firm which 
gave Roche the exclusive right to manufacture the pill. With huge 
corporate media attention, Tamiflu -- and Roche -- suddenly became 
the answer to the potential pandemic.

It is, however, not at all certain that Tamiflu would be a help, 
should a human pandemic break out. Tamiflu's effectiveness is highly 
contested, and it carries important side-effects as well. It does 
reduce the 

Re: [Biofuel] We got to get the Dems to take action

2007-03-24 Thread Keith Addison
What color are gray wolves? If you said gray you're partly correct, 
they can also have white, red or black fur.
What the US desperately needs is a second party so there is an actual choice.
All of the current ones are approved by the east coast 
establishment. even Perot. He was a manipulation.


You mean neither the Business Party nor the Other Business Party? Golly.

... However, I think that
overall Carter was closer to a decent human being than any post-World
War Two president. In 1978 he invited 1960s anti-war activist and
leader of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Tom Hayden, to the
White House. (Think George W inviting Michael Moore.) As recounted by
Hayden, in their private conversation he said to Carter: You are the
elected President of the United States, yet I'm concerned that you
have less power than the chairmen of the boards of the large
multinational corporations -- men we don't elect or even know.
 After looking pensively out the Oval Office window, President
Carter nodded and said, 'I believe that's right. I've learned that
these last 12 months'.[16]

[16] San Francisco Chronicle, March 4, 1978
[Biofuel] The Anti-Empire Report
February 3, 2007
by William Blum

Much worse now.



D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok, the Dems did some good. But what about restoring our 
democracy?  unearthing
all the corruption, exposing it to the light of truth. We need to 
keep the pressure on the
Dems in the House of Reps to do the right thing. They need to hold 
hearings and give numerous
whistleblowers, including Sibel Edmonds, a venue to present their 
evidence. This is as important as the impeachment of Cheney and 
Bush, it not moreso.   Peace, D. Mindock
Please visit:

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Re: [Biofuel] How do you catch a crow?

2007-03-24 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Dave, thankyou, interesting web page.

   I caught this thread late and have not read all the replies.. 
however, my dad used to trap predatory birds as part of a program to 
protect engendered species.  His basic trap was a tall pole with a 
regular steel jaw trap on top.  This pole is placed in a large open 
space and birds that are flying by are inclined to perch in it.

A while back, I was studying up on a local native tribe in my area 
and came across this:

Scroll down to the Ojibwa bird pole.  Its rather clever.

Yes it is. The last sentence sort of jolted me though: If the weight 
is too heavy, it will cut the bird's feet off, allowing it to 
escape. :-(

Also it talks of the targeted species, but it doesn't seem to be 
very targeted - birds sit on poles, targeted or not.

I guess these things don't matter if you're trapping for the pot though.

And, if you have any stray rabbits you'd like to eat.. there are 
some other snares you can build.  lol

Thanks again Dave, I learnt a lot from that.




