Re: [Biofuel] World Agriculture Report

2008-04-22 Thread Francene McClintock
I don't have a real good handle on this but David Blume says in his book
Alcohol Can Be A Gas that biofuels must continue to have subsidies as
long as the major oil companies have all their loopholes and tax breaks.
Why I am writing is that I am upset because Ralph Nader has come out
against biofuel subsidies as one of his platform issues. (See skip to the website and uner nader 2008 blog refer to East
Coast Corporate Liberal). Also Current TV blogs seem to be against
biofuels. I need some guidance as to the truth. Is it that we just
shouldn't use corn (i.e. 28 different sources for alcohol)? Could you
please contact the Nader team and put in your ideas. They have a contact
page. I don't want them to be against something that is not right or at
least clarified better as I am a volunteer for his campaign.  I'm
interested in a CARBON NEUTRAL platform and I don't see how you can do it
without biofuels. Accoring to David's book, John D. Rockefeller was the
one who made gasoline out of kerosene toxic waste and stopped Ford from
continuing with his plans to convert distilleries into alcohol fuel
plants. Interesting that Rockefeller is working with the world bank and
promoting GM food (i.e. refer to Patel's article). David Blume says we
can grow everything we need for all transportation needs on less than 15%
prime cropland by using other land that isn't considered cropland or

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Re: Jos� Can You See? Bush's Trojan Taco

2008-04-22 Thread Keith Addison
Bush, Harper, Calderon Defend Trade Amid Backlash
April 21 (Bloomberg)
Three Amigos Summit

Manuel Pérez Rocha and Sarah Anderson | April 15, 2008

Editor: Emily Schwartz Greco

Foreign Policy In Focus

President George W. Bush will soon host what has become an annual 
Three Amigos Summit. The leaders of Mexico, the United States, and 
Canada will be gathering in New Orleans on April 21 and 22. What do 
you suppose is on the agenda? A rational response to immigration, 
perhaps? A thoughtful renegotiation of the unpopular North American 
Free Trade Agreement? Lessons from Canada's affordable medicines 

No. No. And no. Rather than putting their heads together around 
pressing issues such as these, the three leaders will be advancing a 
so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). And while that 
may sound well and good, this initiative, begun in 2005, is unlikely 
to produce either security or prosperity. That's because the 
partnership is only with big business.

The chief executives of Wal-Mart, Chevron, and 28 other large 
corporations are in on the closed-door negotiations, while members of 
Congress, journalists, and ordinary citizens are excluded. And the 
secrecy is not just around the presidential summits, but also the 
meetings of about 20 SPP working groups that carry on negotiations 
over the course of the year.

What's on the table? Not much is public, but we do know that the 
executive powers of the three countries are hammering out regulatory 
changes that they claim do not require legislative approval. And 
given who's in the room, it's a safe bet that these changes will 
favor narrow corporate interests over the public good.

The official corporate advisory body, called the North American 
Competitive Council (NACC), made 51 proposals to the SPP negotiators 
last year on issues as varied as taxation and patent rights. The NACC 
later boasted that all three of our governments have committed 
themselves to taking action on many of our recommendations.

Bad on Process and Substance

In essence, the SPP represents the privatization of policymaking. And 
so it's not surprising that on top of the outrageously 
anti-democratic process, there are also strong reasons to be 
concerned about the substance of SPP decisions. Here are just a few:

First, at a time when the Democratic presidential candidates have 
kicked up a long overdue debate over NAFTA, the SPP would actually 
expand this flawed policy. Even though the lifting of trade and 
investment barriers under the trade pact failed to create the 
promised good, stable jobs, the SPP is further chipping away at 
remaining economic regulations. For example, at the last SPP summit, 
the three leaders announced a weakening of NAFTA's rules of origin 
to allow products with a lower level of national content to receive 
preferential tariff treatment. This will undermine domestic 
industries by making trade in products from third countries like 
China even more profitable.

Second, the SPP could exacerbate tensions over energy resources and 
deepen our dependence on fossil fuels. Under the guise of a North 
American integrated energy market, there is evidence that the U.S. 
government and corporations are aiming to gain greater control over 
its neighbors' resources. One SPP agreement, for example, reflects 
the corporate advisors' recommendations to promote energy 
privatization in Mexico - this in spite of a massive citizens' 
movement in that country, which has fought long and hard to prevent 
their nation's oil industry from being handed over to global 
corporations. In Canada, progressive activists are up in arms over an 
SPP report that envisioned a fivefold increase in environmentally 
destructive oil production from tar sands, with most of the increase 
to be exported to the United States.

