Re: [Biofuel] Join the Blockade of the Keystone Pipeline

2012-10-17 Thread Jeff
 a billion dollars per well. 
These processes are part of a desperate effort by corporations to 
make profits before a final systems collapse. Droughts are already 
sweeping the Midwest. The battle between farmers and fossil fuel 
corporations for diminishing water sources has begun. Yet our ruling 
elite refuses to face the stark reality of climate change. They 
ignore the imperative to find other ways of structuring our economies 
and our relationship to the environment. They myopically serve a 
doomed system. And, if left unstopped, the cost for all of us will be 

Weis, a former congressional staffer, expects the last section of the 
pipeline to be authorized by the president once the election is over.

It is critical that people understand that completion of the 
southern leg of Keystone XL-which President Obama and Gov. Romney 
both fully support-would give TransCanada a direct line from 
Alberta's landlocked tar sands mine fields to refineries in Texas for 
export overseas, Weis explained. By tapping into Keystone I, which 
has already been built, the southern leg of Keystone XL would open 
the floodgates to tar sands exploitation in Canada. At a time when 
the climate is already dangerously destabilizing before our eyes, I 
can't believe we're even having this conversation.

He described Obama's and Romney's failure to stand up to this 
corporate bully as a failure to defend America.

It is unconscionable to put the interests of a transnational 
corporation before the health, safety and economic well-being of the 
American people, he said.

Weis sees the struggle to halt the Keystone XL pipeline as a symbolic 
crossroads for the country and the planet. One path leads, he said, 
toward decay. The other toward renewal.

There comes a time when we must say to the ruling elite: 'No more,' 
 he said. There comes a time when we must make a stand for the 
future of our children, and for all life on Earth. That time is here. 
That time is now.

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Re: [Biofuel] Join the Blockade of the Keystone Pipeline

2012-10-17 Thread Dawie Coetzee
 economy, but this is another corporate lie. The process of 
extracting shale oil through hydraulic fracking, for example, 
requires millions of gallons of chemically treated water that leaves 
behind poisoned aquifers and huge impoundment ponds of toxic waste. 
The process of extracting oil shale, or kerogen, requires it to be 
melted, meaning that tremendous amounts of energy are required for a 
marginal return. The process of tar sand extraction requires vast 
open pit mining operations or pumping underground that melts the oil 
with steam jets. Tar sand extraction also releases significantly more 
greenhouse gas emissions than conventional oil drilling, meaning an 
acceleration of global warming. Drilling in the Arctic, with its 
severe weather, costs as much as half a billion dollars per well. 
These processes are part of a desperate effort by corporations to 
make profits before a final systems collapse. Droughts are already 
sweeping the Midwest. The battle between farmers and fossil fuel 
corporations for diminishing water sources has begun. Yet our ruling 
elite refuses to face the stark reality of climate change. They 
ignore the imperative to find other ways of structuring our economies 
and our relationship to the environment. They myopically serve a 
doomed system. And, if left unstopped, the cost for all of us will be 

Weis, a former congressional staffer, expects the last section of the 
pipeline to be authorized by the president once the election is over.

It is critical that people understand that completion of the 
southern leg of Keystone XL-which President Obama and Gov. Romney 
both fully support-would give TransCanada a direct line from 
Alberta's landlocked tar sands mine fields to refineries in Texas for 
export overseas, Weis explained. By tapping into Keystone I, which 
has already been built, the southern leg of Keystone XL would open 
the floodgates to tar sands exploitation in Canada. At a time when 
the climate is already dangerously destabilizing before our eyes, I 
can't believe we're even having this conversation.

He described Obama's and Romney's failure to stand up to this 
corporate bully as a failure to defend America.

It is unconscionable to put the interests of a transnational 
corporation before the health, safety and economic well-being of the 
American people, he said.

Weis sees the struggle to halt the Keystone XL pipeline as a symbolic 
crossroads for the country and the planet. One path leads, he said, 
toward decay. The other toward renewal.

