Re: [Biofuel] Climate Change Is Happening Now - A Carbon Price Must Follow

2012-12-04 Thread Chris Burck
And more.  They just keep getting hammered:

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Keith Addison ke...@journeytoforever.orgwrote:

 Climate Experts To World: Act Boldly Now, or Pay Severely Later
 There is still time to avert worst impacts of climate change, but that
 means serious action and less talk
 Published on Friday, November 30, 2012 by Common Dreams**headline/2012/11/30-3

 It's Not Just That Corporations Are Ignoring Global Warming, They Are
 Profiting From It
 Friday, 30 November 2012**buzzflash/commentary/item/**

 Doha climate talks deadlocked
 December 3 2012**world/doha-climate-talks-**


 Published on Friday, November 30, 2012 by The Guardian/UK

 Climate Change Is Happening Now - A Carbon Price Must Follow

 The extreme weather events of 2012 are what we have been warning of for 25
 years, but the answer is plain to see

 by James Hansen

 Will our short attention span be the end of us? Just a month after the
 second storm of a century in two years, the media moves on to the latest
 scandal with barely a retrospective glance at the implications of the
 extreme climate anomalies we have seen.

 Hurricane Sandy was not just a storm. It was a stark illustration of the
 power that climate change can deliver - today - to our doorsteps.

 Ask the homeowners along the New Jersey and New York shores still
 homeless. Ask the local governments struggling weeks later to turn on power
 to their cold, darkened towns and cities. Ask the entire north-east coast,
 reeling from a catastrophe whose cost is estimated at $50bn and rising. (I
 am not brave enough to ask those who've lost husbands or wives, children or

 I bring up these facts sadly, as one who has urged us to heed the
 scientific evidence on climate change for the past 25 years. The science is
 clear: climate change is here, now.

 Superstorm Sandy is not the first storm, and certainly won't be the last.
 Still, it is hard for us as individual human beings to connect the dots.
 That's where observation, data and scientific analysis help us see.

 No credible scientist disputes that we have warmed our climate by almost
 1.5C over land areas in the past century, most of that in the past 30 years.

 As my colleagues and I demonstrated in a peer-reviewed study published
 this summer, climate extremes are already occurring much more frequently in
 the world we have warmed through our reliance on fossil fuels.

 Our analysis showed that extreme summer heat anomalies used to be
 infrequent: covering only 0.1-0.2% of the globe in any given summer during
 the base period of our study, from 1951 to 1980. During the past decade, as
 the average global temperature rose, such extremes have covered 10% of the

 Extreme temperatures deliver more than heat.

 The water cycle is especially sensitive to rising temperatures. Increased
 heat speeds up evaporation, causing more extreme droughts, like the $5bn
 (and counting) drought in Texas and Oklahoma. It is linked to an expanding
 wildfire season and an increase by several fold in the frequency of large
 fires in the American west.

 The heat also leads to more extreme sea surface temperatures - a key
 culprit behind Sandy's devastating force. The latent heat in atmospheric
 water vapor is the fuel that powers tornadoes, thunderstorms, and
 hurricanes. Stepping up evaporation with warmer temperatures is like
 stepping on the gas: More energy-rich vapor condenses into water drops,
 releasing more latent heat as it does so, causing more powerful storms,
 increased rainfall and more extreme flooding. This is not a matter of
 belief. This is high-school science class.

 The chances of getting a late October hurricane in New York without the
 help of global warming are extremely small. In that sense, you can blame
 Sandy on global warming. Sandy was the strongest recorded storm, measured
 by barometric pressure, to make landfall north of Cape Hatteras, eclipsing
 the hurricane of 1938.