On Tuesday, March 20, 2007  9:40 AM, Keith Addison wrote:
 Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 23:40:17 +0900
 From: Keith Addison
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How do you catch a crow?
 Hi Jason
 i was digging around and found a bird trap that might help you. it looks
 like a big mousetrap with a net around the bar.
 it is big enough to hold the bird inside the net, but i would guess that if
 yon birdie tried to get away, it would be killed by the impact 
rather than
 caught by the net. here is the website, but it would probably be easier to
 make one (and cheaper too...)
 its almost to the bottom of the page called EZ catch. seems like a good
 design idea anyway.
 That's great! Thanks very much! The missing bit. It's the same
 technique as a cage trap but using a net instead of a cage. I said I
 thought it needs nets, only I don't know how to use nets, but I'm
 pretty good at cage traps. So far. Right, I'll make one of those, or
 something like it.
 Thanks again Jason.
 All best
 - Original Message -
 From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 7:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How do you catch a crow?
   Hi Gary, thanks for this
  They are very crafty and can count people in their area to a point.
   Crows are smart! Have a look at what this crow is doing - 
check the video:
   BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Crows prove they are no birdbrains
   Homo habilis indeed, LOL!
  If you have time, you can walk to the coop with a few people 
and leave one
  person behind to wait for the crows to return. A call that sounds like a
  crow can call it in.
  If legal try a #1-1/2 leg hold trap with a morsel of food TIED 
to the pan.
  This can catch other animals also so the location and attention when set
  very important. The roof top can be a good place to start.
  There will be no need to disguise the trap for at least the 
first attempt
  but, be sure to fasten the chain to something just incase the tries to
   It's legal, but I'm reluctant to do it. I'd rather kill it outright
   (ie shoot it, not an option) or catch it without hurting it and then
   kill it. Probably I need to do something clever with a net, but I
   haven't managed to figure it out yet. If it comes down to it though
   the chicks come first and so the crow dies, whatever works. So thanks
   very much for this, I reckon I could get a leg hold trap to work.
  Also according to reports they can carry lots of germs and disease, so
  handle with a glove and dispose of with care.
   It's because they're carrion eaters I guess. Straight into the
   compost bin, not much left after cooking at 70+ deg C for a week or
   Thanks again, all best
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Keith Addison
  Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:23 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] How do you catch a crow?
  Hi all
  A pesky crow moved in a couple of weeks ago. I guess they're all
  pesky, I haven't met any other kind. It reckons this is its territory
  now, there are good pickings here, it's taken to scavenging poultry
  feed for instance, sneak-thief, darts in as soon as your back's
  Trouble is there'll be flocks of hatchlings around soon, with their
  mums to look after them indeed, but chicks run around, the crow will
  get some of them.
  We killed a crow a year or two ago. We'd been having problems with
  them, thieving and so on, and they killed five chicks. Then a couple
  of crows got into the chicken hutch and Midori killed one, the other
  escaped. We hung the dead one up outside the chicken 

Re: [Biofuel] Sludge, not in my backyard

2007-03-24 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Dawie


#3 goes without saying ...

It can't be said often enough, IMHO.

Strictly speaking, nobody has any business invading the countryside 
unless they are bona-fide farmers or bona-fide hermits.

Just as long as you know your place. But then that wouldn't be 
invasive would it. We're part of it, it's part of us.

I am neither, so my efforts are directed to developing a better 
pattern of urban living. The key is that it must be entirely 
different from a rural settlement pattern:

I don't think there's any clear cut-off point between the two.

the model layout for 20 cottages won't work if their occupants don't farm.

It will work if they garden, or even if only a few of them garden. 
Actually it can work even if none of them garden.

You can't confine composting to farmers, that's just not so. A very 
great deal of composting is done in cities, in all shapes and sizes.

Indeed, the fact that the prevalent urban form seeks to maintain the 
illusion of rural settlement is a major contributor to the problem.

I guess it depends where you're looking. Of course there are places 
where that applies, but I don't think there's such a dichotomy in 
general, more like a grey area. In many parts of the world (more and 
more) much or even most of the food people eat is grown by city 
farms, with either very little land (like allotments) or no land 
(rooftop gardens, container gardens), including poultry, and in many 
cases the city farms play a major role in waste recycling. It fits 
well, but the authorities don't like it (of course).




- Original Message 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 21 March, 2007 12:45:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Sludge, not in my backyard

Hello Dawie

You skipped #3, but it would make your plans a lot simpler, IMHO.

 3. Compost, compost, compost.
An Agricultural Testament - Albert Howard - Chapter 8
Developments of the Indore Process
The Utilization of Town Wastes

See, among other things, the model layout for 20 cottages.

An Agricultural Testament - Albert Howard - Appendix C
The Manufacture of Humus from the Wastes of the Town and the Village

Dump the septic tank! No need for all that water, no effluent, no
troublesome sludge to take somewhere else (where it'll have to be
hot-composted anyway). Use sawdust toilets, with an accompanying
greywater system of the same scale, keep the flush toilets for
multi-stories, as you say.

