[biofuel] Fw: The Unspoken Resolve

2001-10-02 Thread Tim Zarbo

Makes Sense to me.
-Tim Z

  -Subject: The Unspoken Resolve
  Finally, someone who has put into words what I have only been thinking.
  think this guy understands the nature of the beast, and we would all do
  to take heed.  If we actually do what we all are saying we should, it
  most definitely be a long, hard road.  WE MUST HAVE AN IRON WILL!  We
  be all of one mind, acting in unison toward the common goal.  Any
  of will on our part will most definitely be seen as a weakness to be
  exploited in some terroristic way by our enemy.  And we are sure to be
  sorely tested.  The tragedy of last Tuesday is not the event, but rather
  just the opening act.  Prepare yourselves for the main event, and
  eventually, the grand finale.
  Semper Fi, and God bless America
  Sgt Tim Parkhurst
  Probably one of the better articles I have read..
  I received this from a friend of mine at the Air Force Academy and
  he hit the nail on the head with his opinion/theory.
  Recently, he was asked to look at the recent events through the lens of
  military history.  He has joined the cast of thousands who have written
  an open letter to Americans. Please share it if you feel so moved.
  Dear friends and fellow Americans 14 September, 2001
  Like everyone else in this great country, I am reeling from last week's
  attack on our sovereignty. But unlike some, I am not reeling from
  surprise. As a career soldier and a student and teacher of military
  history, I have a different perspective and I think you should hear it.
  will be won or lost by the American citizens, not diplomats, politicians
  Let me briefly explain.
  In spite of what the media, and even our own government is telling us,
  this act was not committed by a group of mentally deranged fanatics. To
  dismiss them as such would be among the gravest of mistakes. This attack
  was committed by a ferocious, intelligent and dedicated adversary. Don't
  take this the wrong way. I don't admire these men and I deplore their
  tactics, but I respect their capabilities. The many parallels that have
  with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor are apropos. Not only because
  it was a brilliant sneak attack against a complacent America, but also
  because we may well be pulling our new adversaries out of caves 30
  years after we think this war is over, just like my father's generation
  had to do with the formidable Japanese in the years following WW II.
  These men hate the United States with all of their being, and we must
  not underestimate the power of their moral commitment. Napoleon, perhaps
  world's greatest combination of soldier and statesman, stated the moral
  is to the physical as three is to one. Patton thought the Frenchman
  underestimated its importance and said moral conviction was five times
  more important in battle than physical strength. Our enemies are willing
  --better said anxious -- to give their lives for their cause. How
  committed are we America?
  And for how long?
  In addition to demonstrating great moral conviction, the recent attack
  demonstrated a mastery of some of the basic fundamentals of warfare
  taught to most military officers worldwide, namely simplicity, security
  and surprise. When I first heard rumors that some of these men may have
  trained at our own Air War College, it made perfect sense to me. This
  was not a random act of violence, and we can expect the same sort of
  military competence to be displayed in the battle to come. This war will
  escalate, with a good portion of it happening right here in the good ol'
  U.S. of
  These men will not go easily into the night. They do not fear us. We
  must not fear them.
  In spite of our overwhelming conventional strength as the world's only
  superpower (a truly silly term), we are the underdog in this fight. As
  you listen to the carefully scripted rhetoric designed to prepare us for
  the march for war, please realize that America is not equipped or
  trained for the battle ahead. To be certain, our soldiers are much
  better than the enemy, and we have some excellent counter-terrorist
  organizations, but they are mostly trained for hostage rescues, airfield
  or the occasional body snatch, (which may come in handy). We will be
  fighting a war of annihilation, because if their early efforts are any
  indication, our enemy is ready and willing to die to the last man.
  Eradicating the enemy will be costly and time consuming. They have
  already deployed their forces in as many as 20 countries, and are likely
  living the lives of everyday citizens. Simply put, our soldiers will be
  with a search and destroy mission on multiple foreign landscapes, and
  public must be patient and supportive until the strategy and tactics can
  worked out.
  For the most part, our 

Re: [biofuel] Cleaning oil drums

2001-05-14 Thread Tim Zarbo

We have a $2? publication available here in Tampa - Bargain Trader It
seems it's widely available.
their website is: http://www.bargaintraderonline.com/index.html

There's a feller here (found him in the bargain trader) who has(had?) both
steel and pvc drums--$15-20 each? (This is from memory-- I called a few
months ago. I believe he's a recycler of some sort and has a steady supply.
I can check it out again if anyone wants to use him for drums.)

-Tim Z

- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 4:35 AM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Cleaning oil drums

A place to look for used steel drums is the factory for dairy products. If
they reconstitute orange juice they get it in drums with a liner.
I live near Great Falls Mt. and the Meadow Gold plant there turns out about
4 empty drums a week.

-Original Message-
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 11:55 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Cleaning oil drums

Hello All,

 Finally, sweet success! I found my first steel drum
today, the very nucleus of my biodiesel operation. Kudos to me, I must have
killed a coupla dinosaurs finding it.  Anyhow, I think I probably need to
clean the thing, it was used to ship some kind of marble cleaner called
Thermaclean, a polymer (the label says). Any ideas of how to
the drum? I can't wait to get started... Watch out OPEC, Jim's coming your



Hello Jim

Soapy water might do. If it's really recalcitrant stuff, try this:
Metal Preparation  Cleaner-Degreaser

Scroll down to MARINE-CLEAN. It's not cheap but it's excellent, like
all the POR-15 stuff.

MARINE-CLEANª cleans and degreases in one application without
leaving residues, noxious fumes or flammable solvents. No other
cleaner works as fast or as well. It makes petroleum-based cleaners
almost obsolete because MARINE-CLEANª can be diluted with water up to
3, 4, 5 and even 10 times its volume while remaining more potent than
other cleaners. MARINE-CLEANª removes grease, oil, mildew, algae,
musty odors, soap films, wax. Use it to clean canvas, vinyl, nylon,
holding tanks, grease traps, auto parts and more.
* Non-Corrosive * Non-Flammable * Non-Hazardous * Water-Based


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects

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Re: [biofuel] Re unsubscribe messages

2001-05-13 Thread Tim Zarbo

I'm with you on this one.  But I would build another macro that'll do it for
you based on the subject line(if that's possible -- I don't know). I think
you MAY have been a bit sarcastic in one or two instances, but nowhere NEAR
what they would have gotten from me!

...but heavens, if these folks
 have got the gorm to subscribe themselves in the first place, surely
 they can manage to unsubscribe themselves too?