 But this fixation on determining the blame for a particular storm, or
 disputing the causal link between climate change and this or that storm, is

 A better path forward means listening to the growing chorus - Sandy,
 extreme droughts and wildfires, intense rainstorms, record-breaking melting
 of Arctic sea ice - and taking action. Think of it like taking out an
 insurance policy for the 

[Biofuel] Bipartisan Group in US Congress Promotes Drone Killings

2012-12-04 Thread Keith Addison

NYT Undercounts Drone Deaths in Pakistan
By Peter Hart
November 30, 2012

Pentagon: A Human Will Always Decide When a Robot Kills You

Top Gun meets Terminator: Autonomous US stealth drone completes 1st test launch
30 November, 2012

Anti-drone protesters knocked off course by broad restraining order
Demonstrators who have gathered at New York air base for years say 
their constitutional right to protest has been compromised after 
colonel granted strict order of protection

Karen McVeigh in New York, Wednesday 28 November 2012


Bipartisan Group in US Congress Promotes Drone Killings

By Patrick Martin
World Socialist Web Site

December 02, 2012 Information Clearing House - A large bipartisan 
group in Congress is promoting the building and use of drones, 
according to an investigative report published November 25 in the San 
Francisco Chronicle and the Houston Chronicle.

The report was made public the same day that the New York Times 
reported that drone strikes ordered by President Obama have killed 
more than 2,500 people over the past four years, and that the Obama 
administration was moving ahead to codify and formalize the procedure 
for targeting individuals and groups for deadly violence by CIA and 
Pentagon drone operators.

The report by the Center for Responsive Politics and Hearst 
newspapers examined the flow of campaign contributions from 
corporations engaged in building and arming drones to Democratic and 
Republican congressmen and senators.

The biggest donors include General Atomics, which makes the Predator, 
the number one remote killer for the CIA and Pentagon; BAE Systems, 
which makes the Mantis and Taranis drones; Boeing Co., maker of the 
hydrogen-fueled Phantom Eye; Honeywell International, which makes the 
RQ-16 T-Hawk; Lockheed Martin, which makes the RQ-170 Sentinel; and 
Raytheon Co., maker of the Cobra.

More than $8 million in campaign contributions from drone 
manufacturers and operators has flowed into the coffers of the 60 
members of the House Unmanned Systems Caucus. The majority of the 
House members are from California, Texas, Virginia and New York, 
including the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Howard 
Buck McKeown, a California Republican, and Silvestre Reyes, a Texas 
Democrat who lost a primary election and leaves Congress at the end 
of the year.

The Senate group of drone promoters comprises eight members, 
including liberal Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, and is 
co-chaired by Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

The very existence of what the CRP/Hearst report calls the drone 
caucus is an indication of the profound degeneration of American 
democracy. It was not so long ago, in the 1970s, that leading 
Democrat Henry Jackson became notorious as the senator from Boeing. 
Now an entire caucus has been formed of promoters of weapons of mass 
murder. What is next: The napalm caucus? The poison gas caucus?

According to the CRP/Hearst report, the principal activity of the 
drone caucus has been to promote the use of these weapons within 
the United States, including passage of the FAA Modernization and 
Reform Act, signed into law by President Obama on February 14, which 
requires the FAA to complete the integration of unmanned aerial 
vehicles (UAVs) into the national airspace by September 2015.

Drones have become big business for US police agencies, beginning 
with the federal Department of Homeland Security, which recently 
signed a $443 million deal with General Atomics to increase its fleet 
of Predator drones-capable of firing missiles as well as 
surveillance-from 10 to 24.

The FAA projects that 30,000 drones could be flying in US airspace 
within 20 years, operated by local, state and national police and 
security agencies, as well as private corporations.

The US buildup has sparked a global arms race in drone building and 
deployment. More than 50 countries operate surveillance drones, and 
many of these are beginning to fit their drones with weapons.

According to a Pentagon study, enemy drones could be a very serious 
threat to US aircraft carriers and other large ships, and to supply 
convoys and other combat support assets which have not had to deal 
with an airborne threat in generations.

While the US has 8,000 drones deployed and plans to spend $37 billion 
on drone warfare over the next eight years, a recent report by the 
Pentagon's Defense Science Board noted with considerable worry, For 
UAVs, the US currently has limited dedicated defensive capabilities 
other than fighters or surface-to-air missiles, giving the 

[Biofuel] Meet the Climate Denial Machine

2012-12-04 Thread Keith Addison

Rich states' fossil-fuel breaks top climate aid
Rich countries spend five times more on fossil-fuel subsidies than on 
aid to help developing nations cut their emissions and protect 
against the effects of climate change, the campaign group Oil Change 
International said.


