[Biofuel] Company says run your car on cow fuel

2005-12-03 Thread Matt Erickson

VILLE STE. CATHERINE, Quebec (Reuters) - A Canadian company has an
idea for motorists worried about global warming -- put a cow in your

A C$14 million factory near Montreal started producing "biodiesel"
fuel two weeks ago from the bones, innards and other parts of farm
animals such as cattle, pigs or chickens that Canadians do not eat.

"We're using animal waste to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," said
marketing director Ron Wardrop of Rothsay, which runs the plant.

"We need more of this type of thing," he said at the plant by the St.
Lawrence River, near Montreal where 189 nations are meeting this week
to work out how to curb climate change widely blamed on emissions of
heat-trapping gases from fossil fuels.

Rothsay, a unit of Maple Leaf Foods Inc., is also making biodiesel at
the plant by recycling oil from fast food restaurants, like from the
deep-fryers used to cook french fries.

Biodiesel emits little of the smog of conventional gasoline or diesel
fuel and almost none of the heat-trapping gases that most scientists
say are driving up temperatures and could cause more floods, storms
and rising sea levels in coming decades.

At full capacity, the Rothsay plant will produce 35 million liters
(9.2 million U.S. gallons) of biodiesel a year, the greenhouse gas
equivalent of removing 16,000 light trucks or 22,000 cars from the

"So far we're producing at about a quarter of capacity," Wardrop said.
Production is a pinprick out of Canada's total diesel use of 2.2
billion liters.


Biodiesel can also be made from farm crops, such as soy or canola.
Germany's Rudolf Diesel, who built the first diesel engines in the
1890s, designed them to run on peanut oil.

Wardrop said he believed the Rothsay plant was the third of its kind
in the world, along with one in Germany and one in Kentucky. Vehicles
using biodiesel get tax breaks or subsidies from governments.

"Biodiesel is competitive in price, with the support of the
government, with oil prices at $55 a barrel," Wardrop said. It would
not compete if oil prices dropped to $20, he said.

At the Ville Ste. Catherine plant, the animal and fat waste arrives
from a rendering plant as a thick brown liquid -- with a
gut-wrenchingly rancid smell. It leaves as an almost odorless clear
yellow fuel.

Biodiesel is produced by combining natural oils or fats with alcohols
such as methanol or ethanol. The process leaves two products --
biodiesel and glycerin.

"When you drive, some people say it smells of popcorn or french
fries," said Claude Bourgault, general manager of Rothsay in the
Quebec area.

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[Biofuel] Will Brazilian Flex Fuel Device work on American Cars?

2005-07-01 Thread Matt Erickson
   I came across this Flextek product product at the link below from a
Brazilian manufacturer. The site is marketed for a Brazil audience,
but the FAQ's indicate that it would work on imported vehicles. With
that in mind, I'm wondering if it would make a American non-FFV run on
E85 (or even E100) ? Does anybody have information on if this is



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[Biofuel] Article of Intrest to Group - New Green Diesel?

2005-06-06 Thread Matt Erickson
Check out this interesting article on a New Green Diesel process
announced Saturday by the University of Wisconsin. Not too many
details but very intriguing - I thought at least.



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[Biofuel] Biodiesel Wicks

2005-03-03 Thread Matt Erickson

I've been  a lurker to this group for some time and find the thought
provoking conversations and information provided here and JTF are
without parallel on the web. Great stuff, thanks!

Quick question - Anyone tried out the Biodiesel wicks listed on this site?

The info on the site is scant, so I'm wondering if anyone has
purchased their or knows about the "Biodiesel Wicks" for sale. If so,
I'd love to hear how they work since this is the first time I've seen
wicks for Biodiesel for sale. I've been hankering for a way to get s
Servel kerosene refrigerator to run on B100.

Thanks much,
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