I agree 100%. I get a bit annoyed with that facet myself--they must be too
lazy to figure out for themselves how to get off the list; I doubt that it's
inexperience--if that were the case, I don't think they could find this list
in the firstplace, much less subscribe. Still, I suppose it IS possible

Anyway, don't feel bad for your treatment of them I thought it was quite
fair under the circumstances and It's too bad there are so many idiots left
to their own devices in this world, and you obviously just encountered a few
of them.

-Tim Z :)

 - Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 3:39 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re unsubscribe messages

 Hello all, top o' the weekend to you

 Sorry to impose, but I need a bit of feedback, or something.

 I'm a bit upset because I received some deeply nasty emails about the
 apparently abominable way I treated Marie Miller, who couldn't
 unsubscribe and kept sending please unsuscribe me [sic] notes to
 the list.

 The first letter, from a non-lister, was most rude and insulting,
 basically accusing me of sarcasm for my comment on Marie's
 misspelling, of wise-ass comments, being a know-it-all, not knowing
 how to run a list and so on, with a fair measure of personal insult
 thrown in. At the bottom was a copy of part of an email from a lister
 (new member, posted one message I think), copying part of my last
 message to Marie and pointing out my sarcasm. Prolly I should've
 ignored it, but I'm not used to getting such spew and responded,
 direct enough but without rudeness or insults, saying I wasn't being
 sarcastic, she'd misspelled unsubscribe every time, and I wasn't
 the first to point it out. I cc'd the reply to the list member who'd
 made the original comment to this person.

 Then I got a broadside from both of them, a really disgusting tirade
 from the non-lister, full of personal attack and obscenity on my
 handling of the list, and saying she'd paid a visit to the Journey to
 Forever website and it was a lot of *[EMAIL PROTECTED] and so am I, it's 
 like me who cause all the trouble in the world and so on and on. Yuk.
 Felt like going and spraying the website with disinfectant.

 Anyway, it included this point: why hadn't I just unsubscribed Marie,
 or did I get my jollies grinding her like that.

 The lister meanwhile saw fit to tell me that he agrees with her, I'm
 too curt with list members and so on.

 I replied to both, the first got five words, which seems to have shut
 her up at least (I hope), the second got a short response, again
 direct enough but without any of the gratuitous rudeness I was
 receiving, and asking why he'd started it. He replied, accusing me of
 insulting him, denying he'd started anything (though his first note
 said he had), generally telling me I'm an idiot and telling me not to
 contact him again. I sent a one-word reply to the last bit saying
 same, but had it returned: not accepting mail from this sender.
 One way of having the last word I guess. Suits me.

 So that's that. Leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, but I guess these
 things happen.

 Anyway, there's the point about why hadn't I unsubscribed Marie, and
 this general continuing problem of people who can't unsubscribe
 themselves and send their unsubscribe messages to the list. As I'm
 sure we've all noticed by now, it keeps on happening. Finally I made
 a macro that writes an auto-reply:

 You have to do that yourself. The unsubscribe address is in every
 List-Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In fact the unsubscribe address appears twice in every message.

 It happens so often that one starts doubting the thing works, but it
 does work - three listers have recently tested it. I get unsubscribe
 notifications from Yahoo every day (more subscribes though).

 It's not just here, it happens to most of the lists I'm on, but I
 must say that they get the kindest treatment here - on other lists
 they either get ignored or get a real shellacking. Here they get
 helped. I've never seen them get a blasting for it.

 So why don't I just unsubscribe them as they ask? Well, why should I?
 It takes time, I've got better things to do. I'll help little old
 ladies across the street or whatever, but heavens, if these folks
 have got the gorm to subscribe themselves in the first place, surely
 they can manage to unsubscribe themselves too?

 Well, I did unsubscribe Marie Miller, mainly because I was thoroughly
 sick of the whole thing, but I don't plan to make a habit of 

Re: [biofuel] Unsubscribes and Ian's Plans

2001-05-13 Thread Tim Zarbo

Richard, If you like, I can put it up on my geocities page---(personal home
page for funsies--no spammin')
Just send it, and I'll put it up as a zip file, and individually as
well...or however you'd like me to do it.
-Tim Z
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 1:22 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Unsubscribes and Ian's Plans

 How'd Keith,

   On the subject of unsubscribes, I am with you all the way.  This
list is not some sort of email based roach motel.  If they got in they
should be able to get back out.  I do unsubscribes for an Intel newletter
that goes out to 23000+ addresses, so I do understand.

  There have been a few times when I thought you were a bit short
with people, but I think its just that you have alot on your plate and are
straight to the point.  You should not have to sugar coat everything you
say. :-)

  As for the Ian's plans, I just split out the frames into a Power
Point file to (1) make printing easy, and (2) it gives you the ability to
page through like an animation.  It was something I did for myself then
thought I might as well share it.  If I had an FTP site I would just post it
there for download.

  When I have more time and Ian has progressed I will be glad to up
date it.

  Have Fun
  Richard Hoard

  Hello All,
   I have Split the JPEG into Frames in a Power Point file.
   I would have uploaded it put the group is locked.
   If anyone would like it I will send it, or I can just send it
  to the person who can upload it to the group file area.
   Have Fun,
Richard Hoard
  Hello Richard
  I could do that, but Ian hasn't finished it yet. I don't see the
  point somehow, what am I missing? It's there for all to see on Ian's
  Keith Addison
  Journey to Forever
  Handmade Projects
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Re: [biofuel] photo of my biod unit

2001-05-13 Thread Tim Zarbo

WOW Ian!! Veeery Purty!!!  :)
-Tim Z
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 2:59 PM
Subject: [biofuel] photo of my biod unit

 Ive just given the tanks a lick of paint and I thought what the heck, I'll
 do a quick shot and let you all see it.