Meet the Climate Denial Machine

Saturday, 01 December 2012 10:12

By Jill Fitzsimmons, Media Matters | News Analysis

Despite the overwhelming consensus among climate experts that human 
activity is contributing to rising global temperatures, 66 percent of 
Americans incorrectly believe there is a lot of disagreement among 
scientists about whether or not global warming is happening. The 
conservative media has fueled this confusion by distorting scientific 
research, hyping faux-scandals, and giving voice to groups funded by 
industries that have a financial interest in blocking action on 
climate change. Meanwhile, mainstream media outlets have shied away 
from the controversy over climate change and have failed to press 
U.S. policymakers on how they will address this global threat. When 
climate change is discussed, mainstream outlets sometimes strive for 
a false balance that elevates marginal voices and enables them to sow 
doubt about the science even in the face of mounting evidence.

Here, Media Matters looks at how conservative media outlets give 
industry-funded experts a platform, creating a polarized 
misunderstanding of climate science.

Heartland Institute And James Taylor

The Economist has called the libertarian Heartland Institute the 
world's most prominent think tank promoting skepticism about man-made 
climate change. Every year, Heartland hosts an International 
Conference on Climate Change, bringing together a small group of 
contrarians (mostly non-scientists) who deny that manmade climate 
change is a serious problem. To promote its most recent conference, 
Heartland launched a short-lived billboard campaign associating 
acceptance of climate science with murderers, tyrants, and madmen 
including Ted Kaczynski, Charles Manson and Fidel Castro. Facing 
backlash from corporate donors and even some of its own staff, 
Heartland removed the billboard, but refused to apologize for the 

Heartland does not disclose its donors, but internal documents 
obtained in February reveal that Heartland received $25,000 from the 
Charles Koch Foundation in 2011 and anticipated $200,000 in 
additional funding in 2012. Charles Koch is CEO and co-owner of Koch 
Industries, a corporation with major oil interests. Along with his 
brother David Koch, he has donated millions to groups that spread 
climate misinformation. Heartland also receives funding from some 
corporations with a financial interest in confusing the public on 
climate science. ExxonMobil contributed over $600,000 to Heartland 
between 1998 and 2006, but has since pledged to stop funding groups 
that cast doubt on climate change.

Despite their industry ties and lack of scientific expertise, 
Heartland Institute fellows are often given a media platform to 
promote their marginal views on climate change. Most visible is James 
Taylor, a lawyer with no climate science background who heads 
Heartland's environmental initiative. Taylor dismisses alarmist 
propaganda that global warming is a human-caused problem that needs 
to be addressed, and suggests that taking action to reduce emissions 
could cause a return to the the Little Ice Age and the Black Death. 
But that hasn't stopped Forbes from publishing his weekly column, 
which he uses to spout climate misinformation and accuse scientists 
of doctoring temperature data to fabricate a warming trend. It also 
hasn't stopped Fox News from promoting his misinformation.

Competitive Enterprise Institute

The libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute has sponsored paid 
advertisements, op-eds, and blogs that misrepresent scientific 
research to downplay the threat of climate change. CEI's director of 
energy and global warming policy Myron Ebell shed light on their 
motivation to muddle the science on the PBS Frontline special 
Climate of Doubt:

We felt that if you concede the science is settled and that there's a 
consensus, you cannot -- the moral high ground has been ceded to the 

By dismissing the scientific consensus that human activity is 
contributing to climate change as phony, CEI can justify standing 
in the way of government action to reduce emissions. To make its 
case, CEI dispatches its experts -- many of which have no 
scientific background -- to do media appearances and op-ed pieces 
casting doubt on climate science and opposing any potential 
solutions. Ebell has been cited by Fox News, Forbes and even CNN as 
an energy and environmental policy expert. Senior Fellow Marlo Lewis 
Jr. has written in Forbes, National Review and the 

[Biofuel] Bradley Manning: A Tale Of Liberty Lost In America

2012-12-04 Thread Keith Addison

Manning Testifies About His Torture; Was It Aimed at Turning Him on Assange?
Saturday, 01 December 2012 11:08
By Paul Jay, The Real News Network | Interview and Video

