Re: [Biofuel] debunking popular myths... was Robin's solution

2005-06-05 Thread lisa simpson
...and while we're debunking popular myths lets nail
this one too.

 Plutonium, the most significant element in nuclear
waste, is so carcinogenic that hypothetically half a
kilo evenly distributed could cause cancer in everyone
on Earth. 
By Dr. Helen Caldicott

It is worth a look here for a reality check:

I am NOT in favor of nuclear power, however media hype
misinformation like the quote above only discredits
the good work of the anti-nuclear movement.

--- Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi John and all
 It's crap anyway, Robin Williams didn't write it:
 Urban Legends Reference Pages: Politics (Robin
 It's not even new, it's been doing the rounds for
 two years.
 Best wishes

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Re: [Biofuel] Re: was Robin's solution... was: DA Drops...

2005-06-05 Thread lisa simpson
yes, I've noticed that most of the criticism is the
shoot the messenger variety.  I'd prefer to discuss
content, and comments like xenophobic rant and load
of bull are not discussion.

--- Jerry Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Doesn't make a damn to me who said itits just
 plain good ole advise.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Alt.EnergyNetwork
 Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 12:42 PM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Re: was Robin's solution... was:
 DA Drops...
 What a load of bull.
 I sincerely doubt that the Robin Williams
 was the author of the xenophobic rant below.

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Re: [Biofuel] debunking popular myths... was Robin's solution

2005-06-05 Thread lisa simpson
Lets avoid the personal attacks and stick to a
discussion of the facts.
 Or, you can continue to assess the truth as myth and
 lend yourself to 
 the continued dis-informing, mis-informing and
 propagandizing of others.
 Todd Swearingen

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Re: [Biofuel] debunking popular myths... was Robin's solution

2005-06-05 Thread lisa simpson

--- Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Lisa
 Lets avoid the personal attacks and stick to a
 discussion of the facts.
 Todd discussed the facts and you're trying to squirm
 out from under. 
 Now stop it and give him an honest response.
The nationmaster link states that 10 tons of Pu have
been released. At approx 10 kilos per bomb, thats a
bunch of big bangs.
So hypothetically, I would guess that much more than
half a kilo has already been distributed worldwide.
Have you got your share of cancer yet?

I'm not suggesting that worldwide distribution of
plutonium is a good idea, but rather that facts rather
than media hype serve a better purpose.  Don't forget
I'm NOT pro-nuclear.

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Re: [Biofuel] media hype...was debunking popular myths

2005-06-05 Thread lisa simpson

 i prefer to think you know better.  so give us
 something real.  come on, 
 we're dying here.

the point is not the relative toxicity of plutonium,
of course it's nasty stuff.  The point is that media
hype, attributed to a medical professional who should
know better, i.e. that half a kilo, evenly dispersed
will give everyone on the earth cancer is just hype. 
More than half a kilo has already been irresponsibly
blown into the sky, not everyone has cancer.  The not
everyone has cancer argument is used by the
pro-nuclear factions to somehow support the idea that
plutonium isn't a problem, when it obviously is.  

To summarize: my argument is against the hype, not the
relative toxicity of plutonium.

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Re: [Biofuel] pointless bashing.. was robin's solution

2005-06-05 Thread lisa simpson
The point of posting the robin williams fluff piece
was not to extoll it's questionable 'validity' [notice
I never said anything to support it] but rather to
illustrate the shallow pointlessness of the incessant
'Merican bashing which seems to characterize
'political correctness' among the globalized liberal
elite.  What seems to have gone completely over the
heads of most readers is that both are of the same
vein.  Failing to grasp that point and retorting with
personal accusations only illustrates the point
further.  One does not further one's position by
cutting others down, but rather by showing a better

What 'you' think of 'me' has nothing to do with an
objective discussion of any subject.  Try posting
something objective without using the word 'you'.


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Re: [Biofuel] Robin's solution... was: DA Drops...