There comes a time when we must say to the ruling elite: 'No more,' 
 he said. There comes a time when we must make a stand for the 
future of our children, and for all life on Earth. That time is here. 
That time is now.

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[Biofuel] Who's behind the land grabs? - GRAIN

2012-10-17 Thread Keith Addison

Slideshow: Who's behind the land grabs?

GRAIN | 16 October 2012

Every day there are new stories of companies buying up farmlands. 
Malaysian palm oil giants buying up lands for plantations in West 
Africa. Wall Street bankers taking over cattle ranches in Brazil. 
Saudi businessmen signing land deals in the Philippines. The latest 
dataset on land grabs claims that 10 million hectares of land have 
been grabbed by foreign companies on average every year since 2007.

The result is that a small number of people are taking over more and 
more of the world's farmlands, and the water that goes with it, 
leaving everyone else with less, or none at all. As the world plunges 
deeper into a food crisis, these new farmland lords will hold sway 
over who gets to eat and who doesn't and who profits and who perishes 
within the food system.

The global farmland grab is only happening because people are 
pursuing it. The number of land grabbers is small, in contrast with 
the high number of people displaced by their actions. They are mostly 
men, often with experience working with agribusiness companies or 
banks. Some of them sit at high-levels of government and 
intergovernmental agencies, and sometimes at the highest levels. They 
operate out of the big financial centres of the world and often get 
together at farmland investor meetings, whether in Singapore, 
Zanzibar or New York City.  

We think it might help the debate over land grabs to pull back the 
curtain a little on who these people are. So we've pieced together a 
slide show that tells about some of those who have been actively 
pursuing or supporting farmland grabs. It's an emblematic set of land 
grabbers, not a comprehensive one. Knowing who's invovled can also 
help us in pressuring the land grabbers to stop. Each landgrabber 
profile indicates who his or her friends are and provides resources 
for those who want further information or to pursue actions.

Download the slideshow in PDF (5.6 MB) or a text version in PDF (713 KB).

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Re: [Biofuel] Join the Blockade of the Keystone Pipeline

2012-10-17 Thread Keith Addison
Keystone XL Contractor and SUNY Buffalo Shale Institute Conduct LA 
County's Fracking Study
Tuesday, 16 October 2012 15:39


Published on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 by Common Dreams

'Time is Now to Make a Stand': Tar Sands Pipeline Blockade Grows as 
Company Lashes Out

50 campaigners break police lines to re-supply tree-sitters as 
month-long action continues

- Common Dreams staff

Campaigners with the Tar Sands Blockade-who have been maintaining 
tree sits and engaging in civil disobedience against the southern 
portion of TransCanada's tar sands pipeline in east Texas since last 
month-celebrated what they called their biggest day of action yet 
on Monday.

As the Winnsboro, Texas tree blockade entered its fourth week, over 
50 new supporters broke through police lines in order to bring fresh 
supplies, including food and water, to the tree-sitters. Despite a 
newly-expanded Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation 
(SLAPP) injunction served to the protesters by local law enforcement 
agencies, the anti-pipeline activists risked arrest in large numbers.

They're saying we might get sued or worse, but stopping this 
pipeline is too important. said Glenn Hobbit, 28. Many of the 
activists continue to use aliases as a security precaution.

See photos of the day's action here.

The News-Journal in Longview, Texas reports that the SLAPP 
injunctions are temporary restraining orders issued by two state 
district court judges against the Keystone XL Pipeline protesters in 
both Wood and Franklin counties.

The court orders prohibit protesters from interfering with, 
preventing or obstructing construction of the pipeline being built 
across private property in the two counties en route to the Gulf 
Coast, the local paper said. And adds:

The Wood County restraining order was issued last week in 402nd 
District Court, about the same time a New York Times reporter and 
photographer were detained near Winnsboro by off-duty police officers 
hired by a TransCanada contractor.

