RE: [Biofuel] Curious

2004-11-11 Thread mclong64

 Only in America...
 Only in banks leave both doors open and then chain the 
 pens to the counters. 

In my old home town, if you rent the shelter house at the park, they gave
you the key to the bank next door to get in to use the restrooms!

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RE: [Biofuel] Diesel Motorcycle

2004-11-09 Thread mclong64

Check out this website for Diesel bikes:

 Anyone know of a diesel motorcycle?
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RE: [Biofuel] Backyard tools - log splitter

2004-10-26 Thread mclong64

Another log splitter design can be constructed from an old rear tractor rim,
a frame to hold it, an axe head welded to the outer surface of the rim, and
a motor to drive it.  Get it up to speed and set the block of wood in to be
split.  Be careful though, or you could end up missing fingers/hands!
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[Biofuel] Congress Moves to Ease E85 Blending, lower costs of biodiesel

2004-10-12 Thread mclong64

As Oil Nears $54, Congress Moves to Ease E85 Blending

Jefferson City, MO - Legislation that promises to streamline often complex
and confusing tax issues surrounding E85 blending finally passed the U.S.
Senate today by an overwhelming vote of 69 to 17.  The Volumetric Ethanol
Excise Tax Credit (VEETC) provision contained in this FSC/ETI Jobs Bill,
will significantly improve the distribution and availability of both E85 and
biodiesel fuels.  The U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill with a
280 to 141 vote last week, and the legislation has been sent on to President
Bush, who has ten days to sign. 

We have been working on this legislation for about three years, said Phil
Lampert, Executive Director of the NEVC.  It is great to see all the hard
work result in success!   

If President Bush signs the legislation, E85 will be blended and delivered
with the same ease as gasoline. 

We feel confident the President will sign this important bill, commented

VEETC will include the following advantages for E85:
*Any terminal location that now stores fuel ethanol and gasoline is a
potential E85 distribution point.
*Any terminal operator, refiner or marketer (distributor, jobber or
retailer) who buys gasoline and ethanol as separate commodities can receive
the $.52 per gallon federal incentive and produce ethanol blends of up to
E85 regardless of their company's tax obligations.
*These same suppliers can sell E85 to any reseller or end user with out
concern about the customer's tax obligations. This could open E85 sales up
to agriculture uses and off road equipment that can be converted to E85.
*E85 could be sold through retail service station blending pumps if those
stores also converted their premium gasoline tanks to ethanol.  
*E85 blends can be blended and sold with no loss of cash flow due to funds
locked in escrow until year-end income tax settlement.
*E85 profit margins can more easily be determined at the time of sale with
out having to wait until year-end tax settlement.

The bill will also include major benefits for biodiesel blending and will
lower the cost of biodiesel to consumers and fleets.

We would like to thank organizations such as the National Corn Growers
Association and the Renewable Fuels Association for their assistance in
addressing VEETC, said Lampert.

About four million owners of E85-compatible vehicles will be able to benefit
from the passage of VEETC.  Vehicles such as the Ford Taurus, the Dodge Ram,
and the GM Tahoe can fuel with E85. 

For a complete listing of E85 compatible vehicles or E85 fueling facilities,
visit the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition website at
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Wind energy gets updraft as Bush OKs tax credit, was RE: [Biofuel] Change in the Chinese Wind

2004-10-08 Thread mclong64

While we are talking about big wind farms:

From Oct. 5th:

Wind energy gets updraft as Bush OKs tax credit
Vinluan Frank

A MidAmerican Energy turbine project stalled when the incentive expired.


With the stroke of a pen, wind turbine projects nationwide were put back in
motion Monday, including a Mid-American Energy project designed to become
the largest in the country.

A tax bill President Bush signed into law during his visit to Des Moines
included the renewal of a tax credit for wind-generated energy.

MidAmerican welcomed the tax credit that will help finance its $323 million
wind farm in northern Iowa. But David Sokol, chief executive of MidAmerican
Holdings Co., said renewal of the credit is only a first step toward a
national energy policy. Passage of a national policy is necessary to secure
supplies and stabilize prices, Sokol said.

Without a national energy bill getting through the Congress and signed by
the president, we're only going to see prices get worse and reliability get
worse, he said.

The production tax credit offers utilities a 1.5-cent-per-kilowatt-hour
credit for wind-generated electricity, which now costs more to produce than
power from coal or natural gas. The American Wind Energy Association and
many utilities have said the credit is necessary to finance large-scale wind
projects. Following the credit's expiration at the end of 2003, construction
plans for MidAmerican's project and dozens of others nationwide halted.

For MidAmerican, the tax credit will mean $15 million to $17 million a year
for 10 years.

The tax credit was not considered controversial but was attached to a broad
energy bill that stalled in Congress. Sokol said although it is important
the tax credit was renewed separately, uncertainty about the rest of the
energy bill contributes to higher energy prices.

As an example, Sokol said that a part of the bill that proposes a natural
gas pipeline from Alaska would ease supply concerns that are driving up

Iowa Department of Natural Resources Energy Analyst Jennifer Moehlmann
acknowledged that energy policy influences some projects. For example, some
utilities, including MidAmerican, did not want to proceed with a wind farm
until the credit was renewed. But she said other issues have a stronger pull
on energy prices.

The major factors influencing the high prices today are simply the
imbalance of supply and demand and world geopolitics, more than the lack of
an energy policy, she said.

With supplies remaining tight, Moehlmann said demand could be curbed by
increasing energy efficiency and using renewable sources. Iowa already
requires investor-owned utilities to obtain at least 2 percent of their
electricity from renewable sources. Completion of the wind farm would bring
renewable energy to 12 percent of MidAmerican's total energy portfolio in

David Osterberg, executive director of nonprofit research group The Iowa
Policy Project, put some of the blame for high natural gas prices on
utilities themselves. Many utilities are building new power plants fired by
natural gas. Those plants take natural gas from the market, which drives up
prices, he said.

Osterberg said more incentives are needed to support renewable energy. He
said he wants the tax credit to extend beyond one year. He also advocates
raising the renewable energy requirement to 20 percent, which would boost
demand for wind power and support wind projects.

Without having somebody ready and able to buy the renewable energy
provided, you may not see that (turbine) built, he said.

Reporter Frank Vinluan can be reached at (515) 284-8211 or

MidAmerican wind project

* Located at two northern Iowa sites, one in Buena Vista and Sac counties,
the other in Wright and Hamilton counties. The Buena Vista is scheduled to
come on line by year's end, and the other by next summer.

* The project will create 250 construction jobs and 20 operations jobs.

* It will have 207 total wind turbines.

* It will produce 310.5 megawatts, enough to power about 85,000 homes.


Power line: The renewal of a tax credit for wind-energy production on Monday
is expected to bring new life to dozens of stalled wind farm projects
nationwide. Another wind farm, above, is already operational near Alta.

What is the production tax credit?

The credit grants a 1.5-cent-per-kilowatt-hour tax credit for electricity
generated by wind turbines built this year. The one-year credit will be
adjusted annually for inflation. It will also be extended retroactively to
Dec. 31, 2003, when the previous credit expired.
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