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[biofuel] PH Tester under $100

2001-05-13 Thread Tim Zarbo

Hi Y'all
 I can't remember who had asked the question about where to find an electronic 
Ph tester for under $100.
I found one while checking out my local Homebrew Supply store today it was $42  
I also found one at:
http://www.morebeer.com/  it's a bit more than $42 though--I would surf around 
the brewing sites a bit before I bought one.
Good luck :)
-Tim Z

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] plans to build small scale biodiesel plant

2001-05-12 Thread Tim Zarbo

Ian could you also fwd a copy to me?
I figure everybody'd be interested though:)
-Tim Z
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] plans to build small scale biodiesel plant

 I'm on the job for you now.
 - Original Message -
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 5:00 PM
 Subject: [biofuel] plans to build small scale biodiesel plant

  I am looking to obtain schematics for a small scale biodiesel plant
  with a capacity of approximately 100 liters per day.  I have found
  several crude examples of how to build a plant, but nothing as far as
  a blueprint.  Any idea who might be able to supply such a thing?
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Re: [biofuel] Alecs Kac working schematic

2001-05-12 Thread Tim Zarbo

HERE, HERE!! Well DONE! :)  -TZ
- Original Message -
From: David Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Alecs Kac working schematic

 Good effort Ian. On behalf of everyone thanks for the effort.
 B.r.,  David

 - Original Message -
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 9:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Alecs Kac working schematic

  I've done a test batch, its washing in the holding tank now.
  I had a few snags whilst processing , so I'm stripping the unit over
  few days, sort them out and photo the individual processors units.
  I'll put a web page up next week with all the info.

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Re: [biofuel] Alecs Kac working schematic

2001-05-12 Thread Tim Zarbo

I'd LOVE a Copy! please send [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 8:39 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Alecs Kac working schematic

 Hello All,

  I have Split the JPEG into Frames in a Power Point file.

  I would have uploaded it put the group is locked.

  If anyone would like it I will send it, or I can just send it to the
person who can upload it to the group file area.

  Have Fun,
   Richard Hoard

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Solar boiler, vacuum pumps

2001-05-11 Thread Tim Zarbo

Almost any refrigerator or AC compressor will
 work to make a vacuum pump from. Keeping oil in them
 is the only problem.

There is one for SURE that I know of(I have one I use for to compress air in
'BoyzTown' (my shed/workshop ;) I was able to get approx 120psi into a 5
gal tank with an old fridge compressor until I got hold of a used York which
is a LOT faster.

The York Compressor from the A/C systems in older fords and AMC's is
available at many junkyards for about $40.  It requires NO oiling as it is
internally oiled from a reservoir that is separate from the compression
section. It will pump up to 80-100 psi easily without a check valve on the
output side so I assume it'd also pull an equivalent vacuum.

You can checkout On-Board air enthusiast sites for more specific info
here's one (Very good)link: http://www.onboardair.com/  they include
identification of different York models, as well as a service manual for

Tim Z  ~~eyeing his neighbor's 10 foot Parabolic Solar concentrator  - er
Satellite dish ;)

- Original Message -
From: jerry dycus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Solar boiler, vacuum pumps

  Hi David and All,
 --- David  Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What exactly is a Sanden car AC scroll
  A scroll type compressor used in some cars. Look
 up Sanden on the web for more info. VW used a scroll
 for a supercharger called the G-ladder.
  This idea below sounds good and may be applicable to
  the refining and
  purification of glycerine as one of the best ways of
  refining is with the
  use of steam especially when combined with vacuum so
  you drop the boiling
  point B.r.,  David
The guy's at Red Rock? was using them for their
 concentrated solar steam projects. Keith, do you have
 their URL? You put it up a couple of weeks ago.
  Diesel trucks, cars use vacuum pumps for brakes,
   jerry dycus

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Solar boiler, vacuum pumps

2001-05-11 Thread Tim Zarbo

- Original Message -
From: David Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Solar boiler, vacuum pumps

 Thanks Jerry,
 Got any refs, books, or other info sources I can go to
 or get to learn a bit more about solar energy or alternative source steam
 B.r.,  David

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Here you go David:)   :

Patents applied for at delphion


Jade Mountain--oft quoted as a great place for Solar info/products:

Online Education resource  -

Texas based site  - http://www.txses.org/

some Books :  http://www.ata.org.au/booklets.htm

Solar Two  Steam tower Barstow California  -

I can probably dig up a few more for you :) If you should find anything of a
more homebased nature--I would be VERY interested in cliking on over.
Tim Z

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Re: [biofuel] Glycerin and absolute alcohol

2001-05-11 Thread Tim Zarbo

I would also like to know this.
-Tim Z
- Original Message -
From: ronald miller sr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Glycerin and absolute alcohol

Could someone help me? I am new to all of this. I want to make ethanol
legally here in the U.S. What is the quickest and most painless method of
obtaining a B.A.T.F. permit and what are, if any, the limitation of the
- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 6:31 PM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Glycerin and absolute alcohol

 Hi Ricardo, Ken, Marc and all

 As far as I know, sodium chloride cristals are naturaly anhidrous. It
 to me that this will not work.

 Sodium chloride is very hygroscopic (absorbs water). I'm interested
 to know how much water it will absorb before it becomes saturated.
 Mathewson provides some information on using salt in The Manual for
 the Home and Farm Production of Alcohol Fuel (chapter 12).

 A second method takes advantage of the fact that water will dissolve
 in most salts, but ethanol will not. Therefore, water can be removed
 (although not entirely) by filtering the alcohol/water through dry
 salt. Almost any 'hygroscopic' (water absorbing) material such as
 calcium salt, various sulphates, phosphates and similar materials
 will work. However, common rocksalt, such as used in water softeners
 is cheap and available. An apparatus such as described in Chapter 7
 for sprouting malt can be used. Fill the drum or container with
 rocksalt. The alcohol/water is poured in at the top and filters down
 through the salt. Relatively water-free alcohol is collected through
 holes or a valve at the bottom of the container. Remember that the
 salt must be dry. After absorbing water from a certain amount of
 alcohol, the salt must be re-dried either in an oven or by spreading
 it out in the sun.

 This appeals because salt is cheap, ubiquitous and easily dried. But
 the point about how much alcohol will stick to the crystals is an
 interesting one.

 Mathewson first describes the industry method of mixing benzene with
 the ethanol to render it miscible with gasolene. Benzene's nasty
 stuff indeed, but it seems that some gasolene in the ethanol won't
 disturb the transesterification process, so no doubt some benzene
 wouldn't disturb it either. Benzene's probably easy to get and cheap
 - or at least it used to be (like quicklime!!). Mathewson says: A
 good system might be to use both of the methods described above.
 First, most of the water in the alcohol is removed by the salt
 method, and then the blend is prepared with benzene. The more water
 that can be removed from the alcohol, the less benzene will be
 needed. Benzene will have to be purchased (the cheapest technical
 grade is fine) and can be used only once. The rocksalt can be dried
 and used many times.