The pair, reporter Dan Frosch and photographer Brandon Thibodeaux, 
were released after identifying themselves as members of the press.

The orders and and escalating arrests of protestors highlight 
increasing efforts by TransCanada to move forward construction that 
has been stalled for several weeks in some areas. Security measures 
have been increased, said TransCanada spokesman Dan Dodson, with 
patrols of pipeline easements day and night.

Construction has been hampered by protesters who chained themselves 
to equipment in Franklin County and others in Wood County who have 
created a maze of tree houses. That protest has been spearheaded by 
the pipeline opposition group TarSands Blockade.

Peaceful and nonviolent civil disobedience is one tool in the 
activist toolkit, Bill McKibben, a Middlebury College professor who 
has been one of the leading foes of the Keystone XL, said in an 
e-mail to the Washington Post regarding the ongoing protest in Texas. 
You don't want to use it all the time because it gets dull. But this 
is the kind of case for which it's designed, when you're up against 
the wall and truly powerful forces are refusing to listen to reason 
and just pushing ahead regardless.

Former New York Times reporter and Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges 
wrote on Monday that the Keystone pipeline is part of the final 
phase of extreme exploitation by the corporate state. If completed, 
he continued:

It will pump 1.1 million barrels a day of unrefined tar sand fluid 
from tar sand mine fields in Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast. Tar sand 
oil is not conventional crude oil. It is a synthetic slurry that, 
because tar sand oil is solid in its natural state, must be laced 
with a deadly brew of toxic chemicals and gas condensates to get it 
to flow. Tar sands are boiled and diluted with these chemicals before 
being blasted down a pipeline at high pressure. Water sources would 
be instantly contaminated if there was a rupture. The pipeline would 
cross nearly 2,000 U.S. waterways, including the Ogallala Aquifer, 
source of one-third of the United States' farmland irrigation water. 
And it is not a matter of if, but when, it would spill. TransCanada's 
Keystone I pipeline, built in 2010, leaked 12 times in its first 12 
months of operation. Because the extraction process emits such a 
large quantity of greenhouse gases, the pipeline has been called the 
fuse to the largest carbon bomb on the planet. The climate scientist 
James Hansen warns that successful completion of the pipeline, along 
with the exploitation of Canadian tar sands it would facilitate, 
would mean game over for the climate.

Hedges urged others to join the blockade, and quoted climate activist 
Tom Weis, who said: There comes a time when we must make a stand for 
the future of our 

[Biofuel] End Polluter Welfare

2012-10-17 Thread Keith Addison

Published on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 by Common Dreams

End Polluter Welfare

by Bernie Sanders

The Big Energy industries (oil, coal and gas) along with their 
political allies like Mitt Romney are waging war against sustainable 
energy and the need to transform our energy system and reverse global 
warming. In many instances they are aided and abetted by the very 
powerful nuclear power industry.

One of their main lines of attack (used repeatedly by Romney in his 
first debate with President Obama) is that the federal government is 
picking energy winners and losers. In fact, Romney has said he will 
not invest in chasing fads and picking winners and losers among 
energy technologies and he will allow the free market to determine 
energy development.

Romney is right about one thing. The government does pick winners and 
losers in the energy sector. What Romney has not told the American 
people, however, is that the big winners of federal support are the 
already immensely profitable fossil fuel and nuclear industries, not 
sustainable energy.

As a member of both the Senate Energy and Environment committees, I 
am working to stop the handouts to the fossil fuel industry. I have 
introduced legislation called the End Polluter Welfare Act. Rep. 
Keith Ellison filed the companion bill in the House of 
Representatives. Our measure calls for the elimination for all 
subsidies to the oil, gas and coal industries. Using the best 
available estimates from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation 
and other budget experts, we found more than $113 billion in federal 
subsidies will go to fossil fuel corporations over the next 10 years 
alone. These subsidies benefit some of the wealthiest corporations on 
the planet, including the five largest oil corporations, which made a 
combined profit of $1 trillion over the last decade. Unlike 
sustainable energy incentives, many of these fossil fuel subsidies 
are written permanently into the tax code by industry lobbyists, 
which means they never expire.