2005-06-04 Thread lisa simpson
You gotta love Robin Williams... Leave it to Robin
Williams to come up  with the perfect plan .. what we
need now is for our UN Ambassador to  stand up and
repeat this message.
 Robin William's plan. (Hard to argue with this
 I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have
not heard of a plan  for peace. So, here's one plan.
 1.) The US will apologize to the world for our
interference in their  affairs, past present. You
know, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Noriega,  Milosevic and
the rest of those 'good ole boys,' We will never
 interfere  again.
 2.) We will withdraw our troops from all over the
world, starting with  Germany, South Korea and the
Philippines. They don't want us there. We  would
station troops at our borders. No one sneaking through
holes in  the fence.
 3.) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their
affairs together and  leave. We'll give them a free
trip home. After 90 days the remainder  will be
gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of
who or  where they are. France would welcome them.
 4.) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked
and limited to 90  days unless given a special permit.
No one from a terrorist nation  would be allowed in.
If you don't like it there, change it yourself and 
don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to
anyone. We don't  need any more cab drivers or 7-11
 5.) No foreign students over age 21. The older ones
are the bombers.  If they don't attend classes, they
get a D and it's back home baby. 
 6.) The US will make a strong effort to become
self-sufficient energy  wise.
 This will include developing nonpolluting sources of
energy but will  require a temporary drilling of oil
in the Alaskan wilderness. The  caribou will have to
cope for a while.
 7.) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing
countries $10 a barrel  for their oil. If they don't
like it, we go some place else. They can  go somewhere
else to sell their production. (About a week of the
wells  filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
 8.) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe
in the world, we  will not interfere, They can pray
to Allah or whomever, for seeds,  rain, cement or
whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them
 is stolen or given to the army. The people who need
it most get very  little, if anything.
 9.) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island
some place. We don't need the spies and fair weather
friends here. Besides, the building  would make a good
homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
 10.) All Americans must go to charm and beauty
school. That way, no one  can call us Ugly Americans
any longer. The Language we speak is 
ENGLISH.learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a
winner of a plan.
 The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me
your poor, your  tired, your huddled masses.' She's
got a baseball bat and she's  yelling, 'You want a
piece of me?'
 ~~~If you agree with the above forward it to
 If not, and I would be amazed, DELETE it !

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[Biofuel] Fwd: The Twilight of Fuel?

2005-03-26 Thread Lisa

this ought to make for some unfettered drivel...
(but Lou is good at asking pointed questions, so at least it should be 

the show airs at 6pm EST and repeats at, I think, 11pm EST.

the transcript should show up later tonight at

southeast US

--  Forwarded Message  --

Lou Dobbs Tonight
Thursday, March 24, 2005


Mark Mills, co-author of The Bottomless Well, joins us to
explain why he says energy is not scarce, why the price of
energy doesn't matter very much, and why wasting energy is both
necessary and desirable.


Michael Cutler of the Center for Immigration Studies joins us
with his reaction to the border issues raised in the summit
between President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin.


Dr. Joseph Fins, director of medical ethics at the Weill
Cornell Medical Center, joins us to discuss the latest
developments in the Terry Schiavo case.


Brig. Gen. David Grange (Ret.) joins us to discuss the latest
developments in Iraq and the outlook for troop commitments


In this weeks special series, Assault on the Middle Class,
well look beyond the debate about social security reform at
what middle-class Americans can really expect when they retire.

Tonight, well take a look at how retirees are coping with
runaway health care costs.

For more, visit Stop
by the site to test your knowledge of the Americas Bright
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Also visit the Web site for ordering information for Lous new
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American Jobs Overseas. The book is now available for purchase
online and in stores.

CNN -- The most trusted name in news.

(c) 2005 Cable News Network LP, LLLP.
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[biofuel] Republicans Plan a Hydrogen Economy -- at Your Expense

2003-05-28 Thread Lisa

Republicans Plan a Hydrogen Economy÷at Your Expense
It's Nucular
by Mark Baard
May 28 - June 3, 2003

[image: ]
Bush looks over a scooter powered by solid hydrogen fuel during a demonstration 
of energy technologies at The National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.

On a sunny Saturday morning 30 years from now, you may decide to take your 
family for a ride to the country. You'll still be driving a car, and you may 