 FYI I tried to dehydrate 95% ethanol with Copper Sulphate, that has 5
 H2O, previously dehydrated by calcination.  It didn«t work. You need a
 of anhydrous salt and you loose a lot of alcohol sticked to the crystals.
 Later I thought to use anhydrous calcium chloride, but now there are
 ideas discussed in this forum, that I think will work better.

 Are copper sulphate and calcium chloride more absorbent than sodium
 chloride? Which is the most absorbent salt?

 Marc's ref on glycerine is most interesting, though it brings us back
 to the original question of purifying the glyc. However, maybe simply
 boiling off the water content would work? Much easier than distilling
 the glycerine.

 The other method is using corn grits:

 But this, as with 3A zeolyte etc, means treating the vapour, not the
 liquid ethanol: ie, an add-on to the distillation process.

 Ref. the translation, Marc will do it much better !!

 I get the feeling Marc isn't mad about the idea, and who can blame
 him - or you, Ricardo! :-( Ah well, I guess it's a good thing for
 this to happen to us hegemonistic Anglophiles occasionally (often?),
 puts things in perspective, eh?

 - Original Message -
 From: Ken Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 1:23 PM
 Subject: RE: [biofuel] Glycerin and absolute alcohol
   By the way, Ken Provost, if you're reading this, salt (sodium
   chloride) is cheap and obtainable enough, and easy to dry. Any idea
   how much water a pound/kilo of salt would absorb?
   I read EVERYTHING :-)! Thx for reminding me -- I actually bought a big
   box of rock salt to play with, and it's been languishing in the
   I'll get on it this weekend -- it wouldn't have to be very efficient,
   considering the cost, as long as you don't lose too much alcohol just
   sticking to the crystals...


Re: [biofuel] Re: Foolproof alecs kac tank schematic

2001-05-09 Thread Tim Zarbo

DOH!!!  Sorry Aleks, it was Ian's post that I meant to reply to asking about
his tank systemI mis-clicked...oops!
-TZ :)
- Original Message -
From: Aleksander lt;kac [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 1:25 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Foolproof alecs kac tank schematic

  You have probably mentioned this, but I am wondering how you heat
 the water
  for your  reactor? and what temperatures have to be reached in each
  phase? Could a solar hot water source do the trick?
  (lots of free heat here in Florida) :)
  -Tim Z

 Um, what water, Tim? Which reactor?


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Re: [biofuel] Re: Solar boiler

2001-05-09 Thread Tim Zarbo

I'm Off to figger it out!! :)
- Original Message -
From: Dana Linscott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 10:36 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Solar boiler

 Hey, A new and cheap form of mirror is available in
 the form of CDs. They are relatively durable and with
 a little ingenuity can be found for a few cents each
 or less. Best of all by gluing them to one end of a
 stiff wire and then gluing the other end to a flat
 surface...plywood?...they can be individually aimed
 onto a central tube which water is run through.
 Instant, almost, solar boiler.

 Of course a Mig welder and some sheet steel make a
 much sturdier unit and a simple solar tracking unit
 increases efficiency.

 And it is a good use for that what would otherwise
 often be garbage

 Dana Linscott

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Foolproof alecs kac tank schematic

2001-05-08 Thread Tim Zarbo

You have probably mentioned this, but I am wondering how you heat the water
for your  reactor? and what temperatures have to be reached in each heating
phase? Could a solar hot water source do the trick?
(lots of free heat here in Florida) :)
-Tim Z
- Original Message -
From: Aleksander lt;kac [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 4:19 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Foolproof alecs kac tank schematic

  Hi all.
  Ive just put a schematic together for a tank system using the
 Foolproof (sulphuric acid) method, with methanol recovery.
  Could I have the circuit checked out by some of your good selves.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 Looks good. Almost like Dale's vacuum machine, only more vessels.

 Cheers, Aleks

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Enzymes

2001-05-08 Thread Tim Zarbo

Gee David C,
I would've thought that just firing a boiler would be a LOT less efficient
than running an enginebut...I suppose that it could actually be a better
solution if it were a closed system--return the spent low press steam to the
boiler and it's halfway heated already.HEY! Here's a kick for
ya---you're in AL? or was it GA? either way, you should have CLOSE to the
same solar radiation there we get here in West central FL...maybe paint the
boiler black and setup a couple of reflectors to get the sun to add a little
energy to the loop? Or maybe preheat the water by running it through a
couple of flat panel solar H2O heaters(I have one for my hot water supply--I
get close to 120 deg water from my shower at the far end of the house, and
it's only a 4'x8' collector).
Whose turbine are you planning to use? something like picoturbine.com? or

For anyone: Has any thought been given to series/paralleling passive solar
collectors together to get steam? Is this even possible? It's been nagging
at the back of my mind...there're some working focusing setups(got links if
anyone's interested), but Mirrors are pricey, and it's got a HUGE footprint!
NOT a Suburban Backyard kinda toy.oh well--DRAT those consarn Deed
Restrictions anyway!!

Also a bit OT (Sorry :) - I just started the 1st phase of a solar collector
to help heat my pool--it's a 4x8 sheet of 1/2 plywood to which I just glued
aluminum foil a few minutes ago. It will stand on it's long side. I plan to
zig-zag a 100' black garden hose (if I figured right, I can actually fit 3
in --overlapping only at the return bends which have to be made inside of 5
minimum to prevent kinking it) left to right from bottom 8' edge up to the
full 4' height. Water will circulate from bottom to top using(I HOPE) an old
washing machine motor  pump (from the machine that my daughter murdered
with an unbalanced load and I was left to dispose of the 'body' - UPside
was--It HAD a signed 'Organ Donor' card tucked up under the lid, so It's
motor, pump and controls live on! ;)  The collector will be faced with 3M's
Window insulation kits--the heatshrink clear stuff for exterior use.
So, if anyone's interested in how it works, email me directly, so I don't
detract from this forum anymore.

