[Biofuel] ot important info

2009-07-25 Thread Kirk McLoren
If you are still brainwashed by the edible oil industry's incredibly effective 
media spin on soy, then please review the soy index page link below which has 
hundreds of pages describing the reason's you will not want to regularly 
consume non-fermented soy products.
Soy protein powders and soy formula are the worst offenders and I don't believe 
that they should be consumed by anyone. -Mercola MD
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Re: [Biofuel] A Green Process for Producing Biodiesel from Feather Meal

2009-07-25 Thread Keith Addison
Thanks David.

The story's been around for a few weeks though. The study was 
published on June 25, I picked it up on July 1, and there have been 
quite a few news reports since. Many of them also have the word 
green in the headline, or at least in the copy somewhere high up. 
Which is why I didn't post it here, I don't think it's very green.

We concluded here long ago that all biodiesel or biofuel is not the 
same, and not necessarily a good thing, or even green. A 
prophetic message eight years ago from Steve Spence:

From: steve spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 05:52:44 -0400
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Support Grows for Corn-Based Fuel Despite Critics

I have a niggling feeling that 10 years from now, the 
environmentalists will be fighting the ethanol industry tooth and 
nail. Anything can be done badly, and I expect the ADM's of the 
world will be successful in turning a clean renewable resource into 
a dirty unsustainable one...

It happened sooner than he thought.

In this case of the feather meal (hydrolysed feathers, blood and 
offal), the image above the abstract is clear enough: Broiler  
Meat  Waste  Cattle feed  Biodiesel. The report says: Given the 
amount of feather meal produced by the poultry industry, it is 
estimated that this process can create 150-200 million gallons of 
biodiesel in the United States and 593.2 million gallons 
worldwide... And so on. The poultry industry.

It just slops a bit of greenwash over the likes of Tysons and Perdue 
and what they do, but what they do is CAFOs, Concentrated Animal 
Feeding Operations, ie factory farms, and they're an unhygienic, 
unhealthy, environmentally filthy, brutal and wholly unnecessary 
atrocity. There's nothing good about them, there's no fixing them, 
they have to be eradicated, and it can't be too soon. And I'll stand 
on your grave til I'm sure that you're dead, as Bob Dylan put it 
(Masters of War, 1963).

There's arguably a case for a technology that might help remediate 
some of the damage CAFOs cause in the meantime, but this study isn't 
angled that way, it assumes business-as-usual, and I can't see what 
damage it might remediate anyway. The stuff isn't being wasted now, 
it's used for cattlefeed (more CAFOs) and fertilizer - actually as 
an organic fertilizer (sic), all-natural and so on. That it 
ain't. http://www.organicgardeninfo.com/feather-meal.html

The study doesn't even mention the option of using the biodiesel to 
defray the high input of fossil fuels that's found at every step of 
the industrial food production system, just the usual mantra of 
reducing the demand for foreign oil in general.

Not much different from the turkey waste biodiesel study that got 
similar publicity a couple of years ago: 

Missouri biofuel plant smelling up the air again


I said CAFOs are unhygienic and unhealthy, for at least two reasons, 
both of which you and I discussed here a few months ago, if you 
recall, when we were talking about swine flu and scare-mongering: 

CAFOs are the breeding ground of antibiotic-resistant super-bugs 
like MRSA: Factory farms are still feeding livestock megadoses of 
antibiotics, especially in the US, 40 years after the Swann Committee 
in the UK recommended that antibiotics used to treat people should 
not be fed to animals because of the danger of producing resistant 
bacteria. Which has since happened with Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 
for starters... (previous message).

They're also the breeding ground for highly pathogenic viruses, in 
much the same way that it took the frightful conditions in the World 
War 1 trenches to turn what was at first a mild form of the flu into 
the worldwide killer of the 1918 pandemic.

For more on factory farms and viruses see:
[Biofuel] Free-range poultry and bird flu
Keith Addison
Wed, 06 May 2009

I don't think the biodiesel from feather meal technique is something 
that could be applied on-farm (not on a real farm, that is) or at the 
local level. Not Appropriate Technology, IMHO.




David William House

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Now Legal Immunity for Swine flu Vaccine Makers

2009-07-25 Thread Keith Addison

Now Legal Immunity for Swine flu Vaccine Makers

By F. William Engdahl

Global Research, July 20, 2009

The US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, has 
just signed a decree granting vaccine makers total legal immunity 
from any lawsuits that result from any new Swine Flu vaccine. 
Moreover, the $7 billion US Government fast-track program to rush 
vaccines onto the market in time for the Autumn flu season is being 
done without even normal safety testing. Is there another agenda at 
work in the official WHO hysteria campaign to declare so-called H1N1 
virus - which has yet to be rigorously scientifically isolated, 
characterized and photographed with an electron microscope - the 
scientifically accepted procedure - a global pandemic threat?