Bradley Manning: Prisoners of Conscience
NYT and AP Launch Operation Amnesia
By Chris Floyd
December 02, 2012


Bradley Manning: A Tale Of Liberty Lost In America

The US does nothing to punish those guilty of war crimes or Wall 
Street fraud, yet demonises the whistleblower

By Glenn Greenwald

December 01, 2012 The Guardian --  Over the past two and a half 
years, all of which he has spent in a military prison, much has been 
said about Bradley Manning, but nothing has been heard from him. That 
changed on Thursday, when the 23-year-old US army private accused of 
leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks testified at his court 
martial proceeding about the conditions of his detention.

The oppressive, borderline-torturous measures to which he was 
subjected, including prolonged solitary confinement and forced 
nudity, have been known for some time. A formal UN investigation 
denounced those conditions as cruel and inhuman. President Obama's 
state department spokesman, retired air force colonel PJ Crowley, 
resigned after publicly condemning Manning's treatment. A prison 
psychologist testified this week that Manning's conditions were more 
damaging than those found on death row, or at Guantánamo Bay.

Still, hearing the accused whistleblower's description of this abuse 
in his own words viscerally conveyed its horror. Reporting from the 
hearing, the Guardian's Ed Pilkington quoted Manning: If I needed 
toilet paper I would stand to attention and shout: 'Detainee Manning 
requests toilet paper!' And: I was authorised to have 20 minutes 
sunshine, in chains, every 24 hours. Early in his detention, Manning 
recalled, I had pretty much given up. I thought I was going to die 
in this eight by eight animal cage.

The repressive treatment of Bradley Manning is one of the disgraces 
of Obama's first term, and highlights many of the dynamics shaping 
his presidency. The president not only defended Manning's treatment 
but also, as commander-in-chief of the court martial judges, 
improperly decreed Manning's guilt when he asserted in an interview 
that he broke the law.

Worse, Manning is charged not only with disclosing classified 
information, but also the capital offence of aiding the enemy, for 
which the death penalty can be imposed (military prosecutors are 
requesting only life in prison). The government's radical theory is 
that, although Manning had no intent to do so, the leaked information 
could have helped al-Qaida, a theory that essentially equates any 
disclosure of classified information - by any whistleblower, or a 
newspaper - with treason.

Whatever one thinks of Manning's alleged acts, he appears the classic 
whistleblower. This information could have been sold for substantial 
sums to a foreign government or a terror group. Instead he apparently 
knowingly risked his liberty to show them to the world because - he 
said when he believed he was speaking in private - he wanted to 
trigger worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms.

Compare this aggressive prosecution of Manning to the Obama 
administration's vigorous efforts to shield Bush-era war crimes and 
massive Wall Street fraud from all forms of legal accountability. Not 
a single perpetrator of those genuine crimes has faced court under 
Obama, a comparison that reflects the priorities and values of US 

Then there's the behaviour of Obama's loyalists. Ever since I first 
reported the conditions of Manning's detention in December 2010, many 
of them not only cheered that abuse but grotesquely ridiculed 
concerns about it. Joy-Ann Reid, a former Obama press aide and now a 
contributor on the progressive network MSNBC, spouted sadistic 
mockery in response to the report: Bradley Manning has no 
pillow? With that, she echoed one of the most extreme rightwing 
websites, RedState, which identically mocked the report: Give 
Bradley Manning his pillow and blankie back.

As usual, the US establishment journalists have enabled the 
government every step of the way. Despite holding themselves out as 
adversarial watchdogs, nothing provokes their animosity more than 
someone who effectively challenges government actions.

Typifying this mentality was a CNN interview on Thursday night with 
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange conducted by Erin Burnett. It was to 
focus on newly released documents revealing secret efforts by US 
officials to pressure financial institutions to block WikiLeaks' 
funding after the group published classified documents allegedly 
leaked by Manning, a form of extra-legal punishment that should 

[Biofuel] Nuke Power's Collapse Gets Ever More Dangerous

2012-12-04 Thread Keith Addison

Saturday, 01 December 2012 14:06

Nuke Power's Collapse Gets Ever More Dangerous


In the wake of this fall's election, the disintegration of 
America's rust bucket reactor fleet is fast approaching critical 
mass. Unless our No Nukes movement can get the worst of them shut 
soon, Barack Obama may be very lucky to get through his second term 
without a major reactor disaster. 