Again, I AM sorry to post so off topic, but my wife thinks I am a TOTAL geek
lately--If I'm not on this computer reading, I'm doodling  figgerin' new
schemes out on my notepad, or out in my shed 'Putzing'. I'd like ANy
feedback any of y'all may want to offer. Just wanted to share it with
someone who might appreciate the idea :)

-Tim Z geek~~looking for his wayward Pocket Protector ;)

- Original Message -
From: david e cruse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Enzymes

 Hi Tim Z.,

 Don`t know what exactly to tell you in regards to
 Florida. I checked and Fla. doesn`t have a net metering
 law in place. It`s difficult to say how to approach
 your utility or CoOp in this. We have a net metering law here
 although  the House has disagreed with the Senate and
 has asked for an amendment to it or a substitution, even
 though the Bill shows passed on our State website, they
 are not real big on explanations on what they put on the
 site. Add this website to your bookmark list or favorites,
 and everyone else should add it too, it is chock full with
 info on green power and renewables and I find it
 invaluable for keeping up with what`s going on,
 www.eren.doe.gov/greenpower/home.shtml, for info
 on net metering find state policies: net metering also
 click on relevant literature and look at connecting a
 small-scale ... and read that. That should be  a lot of help
 in understanding the situation . As for what I did , I just
 called my local CoOp and talked to the vice president
 about the possibility of operating a SRES ( small
 renewable energy system ) and he was very helpful with
 what I wanted to know. The whole thing is an expensive
 proposition and after a lot of research I figured out that
 for me and my partner a minimum of  3,000kw to 5000kw
 generator is our best bet for a 2-3 yr. payback on the
 whole shooting match, biodiesel plant included. I also
 found out right away that steam is the way to go, you
 can achieve an 80% fuel efficiency by using steam,
 ( biodiesel fired boiler with a steam turbine generator),
 and possibly a second steam turbine running off of
 the low pressure steam exiting the main turbine. I
 know this sounds like a big deal but it`s not, a
 modern  1 megawatt steam turbine generator set is
 no longer than a Ford or Chevy small pickup truck,
 and no wider and it`s not as tall as me ( 5`10`` ) so
 that`s really small compared to the older units!

 David Cruse
 - Original Message -
 From: Tim Zarbo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 12:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Enzymes

  David Cruse,
  Would you mind sharing your

Re: [biofuel] Diesel Vehicles: Where?

2001-05-07 Thread Tim Zarbo

There are several American diesel vehicles--off the top of my head-Dodge
trucks are available with a Cumin's 5.9l, Ford trucks and vans are available
with fords PowerStroke -not sure what displacement though, and Chevy also
makes a diesel engine, but from what I've heard, Chevy's is not so reliable
as either the cumin's nor the ford versions. There are some others I'm sure,
but I can't think of any off the top of my head...
-Tim Z
BTW--the Cummins doesn't get much better mileage than my Dodge 318 ICE---I
get between 12-15 MPG My buddy with a 1-ton Cumin's powered truck got
roughly the same MAYBE 3-4 mpg more. :)
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 8:29 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Diesel Vehicles: Where?

 Does anyone know which models of american cars/trucks have diesels?
All I
 know right now are some mercedes and Volkswagens out there... I want to
 purchase one (used) but I don't know what makes to look for! And why are
 so rare? Do people not like mileage? ARG.


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] JIM Befuddling post

2001-05-07 Thread Tim Zarbo

I'll second that notion!!
Write us another Keith!!
-TZ :)
- Original Message -
From: Appal Energy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] JIM Befuddling post

  We hobbled from the court. Outside Henry stopped and leaned on my
  shoulder, and we burst out laughing.
  Let's go and kill the pain, I said.
  What pain? he said.

 Have you given thought to taking up writing?

 Appal Energy

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Re: [biofuel] Diesel Vehicles: Where?

2001-05-07 Thread Tim Zarbo

For Robert (or anyone else who might have thought about it..)
Which of these diesels would y'all want to use to power a generator large
enough to power a typical American home? (My 'typical'?  home=approx 30-80
KWh/daily consumption) I'd like it to provide enough power to run the home,
and any excess would either go into a battery bank, or out to the grid if I
can get TECO to install a 'netmeter'.
Thanks y'all :)
-Tim Z

- Original Message -
From: robert luis rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Diesel Vehicles: Where?

 Tim Zarbo wrote:

  There are several American diesel vehicles--off the top of my head-Dodge
  trucks are available with a Cumin's 5.9l, Ford trucks and vans are
  with fords PowerStroke -not sure what displacement though,

 It's 7.4 liters, and will cost you almost $10 000 in Canadian money.

  and Chevy also
  makes a diesel engine, but from what I've heard, Chevy's is not so
  as either the cumin's nor the ford versions.

 General Motors has partnered with Isuzu for their new Duramax turbo
 diesel.  It's quite lovely, if you're into diesels, and I spoke to someone
 owns one last night.  He said it's been reliable as a rock, and that the
 economy has been pretty good.  (Roughly 10 km / liter, which is what my
 liter gas engine gets in a much smaller Ford Ranger.)  Further, he claimed
 has gobs of torque--something like 500 foot pounds at 1 800 rpm.

 The older GM diesels began life as a design for gasoline engines.
They were
 quiet, and some of the people who own them believe their reputation was
 undeserved.  Most of the trouble related to head cracking, gasket failure
 injector pump malfunctions.

 The Ford Powerstroke is actually an International Harvester engine.
 the biggest of all the domestic diesels, and from the experience of
someone I
 know who's driven one for a period of time, it's rather gluttonous in the
 economy department.

 My wife's cousin owns a Dodge Ram with the Cummins turbo diesel, and
 quite happy with it.  That's not been the experience of others we've known
 who've bought similar trucks, but maybe they've worked the bugs out of the
 by now.

 Ford used to put a 2.3 liter Mitsubishi turbo diesel in the Ranger
 during the 1980s.  I nearly bought one two years ago, but I needed
 newer and reliable.  I've heard nothing but good things from people who've
 that engine.

 Chevrolet also had a small displacement diesel (probably an Isuzu)
that can
 be found in old Chevettes.  I'm sure you can locate these and other small
 engines in a wrecking yard.

 robert luis rabello

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Re: Tall stories - was Re: [biofuel] JIM Befuddling post

2001-05-07 Thread Tim Zarbo

Hahahahahahaha!!! Flyin' PIGS!

Hey Keith, whenever you feel the urge, just drop one to
OK? Then you won't be 'Off Topic'.
PS  how do I browse the Archives?

-Tim Z Looking Up  ;)
- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 4:29 PM
Subject: Tall stories - was Re: [biofuel] JIM Befuddling post

 I'll second that notion!!
 Write us another Keith!!
 -TZ :)
 - Original Message -
 From: Appal Energy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 8:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] JIM Befuddling post
We hobbled from the court. Outside Henry stopped and leaned on my
shoulder, and we burst out laughing.
Let's go and kill the pain, I said.
What pain? he said.
   Have you given thought to taking up writing?
   Appal Energy

 Aw, gee - thanks! But I knew I shouldn't have done it. It's OT,
 dammit! Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Well, I'd rather be damned
 for something I did, I guess... :-) Um, air-pollution, particulate
 matter, green cars, even some manure (but not biogas)...