still get stuck in traffic. But that's OK, because the only thing you'll be 
breathing in is water vapor from the car in front of you.

Welcome to the seemingly benign hydrogen economy President Bush has touted 
over the past year. Pollution-free cars. Abundant fuel. A cleaner environment.

But there's one factor the president isn't talking much about: the hundreds, 
perhaps thousands, of new nuclear power plants his administration imagines 
making all of that hydrogen.

The Bush administration and Senate Republicans want to give billions of 
taxpayer dollars to the nuclear industry to make high-temperature, gas- cooled 
reactors (HTGRs), which÷theoretically÷can co-generate electricity and hydrogen, 
side by side, inside cheap modular reactors. Advocates of the plants say they 
wouldn't need the expensive protections required for traditional models.

This summer, the Senate is expected to vote on the Energy Policy Act of 2003, 
which includes funding for new HTGR plants and the construction of a pilot 
co-generation facility to be run by the U.S. Department of Energy in Idaho. The 
bill was sent to the full chamber by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources 
Committee last month.

Spokespeople for the committee and the DOE say the aim is to cut greenhouse 
emissions, since energy companies continue to use coal and natural gas in 
making hydrogen. But small, modular HTGR plants may do it more efficiently and 
cleanly, they said.

That all depends, of course, on how you define cleanly. To extract hydrogen 
from water÷to get the H out of the H2O÷you first have to make steam. The 
modular nuclear plants would do that without polluting the air, but would also 
leave behind radioactive waste.

Scientists have not yet designed a nuclear facility whose safety and efficiency 
trumps that of gas or coal. One proposal, from MIT, has a nuclear reactor 
sitting under the same roof as a chemical plant bubbling with sulfuric acid and 
hydrogen iodide.

Each modular plant would produce as little as one-tenth of the energy of a 
single light-water reactor. And since by some estimates the United States would 
need the equivalent of 500 light-water reactors to produce enough hydrogen, it 
may take thousands of modular plants to get the same job done.

The nuke industry, not surprisingly, says it's interested in joining the 
hydrogen economy. Entergy, the second-largest nuclear energy producer in the 
U.S., hopes to break ground on its co-generation Freedom Reactor within five 

But only the feds seem willing to pay for the research and development that 
would make the futuristic plants a reality. We generate electricity, said a 
spokesperson for Exelon, the country's largest producer. We're not heavily 
involved in funding research and development.

Taxpayers may soon be. The Senate's energy bill affords the DOE $1.1 billion to 
build an HTGR co-generation nuclear plant at its Idaho National Engineering and 
Environmental Laboratory within 10 years.

The bill also proposes to kick-start a nuke renaissance by subsidizing half the 
cost of six to 10 new HTGR power plants in the United States.

We need to move toward clean-air energy sources that are more reliable than 
wind and solar, said Marnie Funk, a spokesperson for New Mexico Republican 
senator Pete Domenici, chair of the energy and resources committee.

Renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, are emissions-free. But the sun 
doesn't always shine and the wind doesn't always blow. Many people also see 
wind turbines as an eyesore: Cape Codders are fighting plans for an offshore 
wind farm that would obstruct their views. And then you've got the bird 
issue, said Funk. Wind turbines earned some notoriety by killing as many as 50 
golden eagles along California's Altamont Pass during the 1990s.

Today, wind and solar proponents are appalled that Senator Domenici and the 
nuke industry are pushing nuclear energy as a greener choice. It's 
disingenuous to suggest that the nuclear provisions in the energy bill come out 
of a commitment to the environment, said Lisa Gue, a senior policy analyst 
with Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and Environment program. Gue said 
the energy bill is a thank-you to nuclear companies, who have contributed some 
$1 million to energy committee members' campaigns over the past three election 

The Senate energy committee wants to lessen greenhouse gases at the cost

Re: [biofuel] Lieberman energy plan would slash US oil imports

2003-05-08 Thread Lisa

it's just too bad he's a hawk in Democrats' clothing...

Message: 5
   Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 14:09:11 +0900
   From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Lieberman energy plan would slash US oil imports

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[biofuel] Fw: PANUPS: Terminator Technology Marches Ahead

2003-04-04 Thread Lisa

wonder how long before the oilco's try to get in on this, too?
(not that it's not bad enough already...)

 P A N U P S
 Pesticide Action Network Updates Service
 Terminator Technology Marches Ahead

 April 4, 2003

 On April 1, ETC Group* reported on the ongoing research and
development of a highly controversial genetic seed sterilization
process known as Terminator technology--plants genetically engineered
to render seeds sterile. Terminator technology is being developed as a
biological mechanism to strip farmers of their right to save and
re-plant seeds from their harvest, thus creating greater dependence on
the commercial seed market.