All 104 licensed US reactors were designed before 1975---a third of a 
century ago. All but one went on line in the 1980s or earlier.   

Plunging natural gas prices (due largely to ecologically disastrous 
fracking) are dumping even fully-amortized US reactors into deep red 
ink. Wisconsin's Kewaunee will close next year because nobody wants 
to buy it. A reactor at Clinton, Illinois, may join it. Should gas 
prices stay low, the trickle of shut-downs will turn into a flood. 

But more disturbing are the structural problems, made ever-more 
dangerous by slashed maintenance budgets.  

	*	San Onofre Units One and Two, near major earthquake 
faults on the coast between Los Angeles and San Diego, have been shut 
for more than nine months by core breakdowns in their newly 
refurbished steam generators. A fix could exceed a half-billion 
dollars. A bitter public battle now rages over shutting them both.  

	*	The containment dome at North Florida's Crystal River 
was seriously damaged during repair efforts that could take $2 
billion to correct. It will probably never reopen.

	*	NRC inspections of Nebraska's Fort Calhoun, damaged 
during recent flooding, have unearthed a wide range of structural 
problems that could shut it forever, and that may have been illegally 
covered-up.  As many as three dozen US reactors may be vulnerable to 
flooding from upstream dams.  

	*	Ohio's Davis-Besse has structural containment cracks 
that should have forced it down years ago and others have been found 
at South Carolina's V.C. Summer reactor pressure vessel.  

	*	Intense public pressure at Vermont Yankee, at two 
reactors at New York's Indian Point, and at New Jersey's Oyster Creek 
(damaged in Hurricane Sandy) could bring them all down.

Projected completion of a second unit at Watts Bar, Tennessee, where 
construction began in the 1960s, has been pushed back to April, 2015. 
If finished at all, building this reactor may span a half-century. 

Two new reactors under preliminary construction in South Carolina 
have been plagued by delays and cost overruns. Faulty components and 
concrete have marred two more under construction at Vogtle, 
Georgia, where builders may soon ask for a new delay on consideration 
of proposed federal loan guarantees. 

This fall's defeat of the very pro-nuclear Mitt Romney is an industry 
set-back. The return of Harry Reid (D-NV) as Senate Majority Leader 
means the failed Yucca Mountain waste dump will stay dead. A number 
of new Congressionals are notably pro-green, in line with Obama's 
strong rhetorical support. 

The move toward renewables has been boosted by Germany's shut-down of 
eight reactors and huge investments in wind, solar and other 
renewables, which are exceeding financial and ecological 
expectations. Despite pro-nuke nay-sayers,Germany's energy supply of 
energy has risen while prices have fallen. 

The Department of Energy has confirmed that US solar power continues 
to drop in price. US employment in the solar industry has surged past 
118,000, a rise of more than 13% over last year. 

Despite a wide range of financial problems, including uncertainty 
over renewal of the Production Tax Credit, the green energy industry 
continues to expand. Along with marijuana, Colorado has now legalized 
industrial hemp, opening the door for a major bio-fuel that will have 
strong agricultural support.   

At some near-term tipping point, the financial and political clout of 
the green energy industry will fly past that of atomic power. 

But at Fukushima, a spent fuel pool crammed with some 1500 hugely 
radioactive rods still sits atop a deteriorating shell that could 
collapse with the inevitable upcoming earthquake. As the Earth hangs 
in the balance, the pool may or may not be emptied this coming year, 
depending on the dubious technical and financial capabilities of its 
owners, who are in a deep fiscal crater. Meanwhile, fish irradiated 
by the huge quantities of Fukushima emissions are being consumed here 
in the US. 

Overall, the nuclear renaissance is in shambles. So is an industry 
now defined by a rust-bucket fleet of decayed reactors in serious 

Solartopians everywhere can celebrate an election that seemed to show 
some progress toward saving our beleaguered planet.   