 Keith Addison
 Journey to Forever
 Handmade Projects

 If Pigs Could Fly They Wouldn't Need Cars

 I WAS sitting on the back deck of an evening ferry from Hong Kong,
 leaving the city behind, as well as the city smog -- though the
 fringes of the dirty brown cloud hanging over the Peak reached Lantau
 Island these days. It didn't used to be higher than the Peak either.
  I hate breathing that stuff, someone said.
  Me too, and I really noticed it since I didn't live in the middle
 of it anymore. I didn't exactly like it much when I did live in it,
 but then you can't afford to notice it too much. There was a related
 city-wide conspiracy of silence about the stream of minor colds and
 flu and non-specific ailments and sub-clinical infections and so on
 which also seemed to be a part of city life, and which vanished with
 the smog as soon as I moved to Lantau.
  Too many cars, said another escapee.
  It's a basic human right to have a car, said a third.
  No it's not, said the first.
  In Hong Kong it is -- a BMW.
  We have to take the ego out of owning a car, or we'll all die of
 asthma like Teresa Tang, a green person said. The much-mourned
 Taiwanese pop star had recently died in Thailand of an asthma attack
 that stopped her heart. She was 42.
  Teresa Tang died of car fumes?
  No, but car fumes cause asthma. She had the science to prove it
 -- recent research in Britain had proved that the fine particles in
 exhaust fumes increase the risk of asthma.
  China banned Teresa Tang for causing 'spiritual pollution', and
 you say she died of air pollution?
  Maybe. But she'd had asthma for years.
  There was talk of one islander's daughter, a lovely healthy child
 until she started going to high school in Hong Kong, but now she had
 asthma attacks, and of another islander who had to move to the city
 because of his work and now his whole family suffered from asthma --
 but not when they came back to Lantau for the weekends.
  Bangkok's worse than Hong Kong -- no wonder Teresa Tang died.
  She wasn't in Bangkok, it was Chiang Mai.
  Oh. Anyway, how do you plan to remove the ego factor from buying a
  No BMWs.
  What? You want to start a revolution?
  That's probably the only way you could start a revolution here,
 someone laughed.
  No Mercedes either, no Porsches, no Ferraris.
  But I can still buy a Rolls?
  Not even if I have an electric motor fitted?
  No -- okay, no fumes, but you're still wasting energy.
  What a purist! So the government's getting keen on electric
 cars, electric taxis are being tested and there's a plan to convert
 the whole fleet, but that's no good?
  It's better than nothing, I suppose, conceded the greenie.
  Who needs a car in Hong Kong anyway? someone asked. Very
 expensive, parking is a nightmare, and public transport is good.
  Exactly, said the greenie. People buy cars for status, not
 because they need them.
  So what kind of cars will be allowed in your grand scheme?
  I know what she wants, someone chipped in. Trabants.
  What are Trabants?
  Cheap and nasty wheels for the masses in the former communist
 utopia of East Germany. Nobody wanted them, but it's all there was.
 They stopped making them last year.
  Suddenly it seemed everyone knew about Trabants.
  I read some Hungarians are trying to drive one to Nepal, someone
  There's a Trabant Club in the US now, very trendy.
  How perverse.
  They stopped making the Zaporozhets too.
  The what?
  The Ukrainian equivalent, only worse. A new one cost about
 US$700, but the Ukrainians 

Re: [biofuel] Re: Enzymes

2001-05-07 Thread Tim Zarbo

David Cruse,
Would you mind sharing your plans in reference to selling power to your
CoOp? I am interested in doing something similar here in FL if I can get
them interested.

You In Jerry D? :)

David, feel free to email me directly if you like, I am curious as to what
scale, and methods exactly you might be considering to produce the power.
-Tim Z  ~~still gigglin' over Flyin' Pigs  ;)

- Original Message -
From: david e cruse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Enzymes

 Hey  Todd,

 That sounds great , and would be fantastic ! Thank
 you. I am not in a rural area here so we are going
 to have to deal with that by either leasing , or
 purchasing a couple of acres to put up a facility.
 We want to produce power with the biodiesel
 as our fuel, that way we can have the electricity
 to use, and put on the grid. The vice president of
 our local Electric Membership Coop has given
 me the assurance that they will give us a purchase
 agreement when we are ready. But that is going
 to be a rough go getting  everything together in
 the right way so it all works without too many
 problems. I`m not trying to take too hugh of a
 leap by skipping the standard methods that can
 be done on a now basis, but the Ginosar method
 sounds like a great way to go if possible! I stress
 possible!! Otherwise it would be dumb not to
 use what works.

 David Cruse
 - Original Message -
 From: Appal Energy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 9:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Enzymes

 Check the patent further. They may also have meant
   Ion-exchange column separator. I dont know; I only quickly looked at
   abstract. Sometimes also patents are deliberately confusing so they
   their ass either way. I just think a cream separator might do it quite
   because of the different S.G.s of Biodiesel and Glycerine.
   Todd your input and comments appreciated here.
   B.r.,  David
  Appal's chemist and I discussed Ginosar's methodology when we first saw
  article last year. That conversation briefly touched on Lewis acids and
  resin coated polymers. We let it lay, as the process was not very real
  world for our limited startup.
  I've forwarded Ginosar's patent location to him and asked him to review
  He has been researching patents continually over the past months and may
  have already stumbled upon it. We'll see.
  Although the topic of moving away from soluble catalyst keeps surfacing,
  continue to pursue the traditional method of manufacture with small
  glycerin refining and potassium phosphate recovery. This seems to be the
  best start up method for a micro-facility in an agricultural setting.
  is unless something like Ginosar's method becomes even remotely
  before we can reach the next plateau.
  It's not that far of a reach to pursue the solid catalyst method though.
  high boiler heat requirement is already present in a plant that is
  distilling glycerin, as is the familiarity with pressure rated systems.
  Let me see what the good Doctor says.
  Appal Energy
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Re: [biofuel] glycerin and red worms

2001-05-06 Thread Tim Zarbo


OOPS!! sorry bout the caps :)
- Original Message -
From: Biofuels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] glycerin and red worms

 Was the glycerol free from methanol.
 If not, the worms probably died from alcohol poisoning.

