[Biofuel] A Plan to Save the Country [USA]

2006-09-14 Thread D. Mindock
Garrison is an American Treasure, imo.  Peace, D. Mindock

  Published on Thursday, August 31, 2006 by the
  Baltimore Sun (Maryland)
  A Plan to Save the Country
  by Garrison Keillor
  It's the best part of summer, the long, lovely
  passage into fall. A  procession of lazy, golden 
  days that my sandy-haired, gap-toothed
  little girl has been painting, small abstract
  masterpieces in tempera
  and crayon and glitter, reminiscent of Franz Kline
  or Willem de Kooning (his early glitter period). She put a sign
  out front, Art
  for Sale, and charged 25 cents per painting. Cheap
  at the price.
  A teacher gave her this freedom to sit
  un-self-consciously and put
  paint on paper. A gentle, 6-foot-8 guy named Matt
  who taught art at
  her preschool. Her swimming teachers gave her
  freedom from fear of
  water. So much that has made this summer a pleasure
  for her I trace
  to specific teachers, and so it's painful to hear
  about public
  education sinking all around us.
  A high school math class of 42! Everybody knows you
  can't teach math
  to 42 kids at once. The classroom smells bad because
  the custodial
  staff has been cut back. The teacher must whip his
  pupils into shape
  to pass the federal No Child Left Untested program.
  This is insanity,
  the legacy of Republicans and their tax-cutting and
  their hostility
  to secular institutions.
  Last spring, I taught a college writing course and
  had the privilege
  of hanging out with people in their early 20s, an
  experience in return for which I tried to harass
  them about spelling
  and grammar and structure. My interest in being 21
  again is less than
  my interest in having a frontal lobotomy, but the
  wit and passion and
  good-heartedness of these kids, which they try to
  conceal under their
  exquisite cool, are the hope of this country. You
  have to advocate
  for young people, or else what are we here for?
  I keep running into retirees in their mid-50s, free
  to collect
  seashells and write bad poetry and shoot video of
  the Grand Canyon,
  and goody for them, but they're not the future. My
  college kids are
  graduating with a 20-pound ball of debt chained to
  their ankles.
  That's not right, and you know it.
  This country is squashing its young. We're sending
  them to die in a
  war we don't believe in anymore. We're cheating them
  so we can offer
  tax relief to the rich. And we're stealing from them
  so that old
  gaffers like me, who want to live forever, can go in
  for an MRI if we
  have a headache.
  A society that pays for MRIs for headaches and can't
  pay teachers a
  decent wage has made a dreadful choice. But health
  care costs are
  ballooning, eating away at the economy. The boomers
  are getting to an
  age where their knees need replacing and their
  hearts need a
  quadruple bypass - which they feel entitled to - but
  our children
  aren't entitled to a damn thing. Any goombah with a
  Ph.D. in
  education can strip away French and German, music
  and art, dumb down
  the social sciences, offer Britney Spears instead of
  Shakespeare, and
  there is nothing the kid can do except hang out in
  the library, which
  is being cut back too.
  This week, we mark the anniversary of Hurricane
  Katrina and the
  Current Occupant's line, You're doing a heckuva
  job, which already
  is in common usage, a joke, a euphemism for utter
  ineptitude. It's
  sure to wind up in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, a
  summation of his
  Annual interest on the national debt now exceeds all
  welfare programs combined. We'll be in Iraq for
  years to come. Hard
  choices need to be made, and given the situation
  we're in, I think we
  must bite the bullet and say no more health care for
  Republicans. It just doesn't make sense to invest in
  longevity for
  people who don't believe in the future. Let them try
  medicine, let them pray for their arteries to be
  reamed and their
  hips to be restored, and leave science to the rest
  of us.
  Cutting out health care to one-third of the
  population - the folks
  with Bush-Cheney bumper stickers, who still believe
  the man is doing
  a heckuva job - will save enough money to pay off
  the national debt,
  not a bad legacy for Republicans. As Scrooge said,
  let them die and
  reduce the surplus population. In return, we can
  offer them a
  reduction in the estate tax. All in favor, blow your

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Re: [Biofuel] A Plan to Save the Country [USA]

2006-09-14 Thread Kurt Nolte
You know, D... one of the few things you've posted that I've read all 
the way through and not had any kind of problem with at all.

But then I'm pro-education, pro-freedom, and pro-independence, too.


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