 The ETC report, Terminator Technology: Five Years Later has found
that five years later, Terminator is far from dead. Together with
hundreds of civil society, farmers' and indigenous peoples
organizations worldwide, ETC Group (formerly known as RAFI) concludes
that the only solution is for governments to recommend a global ban on
suicide seeds.

 ETC Group also reports on Exorcist Technology, the biotech
industry's recent attempt to develop genetically engineered (GE) crops
that shed their foreign DNA before harvest, with the help of chemical
inducers. The industry sees this as a means of silencing anti-GE
critics since the final products will not contain foreign DNA.
Exorcist is a new technology, but the basic strategy is the same--the
biotech industry wants to shift all the burden to the farmer and
society. If gene flow is a problem, the farmer will be obliged to
apply a chemical inducer to excise the offensive transgenes. It's the
newest bag of genetic tricks to fix the biotech industry's leaky genes
and public relations problems, explains Hope Shand of ETC Group.

 We're still discovering new patent claims on Terminator, this time
by Syngenta, and now the seed industry and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture are boldly extolling the virtues of Terminator technology
for small farmers and indigenous peoples, explains Shand.

 According to ETC Group, the biotech industry is greenwashing
Terminator by promoting it as a biosafety tool. The group is concerned
that if Terminator technology wins market acceptance under the guise
of biosafety, it will eventually be used everywhere as a monopoly tool
to prevent farmers from saving and re-using seed.

 Terminator technology has not yet been commercialized. However,
according to Harry Collins, a Vice-President at Delta and Pine Land
Co. (the world's largest cotton seed company) his company continues to
work toward commercialization. Delta  Pine Land, the U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Syngenta, DuPont, Monsanto, BASF and Purdue, Iowa
State and Cornell universities all hold Terminator patents. Syngenta,
with nine patents, holds more Terminator patents than any other
company, although Syngenta has stated publicly that it will not
commercialize the trait.

 On June 23-25, 2003, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (owner of
three Terminator patents), U.S. Agency for International Development
and the U.S. Department of State have invited ministers of trade,
agriculture and environment from 180 countries to a Ministerial
Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology in Sacramento,
California. If the ministers accept the U.S. government's invitation
to attend the meeting, the ETC Group recommends that they hold the
U.S. government accountable for its role in developing, patenting and
licensing Terminator technology.

 If the U.S. government plans to showcase biotech's new and
controversial agricultural technologies for the South in the lead up
to the WTO Ministerial in Cancun, it should begin by explaining why it
supports an anti-farmer, anti-diversity technology for use in the
developing world--where 1.4 billion people depend on farm-saved
seeds, advises Silvia Ribeiro of ETC Group who is based in Mexico.

 The full text of the 10-page report on Terminator and Exorcist plus
policy recommendations is available at:

 *The Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration, formerly
RAFI, is an international civil society organization headquartered in
Canada. The ETC group is dedicated to the advancement of cultural and
ecological diversity and human rights. The ETC group is also a member
of the Community Biodiversity Development and Conservation Programme
(CBDC). The CBDC is a collaborative experimental initiative involving
civil society organizations and public research institutions in 14
countries. The CBDC is dedicated to the exploration of
community-directed programs to strengthen the conservation and
enhancement of agricultural biodiversity. The CBDC website is

 Source: ETC Group news release, April 1, 2003; ETC Communiqu,
May/June 2003, Issue # 79.

 Contact: ETC Group, P.O. Box 68016 RPO, Osborne, Winnipeg MB R3L
2V9, Canada; phone (204) 453-5259; fax (204) 284-7871; Web site

Re: [biofuel] fuel tanks

2003-04-02 Thread Lisa

 Message: 7
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 09:37:45 -
From: girl_mark_fire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: fuel tanks

 hi Lisa, I'm assuming you're talking about straight vegetable oil
 conversion, if you are talking about biodiesel then there's no
 conversion necessary.

I thought there has to be at least a heater or something that is not
normally there?

 two people I know just destroyed their 7.3 Fords' injection pumps
 running straight vegetable oil in these vehicles. I own this kind of
 F-250 (mine is a 6.9 but it's similar) and love it,

running the VIN thru a decoder revealed the following about the
7.3L V8 445cid Diesel FI OHV 16V Vin M

although it takes
 a lot of fuel (but boy does it carry a lot of stuff).

offlist, I'm hearing a figure of 18mpg on vegoil... does that seem
realistic to you?

(and I'm looking forward to the ability to carry stuff!)

 Anyway doing a little looking and a lot of asking, a few things came
 up about the seizures in my two friends' two Ford pumps- including
 the fact that the Stanadyne pumps in these(what year is yours?)

it's not mine YET ;^)

and the two tanks are really crying
 for a simple conversion.

I thought as much, but wasn't sure if the setup was suitable... you