But our survival still depends on shutting ALL these old reactors 
before the next Fukushima contaminates us with far more than just 
radioactive fish.

[Biofuel] Assange to RT: Entire nations intercepted online, key turned to totalitarian rule

2012-12-04 Thread Keith Addison

Assange to RT: Entire nations intercepted online, key turned to 
totalitarian rule

Published: 30 November, 2012

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says all the necessary physical 
infrastructure for absolute totalitarianism through the internet is 
ready. He told RT that the question now is whether the turnkey 
process that already started will go all the way.

RT: So you've written this book 'Cypherpunks. Freedom and the Future 
of the Internet' based on one of the programs that you've made for 
RT. In it, you say that the internet can enslave us. I don't really 
get that, because the internet it's a thing, it's a soulless thing. 
Who are the actual enslavers behind it?

Julian Assange: The people who control the interception of the 
internet and, to some degree also, physically control the big data 
warehouses and the international fiber-optic lines. We all think of 
the internet as some kind of Platonic Realm where we can throw out 
ideas and communications and web pages and books and they exist 
somewhere out there. Actually, they exist on web servers in New York 
or Nairobi or Beijing, and information comes to us through satellite 
connections or through fiber-optic cables.

So whoever physically controls this controls the realm of our ideas 
and communications. And whoever is able to sit on those 
communications channels, can intercept entire nations, and that's the 
new game in town, as far as state spying is concerned - intercepting 
entire nations, not individuals.

'intercepting entire nations, not individuals'

RT: This sounds like a futuristic scenario, but you are saying that 
the future is already here.

JA: The US National Security Agency has been doing this for some 
20-30 years. But it has now spread to mid-size nations, even 
Gaddafi's Libya was employing the EAGLE system, which is produced by 
French company AMESYS, pushed there in 2009, advertised in its 
international documentation as a nationwide interception system.

So what's happened over the last 10 years is the ever-decreasing cost 
of intercepting each individual now to the degree where it is cheaper 
to intercept every individual rather that it is to pick particular 
people to spy upon.

'It is cheaper to intercept every individual rather that it is to 
pick particular people to spy upon'

RT: And what's the alternative, the sort of utopian alternative that 
you would put forward?

JA: The utopian alternative is to try and gain independence for the 
internet, for it to sort of declare independence versus the rest of 
the world. And that's really quite important because if you think 
what is human civilization, what is it that makes it quintessentially 
human and civilized, it is our shared knowledge about how the world 
works, how we deal with each other, how we deal with the environment, 
which institutions are corrupt, which ones are good, what are the 
least dumb ways of doing things. And that intellectual knowledge is 
something that we are all putting on to the internet - and so if we 
can try and decouple that from the brute nature of states and their 
cronies, then I think we really have hope for a global civilization.

If, on the other hand, the mere security guards, you know, the people 
who control the guns, are able to take control of our intellectual 
life, take control of all the ways in which we communicate to each 
other, then of course you can see how dreadful the outcome will be. 
Because it won't happen to just one nation, it will happen to every 
nation at once. It is happening to every nation at once as far as 
spying is concerned, because now every nation is merging its society 
with internet infrastructure.

RT: And in what way are we, as sort of naïve internet users, if you 
like (and I exclude you from that, obviously), kind of willingly 
collaborating with these collectors of personal data? You know, we 
all have a Facebook account, we all have telephones which can be 

JA: Right. People think, well, yeah, I use Facebook, and maybe the 
FBI if they made a request, could come and get it, and everyone is 
much more aware of that because of Petraeus. But that's not the 
problem. The problem is that all the time nearly everything people do 
on the internet is permanently recorded, every web search.

Do you know what you were thinking one year, two days, three months 
ago? No, you don't know, but Google knows, it remembers.

'Google knows, it remembers'

The National Security Agency who intercepts the request if it flowed 
over the US border, it knows.

So by just communicating to our friends, by emailing each other, by 
updating Facebook profiles, we are informing on our friends.

'by updating Facebook profiles, we are informing on our friends'

And friends don't inform on friends. You know, the Stasi had a 10 per 
cent penetration of East German society, with up to 1 in 10 people 
being informants at some time in