The current official panic campaign over alleged Swine Flu danger is 
rapidly taking on the dimensions of a George Orwell science fiction 
novel. The document signed by Sebelius grants immunity to those 
making a swine flu vaccine, under the provisions of a 2006 law for 
public health emergencies.

Not so sage SAGE

That is once the WHO in Geneva, on recommendation of the WHO's 
Strategic Advisory Group on Immunizations, declared H1N1 to be Phase 
6 or Pandemic, automatic emergency health response programs could be 
activated even in countries such as Germany where reported outbreaks 
of even suspected H1N1 can be counted to date on the fingers of 
slightly more than one hand.  

The WHO's SAGE is also worth scrutiny. Its Chairman since 2005 has 
been the UK Director of Immunization at the British Department of 
Health, Dr David Salisbury. In the 1980's Salisbury reportedly drew 
major fire for backing a massive vaccination of children with a 
multiple MMR vaccine manufactured by the predecessor company of 
GlaxoSmithKline. That vaccine was pulled off the market in Japan 
after significant numbers of children developed adverse reactions to 
the vaccine and the Japanese government was forced to pay significant 
compensation to the victims. In Sweden the MMR vaccine of 
GlaxoSmithKline was removed after scientists linked it to outbreaks 
of Crohn's disease. Apparently that had little impact on WHO SAGE 
chairman Salisbury.

According to one independent UK investigator, Alan Golding, who 
obtained Freedom of Information documents on the case, in 1986 
Trivirix, an MMR compound containing the Mumps Urabe strain AM-9, was 
introduced in Canada to replace MMR I. Concerns regarding the 
introduction of MMR in the UK are recorded in the minutes of the 
Joint Working Party of the British Paediatric Association and the 
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) Liaison Group 
on June 26th of that year. Such concerns were soon to prove well 
grounded, as reports began to come in of an increased incidence of 
aseptic meningitis in vaccinated individuals. Ultimately, all MMR 
vaccines containing the Urabe strain of mumps were withdrawn in 
Canada in early 1988. This was before Urabe containing vaccines were 
licenced by the Department of Health for use in the UKŠ

The report adds, Smith-Kline - French, the pharmaceutical company 
who became Smith-Kline- Beecham and were involved in UK manufacture 
at that time, were concerned about these safety issues and were 
reluctant to obtain a UK license for their Urabe-containing vaccines. 
As a result of their 'concern' that children might be seriously 
damaged by one of their products, they requested that the UK 
government indemnify them against possible legal action that might be 
taken as a result of 'losses' associated with the vaccine, which by 
then was known to carry significant risk to health. The UK 
government, advised by Professor Salisbury and representatives from 
the Department of Health, in it's enthusiasm to get a cheap MMR onto 
the market, agreed to this request.

Today the same Dr Salisbury is advocating global proliferation of 
untested H1N1 vaccines, also manufactured by the same firm, now 
called GlaxoSmithKline.

The last phoney Swine Flu Disaster

The last time the US Government faced a new swine flu virus was in 
1976. Thousands filed claims contending they suffered side effects 
from the shots. This time, the government has taken steps to prevent 
any possible legal remedy should thousands of US citizens suffer 
severe complications as a result of being given untested vaccines.

In 1976 President Gerald Ford, facing a difficult re-election 
campaign, was advised by the head of the CDC, David Sencer, to launch 
a mass national vaccination. As today with H1N1 Swine Flu, Sencer 
also used the scare of the alleged 1918 flu pandemic. Notably, some 
scientific researchers maintain that the deaths during the flu wave 
of 1918-1919, in the aftermath of the ghastly First World War, came 
not from any virus but from the governmental campaigns of mass 
vaccination against Spanish Flu. Interestingly, the Rockefeller 
University and 

Re: [Biofuel] Pigdozer update.

2009-07-25 Thread Keith Addison
Nice, Peter! Thanks for the report, very interesting.

It'd be great to have some pigs. Not here though, but next time for 
sure, which shouldn't be too long. Meanwhile the Muscovies are once 
again doing well with their ongoing global conspiracy to cover the 
world with a carpet of ducklings. Millions of ducklings! Well, 34 
actually, so far, and we'll be lucky if we can keep it to less than 
80 or 90 or so for the year. They're delightful little buggers, 
unbelievably cute, but 60 ducks is more than enough meat for us for a 

They're good grazers, useful on pastures, but they don't plough like pigs do.