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Re: [biofuel] From the UK:

2001-05-04 Thread Tim Zarbo

Well Keith,
I don't know...DO I want to fry rape oil in a pan?  -- Until I found 
joined this forum, I had never heard of Rape. But from the little info I
have found it's in the same family (brassica) as Mustard and Canola-- both
of which are edible, and I find quite tasty (especially the German mustards
with the horseradish 'ZING'  ;)

As for that feller(Jim Olessen) who likes non standard methods of
'scientific' experimentation, I'll pay for the Nitro if you have some
available to ship to him for the second half of your proposed experiment.(It
WOUILD be polite however to send along a short note declining his invitation
to participate in said experiment, due to unavoidable scheduling
conflicts...you know...the fact that you had planned to live a while longer
yet and just can't attend the experiment. ;)


PS: CAN you make Nitroglycerin from the residue of BioD production??(Feel
free to reply directly to my email address above if you'd rather not add
such info to the forum :)

- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] From the UK:


 Bio-diesel is 10 times more carcinogenic than low sulphur diesel,
 exhaust fumes smell like oily chips and running costs are inflated,
 says Volvo.
 Responding to a report by the British Association of Bio Fuels, which
 promoted the fuel as the 'fuel of the future' Volvo claims Bio-diesel
 is dirtier, smellier and less fuel efficient than low sulphur diesel,
 and engines are more costly to maintain.
 Despite the move by the Government in the recent Budget to make the
 cost of Bio-diesel 20p per litre less than low sulphur diesel, Volvo
 believes that fleets should think carefully before encouraging its
 drivers to top up with Bio-diesel.
 The most alarming statistic from recent Swedish research says Bio-
 diesel emissions are 10 times more carcinogenic than standard low
 sulphur diesel used in Sweden. Tailpipe emissions of 'smog forming'
 oxides of nitrogen can be up to 40 per cent higher than diesel
 engines. Combine that with a 10 per cent drop in performance and fuel
 consumption when running on pure rape seed oil, the fact your car
 exhaust will constantly smell like oily chips and the fuel's poor low
 temperature performance and the future of Bio-diesel looks grim, a
 Volvo spokesman said.

 Damn - this Jim Olssen BS again. Aren't we ever going to get rid of
 this junk science? That's what happens when you burn the stuff in a
 frying pan, not quite the same thing as under compression in a diesel
 motor. But Jim just won't see it that way (maybe because it might fry
 his career - well, so what, who'd cry?).

 It caused a big fuss at the time, when part of the report of Olssen's
 study was reported by Reuters. He blamed Reuters, but they weren't
 at fault, it was the study itself that was junk.

 Terry De Winne was involved in trying to get the guy to see some
 reason. This is what he said later:

 ... point out that a basic
 principle of common sense (a commodity also applied to science
 dictates that you cannot compare like with unlike.

 I drew Jim Olssen's attention to nitro-glycerine (what not to do with
 excess glycerol) and suggested that I should visit him, bringing with me
 flasks of the substance.  We would carry out two experiments.

 In the first, I would pour the NG on to his bench and set light to it.
 would see that it burnt, giving off a black, oil smoke.

 In the second, I would drop the flask on to the floor.  If we survived,
 would then compare the smoke emissions of the two experiments and see how
 different they were.

 The disturbing thing was, he took me seriously!

 Sums it up, I think!

 And no, Tim, not corraborated, unless you too would like to burn some
 rapeseed oil in a frying pan.

 I'll forward this to Jenna Higgins at the NBB, who'll take some
 action (I've done this before...).


 Keith Addison
 Journey to Forever
 Handmade Projects

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Re: [biofuel] I misstated the price of corn

2001-05-04 Thread Tim Zarbo

mee too--mee too!!! ;)
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] I misstated the price of corn

 How would one go about purchasing some of that $1.00 per gallon oil??

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Re: [biofuel] From the UK:

2001-05-03 Thread Tim Zarbo

Is this corroborated by any other studies anywhere else?
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 7:37 AM
Subject: [biofuel] From the UK:

 Bio-diesel is 10 times more carcinogenic than low sulphur diesel,
 exhaust fumes smell like oily chips and running costs are inflated,
 says Volvo.
 Responding to a report by the British Association of Bio Fuels, which
 promoted the fuel as the 'fuel of the future' Volvo claims Bio-diesel
 is dirtier, smellier and less fuel efficient than low sulphur diesel,
 and engines are more costly to maintain.

 Despite the move by the Government in the recent Budget to make the
 cost of Bio-diesel 20p per litre less than low sulphur diesel, Volvo
 believes that fleets should think carefully before encouraging its
 drivers to top up with Bio-diesel.

 The most alarming statistic from recent Swedish research says Bio-
 diesel emissions are 10 times more carcinogenic than standard low
 sulphur diesel used in Sweden. Tailpipe emissions of 'smog forming'
 oxides of nitrogen can be up to 40 per cent higher than diesel
 engines. Combine that with a 10 per cent drop in performance and fuel
 consumption when running on pure rape seed oil, the fact your car
 exhaust will constantly smell like oily chips and the fuel's poor low
 temperature performance and the future of Bio-diesel looks grim, a
 Volvo spokesman said.

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Re: [biofuel] an international biod logo?

2001-05-01 Thread Tim Zarbo

Hi Y'all I'm new, just gonna play 'catch-up' and ghost a while. :)
I like it Ian :)
-Tim Z
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 1:15 PM
Subject: [biofuel] an international biod logo?

 Hi all
 This came into my head yesterday so I made a quick sketch.
 If anyone disagrees to its format, please let me know. If the idea dosnt
clash with anyone elses and critical acclaim is not given, well I'll just
use it myself
 Thanks all.
 Heres the link http://www.hammaskeep.demon.co.uk/Biodlog1.jpg

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] an international biod logo?

2001-05-01 Thread Tim Zarbo

Each variation is nice in it's own respect, but I really like this one:
-TZ :)
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] an international biod logo?

 Ok following Eds very wise advice, Ive put our Sun in the background

 Heres another small change to the format


 Let me know.

 - Original Message -
 From: steve spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 7:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] an international biod logo?

