Re: [Biofuel] A Food System That Kills - Swine Flu Is Meat Industry's Latest Plague

2009-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
How many deaths have there been from swine flu so far?

A few days ago answered: more than 10 thousands 
people have died.

That in spite of this news a day or two earlier: Only 7 swine flu 
deaths, not 152, says WHO, April 29, 2009

The Guardian since reported: There have been 17 confirmed deaths 
Mexico revises down suspected swine flu deaths - Outbreak may be no 
worse than seasonal flu, says health minister, with deaths under 
investigation cut from 176 to 101,, Saturday 2 May 
2009 got a belated update from a less ill-informed 
contributor: ACTUALLY, only 150 deaths and 359 cases worldwide, 
these statistics are still UNCONFIRMED. The World Health Organization 
has updated their statistics to say that only 17 confirmed deaths 
have been reported from this recent strain of the swine flu in the 
entire world.

17 deaths. Very high noise level per death, it must be nearly a record.

... Meanwhile a real pestilence, MRSA and C difficile, was taking 
hold in hospitals. It was suppressed by the medical profession 
because it appeared that they themselves might be to blame. These 
diseases have played a role in thousands of deaths in British 
hospitals - the former a reported 1,652 and the latter 8,324 in 2007 
alone. Like deaths from alcoholism, we have come to regard 
hospital-induced infection as an accident of life, a hazard to which 
we have subconsciously adjusted.

MRSA and C difficile are not like swine flu, an opportunity for 
public figures to scare and posture and spend money. They are 
diseases for which the government is to blame. They claim no 
headlines and no Cobra priority. Their sufferers must crawl away and 
die in silence.

-- Swine flu? A panic stoked in order to posture and spend -- Despite 
the hysteria, the risk to Britons' health is tiny - but that news 
won't sell papers or drugs, or justify the WHO's budget
Simon Jenkins, The Guardian, Wednesday 29 April 2009

I hope this pig doesn't get swine flu:

:-) I'm sure it won't though, it's not a CAFO, looks like a small, 
backyard operation, safe as houses.



Hi Jason

Quite so.

if swine flu has killed 150 people in the last month, and if the
trend continues that will be more than 2000 people killed by this

2,000 children die of hunger every hour and a half. That sure sounds
like a pandemic to me. Same perps too:

Agri-Biz at Root of Swine Flu?
Evidence points to industrial pig farm as source of outbreak, if so,
Bernice Wuethrich tried to warn us

Swine Flu and Factory Farms: Fast Track to Disaster
by Michael Greger, M.D.
April 25, 2009
Factory farms confine thousands of animals in one building -- a
breeding ground for disease. ©Farm Sanctuary

Critical Alert: The Swine Flu Pandemic -- Fact or Fiction?



  35000 (thirty-five thousand) people die from the normal everyday
chicken-soup-and-toast flu every year in the US alone. there are
more than 25 million reported cases of common flu in the US in a
year, and officials are calling 3000 cases of swine flu /worldwide/
a pandemic?!?!

   Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 08:38:03 +0900
   Subject: [Biofuel] A Food System That Kills - Swine Flu Is Meat
Industry's Latest Plague

   New from GRAIN
   April 2009

   A Food System That Kills

   Swine Flu Is Meat Industry's Latest Plague

   Mexico is in the midst of a hellish repeat of Asia's bird flu
   experience, though on a more deadly scale. Once again, the official
   response from public authorities has come too late and bungled in
   cover-ups. And once again, the global meat industry is at the centre
   of the story, ramping up denials as the weight of evidence about its
   role grows. Just five years after the start of the H5N1 bird flu
   crisis, and after as many years of a global strategy against
   influenza pandemics coordinated by the World Health Organisation
   (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the world
   is now reeling from a swine flu disaster. The global strategy has
   failed and needs to be replaced with a public health system that the
   public can trust.

   What we know about the situation in Mexico is that, 

Re: [Biofuel] A Food System That Kills - Swine Flu Is Meat Industry's Latest Plague

2009-05-04 Thread David House


I hope things are well with you...

Keith Addison wrote:
 How many deaths have there been from swine flu so far?

 A few days ago answered: more than 10 thousands people have 

 That in spite of this news a day or two earlier: Only 7 swine flu deaths, 
 not 152, says WHO, April 29, 2009 [...] 

 The Guardian since reported: There have been 17 confirmed deaths worldwide. 

It's a bit early for either a sigh of relief or abject fear.

Unfortunately each of these statements could be true. Ten thousand could 
have died from the flu, but unless its genetic signature has been 
confirmed by a reputable lab, then no one can be sure that those who 
died had H1N1 (this new swine flu), some other flu virus, or another 
disease masquerading as flu. Further, WHO may be getting its confirmed 
death count from agencies other than those used and quoted by the Guardian.

For example, in the US, at present, CDC (Centers for Disease Control in 
Atlanta) is the only place where there is a lab which can confirm the 
presence of H1N1 in a sample. Sometime this month, the plan is that each 
of the 50 states would have at least one lab that can do the tests which 
can confirm the presence of the particular genetic signature (a 
fluorescent dye that is specific to that signature is the main thing 
needed to be distributed). Nevertheless, if one wants statistics 
regarding confirmed cases or deaths in the US, then up to this point it 
was necessary to wait for the lab at CDC. Where there is a fast-moving 
increase in cases, obviously that bottleneck would tend to under-report 
either statistic.