Have you read this?

For the rest, I fully agree.

All best


 //1. Polluter pays - once it's made prohibitively expensive there
 won't be any more industrial wastes in sewage systems, especially if
 that goes with an informed public that hates the idea.//
 I've given some thought to sewer reticulation. It seems to me that
 bringing the treatment closer to the source might be beneficial, for
 instance four to 10 households sharing a septic tank and percolating
 filter, which may then discharge a fairly clean effluent back to the
 farmland. If, moreover, the sludge is sold directly to a manure
 supplier who will not pay for industrial or toxic waste
 because farmer customers don't want it, the idea is reinforced that
 one is responsible not only to the farmers and the environment but
 also very practically to one's immediate neighbours for what goes
 down the drain. It requires a certain sort of close and economically
 robust community, but that is just another item to add to the long
 list of reasons that such communities are needed.
 In any event industrial effluent needs an entirely separate system
 of reticulation. I've been thinking about likely wastes from the
 sorts of light industries that can co-exist with domestic urban land
 use, i.e. mom-and-pop manufactories in the ground floors of houses.
 It looks like most of it can be caught and recycled or re-used, even
 on the premises. The rest ought to go into conservancy tanks for
 subsequent processing by others using more involved means. It could
 be that we're talking very small volumes. Again, it is something
 influenced by the shape of the community it works in.
 //2. Get rid of the flush toilet (the most wasteful piece of
 equipment ever devised).//
 Toilet flushing can account for up to 30% of household water
 consumption, but it can be done with grey water if there is a
 suitable way to get it to the required height. The flush toilet has
 indispensable advantages in multi-storey buildings. It is imperative
 for urban domestic building to go three or four storeys if the
 insane pattern of urban transportation is to be broken, and then 

[Biofuel] Off Topic 'HELP Africa'

2007-03-24 Thread Chip Mefford

Humanitarian Efforts to Lesson Poverty

At first blush these folks look pretty cool

Does anyone on the list know anything about
this outfit?

I have an opportunity to throw some support
at this initiative, and I am trying to get
as much input as I can find.

Thanks in advance.

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[Biofuel] We're being murdered after being financially plundered

2007-03-24 Thread D. Mindock
We're being murdered after being financially raped, and sadly, it's legal. 

The AMA -- Murder by Injection 
Conventional medicine's stranglehold on the U.S. has been deliberately 
maintained since early in the 20th century. 

Description: GIF image
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] 'Help Africa'

2007-03-24 Thread Robin Pentney
Hi Chip!
I have a friend (drummer in our band) who is a hydrologist retired 
from the federal government (Cdn) . He is currently in Ghana building 
water wells at his own expense. This is his 3rd trip , I think and 
his daughter has been 2ce as well.
All in all a very worthwhile effort I believe.
I might have some pictures he sent us if you are interested...

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] The Slaughter of Innocence

2007-03-24 Thread D. Mindock
G'day Kirk,

Mercola says the bird flu is a hoax.
Rumsfeld Bird Flu Hoax
  Original breaking story that you won't find anywhere else in the news. 
Read what the media won?t tell you about the Avian flu hoax. 
 - Mar 23, 2007 -

 Also I think Mark means when he says that the FDA says Tamiflu is
safe is that it does not take it off the market but merely says be careful 
shortly after the shot is adminstered.
All drugs are to be used as directed, right? I think Mark is much more right 
than wrong on this. Yes, he can be shrill but I think
he is that way because he sees his job as one of waking people up. (plus I 
think he is weary and POed) We are at a point in history where our health 
freedom is in a precarious position. As you know most people are either 
apathetic, ignorant,
or cannot bring themselves to believe what Big Pharma has in store for them. 
We live now with freedoms of
choice here that have already disappeared in other countries. It looks like 
the USA is the last country that is
supposed to give up our vitamins, supplements, etc. The Codex Alimentarius 
is due to kick in on Dec 31,
2009. We're to be pushed into a killer system which intends not to heal 
but to mask symptoms with toxic
drugs, surgeries, and radiation; all expensive and deadly.
Peace, D. Mindock

 Hello DM

Tamiflu is just one of many cases where children are dying and the
FDA stands firm declaring it safe.[i]

[i] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said it received 103
reports of delirium, hallucinations and other unusual psychiatric
behavior, mostly in Japanese children treated with Tamiflu, between
Aug. 29, 2005, and July 6, 2006.