All best


Hi Keith ;

Quick update for you about our pigdozer project.  Our previous 
system for preparing a field for planting was the normal Cambodia 
way :

1) Plow in dry season to upturn roots and kill them.
2) Wait for some rain, this will germinate the remaining weed seeds.
3) Plow again.
4) Plow one more time before wet season to level for planting.

This always infuriated me, because the naked earth was baking under 
the hot sun during the dry season.  This KILLS the soil.  But the 
concept was lost on them.  They could see no other way to kill the 

We set up an electric fence. There was a bit of a learning 
experinence for the pigs, but they are not stupid.  Now they will 
not touch the fence.  My staff report that they could be running 
away from something and they stop at the fence like a car puts on 

We flood the field with water every two days.  The pigs kill the 
grass and dig out all the strong roots of bamboo and other plants. 
Their weight is increasing, but slower than if fed by commercial 
feed.  We also let them eat oil palm fruits, which they accept 
readily.  They also love breadfruit, and we planted local water 
spinach and just let them get it by themselves.

We hit a bell when we give them table rice scraps in the evening. 
They follow the guy with the bell like puppy dogs.  If they ever do 
get out of the fence, we hit the bell and the pigs come running.

Everyone is amazed, even the guy that took care of pigs for many 
years.  He never thought it possible for the pigs to follow him 
around like puppy dogs. The report back is that the rice is growing 
VERY well in the area dug by the pigs.  This is making big news with 
the locals.

Now I get a wet, dug, and fertilized field without doing any work, 
without killing the soil, and without spending any money on diesel 
or pig food, and I get pig meat (and biogas later when we get to it).


Best Regards,

Peter G.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Exemptions From Vaccinations-Know Your Rights!

2009-07-25 Thread SurpriseShan2
Protect yourselves from potentially dangerous  vaccinations and help others 
do likewise.
(includes current statutes, letters   forms)
Unlike some  countries, immunization is not mandatory in Canada; it cannot 
be made mandatory  because of the Canadian Constitution. Only three 
provinces have legislation or  regulations under their health-protection acts 
require proof of immunization  for school entrance. Ontario and New Brunswick 
require proof for diphtheria,  tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella 
immunization. In Manitoba, only  measles vaccination is covered. It must be 
emphasized that, in these three  provinces, exceptions are permitted for 
medical or religious grounds and reasons  of conscience; legislation and 
regulations must not be interpreted to imply  compulsory immunization. 

U.S. and  Elsewhere: 

All states allow a medical exemption and some states allow  philosophical 
and/or religious exemptions. However, the American Medical  Association is 
actively promoting the abolishment of religious and philosophical  exemptions.
Subject Links
_Forms1/Flyers_ (http://www.vaclib.org/chapter/print.htm)  |  
_Forms2/Refusals_ (http://www.vaclib.org/links/forms.htm)  |  _Legal_ 
(http://www.vaclib.org/indexdoc.htm#legal)  | _Letters_ 
(http://www.vaclib.org/legal/letters.htm)  _Mandatory_ 
(http://www.vaclib.org/toc.htm#mandat)  | _Membership_ 
(http://www.vaclib.org/basic/memberindex.htm)  |  _Package Inserts_ 
(http://www.vaclib.org/chapter/inserts.htm)   | _Religion_ 
_Resources_ (http://www.vaclib.org/indexdoc.htm#resources)  | _Rights_ 
(http://www.vaclib.org/toc.htm#rights)  | _Search_VacLib.org_ 
(http://www.vaclib.org/search.htm)  | _Travel_ 
| _Tuberculosis__TB_Test_ (http://www.vaclib.org/basic/tb.htm) | _VAERS_ 
Scroll down for links to General Information and Exemption  Letters. 
Religious exemption information for most states in one  document! 
Includes section on Hepatitis  religious objection:  
(http://www.rutherford.org/documents/pdf/brief_bank/B18-RE~1.PDF)  [size= 45K] 
If you want a great letter written by a lawyer to an Oregon  School Board 
This letter was originally found at: 
%20the%20Oregon%20School%20District.htm, but is no longer posted on this site 
so  it has been moved to 
Here is a great AFFIDAVIT that can be used for Daycare,  Preschools and 
AFFIDAVIT for Colorado Older Child (preschool and school age).  
You can use this as a template for other states and simply replace the  
Colorado with your state and your state's statute. Please read the entire post  
about birth certificates as well. 
Or download the Microsoft Word document here. 
VaccineTruth.net/letters/AFFIDAVIT for Colorado Older  Child.doc 
Edit for your state and insert your state's statute. 
(This  affidavit is also available as a birth exemption, for adults in 
colleges and  employment situations. Our 1-888 number and email address for 
Exemption  information are posted here: 
AND much more  

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