Further, even though we speak of this virus as though it were one thing, 
the fact is that it will continue to do what it has done to become what 
it more or less is at present. That is, the virus carries an amalgam of 
genes from human, swine and bird flu varieties, and may well have 
evolved some unique genetic sequences of its own. This morning's news 
carried a report of a human with the flu infecting more than 200 pigs, 
putting this masterful quick change artist into a new alembic. Things 
similar are bound to happen repeatedly, and unreported. In other words 
as it continues to spread, no doubt it will continue to change and 
recombine, and without question the varieties which result will be 
selected for those which are more easily transmitted and which are 
resistant to the various drugs in the cocktail of cures we throw at it. 
If, in addition, those characteristics somehow become coupled into a 
variant that is also more lethal, then the calculus will shift 
dramatically toward fear.

 Swine flu? A panic stoked in order to posture and spend... Simon Jenkins, 
 The Guardian, Wednesday 29 April 2009

God bless Simon, but based on the short quote you offered, Keith, he has 
no idea what he's talking about.

 ... Meanwhile a real pestilence, MRSA and C difficile, was taking hold in 

Now, by contrast, that's hard to argue against. And of course with the 
genetic reshuffling which so often occurs, and given that so many of 
those who are infected with H1N1 will likely be hospitalized, we will 
regularly be putting a highly infectious virus near highly resistant 

David William House
The Complete Biogas Handbook ||

Make no search for water.   But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst.
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)
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[Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-04 Thread SurpriseShan2
 of serious tendon injury before  
tendons actually rupture. 
The petition also urged the FDA to send a  warning letter to physicians, as 
well as require an FDA-approved medication  guide to be dispensed when 
prescriptions are filled. Public Citizen contends  that the FDA is violating 
Administrative Procedure Act by not acting upon  the petition. 
Stronger warnings could lead to earlier intervention and  prevent needless 
injuries by allowing doctors to switch patients to other  antibiotics, said 
Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of Public Citizen*s Health Research  Group. 
**While the FDA sits idly by and ignores the problem, more  people will 
suffer serious tendon ruptures that could have been prevented,**  Wolfe said. 
**The current warning is buried in a long list of possible adverse  reactions 
and is far too easy to miss.** 
From November 1997 through December 2005, the FDA received 262  reports of 
tendon ruptures, mainly of the Achilles tendon, 258 cases of  tendinitis and 
274 cases of other tendon disorders in patients using  fluoroquinolone 
antibiotics. An additional 74 tendon ruptures have subsequently  been reported 
to the FDA for a total of 336. Because only a small fraction of  cases are 
typically reported to the FDA, the actual number of ruptures and other  tendon 
injuries attributable to the antibiotic is much higher. 
Source: Healthy News 
One can only imagine the FDA*s reaction if 336 tendon ruptures  had been 
reported for those who take the best antibiotic and pathogen destroyer  on the 
planet - colloidal silver. No doubt, they would have raided the  
manufacturer with storm troopers and shut it down years ago, just as they have  
many times with the manufacturers and sellers of other natural competitors  
to drug company products. 

In conclusion, as far as I can tell, not one single instance  of Argyria 
has been attributed to properly made colloidal that was not consumed  in 
amounts that were up to hundreds of times the recommended dosage, that has  not 
stopped the FDA from continuing to **sing the blues** about silver or from  
going after those who make and sell colloidal silver products, not because  
silver represents a whit of threat to human health but rather because it  
represents a threat to the inflated bottom line profits of the mainstream drug  
Finding out who the FDA really serves is a simple task - all  you have to 
do is follow the money. But don`t simply take my word, let a noted  past FDA 
commissioner tell you very clearly what the FDA is really about: 
**The FDA *protects* the big drug companies and are  subsequently rewarded, 
and using the government*s police powers they attack  those who threaten 
the big drug companies. People think that the FDA is  protecting them. 
It isn*t. 
What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing  are as 
different as night and day.** 
Dr. Herbert Ley Former U.S. FDA Commissioner 
About the author 
Tony Isaacs, is a natural health advocate and researcher and  the author of 
books and articles about natural health including _Cancer's  Natural 
Enemy_ (  and _Collected  Remedies_ 
( as well as song lyrics and humorous 
stories. Mr. Isaacs also has _The Best Years in  Life_ (  
website for baby boomers and others wishing to  avoid prescription drugs 
and mainstream managed illness and live longer,  healthier and happier lives 
naturally. He is currently residing in the scenic  Texas hill country near 
Utopia, Texas where he serves as a consultant to the _Utopia Silver_ 
(  colloidal 
silver and 
 supplement company and where he is working on a major book project due for 
 publication later this year. Mr. Isaacs also hosts the CureZone _Ask Tony 
Isaacs_ (  forum as well as 
the Yahoo  Health Group _Oleander Soup_ 
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