Let me give you just a few examples of outrageously strong federal 
support for Big Energy companies:

* BP, after committing one of the worst environmental disasters in 
the modern history of America, was able to take a large tax deduction 
on the money it spent cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

* Coal companies are able to sign single-bid sweetheart leases to 
mine on federal lands without paying fair value in royalties to the 
taxpayers of this country.

* In 2009, Exxon-Mobil, one of the most profitable corporations in 
this country, paid no federal income taxes, and in fact received a 
rebate from the IRS. Many other large and very profitable oil 
companies also have managed to avoid paying federal income taxes in 
certain years.

But it is not just fossil fuel companies. The nuclear industry also 
benefits from massive corporate welfare. The non-partisan 
Congressional Research Service reports that the nuclear industry has 
received over $95 billion (in 2011 dollars) in federal research and 
development support in the last 65 years. Nuclear corporations 
currently have access to billions in federal loan guarantees to build 
new plants and enrich uranium. They also have federal tax incentives 
for mining uranium, producing nuclear electricity and even 
decommissioning a plant.

Perhaps most significantly, the nuclear industry would collapse 
tomorrow without a huge nuclear insurance program from the federal 
government. The Price-Anderson Act could, in the event of an American 
nuclear disaster, force taxpayers to pay out tens or even hundreds of 
billions in damage claims. Nuclear power is so risky that none of 
Mitt Romney's Wall Street or free market friends will provide that 
type of insurance.

Let's be clear. The war against sustainable energy by the Big Energy 
companies has been extremely successful. During the last year, with 
almost unanimous Republican opposition, Congress has not been able to 
extend a very successful program, the 1603 grant, which had supported 
over 20,000 sustainable energy projects and tens of thousands of 
jobs. Congress also has been unable to extend the Production Tax 
Credit which primarily supports wind energy. The result has been 
significant layoffs and cancelled projects in the wind industry.

What has not been often enough pointed out is that despite all the 
opposition, all of the lies coming from fossil fuel sponsored think 
tanks and the right-wing media, this country has made significant and 
important progress in moving toward energy efficiency and sustainable 

That progress is critical in the fight to reverse global warming, 
which the vast majority of scientists who study the issue consider to 
be one of the greatest threats to our planet. With strong federal 
intervention, we have made some good progress in recent years, but 
clearly much more needs to be done. Let me just mention a few 

[Biofuel] NATO packs it in; Turkey on the verge of a nervous breakdown

2012-10-17 Thread Keith Addison
New W. intelligence: Syrian rebels don't have the numbers to win
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report October 15, 2012


NATO packs it in; Turkey on the verge of a nervous breakdown

By Thierry Meyssan

October 16, 2012 Information Clearing House -  On October 8, the 
Collective Security Treaty Organization (CTSO) began maneuvers dubbed 
Inviolable Fraternity. The scenario focuses on the deployment of a 
peace force in an imaginary country where international jihadists and 
terrorist organizations operate against a backdrop of ethnic and 
confessional divisions. The accredited diplomatic corps, which was 
invited to attend the exercises, listened attentively to the opening 
address of the deputy secretary general of the organization. He 
clearly indicated that the CTSO is preparing for an eventual 
intervention in the Greater Middle East. And for those feigning 
deafness, Nikolai Bordyuzha specified that his deputy was not 
speaking of Afghanistan.