Third, the SPP talks are aimed at expanding the militarized U.S. 
security perimeter to all of North America, with disturbing 
implications for civil liberties. The three countries have vowed to 
join forces against not only external but also internal threats, 
and Mexico and Canada have already agreed to share vast amounts of 
information with the U.S. government, including the fingerprints of 
refugees and asylum seekers. The Bush administration is also offering 
Mexico a multi-billion-dollar military aid package under the Merida 
Initiative (also known as Plan Mexico). While the new equipment is 
supposedly to combat drug cartels, many organizations have expressed 
concerns that it may also end up being used against political 
dissidents and immigrants.

Progressive vs. Conservative Critiques

Although the SPP has been the target of strong criticism from 
progressive groups in Canada and Mexico, right-wing anti-immigrant 
forces have dominated the discourse in the United States. And while 
there is unity 

Re: [Biofuel] World Agriculture Report

2008-04-22 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Francene

I recommend a little digging in the list archives.

For instance, there's a difference between biofuels and agrofuels. See:
Re: [Biofuel] Definition of biofuel.
Fri, 18 Jan 2008

Small is beautifuel. Conversely, big is agrofuel, not beautifuel.

Read the GRAIN report it refers to as well:

We believe that the prefix bio, which comes from the Greek word for 
'life', is entirely inappropriate for such anti-life devastation. So, 
following the lead of non-governmental organisations and social 
movements in Latin America, we do not talk about biofuels and green 
energy. Agrofuels is a much better term, we believe, to express what 
is really happening: agribusiness producing fuel from plants as 
another commodity in a wasteful, destructive and unjust global 

The biofuels that the list and Journey to Forever deal with are real 
biofuels, small-scale, local, eco-friendly and community-friendly, 
it's Appropriate Technology (as if people mattered).

David Blume's book is excellent, it's the bible of small to medium 
scale alcohol production as he said. But I don't agree with him that 
there should be subsidies for biofuels (actually agrofuels) as long 
as there are subsidies for big oil, for the sake of a level playing 
field or whatever. Subsidies can play a useful and important role, 
but these subsidies are only handouts to the same big guys who're 
causing all the problems in the first place. More of the same will 
only make it worse, with further distortions.

There's a lot of confusion and spin about all this. I'm just as much 
opposed to agrofuels production as to any other kind of agribusiness, 
it's the problem, it can't provide solutions. Nonetheless, agrofuels 
is being blamed as a major cause of the current food crisis, but it's 
not so:
[Biofuel] A man-made famine
Thu, 17 Apr 2008
Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Re: Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis, turns biomass into 
Green gasoline
Sun, 13 Apr 2008

Meanwhile soaring food prices, scarcity and world-wide food riots 
are not (or not yet) due to pressures on the food supply caused by 
increased biofuels production as so widely alleged, but mainly to 
soaring petroleum prices.

It also says, about industrial-scale agrofuels production, that if 
it doesn't fit the Appropriate Technology model it's useless.

Subsidies for Appropriate Technology biofuels (not agrofuels) 
production might make some sense, as long as it didn't twist it all 
out of shape. But it's unlikely to happen. No doubt we'll manage to 
struggle along without it somehow. In fact it's been suitably out of 
control for a few years already:

... untold numbers of local folks all over the world in all kinds of 
circumstances are making their own biofuels, especially biodiesel, 
millions and millions of gallons of it every year, it all goes right 
under the radar, and it's spreading like a weed, suitably out of 
[Biofuel] Biofuels for Transport
Sun, 25 Nov 2007

And millions and millions of dollars that aren't going to ExxonMobil.

But ExxonMobil managed to struggle along without it and posted an 
all-time world-wide record profit last year of $42 billion, which 
makes it a little hard to believe that the oil price went up from $25 
to $117 a barrel because costs were higher, or because supplies were 
low. Straight figures you can trust are hard to come by in the murky 
world of big oil. Supply and demand? Of what? Of oil futures?

Perhaps similarly, the reports about food shortages don't actually 
seem to report any actual food shortages, only dire talk about them, 
talk and soaring prices and hardship for poor people who can't afford 
the new prices, but no actual shortages, as yet. But the prices soar 
anyway. Supply and demand?

