Re: [Biofuel] Major advance in artificial photosynthesis could turn carbon emissions into desirable chemicals

2015-04-17 Thread Chris Burck
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Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

[Biofuel] Major advance in artificial photosynthesis could turn carbon emissions into desirable chemicals

2015-04-17 Thread Darryl McMahon
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Major advance in artificial photosynthesis could turn carbon emissions 
into desirable chemicals

By Justin Beach, National Monitor | April 16, 2015

New technique is similar to carbon capture and storage, but it stores 
the carbon in useful products including fuel.

Researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Lawrence Berkeley 
National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California (UC) 
Berkeley are reporting what could be a game changing innovation in 
energy and drastically reduce greenhouse gasses.

It is actually, simultaneously, a breakthrough in artificial 
photosynthesis as well as carbon capture and storage. The system 
described in the journal Nano Letters has the potential to not only 
reduce carbon emissions, but to turn carbon into a desirable commodity.

The system captures carbon dioxide emissions then uses solar energy and 
artificial photosynthesis to turn the carbon emissions, that would have 
gone into the atmosphere, into useful chemical products including liquid 
fuel, biodegradable plastic and even pharmaceutical drugs.

Just like plants use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into 
carbohydrates, the new system would use carbon dioxide and water to make 
acetate, which can then be put to a wide variety of uses.

“We believe our system is a revolutionary leap forward in the field of 
artificial photosynthesis. Our system has the potential to fundamentally 
change the chemical and oil industry in that we can produce chemicals 
and fuels in a totally renewable way, rather than extracting them from 
deep below the ground,” said Peidong Yang a statement.

Yang is a chemist with Berkeley Lab’s Materials Sciences Division and 
one of the leaders of this study.

The problem, to date, with “carbon capture and storage” is storage. The 
carbon needs to be stored somewhere and that has the potential to create 
new environmental problems. By “storing” the carbon in useful products 
the technique has the potential to completely eliminate that problem and 
make carbon reduction profitable.

“In natural photosynthesis, leaves harvest solar energy and carbon 
dioxide is reduced and combined with water for the synthesis of 
molecular products that form biomass. In our system, nanowires harvest 
solar energy and deliver electrons to bacteria, where carbon dioxide is 
reduced and combined with water for the synthesis of a variety of 
targeted, value-added chemical products,” said Chris Chang of Berkeley 
Lab and UC Berkeley, an expert in catalysts for carbon-neutral energy 

The system uses silicon and titanium oxide nanowire structures to create 
an “artificial forest”

“Our artificial forest is similar to the chloroplasts in green plants. 
When sunlight is absorbed, photo-excited electron−hole pairs are 
generated in the silicon and titanium oxide nanowires, which absorb 
different regions of the solar spectrum. The photo-generated electrons 
in the silicon will be passed onto bacteria for the CO2 reduction while 
the photo-generated holes in the titanium oxide split water molecules to 
make oxygen,” said Yang.

The forest is then populated with microbes that catalyze the carbon 
dioxide reduction. For the study, the team used the anaerobic bacterium 
Sporomusa ovata which takes electrons from its environment and uses them 
to reduce carbon dioxide.

“S. ovata is a great carbon dioxide catalyst as it makes acetate, a 
versatile chemical intermediate that can be used to manufacture a 
diverse array of useful chemicals. We were able to uniformly populate 
our nanowire array with S. ovata using buffered brackish water with 
trace vitamins as the only organic component,” aid Michelle Chang, an 
expert in biosynthesis.

Once the carbon dioxide is reduced, genetically engineered E.coli take 
over and synthesize the desired chemical products. According to the 
researchers the S. ovata and E.coli steps could potentially be combined 
in the future.

While this is, potentially, a remarkable and timely breakthrough the 
technology is not quite ready yet.

“We are currently working on our second generation system which has a 
solar-to-chemical conversion efficiency of three-percent. Once we can 
reach a conversion efficiency of 10-percent in a cost effective manner, 
the technology should be commercially viable,” said Yang.

Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

[Biofuel] Mexico: 500, 000 left without drinking water after oil spill

2015-04-17 Thread Darryl McMahon

Mexico: 500,000 left without drinking water after oil spill

By Adam Justice

April 16, 2015 10:49 BST

As the number of Mexicans without drinking water climbed to roughly half 
a million on 15 April after an oil spill, authorities in the 
southeastern Mexican state of Tabasco were moving to get water 
purification and treatment plants reopened.

The trouble began at the end of last week, when trespassers reportedly 
slashed an oil pipeline, which in turn polluted local waterways 
including the Sierra River.

As a result, four water treatment facilities were shuttered. Pemex, the 
national oil company, dispatched workers to try and protect drinking 
water. Any solution, however, is days into an ongoing hardship for locals.

"The damage is terrible. Of course we want to avoid the contamination of 
drinking water processing plants, but the environmental damage is 
indisputably going to be very big regardless," said Humberto de los 
Santos, mayor of Centro.