The Geneva Declaration negotiated by Kofi Annan on June 30 foresaw 
the deployment of a peace force if the Syrian government and the 
opposition jointly made the demand. The Free Syrian Army rejected the 
accord. The term opposition refers only to the political parties 
who have been meeting since in Damascus, under the aupices of the 
Russian and Chinese ambassadors. As the Geneva Accord was validated 
by the Security Council, the deployment of the blue chapkas can be 
set in motion without requiring an ad hoc resolution. Valery 
Semerikov stated that 4,000 men had already been enlisted in the 
Peace Force with 46,000 others in the wings available for the rapid 

With this as background, the signs of Western retreat from Syria are 
multiplying. The influx of Western arms and combatants is drying up 
except for the ongoing transfers funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Even more surprising: on six successive occasions, the NATO Command 
at Incirlik gave jihadists instructions to regroup within specified 
zones to prepare for huge offensives. While the Syrian Arab Army, 
which was formed to confront the Israeli Army, may be ill-adapted for 
guerilla warfare, it is highly effective in conventional combat. In 
each of these engagements, it easily encircled and wiped out the 
assembled units of the Free Syrian Army. Though the initial defeats 
suffered by the jihadists could have been attributed to a tactical 
error or to an incompetent commander, after the sixth debacle another 
hypothesis must be considered: that NATO is willingly sending these 
combatants to their deaths.

In contrast to popular perceptions, the motivation of the jihadists 
is not, properly speaking, ideological or religious but rather, 
aesthetic. They are not looking to die for a cause and are not 
focused on the future of Jerusalem. They strike a romantic posture 
and seek to intensify their sensations whether through drugs or 
through death. Their behavior makes them easy to manipulate; they 
seek extreme situations which they are then placed in, and their 
movements are totally steered. Over the last years, Prince Bandar bin 
Sultan became the leading architect of these assemblages, including 
those of al-Qaeda. He supplied them with preachers promising a 
paradise where seventy virgins would provide them with ecstatic 
pleasures not if they accomplished a particular military or political 
feat but only if they died as martyrs wherever Bandar had need for 

It seems Prince Bandar has disappeared from the scene since the 
attack on him on July 26. He may well be dead. From Morroco to 
Xinjiang, the jihadists have been left to their own devices, without 
any real coordination. They could be recruited by any number of 
actors, as the recent assassination of the U.S. Ambassador in Libya 
confirms. As a result, Washington wants to unload this risky and 
burdensome rabble or at the very least reduce their number. The 
orders that NATO gives to the jihadists are designed to expose them 
to fire by the Syrian Arab Army which is eliminating them en masse.

Recently, the French police killed a French Salafist who attacked a 
Jewish business establishment. The investigation that followed 
revealed that he belonged to a network including individuals that had 
gone to do jihad in Syria. The British police made a similar 
discovery four days later.

The message from Paris and London is that the French and British 
killed in Syria were not agents on a secret mission but fanatics who 
acted on their own initiative. This is obviously false because 
certain of these jihadists were carrying communication instruments of 
NATO specification, supplied by France and the United Kingdom. 
Whatever the case, these events are marking the end of the 
Franco-British involvement alongside the Free Syrian Army, while 

[Biofuel] Tell Me Lies: European Satellites Ordered To Drop Iranian Channels In Disregard of Free Speech

2012-10-17 Thread Keith Addison
EU bans natural gas from Iran
European satellite provider takes 19 Iranian television and radio 
broadcasters off the air
October 15, 2012


Tell Me Lies: European Satellites Ordered To Drop Iranian Channels In 
Disregard of Free Speech

By Danny Schechter  

October 16, 2012 Information Clearing House -  New York, New York: 
Back in the 1960's, A British poet, Adrian Mitchell, one of the great 
bards of that era, wrote a poem that went on to become a stage show 
in the West End of London. It was called Tell Me Lies about Vietnam 
and represented one voice among millions in the world then opposing 
that War

It was addressed, To Whom It May Concern and began with words that 
became its refrain:

I was run over by the truth one day

Ever since the accident I've walked this way

So stick my legs in plaster

Tell me lies about Vietnam

Years later, before his death, (and I was at the memorial service in 
London) he kept rewriting the last paragraph into what he called a 
remix. The poem took on a more global statement

That verse was a play on a children's song:

You put your bombers in, you put your conscience out

You take the human being, and you twist it all about 

And then this line:

Tell me lies about - Iraq, Burma, Afghanistan, BAE Systems, Israel and Iran

He understood well that Iran was one of the countries his country and 
others in the West (and their sycophantic media) are telling lies 

This poem came to mind in the days after the Nobel Prize Committee, 
for reasons best only known to themselves, decided to sully their 
Peace Prize by giving it to The European Union, an entity that is 
very much cheering on the pre-war against Iran with its own draconian 

These were the same people who, for equally incomprehensible reasons, 
gave the prize to Barack Obama in the hope it would put him on the 
path of the peaceful.

It didn't!

A day later, as more thoughtful minds puzzled over the choice of a 
bloc of nations that has inspired region-wide protests for its brutal 
austerity programs, the EU took its first act as a peace maker with 
media censorship.

It blocked Iran's ability to communicate with Europeans, even as any 
one knows anything about how peace is made knows that two- way 
communications is essential. All parties to a conflict need to know 
what the other is thinking, need to know how they view the world.

Despite the fact that western media is available in Iran, and western 
journalists frequently report, or as many Iranians believe, 'distort' 
the news from there, the West now wants to seal off more than Iranian 

They want to sanction Iranian ideas and keep their own people from 
hearing and seeing what Iranian TV channels consider important. In 
short, they just want to hear their own voices. This is the very 
essence of a propaganda system posing as a commitment to free press,

Iran's PressTV had earlier been kicked off British Television where 
it had built a audience, on the barest of pretences, and now with the 
connivance, no doubt of Her Majesty's government, is being barred, 
along with 18 other Iranian channels, from access to European 

Here's the edict:

European satellite company Eutelsat says it's pulled the plug on 
several Iranian satellite channels following an order by the European 

Eutelsat told Press TV that it asked media services company- - 
Arqiva, to take Iranian satellite channels off one of its Hot- Bird 
frequencies on Monday. Arqiva said in a separate statement emailed to 
Press TV that the decision was made by the E-U Council. The channels 
include Press TV, Al-Alam, Jaam-e-Jam One and Two, Sahar One and Two, 
Islamic Republic of Iran News Network, Qur'an TV, and al-Kawthar. 
European satellite firms had been jamming the Iranian channels for 
months before the decision was announced. Iran's Arabic-language news 
channel, Al- Alam, has been jammed on a daily basis while airing a 
program on Bahrain. Technical experts say the jamming was carried out 
by British technicians. Observers are saying the jammings and now the 
ban show the European Union does not respect freedom of speech and is 
trying to silence the voice of alternative media.

So when jamming is not enough by countries who are the first to yell 
the loudest when their signals are blocked, they resort to outright 
suppression by, in effect, using their power over the switch to 
turn it off, and not let their own people see it.

Thinking about this affront to many sided global communications, one 
is reminded of the war Adrian Mitchell first wrote about. In those 
days, it was Radio Hanoi that was blocked.

When I was in Vietnam, in 1974, I interviewed a radio broadcaster 
there who was constantly being denounced for calling on American 
soldiers to resist the war-perhaps because so many did. She was 
ridiculed as Hanoi 

[Biofuel] All Together Now: World Food Day 2012

2012-10-17 Thread Keith Addison
One in ten 'at risk of food poverty'
One in 10 people in Ireland are too poor to afford a properly 
balanced diet, a study has shown.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 - 07:40 AM

UK food banks used by record number, says Trussell Trust
A record number of people received emergency food from UK food banks 
in the last six months, a charity says.
16 October 2012 Last updated at 13:10 GMT

Food Crisis Summit: Governments Should Scrap Biofuels, Not Push GM Crop
October 16, 2012

Global Noise Protests Against Austerity and Debt Spread Worldwide
Tuesday, 16 October 2012


Published on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 by Civil Eats

All Together Now: World Food Day 2012

by Jezra Thompson

One in seven people around the world will feel hunger today. The Food 
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) brings 
global awareness to this issue every year on October 16th, and have 
done so since 1981. Today, there are more than 100 countries that 
will celebrate World Food Day. Over 450 national and private 
organizations in the U.S., such as Oxfam America and Ending Hunger, 
will host events around this year's theme, Agricultural 
cooperatives-key to feeding the world, to bring better understanding 
around what cooperatives are and how they help relieve food 
insecurity and improve community self-sufficiency.