I don't think production has decreased, in fact it's steadily 
increased, food production has kept 17% ahead of population growth 
over the last 30 years. The FAO and many others have stated that 
there's more than enough food for everyone, more food per capita 
available worldwide than there's ever been before. The reason that 
852 million people go hungry isn't that there's not enough food, it's 
that they're excluded from the market by an inequitable economic 

Robert Watson, director of the IAASTD which produced the World 
Agriculture Report, said: We have to applaud global increases in 
food production but not everyone has benefited. He said governments 
and industry focused too narrowly on increasing food production, with 
little regard for natural resources or food security. Continuing 
with current trends would mean the earth's haves and have-nots 
splitting further apart, he said. We have to make food more 

[Biofuel] Fwd: [LittleHouses] There Is No Gas Shortage

2008-04-22 Thread Kirk McLoren
 such as 
Pilgrim's Pride. And the net result of all this is that the prices of crude and 
gasoline rise ever higher thanks to a shortage that does not exist, while 
food costs are soaring thanks in part to the ethanol mandate. 
The Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, but the cost of mortgages goes up 
six weeks in a row—and last month Bank of America (BAC) credit-card holders 
started being charged more than 24% interest on new purchases. 
This is what they call Republican Prosperity? Ronald Reagan was both right 
and wrong when he said, Government is not the solution, government is the 
problem. And government is still the problem. Instead of a fair and open 
market they gave us a free-for-all marketplace with no regulations at all, 
which lately these bubble boys have sent south for all of us. 
One would guess that Washington missed the obvious: Protect all U.S. consumers 
and you're also protecting business expansion. 


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[Biofuel] Food Rationing in America?

2008-04-22 Thread robert and benita
-pound bags of rice at 
Costco. I am concerned that when the news of rice shortage spreads, 
there will be panic buying and the shelves will be empty in no time. I 
do not intend to cause a panic, and I am not speculating on rice to make 
profit. I am just hoarding some for my own consumption, he wrote.

For now, rice is available at Asian markets in California, though 
consumers have fewer choices when buying the largest bags. At our 
neighborhood store, it's very expensive, more than $30 for a 25-pound 
bag, a housewife from Mountain View, Theresa Esquerra, said. I'm not 
going to pay $30. Maybe we'll just eat bread.

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

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Re: [Biofuel] Food Rationing in America?

2008-04-22 Thread Jason Mier

i dont know about rice, but flour i can speak for. 


you can use cattail pollen, tubers, sprouts, and seed heads for foods of all 
kinds. there is more about living comfortably in the boonies throughout the 
website, but there are some articles that could possibly be considered 
survivalist in the right context. 

all paranoia aside, its some pretty interesting stuff-- canning, hunting, 
recycling/repurposing, etc. 

 Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 17:18:46 -0700
 Subject: [Biofuel] Food Rationing in America?

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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: [LittleHouses] There Is No Gas Shortage

2008-04-22 Thread Jason Mier
 institutions, but why 
 protect the personal assets of those who were responsible for the mess? Both 
 the corporation's officers and its board members should contribute their 
 personal assets toward saving the bank they put in the ditch—the bank all of 
 us are going to pay to bail out.
 Instead, the Bush administration is protecting those responsible for creating 
 yet another speculative bubble in oil futures, and is protecting investors in 
 the ethanol industry—much to the detriment of food-processing companies such 
 as Pilgrim's Pride. And the net result of all this is that the prices of 
 crude and gasoline rise ever higher thanks to a shortage that does not 
 exist, while food costs are soaring thanks in part to the ethanol mandate.
 The Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, but the cost of mortgages goes up 
 six weeks in a row—and last month Bank of America (BAC) credit-card holders 
 started being charged more than 24% interest on new purchases.
 This is what they call Republican Prosperity? Ronald Reagan was both right 
 and wrong when he said, Government is not the solution, government is the 
 problem. And government is still the problem. Instead of a fair and open 
 market they gave us a free-for-all marketplace with no regulations at all, 
 which lately these bubble boys have sent south for all of us.
 One would guess that Washington missed the obvious: Protect all U.S. 
 consumers and you're also protecting business expansion.


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Re: [Biofuel] Food Rationing in America?

2008-04-22 Thread Steve Moran
 companies have less discretion to increase
prices locally. Mr. Rawles said the spot shortages seemed to be most
frequent in the Northeast and all the way along the West Coast. He said
he had heard reports of buying limits at Sam's Club warehouses, which
are owned by Wal-Mart Stores, but a spokesman for the company, Kory
Lundberg, said he was not aware of any shortages or limits.

An anonymous high-tech professional writing on an investment Web site,
Seeking Alpha, said he recently bought 10 50-pound bags of rice at
Costco. I am concerned that when the news of rice shortage spreads,
there will be panic buying and the shelves will be empty in no time. I
do not intend to cause a panic, and I am not speculating on rice to make
profit. I am just hoarding some for my own consumption, he wrote.

For now, rice is available at Asian markets in California, though
consumers have fewer choices when buying the largest bags. At our
neighborhood store, it's very expensive, more than $30 for a 25-pound
bag, a housewife from Mountain View, Theresa Esquerra, said. I'm not
going to pay $30. Maybe we'll just eat bread.

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind 

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

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