 Not correct. See:
 Tamiflu Linked to Self-Injury, Delirium
 November 16, 2006
(HealthCentersOnline) - Reports of self-injury and delirium
associated with the use of Tamiflu has prompted the U.S. Food  Drug
Administration to require new warning be inserted in the prescribing
and patient information. ... the revised patient information
includes the following warning:
People with the flu, particularly children, may be at an increased
risk of self-injury and confusion shortly after taking TAMIFLU and
should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior. A
healthcare professional should be contacted immediately if the
patient taking TAMIFLU shows any signs of unusual behavior.

 That was quite widely reported (on MSN eg). Mark Sircus is writing
 three and a half months later. Sloppy. He should be more careful. I
 wonder what else he didn't get right.

Donald Rumsfeld is a good example of a modern day Herod who sends
his toxic chemicals out into the world (aspartame and Tamiflu)
knowing full well people are suffering and dying in huge numbers
because of them.

 Hm. Not if you look at the death certificates though. Yes yes I know,
 but it doesn't help to be shrill and inaccurate.

 I don't know what Mercola says about Rumsfeld in his bird flu scam
 book, but apart from the Rumsfeld-Gilead connection
 FluAvian)it's worth checking what the GRAIN reports on bird flu I
 posted the other day have to say about Rumsfeld.
 [Biofuel] Fowl play: The poultry industry's central role in the bird flu
 GRAIN: February 2006
 [Biofuel] The top-down global response to bird flu
 GRAIN: April 2006
 [Biofuel] Bird flu: a bonanza for 'Big Chicken'
 GRAIN: March 2007

 Briefly, Rumsfeld was chairman of GD Searle (Nutrasweet - aspartame)
 and was allegedly instrumental in getting aspartame declared safe
 when it shouldn't have been. Monsanto bought Searle, Rumsfeld left
 with a $12 million payoff. Ten years ago Rumsfeld became chairman of
 Gilead Sciences, which developed Tamiflu and owns the Tamiflu patent.
 Rumsfeld is still the largest or one of the largest shareholders in
 Gilead. Gilead sold the exclusive license for Tamiflu to Roche. The
 WHO and Western governments are pushing Tamiflu as the best defence
 against a possible human flu pandemic arising from bird flu, and
 Rumsfeld is making millions out of it.

 Read on...

Of pandemics and patents

The H5N1 virus was first noticed and identified when it took its
first human victims in Hong Kong in 1997. A few years later, in
2003, similar deaths were reported in Viet Nam and then in Thailand.
The following year it killed people further afield in Indonesia,
China and Cambodia. Until mid-2005, bird flu was generally seen as
an 'Asian' problem. Then the World Health Organisation took the huge
political decision to tell the world that we are on the verge of a
global human pandemic that could kill 150 million people. As

Re: [Biofuel] The Slaughter of Innocence

2007-03-24 Thread Keith Addison
Hello DM

G'day Kirk,

Not Kirk, it was me.

Mercola says the bird flu is a hoax.

Yes I know he says that, I said I didn't know what he said about Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld Bird Flu Hoax
  Original breaking story that you won't find anywhere else in the news.
Read what the media won?t tell you about the Avian flu hoax.
 - Mar 23, 2007 -

 Also I think Mark means when he says that

If Mark sees his job as one of waking people up then you shouldn't 
have to say I think what Mark means when he says that... or that 
he's much more right than wrong on this. He has an obligation to 
get it right, it's easy enough to check but he got it wrong. If you 
want to wake people up then it should be clear and straightforward 
but it's shrill and sloppy. Weary and POed, well my heart bleeds for 
him poor feller.

