Re: [Biofuel] Isopropyl Alcohol

2005-08-31 Thread Marc Arends
You can also use a 50:50 v/v mixture of ethanol and diethylether. We use 
this at my work every day and it is ok.

Marc Arends

original message:


I seem to be having trouble sourcing Isopropyl Alcohol for titration, I've
tried pharmacist in my area (kent UK) but none seem to have it. Can anything
else be used or does anyone know a likely supplier.


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[Biofuel] Iodine value, polymerisation and oxidation

2005-08-21 Thread Marc Arends

My WVO consist of 80% polyunsaturated oil and i calculated that this has an 
iodine value of 150. But when i look at the table  "National standards for 
biodiesel",  found here

you  see the iodine value of BD should be on avarage less then 120. Which 
makes my BD not suitable for my car cause the BD will undergo 

You also read on the webpage that oil with a iodine number above 50 will 
damage your car. Found here

On the other hand i red this article stating that "Trans-esterifying 
triglyceride oils and fats with monohydric alcohols to form biodiesel 
largely eliminates the tendency of the oils and fats to undergo 
polymerisation and auto-oxidation and also reduces the viscosity of the oil 
to about the same as petroleum diesel".

Found here

My idea was to mix my "high polyunsaturated BD" with mineral diesel until it 
does no demage to my car, but i now i don't know how much of each i should 

Can anyone help me please, i am very confused.



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[Biofuel] biodiesel from linoleic acid

2005-08-03 Thread Marc Arends


For the last 2 weeks i have been trying to make biodiesel from WVO with 60% 
linoleic acid. I did many many test batches but never i had a good quality 
test as discribed here

It never separates within 30 minutes but after a couple of day it looks more 
or less ok but never like in the picure as you can see in the above link.

I was woundering if the test is possible with linoleic acid as it has 2 
double bound in its structure and therefore making it more polar and water 
will "attach" better to this acid giving it a bad qualitiy test as aresult.

Has anyone got experience with this kind of WVO? Mine has a FFA 
concentration of 0.3%.



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[Biofuel] Re: Biodiesel turning acid

2005-07-26 Thread Marc Arends
The pH was tested with a digital pH tester. I also measured the pH of the 
last washing-water and that was about 7 so i think that the biodiesel is ok 
now. Thanks for all the repleys,


How did you measured the pH?

Citando Marc Arends <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I made a testbatch with clean sunfloweroil and first quality test was good.
I washed the solution with water and let it settle for a week. i did this 3
times and then i filtered the biodiesel. Yhe biodiesel looked crystal clear.
I tested the pH and it was 2.5! What happend here? How is it possible that a
very basic solution washed with water is getting acid? Did anyone
experienced this before?


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[Biofuel] Biodiesel turning acid

2005-07-26 Thread Marc Arends


I made a testbatch with clean sunfloweroil and first quality test was good. 
I washed the solution with water and let it settle for a week. i did this 3 
times and then i filtered the biodiesel. Yhe biodiesel looked crystal clear. 
I tested the pH and it was 2.5! What happend here? How is it possible that a 
very basic solution washed with water is getting acid? Did anyone 
experienced this before?



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[Biofuel] theoretical and practical questions

2005-07-17 Thread Marc Arends

Hello All,

I am a beginner with biodiesel and i did a lot of reading the last few 
months and i did quite some test batches with unused sunflower oil with the 
single stage method (as is advised).

Now i have some practical questions and theoretical questions.

Practical questions:
When you are finished with making the BD (ready to put in the car) and you 
take a small sample of this and shake it with an equal amount of water in a 
glass jar the water and BD separate,  should the BD layer be completey clean 
and clear after few minutes? How can you test if your final product is good 
enough to put in you car?

I also have some questions about washing my test batches.
As i am a chemist and work in a laboratory all my test batches were made in 
laboratory conditions.
After separating the glycerol layer from the BD layer, i washed the BD 3 
times with water. Then i filtered the BD over a coffee filter and the BD 
looked really nice (clean, clear). But when i shake this BD with water 
again, the BD layer looks not clear again, and it looks like there is still 
soap in it. How do you know when you are finished washing the BD and should 
i filter it after every wash?

Theoretical problems
As i live in Holland and it can get very could in winter, i am also 
interested in the 2 stage method because BD made with the 2 stage method 
works better in colder conditions. But what is the chemical difference 
between BD made with the single stage and BD with the second stage?
In my laboratory we also analyze fatty acids and we also make FAME to 
analyze with GC. The difference with making BD and FAME to analyze with GC 
is that we also add Borotrifluoride-methanol complex as a catalyst for...? 
Nobody at my jobs does know why and i asked 2 PhD in organic chemistry but 
they also don’t know. So does anyone know why this catalyst is added and 
what it does exactly. Would it help us to when processing our BD?

Hopefully someone can help me.



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[Biofuel] NaOH

2005-06-13 Thread Marc Arends

Hello all, 

I have a questions before i want to start with making my first test batch with the single stage method. 

I bought NaOH from a hardware store, but it looks white so it is not pure. Does somebody know how i can mesure the moisture content of this NaOH so i can compensate for all this water? 
(I can use an oven at my work that can reach 1000 degrees Celsius).

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