  I'd like to see a couple of different options to compare elements.
  Steve Spence
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  We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,
  we borrow it from our children.
  - Original Message -
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 2:27 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] an international biod logo?
   Thanks Ed
   I'll see what i can do.
   - Original Message -
   From: Neoteric Biofuels Inc. - E. Beggs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 6:41 PM
   Subject: Re: [biofuel] an international biod logo?
Ian - I quite like it. Constructive criticism, I guess, would
there is no representation of the sun's influence as the actual
energy that is simply carried
by plants, plant oils, biodiesel. You can produce biodiesel without
but not without sun.
When I was presenting some information to a group of fellow
studies people, I mentioned that in the last year, an accomplishment
that I had built a solar-powered car for in the hundreds of dollars.
Of course, they wanted to know how long the extension cord was, etc.
It was a diesel on vegetable oil.
But, really what is the difference between a PV panel and a plant
The difference is that plant oil is nature's method of collecting
energy and storing it in an energy-dense, safe, convenient and easy
form; and the PV panel requires human organization of matter to
similar end result but with greater cost and less efficiency and
sustainably (well, let the arguments fly, but that's a rough
So, I think we need to focus more on the sun as the real provider of
in the system and not the (just) the earth.
Any way to incorporate that into your ideas for the logo would be
Ed B.
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: [biofuel] an international biod logo?
 Hi all
 This came into my head yesterday so I made a quick sketch.
 If anyone disagrees to its format, please let me know. If the idea
clash with anyone elses and critical acclaim is not given, well I'll
use it myself
 Thanks all.
 Heres the link http://www.hammaskeep.demon.co.uk/Biodlog1.jpg

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] back to basics

2001-05-01 Thread Tim Zarbo

I was intrigued by your father's story (I really enjoy hearing family
stories I think there are important lessons to still be learned from our
older generations.)
My real question is have you or anyone else here on the list, seen or heard
of a water injection system used on an ICE?(I have an 1999 dodge ram that
gets about 12-14 MPG(16 on a REALLY good tank on the hiway with the cruise
control on! ;) I was considering trying to get a bit more 'go' from the
'magic potion of motion' --considering it's a daily driver, and I don't see
being able to afford the Cummins powered version anytime soon.
 If/when I DO get hands on the Cummins version, do you think there'll be any
problems switching right to the bioD? or would I have to refit any seals or
lines to withstand the fuel?~~anyone?

In the meantime, I am looking for 1) a generator(8 to 65 KW) that would
eventually power my home, and be run by 2) either a bioD from a small
truck/car, or ethanol either of which I plan to brew here at home in Sunny
Florida(Tampa--HIYA Jerry D:)  ~~ Anybody gets any leads on these lil
toys--I'd SUUURE appreciate knowing where to look!
Great list! I enjoy reading everyone's posts, and hope to be able to
actually contribute some useful info of my own someday soon.
-Tim Z
- Original Message -
From: David Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] back to basics

  From: David  Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: fogger questions
  I am located at 36.6 degrees South and also at sea level.
  *south island ?
 No North Island, 40 km by road north of Auckland on the Whangaparaoa
 Peninsular. I look directly south across the water and can see the sky
 from my windows which is only 22-23 km in a straight line. Auckland
 it is close to the sea and because it is almost 1000 miles from Australia
 unfortunately has a fairly high R.H. Suspect this is why when the A.A here
 tested this device initially the improvements wernt all that great and as
 result wernt madly enthusiastic about it. Rang them yesterday and the
 technical guy I spoke to basically confirmed this. He was however
 knowledgeable about the effects of moisture or water on engines and
 pointed out without me saying anything that any engine would run that
 cleaner and the oil would also be that much cleaner. You would also get no
 carbon build up on top of the piston or in the ring grooves. This agrees
 with Novaks findings and your own experience.  He said the effects of the
 device would be greater on the earlier low compression vehicles but didnt
 think the device would be that great or was warranted on late model
 which run on much higher compression and a lot of which are turbocharged.
 While this is possibly true I am not sure I thoroughly agree with him. As
 understand it the moist air produces more efficient fuel burning by
 atomizing the gazoline droplets and lowering the fuels temperature. My
 understanding of this point is that at the lower initial detonation point
 you get much better and more complete combustion resulting in much less
 unburnt emmissions and soot. On this point I believe the device is worth
 fitting for this reason alone. *

 O.T. Suprisingly he was the first NZ employee ever of the Standard Oil
 Company. Possibly one of the reasons and how he ended up in Bolivia I
 imagine. When he was 16 he came home at the end of the year from Nelson
 College where he had been going to school, on the Friday night ferry to
 Wellington expecting to have the summer off before finding a job, only to
 told by my grandfather Right Ive got you a job You start Monday. No ifs
 buts. In those days you did what you were told. My grandfather was rather
 autocratic, used to having his own way,  and someone you didnt argue with.
 In those days he was Cheif Cashier of the BNZ and Manager of the main
 Wellington branch of the Bank of NZ. (In those days the BNZ still had
 something like 95% of the NZ banking business). Apparently he had been
 visited in the afternoon or the day before by one of the bigwigs from
 Standard who had been sent out to set up a NZ office and who mentioned to
 grandfather that he wanted an office boy whereupon my grandfather had said
 Ive got just the boy for you and his wages will be one pound or thirty
 a week. (whatever it was in those days.)  Nothing like a bit of nepotism
 there? Believe my father stood it for a couple of years or so and then
 rebelled. Probably why he always retained a real stubborn streak and ended
 up in South America.
 Believe the Chaco war like the Spanish Civil war was one of the places the
 Germans tested some of their aircraft prior to the Second World War. Was
 told by someone and my mother told me he had talked to her about it once
 although he never talked about it himself  that he had taken out an
 that was attacking his troops with one very 

Re: [biofuel] back to basics

2001-05-01 Thread Tim Zarbo

Thanks for THAT tip Robert!! I'll remember that!

- Original Message -
From: robert luis rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] back to basics

 Tim Zarbo wrote:

  My real question is have you or anyone else here on the list, seen or
  of a water injection system used on an ICE?(I have an 1999 dodge ram
  gets about 12-14 MPG(16 on a REALLY good tank on the hiway with the
  control on! ;) I was considering trying to get a bit more 'go' from the
  'magic potion of motion' --considering it's a daily driver, and I don't
  being able to afford the Cummins powered version anytime soon.
   If/when I DO get hands on the Cummins version, do you think there'll be
  problems switching right to the bioD? or would I have to refit any seals
  lines to withstand the fuel?~~anyone?

 I used water injection on my car for years.  (An Edelbrock
 System.) The last project I built was a 5.7 liter Chevy V 8 that ran on
 and the water injection kept the thing from detonating at part load.  (It
 compression pressures in excess of 200 psi on most of its cylinders!)
 Unfortunately, I was testing the device one day and accidentally squirted
a bit
 of water into the manifold when the engine wasn't running.

 When I cranked the machine over the next morning, it went BANG!  I
 up with a bent connecting rod!

 Be careful with water injection!

 robert luis rabello

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