Pity you don't seem to have read the rest of it. Oh well.



the FDA says Tamiflu is
safe is that it does not take it off the market but merely says be careful
shortly after the shot is adminstered.
All drugs are to be used as directed, right? I think Mark is much more right
than wrong on this. Yes, he can be shrill but I think
he is that way because he sees his job as one of waking people up. (plus I
think he is weary and POed) We are at a point in history where our health
freedom is in a precarious position. As you know most people are either
apathetic, ignorant,
or cannot bring themselves to believe what Big Pharma has in store for them.
We live now with freedoms of
choice here that have already disappeared in other countries. It looks like
the USA is the last country that is
supposed to give up our vitamins, supplements, etc. The Codex Alimentarius
is due to kick in on Dec 31,
2009. We're to be pushed into a killer system which intends not to heal
but to mask symptoms with toxic
drugs, surgeries, and radiation; all expensive and deadly.
Peace, D. Mindock

  Hello DM
 Tamiflu is just one of many cases where children are dying and the
 FDA stands firm declaring it safe.[i]
 [i] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said it received 103
 reports of delirium, hallucinations and other unusual psychiatric
 behavior, mostly in Japanese children treated with Tamiflu, between
 Aug. 29, 2005, and July 6, 2006.
  Not correct. See:
  Tamiflu Linked to Self-Injury, Delirium
  November 16, 2006
 (HealthCentersOnline) - Reports of self-injury and delirium
 associated with the use of Tamiflu has prompted the U.S. Food  Drug
 Administration to require new warning be inserted in the prescribing
 and patient information. ... the revised patient information
 includes the following warning:
 People with the flu, particularly children, may be at an increased
 risk of self-injury and confusion shortly after taking TAMIFLU and
 should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior. A
 healthcare professional should be contacted immediately if the
 patient taking TAMIFLU shows any signs of unusual behavior.
  That was quite widely reported (on MSN eg). Mark Sircus is writing
  three and a half months later. Sloppy. He should be more careful. I
  wonder what else he didn't get right.
 Donald Rumsfeld is a good example of a modern day Herod who sends
 his toxic chemicals out into the world (aspartame and Tamiflu)
 knowing full well people are suffering and dying in huge numbers
 because of them.
  Hm. Not if you look at the death certificates though. Yes yes I know,
  but it doesn't help to be shrill and inaccurate.
  I don't know what Mercola says about Rumsfeld in his bird flu scam
  book, but apart from the Rumsfeld-Gilead connection
  FluAvian)it's worth checking what the GRAIN reports on bird flu I
  posted the other day have to say about Rumsfeld.
  [Biofuel] Fowl play: The poultry industry's central role in the bird flu
  GRAIN: February 2006
  [Biofuel] The top-down global response to bird flu
  GRAIN: April 2006
  [Biofuel] Bird flu: a bonanza for 'Big Chicken'
  GRAIN: March 2007
  Briefly, Rumsfeld was chairman of GD Searle (Nutrasweet - aspartame)
  and was allegedly instrumental in getting aspartame declared safe
  when it shouldn't have been. Monsanto bought Searle, Rumsfeld left
  with a $12 million payoff. Ten years ago Rumsfeld became chairman of
  Gilead Sciences, which developed Tamiflu and owns the Tamiflu patent.
  Rumsfeld is still the largest or one of the largest shareholders in
  Gilead. Gilead sold the exclusive license for Tamiflu to Roche. The
  WHO and Western governments are pushing Tamiflu as the best defence
  against a 

[Biofuel] Nice table of Vitamin C

2007-03-24 Thread Kirk McLoren
  scroll down to table
  C content of lots of foods
  wolfberry looks good at 2.5%
  I just got some Anna kiwi vines.
  up to 100 pounds of fruit per vine.
  Hardy, delicious and 0.1% C content by weight - twice as concentrated as an 
  Zone 5 -9
  need a male vine to pollenate.

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