The efforts to reopen the water treatment plants began on 14 April, and 
by 15 April, two of the plants were reopened, according to local media 
reports. The incident has a taken a toll on locals.

"Well, they (authorities) told us to be prepared for water shortage but 
we didn't think it was going to turn into a chaos. Partly it's our 
responsibility for leaving everything to the last minute but much of the 
blame is the Pemex company's," said local resident Ericka Sanchez.

The other two plants are slated to open by 17 April. The total clean-up 
could take as much as 15 days. Local authorities have called on Pemex to 
foot the bill for the damages.

Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

[Biofuel] Can Other Cities Match Georgetown’s Low-Cost Switch to 100 Percent Wind and Sun?

2015-04-17 Thread Darryl McMahon

[images and links in on-line article]

Can Other Cities Match Georgetown’s Low-Cost Switch to 100 Percent Wind 
and Sun?

John Farrell

April 15, 2015

This is probably not the first place you’ve read about Georgetown, 
Texas, the town of 55,000 that will be getting the equivalent of 100 
percent of its electricity from renewable energy by 2017. But few 
articles hit upon the two key reasons Georgetown was able to make this 
move when so many other cities with abundant renewable resources (e.g. 
Tucson, Arizona) are stuck with a majority-coal-fired electricity supply.

If cities had these keys, many could obtain 100 percent renewable energy 
at a surprisingly low cost.

Key #1: Local Ownership

Just one in seven Americans gets their electricity from one of about 
2,000 municipal utilities, but these locally controlled utilities allow 
a community to chart its own electric future. It’s the key behind Palo 
Alto’s surge toward carbon neutral electricity, toward Austin’s 35 
percent renewable by 2020 goal, and Sacramento’s ability to pursue a 90 
percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from electricity by 2050.

Unfortunately, this local self-determination isn’t enough, because there 
are many other municipal utilities with only a pittance of renewable 
energy on their grid system. And that leads to…

Key #2: No Contracts

The Georgetown municipal utility closed its last power plant in 1945, 
and has contracted with third parties to provide electricity ever since. 
With the expiration of its major supply contract in 2012, it was free to 
sign new contracts. This freedom is what has allowed other utilities 
like tiny Farmers Electric Cooperative in Iowa to become the number one 
solar utility in the country.

Georgetown didn’t pursue renewable energy for environmental reasons, but 
simply because it was the best investment for their customers. The 150 
megawatts of solar PV and 145 megawatts of wind power will supply as 
much as double the town’s annual electricity use, ensuring sufficient 
supply year round even with fluctuations in sunshine and wind, and allow 
the town to sell the excess into Texas electricity markets. As 
attractive as the price — which was lower than the town’s current 
wholesale electricity costs — the solar and wind contracts have zero 
volatility because they have zero fuel cost, insulating Georgetown 
electric customers from rising fossil fuel prices.

Self-Reliance not Self-Sufficiency

It’s worth noting that the solar and wind contracts don’t mean that 
Georgetown will be completely reliant on the sun and wind. Their grid 
remains interconnected to the rest of the Texas electricity system, so 
in periods of zero wind and zero sun, the town can still tap into the 
ERCOT spot market for power. However, the wind and solar resource tend 
to balance one another. As the city’s press release notes, “This means 
that wind power can most often fill power demand when the sun isn’t 

A Low Cost Copy?

Could other cities follow suit? If they had the two keys that Georgetown 
did, almost certainly. ILSR’s analysis suggests that path to 100 percent 
renewable energy is surprisingly inexpensive.

Our approach was to analyze the path to 100 percent renewable energy via 
wind and solar power alone, for the largest municipal electric utility 
in each state (i.e. cities with Key #1, and hopefully a timeline to 
obtain Key #2). The following map shows that 15 of the largest 
city-owned electric companies (mostly in the Midwest) could contract for 
100 percent renewable energy at 7.5¢ per kilowatt-hour (kWh) or less. 
Another 18 could do so for less than 9¢ per kWh. The final 14 could 
contract for 100 percent wind and solar for 10.3¢ per kWh or less. 
Detailed assumptions and calculations are shown at the bottom of this post.

The map is pretty clear: Georgetown may be the first municipal utility 
to procure 100% renewable energy (and not just renewable energy 
credits), but it won’t be the last. As costs continue to fall for 
renewable energy, many more cities can make the rapid shift to 100% wind 
and sun.



The cost of solar and solar resource potential was calculated using the 
National Renewable Energy Laboratory System Advisor Model, with an 
installed cost of $2.55/Watt, $20 per kilowatt annual maintenance costs, 
use of both federal accelerated depreciation and 30% tax credit, 
financing 100% of the system cost at 8% interest on a 10 year loan, a 5% 
real discount rate over 25 years, and a 2¢ per kWh margin for the developer.

The cost of wind power was calculated by ILSR assuming an installed cost 
of $1.63/Watt (source), $49 per kilowatt annual maintenance costs, use 
of federal accelerated depreciation but no tax credits, financing 100% 
of the system cost at 8% interest on a 10 year loan, a 6% real discount 
rate ov