Agricultural cooperatives are enterprises owned and democratically 
operated by the employees that work there. They range from farming to 
retail coops that pool together resources and share in the costs and 
benefits of running a business. There are many examples of co-ops 
and they take away the hierarchies that make it difficult to create a 
quality of life, says Madeleine Van Engel, a baker-owner at 
Arizmendi, a cooperative bakery in the San Francisco Bay Area. Many 
examples of agricultural cooperatives in the U.S. not only feed their 
community, but also create economic and social sustainability in 
places often deemed unlikely.

Mandela Marketplace, a West Oakland non-profit, worked within their 
predominantly African-American and Latino community to identify ways 
to improve livelihoods and to create neighborhood investment. 
Together, they wanted to address the poor health statistics, where 
obesity rates are three times higher than the national average and 
where forty-eight liquor stores and zero grocery stores attempt to 
feed around 25,000 people. As a result, the Mandela Foods Cooperative 
opened its doors in 2009 as a worker-owned community market selling 
healthy food at an affordable price.

Mariela Cedeno, Senior Manager at Mandela Marketplace, describes the 
cooperative as community driven. More than forty percent of the 
produce sold at the cooperative comes from small farmers within a 
200-mile radius, most of them minority farmers. They also employ 
community members, like Leroy Musgraves, a retired African-American 
farmer who hosts nutrition education sessions in front of the 
cooperative twice a week.

Three years later, Mandela Foods Cooperative is improving food 
security and the community marketplace in West Oakland. Ms. Cedeno 
says that, being a cooperative means that everyone gets value out of 
the business and everyone is engaged in its mission to increase 
access to healthy food and increase the community's wealth, they are 
equally invested in economic development and food. Since the success 
of Mandela Foods Cooperative, the community of West Oakland and 
Mandela Marketplace has organized a produce delivery service that 
works with community youth to stock the shelves of corner stores with 
fresh produce.

The Toolbox for Education and Social Action lists 10 reasons why 
cooperatives work, starting with democracy and ending with viability. 
The FAO estimates that one billion people are members of cooperatives 
worldwide and they are generating more than 100 million jobs. The way 
we think about agriculture and food businesses is moving away from 
the trailblazing farmer tasked with feeding the world and moving 
closer towards business models that share resources, ideas, and 
finances. The National Council of Farmer Cooperatives found that 
cooperatives account for nearly $654 billion in revenue, over two 
million jobs, $75 billion in wages and benefits paid, and a total of 
$133.5 billion in value-added income.

World Food Day invites us all to take action and join the 
conversations. Many community-based organizations, agricultural 
cooperatives, and community leaders will host dinners, organize food 
packaging events, arrange food drives, plan community gardening 
events, and engage schools and institutions. There are also several 

[Biofuel] September was the warmest ever on record, say scientists

2012-10-17 Thread Keith Addison

September was the warmest ever on record, say scientists

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration said that the 
global temperature in September was 60.21 F, about 1.21 F above the 
20th century average for September.

Alexander Besant
October 15, 2012

Researchers said that this September was the warmest one on record.

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said 
that the global temperature in September was 60.21 F, about 1.21 F 
above the 20th century average for September.

It marked the 331st month in a row that global temperatures were 
above the 20th century average, said CBC News.

The last one found below the 20th century average was February 1985.

The NOAA report said that the higher than average temperatures 
occurred mostly in southern Greenland, Paraguay, northern Argentina, 
western Australia, Japan, Russia and Canada.