know, sometimes stuff that sounds too good to be true, is! lol

I don't know much about factory two-tank systems... I don't suppose
I'd be lucky enough for one to be considerably larger than the other?

 (and on our trucks there's a built-in 12V fuel heater that might
 it out even more)-

is that more or less standard on that model, or an upgrade?  (i.e.,

 Ed Beggs (who makes a fine SVO kit, his technology is what I'm
 thinking about putting into my truck) suggested also that my
 failures have something to do with preexisting damage to the pumps
 due to both vehicles being from California and the fact that they've
 thus run on low-sulfur diesel longer than comperable vehicles in
 other states (and suffered more damage from this fuel).

AFAIK, this truck has been an east-coaster all its life, so don't have
to worry about that too much.  (now, salt damage is another story...)



 --- In, Lisa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm looking at a truck with dual tanks.  Is there any advantage
 disadvantage, for that matter) to buying a vehicle with a pre-
 existing 2-tank setup?  Is there anything I should watch out for or
 ask the seller about?
  It's a Ford F-250 -- anybody had any experience with that model,
 good or bad?  The only references I found in the archives were
 done or hope-to-do-soon conversions, so not much info on how it
 worked out.

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[biofuel] fuel tanks

2003-04-01 Thread Lisa

I'm looking at a truck with dual tanks.  Is there any advantage (or 
disadvantage, for that matter) to buying a vehicle with a pre-existing 2-tank 
setup?  Is there anything I should watch out for or ask the seller about?

It's a Ford F-250 -- anybody had any experience with that model, good or bad?  
The only references I found in the archives were just-done or 
hope-to-do-soon conversions, so not much info on how it worked out.



Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find 
out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy 
life and how to work for a better world. 
~ Linus Pauling ~

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. 
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. 
~ Margaret Mead ~
in memory of Rachel Corrie, 1979-2003

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are 
to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, 
but is morally treasonable to the American public.
~ (Republican!) President Theodore Roosevelt ~

Annoy a politician today -- THINK!!

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Re: [biofuel] banning the oil field illiteracy

2003-02-12 Thread Lisa

The problem with oil field service is that the guys work so many
 hours, 60 to 80 a week is standard.  How do they find time to study?
 This is the problem we find with many working illiterates, the jobs
 get pay so poorly that they have to work tons of overtime to support
 family.  This leaves no time to learn new skills to get a better

 I wish I had the solution.

 Bright Blessings,

This situation reminds me of a Thomas Jefferson quote I recently
discovered.  Although it is geared toward governmental greed, it is
striking how applicable the circumstances are to the modern condition
known as wage slavery!

If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed in our meat and in
our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our
amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England
are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the
twenty-four, and give the earnings of fifteen of these to the
government for their debts and daily expenses;
And the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live,
as they do now, on oatmeal and potatoes, have no time to think, no
means of calling the mismanagers to account; but be glad to obtain
subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains around the necks
of our fellow sufferers;
And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from
principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second, that
second for a third, and so on 'til the bulk of the society is reduced
to be mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for
sinning and suffering...
And the forehorse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation
follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.
~ Thomas Jefferson ~

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[biofuel] Effort Stalls To Pump Up Ethanol Use

2003-02-06 Thread Lisa

a local TV station did a similar report -- you can see the video here:

I wish either of them would have been a bit more specific about what makes a 
vehicle suitable for using this fuel!  

It is interesting that 2 of the 3 pumps in the DC area seem to be restricted to 
military only (based on the locations of the 2 pumps, and the reference to the 
third pump being open to the public, which implies that the others are not).

Effort Stalls To Pump Up Ethanol Use
Group Finds Slow Going For Grain-Based Fuel

By Annie Gowen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 6, 2003; Page HO06 

The first gas station pump in Maryland to dispense clean-burning ethanol -- a 
fuel made largely from corn or other grains -- opened in Laurel to great 
fanfare in November 2001. More than a year later, however, the pump is rarely 
used by motorists and has broken three times.

It's been slow going, said Lynne Hoot, executive director of the Maryland 
Grain Producers Association, part of a group of farmers and environmentalists 