The US itself was not particularly warm in September, however, being 
only the 23rd warmest September on record, said Mother Nature Network.

More from GlobalPost: Arctic melt opens door for big oil's next boom

Arctic sea ice was also the the smallest its ever been in recorded 
history at 1.39 million square miles in September.

Oddly, Antarctica had the largest amount of sea ice in its recorded 
history last month, particularly on September 26th.

Researchers said that Antarctica's ice is likely due to 
stronger-than-average circumpolar winds that spread out ice.

The magnitude of the records in each (Arctic and Antarctic) are 
vastly different, said Deke Arndt, of the NOAA, reported the Sydney 
Morning Herald.

The Arctic is plumbing new depths, completely leaving the rest of 
the record behind ... there kind of aren't enough superlatives to 
describe what has gone on there over the last five or six years.

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Re: [Biofuel] Join the Blockade of the Keystone Pipeline

2012-10-17 Thread Michele Stephenson
 southern leg, from Cushing to Nederland, 
 Texas, would slice through major waterways including the Neches, Red, 
 Angelina and Sabine rivers as well as the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer, 
 which provides drinking water for some 10 million Texans. The 
 southern section of the pipeline is now the focus of the Tar Sands 
 The invasive extraction of tar sands and shale deposits, as well as 
 deep-sea drilling in the Arctic, Alaska, the Eastern Seaboard and the 
 Gulf of Mexico, has been sold to the U.S. public as a route to energy 
 independence, a way to create millions of new jobs and a boost to the 
 sagging economy, but this is another corporate lie. The process of 
 extracting shale oil through hydraulic fracking, for example, 
 requires millions of gallons of chemically treated water that leaves 
 behind poisoned aquifers and huge impoundment ponds of toxic waste. 
 The process of extracting oil shale, or kerogen, requires it to be 
 melted, meaning that tremendous amounts of energy are required for a 
 marginal return. The process of tar sand extraction requires vast 
 open pit mining operations or pumping underground that melts the oil 
 with steam jets. Tar sand extraction also releases significantly more 
 greenhouse gas emissions than conventional oil drilling, meaning an 
 acceleration of global warming. Drilling in the Arctic, with its 
 severe weather, costs as much as half a billion dollars per well. 
 These processes are part of a desperate effort by corporations to 
 make profits before a final systems collapse. Droughts are already 
 sweeping the Midwest. The battle between farmers and fossil fuel 
 corporations for diminishing water sources has begun. Yet our ruling 
 elite refuses to face the stark reality of climate change. They 
 ignore the imperative to find other ways of structuring our economies 
 and our relationship to the environment. They myopically serve a 
 doomed system. And, if left unstopped, the cost for all of us will be 
 Weis, a former congressional staffer, expects the last section of the 
 pipeline to be authorized by the president once the election is over.
 It is critical that people understand that completion of the 
 southern leg of Keystone XL-which President Obama and Gov. Romney 
 both fully support-would give TransCanada a direct line from 
 Alberta's landlocked tar sands mine fields to refineries in Texas for 
 export overseas, Weis explained. By tapping into Keystone I, which 
 has already been built, the southern leg of Keystone XL would open 
 the floodgates to tar sands exploitation in Canada. At a time when 
 the climate is already dangerously destabilizing before our eyes, I 
 can't believe we're even having this conversation.
 He described Obama's and Romney's failure to stand up to this 
 corporate bully as a failure to defend America.
 It is unconscionable to put the interests of a transnational 
 corporation before the health, safety and economic well-being of the 
 American people, he said.
 Weis sees the struggle to halt the Keystone XL pipeline as a symbolic 
 crossroads for the country and the planet. One path leads, he said, 
 toward decay. The other toward renewal.
 There comes a time when we must say to the ruling elite: 'No more,' 
  he said. There comes a time when we must make a stand for the 
 future of our children, and for all life on Earth. That time is here. 
 That time is now.
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