pushing for greater use of ethanol in the Washington region. So far, Hoot and 
others said, their campaign has been hindered by administrative glitches, lack 
of public awareness and resistance from major oil companies.

In the last two years, the Grain Producers Association has obtained $330,000 in 
federal energy grants, plus $330,000 in state funds and other private 
donations, to support the ethanol effort in the region. The group had hoped to 
have 10 pumps in place in the Baltimore-Washington region by the end of last 

So far, though, there are only three: the one in Laurel, at Fort Meade Service 
Center in the 3200 block of Laurel Fort Meade Road; one at Navy Exchange Gas 
Station in the 800 block of South Joyce Street in Arlington County; and one run 
by Montgomery County and open to the public at the county's transportation 
depot in the 16600 block of Crabbs Branch Way in Rockville. Another is set to 
open this month at Citgo Quik Mart in the 2000 block of West Street in 
Annapolis, and pumps are planned in the District and Baltimore.

More than 500,000 newer-model cars in the Washington region can run on ethanol 
fuel -- which mixes alcohol made from the corn and other grains with a small 
percentage of gasoline -- but the same vehicles also run on gasoline. Most 
owners of these eco-friendly cars fill their tanks at regular gasoline pumps 
because of the scarcity of ethanol pumps, said Jill Hamilton, an energy 
consultant to the Maryland farm group.

Despite the problems, sales of the fuel have increased, Hamilton said. The 
amount of ethanol sold at the Citgo station in Arlington has increased from 
1,000 gallons a month three years ago to 2,600 a month last year. The Laurel 
and Rockville stations have held steady at 5,000 and 2,000 gallons a month, 
respectively, Hamilton said.

Since the 1970s, environmental activists, farmers and politicians from Corn 
Belt states have touted ethanol as an ecologically friendly alternative to 
gasoline. Congress began offering tax incentives to automakers for building 
cars using alternative power sources -- such as electricity or ethanol -- in 
the late 1980s.

Although small percentages of ethanol have been blended into gasoline for 
years, the first fuel made of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline was 
introduced in 1993.

Proponents tout ethanol as a naturally renewable resource that is produced 
domestically and reduces pollution and dependence on foreign oil.

But the fuel is costly, with prices here ranging from 20 cents to 37 cents more 
per gallon than gasoline. It is available at just 120 locations in the United 

Environmental benefits of ethanol are widely debated. Critics say the 
production of ethanol wastes energy and is costly. They say the product's 
long-term viability is doubtful, especially as automakers explore other types 
of fuel-efficient cars, such as hybrid gas and electric models and cars that 
run on hydrogen fuel cells.

In their group's quest to find station owners willing to install ethanol pumps, 
Hoot and Hamilton said, it had to focus on a small number of independently 
owned stations, because major oil companies were not interested.

Oil industry experts say ethanol is not a proven moneymaker. In addition, many 
stations do not have storage capacity for more pumps, according to Peter 
Horrigan, president of the Mid- Atlantic Petroleum Distributors Association.

The effort to market ethanol also has been complicated by the fact that most 
ethanol is made in the Midwest. Problems related to licensing and bonding 
agreements tied up Maryland's ethanol shipments for three months last year, 
Hamilton said, and the new pumps went dry.

Ethanol proponents say they would like to see an ethanol production plant in 
Maryland within 

Re: [biofuel] OT: Columbia Space Shuttle Lost

2003-02-05 Thread Lisa

A NASA spokesperson was asked about that in an interview, and said
that since Columbia was not on a mission to dock with the Space
Station, it had been launched without the hardware necessary to make
such a connection.

He also openly speculated that that would not happen again!


Message: 10
   Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2003 22:22:54 +0300
Subject: Re: Re: OT: Columbia Space Shuttle Lost

If they had determined in space that the Shuttle was not safe to
return to
earth the move would have been to send them to the Intl. Space Station
where they could have docked and just sat it out until we could send a
different shuttle to get most of them and if there were still two left
there in the Intl. Space Station they could be brought back in one of
Russian ships as they have three seats and can be flown by one person.
may also have been able to stay until the second shuttle arrival if
was determined to be the better solution. Keeping in mind that if the
Columbia had been determined to be unsafe in space we may not have
that it was required to ground the fleet until we have clear answers
as to
what the cause is and we would know the problem and cause from the
information that was developed to determine that they should not try
reentry in it.

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Re: [biofuel] bouncing

2003-02-03 Thread Lisa

I started having a similar problem when my provider blackholed
YahooGroups.  Do you have a free email account you can route the
messages to?  If you use Yahoo, Hotmail, MyOwnEmail, or some other
popular services, I know of a program that can pull the messages into
OE so you don't have to use the web interface to read them.

I hope you figure out something soon... web reading and posting is
tedious at best!


 Message: 8
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 13:52:41 -
 Subject: bouncing

 Keith, I unbounce myself twice a day, lately.  I also have times
 it says I am normal, but if I try to post, the web site of the list
 will tell me I can't since I am bouncing.  Yahell no longer agrees
 with itself!

 I am having better luck since I started posting from the web site,
 rather than just replying.

 Bright Blessings,

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[biofuel] at last... an unlimited free energy source?

2002-11-13 Thread Lisa

A little alternative energy humor from today's Bonehead of the Day

Today's nice comment from a nice person (Dennis, from Laurel,

Reading your newsletter has brought me to the unsettling realization
that if, around the turn of the last century, someone had invented an
engine that ran on stupidity, we'd probably have visited the entire
galaxy by now.


Annoy a politician today -- THINK!!

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Re: [biofuel] An example of what we're up against

2002-10-17 Thread Lisa

Thanks so much!  I see James was good for some other pointed
admonitions, too ;^)

Glad you didn't leave out the others just because they were from
different individuals... they're keepers!  I'll be adding them to my
collection, and passing them along to the editor of A-Changin'
Times -- she's always on the lookout for witty one-liners
(pre-researched is a bonus!) to (ahem) *prod* the sheeple to turn back
into people...

Message: 10
   Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 17:44:46 -0600
   From: kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Re: An example of what we're up against.

But who was he? I googled over 100URLs for these and no bibliography
de Juvenal was just under one of his and I couldn't leave it out.

The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its
victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which
blissfully and
unawaredly enslave themselves.
Dresden James

When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses
generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker
raving lunatic.
Dresden James

Sacred cows make the best hamburgers. [Dresden James]

If the Federal government is not once again enslaved, the American
will be.
-- Dresden James

Better a sovereign in squalor than slave in splendor.
--Dresden James

A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.
--Betrand de Juvenal

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm
beginning to believe it. - Clarence Darrow

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Re: [biofuel] a few questions for an Op Ed piece

2002-10-17 Thread Lisa

 Patience and intelligence may be part of the problem, but economics
 and greed are central -- Big Business (Big Oil mostly, plus the
 are only supportive of things that will make them Big Money.

I wonder sometimes what our lives would be like today if blacksmiths
had had lobbyists about a century ago...


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Re: [biofuel] Re: An example of what we're up against.

2002-10-16 Thread Lisa

  I absolutely agree it must be countered, but I am nearly burnt-out
from countering this same stuff over and over. These are the guys who
are as accepted as the Gospel. The rest of us are perceived as
Blasphemous, and dismissed without ever listening to us.
  I am getting a reputation as a Crackpot for attempting to refute
any of this 'stuff'.
  Those of us interested in alternative fuels are perceived in teh
same light as those who have made claims for Over-Unity Devices. We
aren't taken seriously by those who accept this 'stuff' as common

Here's a quote I use regularly in my sig line:

A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply
the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated
people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of
lies has been sold to the masses over generations, the truth will seem
utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.
-- Dresden James

(not sure who he was (is?), but gotta like the way he thinks!)


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Re: [biofuel] home heating

2002-10-09 Thread Lisa

Message: 3
   Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 16:21:48 -
   From: dan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: home heating

to the person who wants to burn biod. or WVO, check out OMNI by Econo
Heal Inc.  they have a commercial grade boiler to burn SAE 10 -90
with no modifications and no external air compressor.  they lower
viscosity with pre heating.

Cool... it's nice to know that somebody is trying to serve that
market... BUT I find it a bit fishy that they don't post prices.  If
ya have to ask, ya can't afford it?

BTW, the current unit *is* a boiler, which may or may not be
interchangeable with furnace, which is what I mistakenly (always!)
called the darn thing.  I don't know if that makes a difference in the
possibility of using WVO.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], studio53 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can't set a home heating oil furnace to burn more oil. You
could change the nozzle size,i.e., a .8 to a 1.5, which means instead
burning 8/10th of a gallon, it burns 1.5 gallons, but nozzle sizes are
by the manufacturer of the furnace based on the size of the chamber.
It is
very unlikely a maintenance technician would alter this because it
be a liability.

Hmmm, I'll have to check on that... I believe one of the things they
claim to do (and charge us for!) is calibration or something to that
effect.  Is it possible that they mean something else with that term?

Message: 9
   Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 02:55:21 +0900
   From: EREN [EMAIL PROTECTED] (by way of Keith Addison)
Subject: EREN Network News -- 10/9/02


EIA Expects Heating Bills to Increase Up to $300 This Winter

The Northeast will be hit the hardest, as
those using heating oil are forecast to face a 45 percent increase
in heating bills.

now you know why I ask about vegoil in the boiler... the last time
fuel oil costs spiked (3 yrs ago?), the oil bills a couple of months
topped *$500*!  (and that was with the thermostat set below 60F!)

Message: 18
   Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 10:01:29 -0500
   From: rgord [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: home heating

BigK fuels in Toronto says with BD no mods are req'd. Check out their
site -
I e-mailed them and got prompt response, good faq on site as
well -I'll have
to check current prices it was at $0.45/litre

Darn too bad I'm not close enough to do business with them!

I found it interesting that they will provide a tank.  I never
considered the notion of the tank belonging to somebody else... could
an oil co. confiscate your tank if you took your business elsewhere?!

Message: 21
   Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 14:08:39 -0700 (PDT)
   From: mother [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Re: home heating

since posting this question, i've gotten some more
feedback (from a very reputable source) i'll share..
question posed was if buring biodiesel in standard oil
furnace, if there were any modifications the needed to
be made to furnace:

...the furnace should do fine.  if burning 100%
biodiesel shaft seals on furnace pump may need
attention after a while...

this, because BD is more lika solvent, so little
rubber washers'll eventually get eaten through ...
but, as far as the furnace itself, oil you buy from
the heating company is called #2 heating oil,
which is just diesel feul with a different name (and
different taxes... which is why you never *see* a
farmer syphon heating oil outta his furnance into his
tractor, but you know he does!)... so if you hava
source of good BD (no hushpuppy chips) and are willing
to keep an eye on rubber parts on your furnace pump
for corrosion, you should be good - i'm gonna
giveitatry this year, will report back


Sounds just like the rubber seal problems in engines... good to hear
that they don't anticipate any exotic problems from furnaces/boilers.
Wonder how much of a hassle it would be to do a pre-emptive
replacement of the endangered rubber parts?

Well, most of the info so far seems to point to BD only unless you
have a unit specially designed to handle vegoil. :^(   My first batch
of BD has to be 250 gallons?!  EEK!
(kidding... I'm not THAT crazy!)

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[biofuel] home heating

2002-10-08 Thread Lisa

Replying to a couple of different digests here...

Message: 5
   Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 23:23:12 -
   From: dikajane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: oil furnace

greetings - i'm interested in using biodiesel in my oil furnace this
winter - is there any modification i need to make to the furnace? i
won't be burning homebrewed biodiesel, as i'm not really set up for
that, but there is a company in my area (believe it or not) who sells
the stuff at their gasstation for diesel engines, and who delivers! so
this is commercial grade diesel, which as i understand it is
interchangeable with #2 heating oil... any advise you could give would
be much appreciated


This topic sorta came up before, but I never really did get a grasp on
what the options are with oil furnaces.  Can they be adjusted to run
on WVO, or does it *have to be* pure BD?  Our furnace is getting its
annual checkup on Friday, so if anyone knows of any adjustments that
will allow it to run on WVO... speak now or forever hold your peace?
(or at least til next year... lol)  [Although it is the OIL COMPANY
that is performing the service, so they may not be too keen to cut off
their own business ;^)... I'm STILL trying to convince my husband that
they set it so it burns more oil.]

 Message: 21
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 03:33:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Keith Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: The yummy corn fails animal tests

 Where could you purchase this corn?  I burn corn as a
 heat source and could kill two birds with one stone,
 lower costs for me and help to get rid of this junk. I
 live in Va.

In this area, we have a bumper crop (so to speak) of drought-ravaged
corn that apparently isn't even good for animal feed.  Could this
waste corn be burned in a common fireplace or woodstove?


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RE: [biofuel] Mistake

2002-06-07 Thread Lisa Musser

Thank you all for a waste of my time. I thought by joining this group I may
receive valuable information on BioDiesel for a project I am working on.
Instead I read 50 emails a day from losers being hateful to each other at 4
am.  It is very disappointing.  So farewell, enjoy your pathetic ways.  I
will instead seek other avenues for my knowledge.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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